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R. J. Rummel

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R. J. Rummel
Rudolph Joseph Rummel

(1932-10-21)October 21, 1932
Cleveland,Ohio, U.S.
DiedMarch 2, 2014(2014-03-02)(aged 81)
Kaneohe,Hawaii, U.S.
OccupationPolitical scientist
Known forResearch onwarandconflict resolution

Rudolph Joseph Rummel(October 21, 1932 – March 2, 2014)[1]was an Americanpolitical scientist,astatisticianand professor atIndiana University,Yale University,andUniversity of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa.He spent his career studying data on collective violence and war with a view toward helping their resolution or elimination. Contrastinggenocide,Rummel coined the termdemocidefor murder by government, such as thegenocide of indigenous peoplesandcolonialism,Nazi Germany,theStalinist purges,Mao Zedong'sCultural Revolution,and otherauthoritarian,totalitarian,or undemocratic regimes, coming to the conclusion thatdemocratic regimesresult in the least democides.[2]

Rummel estimated that a total of 212 million people were killed by all governments during the 20th century,[3]of which 148 million were killed byCommunist governmentsfrom 1917 to 1987.[4]To give some perspective on these numbers, Rummel stated that all domestic and foreign wars during the 20th century killed in combat around 41 million. His figures for Communist governments have been criticized for the methodology which he used to arrive at them, and they have also been criticized for being higher than the figures which have been given by most scholars.[5][6][7][8][9][10][11]In his last book, Rummel increased his estimate to over 272 million innocent, non-combatant civilians who were murdered by their own governments during the 20th century.[12]Rummel stated that his 272 million death estimate was his lower, more prudent figure, stating that it "could be over 400,000,000."[13]Rummel came to the conclusion that a democracy is theform of governmentwhich is least likely to kill its citizens because democracies do not tend to wage wars against each other.[2]This latest view is a concept, which was further developed by Rummel, known as thedemocratic peace theory.[14]

Rummel was the author of twenty-four scholarly books, and he published his major results between 1975 and 1981 inUnderstanding Conflict and War(1975).[15]He spent the next fifteen years refining the underlying theory and testing it empirically on new data, against the empirical results of others, and on case studies. He summed up his research inPower Kills(1997).[16]His other works includeLethal Politics: Soviet Genocides and Mass Murders 1917–1987(1990),[17]China's Bloody Century: Genocide and Mass Murder Since 1900(1991),[18]Democide: Nazi Genocide and Mass Murder(1992),[19]Death by Government: Genocide and Mass Murder Since 1900(1994),[20]andStatistics of Democide(1997).[21]Extracts, figures, and tables from the books, including his sources and details regarding the calculations, are available online on his website. Rummel also authoredApplied Factor Analysis(1970)[22]andUnderstanding Correlation(1976).[23]

Early life, education, and death


Rummel was born in 1932 inCleveland, Ohio,to a family of German descent. A child of theGreat DepressionandWorld War II,he attended local public schools. Rummel received hisBachelor of ArtsandMaster of Artsfrom theUniversity of Hawaiʻiin 1959 and 1961, respectively, and hisPhDinpolitical sciencefromNorthwestern Universityin 1963.[14]

Rummel died on March 2, 2014, aged 81. He is survived by two daughters and one sister.[1]

Academic career and research


Rummel began his teaching career atIndiana University.In 1964, Rummel moved toYale University,and in 1966 returned to the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, where he taught for the rest of his active career. In 1995, Rummel retired and became professor emeritus of political science. His research was supported by grants from theNational Science Foundation,DARPA,and the United States Peace Research Institute. In addition to his books, Rummel was the author of more than 100 professional articles.[14]

Rummel was a member of the advisory council of theVictims of Communism Memorial Foundation.[24]



Rummel coineddemocide,which he defined as "the murder of any person or people by a government, includinggenocide,politicide,andmass murder."Rummel further stated to" use the civil definition ofmurder,where someone can be guilty of murder if they are responsible in a reckless and wanton way for the loss of life, as in incarcerating people in camps where they may soon die ofmalnutrition,unattendeddisease,andforced labor,or deporting them into wastelands where they may die rapidly from exposure and disease. "[5]

