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Pearl barley

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Pearl barley

Pearl barley,orpearled barley,isbarleythat has been processed to remove its fibrous outerhulland polished to remove some or all of thebranlayer.[citation needed]

It is the most common form of barley for human consumption because it cooks faster and is less chewy than other, less-processed forms of the grain[1]such as "hulled barley" (or "barleygroats",also known as" pot barley "and" Scotch barley ").[1]Finebarley flouris prepared from milled pearl barley.[2]

Pearl barley is similar to wheat in its caloric, protein, vitamin and mineral content, though some varieties are higher inlysine.[3]It is used mainly in soups, stews, andpotages.It is the primary ingredient of the Italian dishorzottoand one of the main ingredients of the Jewish dishcholentand the Polish soupkrupnik.[citation needed]


  1. ^abBarleyfrom The Cook's Thesaurus (foodsubs.com)
  2. ^Ensminger, M.E.; Ensminger, A.H. (1993).Foods & Nutrition Encyclopedia, Two Volume Set.Taylor & Francis. p. 164.ISBN978-0-8493-8980-1.RetrievedMay 30,2016.
  3. ^Barley basics,from theMontana State University