In his work and research, Rummel distinguished between colonial, democratic, and authoritarian and totalitarian regimes,[25]and found a correlation withauthoritarianismandtotalitarianism,[26]which he considered to be a significant causative factor in democides.[5][27]Rummel posited that there is a relation between political power and democide. Political mass murder grows increasingly common as political power becomes unconstrained. At the other end of the scale, where power is diffuse, checked, and balanced, political violence is a rarity. For Rummel, "[t]he more power a regime has, the more likely people will be killed. This is a major reason for promoting freedom."[28]He wrote that "concentrated political power is the most dangerous thing on earth."[29]This correlation is considered by Rummel to be more important than reliability of estimates.[30]

Democracy and peace


AfterDean Babst,Rummel was one of the early researchers on thedemocratic peace theory.Rummel found that there were 205 wars between non-democracies, 166 wars between non-democracies and democracies, and no wars between democracies during the period between 1816 and 2005.[31]The definition of democracy used by Rummel is "where those who hold power are elected in competitive elections with a secret ballot and wide franchise (loosely understood as including at least 2/3 of adult males); where there is freedom of speech, religion, and organization; and a constitutional framework of law to which the government is subordinate and that guarantees equal rights." In addition, it should be "well-established", stating that "enough time has passed since its inception for peace-sufficient democratic procedures to become accepted and democratic culture to settle in. Around three years seems to be enough for this."[2]

Regardingwar,Rummel adopted the definition of a popular database, namely that war is a conflict causing at least 1,000 battle deaths. The peace is explained thus: "Start with the answer of the philosopherImmanuel Kantto why universalizing republics (democracy was a bad word forClassical Liberalsin his time) would create a peaceful world. People would not support and vote for wars in which they and their loved ones could die and lose their property. But this is only partly correct, for the people can get aroused against nondemocracies and push their leaders toward war, as in theSpanish–American War.A deeper explanation is that where people are free, they create an exchange society of overlapping groups and multiple and crosschecking centers of power. In such a society a culture of negotiation, tolerance, and splitting differences develops. Moreover, free people develop an in-group orientation toward other such societies, a feeling of shared norms and ideals that militates against violence toward other free societies. "[32]



While democide requires governmental intention, Rummel was also interested in analyzing the effects of regimes that unintentionally, yet culpably, cause the deaths of their citizens throughnegligence,incompetence or sheer indifference. An example is a regime in whichcorruptionhas become so pervasive and destructive of a people'swelfarethat it threatens their daily lives and reduces theirlife expectancy.Rummel termed deaths of citizens under such regimes as mortacide, and posited that democracies have the fewest of such deaths.[33]

Famine, economic growth, and happiness


Rummel includedfaminein democide, if he deemed it the result of a deliberate policy, as he did for theHolodomor.Rummel stated that there have been no famines in democracies, deliberate or not, an argument first advanced byAmartya Sen,[32]and he also posited that democracy is an important factor for economic growth and for raisingliving standards.[34][35]He stated that research shows average happiness in a nation increases with more democracy.[36]According to Rummel, the continuing increase in the number of democracies worldwide would lead to an end to wars and democide. He believed that goal might be achieved by the mid-21st century.[37]

Political views


Rummel started out as ademocratic socialistbut later became ananti-communist,alibertarian,and an advocate ofeconomic liberalism.[38]Apart from being an outspoken critic ofcommunismandCommunist states,[nb 1]Rummel criticizedright-wingdictatorships and the democides that occurred undercolonialism,which also resulted in hundreds of million of deaths.[39]Rummel was a strong supporter of spreadingliberal democracy,although he did not support invading another country solely to replace adictatorship.[40]Rummel posited that there is less foreign violence when states are more libertarian.[41][42]

Rummel was critical of pastAmerican foreign policysuch as thePhilippine Warof 1899-1902, involvement in the 1900Battle of Peking,and thestrategic bombingof civilians duringWorld War II,[43]and he also believed that the United States under theDemocratic PartyUS presidentWoodrow Wilsonwas a domestic tyranny.[44]Rummel strongly supported theWar on Terrorand theIraq Warinitiated by theRepublicanGeorge W. Bush administration,arguing that "the media [was] biased against freeing Iraqi from tyranny."[45]Rummel also proposed that an intergovernmental organization of all democracies outside of theUnited Nationsdeals with issues about which the United Nations cannot or would not act, in particular to further the promotion of peace, human security, human rights, and democracy through what he termed "an Alliance of Democracies [which] can do much better."[46]Rummel thought that Democratic United States senatorTed Kennedy'sopposition to the Vietnam Warled to the state killings in Cambodia and Vietnam during the 1970s. Following the death of Kennedy, Rummel condemned the media reaction as too benign, and stated that "the post-war blood of millions is on Kennedy's hands."[47]

Rummel was critical ofBarack Obamaand the Democratic Party, alleging that they were seeking to establish an authoritarian, one-party state.[48][49]He believed thatglobal warmingwas "ascam for power"and opposed Obama's carbon-trading scheme.[50]Rummel thought that Obama killed off a democratic peace that DemocratBill Clintonand RepublicanGeorge W. Bushhad been pursuing.[51]Rummel posited that there was a leftist bias in some parts of the academic world that selectively focused on problems in nations with high political andeconomic freedomand ignored much worse problems in other nations. Related to this, he also criticized thetenuresystem.[52][53]



Democratic peace theory


The democratic peace theory is one of the great controversies inpolitical science[citation needed]and one of the main challenges torealism in international relations.More than a hundred different researchers have published multiple articles in this field according to an incomplete bibliography until 2000,[54]and from 2000 to August 2009.[55]Some critics respond that there have been exceptions to the theory. While it is generally statistically true that democides happen more in authoritarian than democratic regimes, there have been a few exceptions for democratic regimes, and some authoritarian regimes have not engaged in the megamurder category of democide.[56]Rummel discussed some of these exceptions in hisFAQ,[32]and he has referred to books by other scholars such asNever at War.Criticism of the democratic peace theoryinclude data, definition, historical periods, limited consequences, methodology, microfoundations, and statistical significance criticism, that peace comes before democracy, and several studies fail to confirm democracies are less likely to wage war than autocracies if wars against non-democracies are included.Jeffrey Pughsummarized that those who dispute the theory often do so on grounds that it conflates correlation with causation, and the academic definitions ofdemocracyandwarcan be manipulated so as to manufacture an artificial trend.[57]Rummel's first work on democratic peace received little attention. His results were incorporated in a "gigantic philosophical scheme" of 33 propositions in a five-volume work. It was reviewed in 1992 as having "immoderate pretensions", and demonstrated Rummel's "unrelenting"economic liberalismand "extreme" views on defense policy.Nils Petter Gleditschsaid that these elements may have distracted readers from Rummel's more conventionally acceptable propositions.[58]

Rummel's version of the democratic peace theory has some distinctive features disputed by some other researchers who support the existence and explanatory power of the theory. Rummel's early research found that democracies are less warlike, even against non-democracies; other researchers hold only that democracies are far less warlike with one another. Rummel held that democracies properly defined never go to war with each other, and added that this is an "absolute or (point) claim." Other researchers such as Stuart A. Bremer found that it is a chance orstochasticmatter;[59]in this sense, Rummel's version of the democratic peace theory wasdeterministic.[58]A review by James Lee Ray cited several other studies finding that the increase in the risk of war in democratizing countries happens only if many or most of the surrounding nations are undemocratic.[31]If wars between young democracies are included in the analysis, several studies and reviews still find enough evidence supporting the stronger claim that all democracies, whether young or established, go into war with one another less frequently, while some do not.[60][61][62][63][64]

Rummel did not always apply his definition of democracy to governments under discussion, and he did not always clarify when he did not apply it. The opening paragraphs of an appendix from his bookPower Kills[2]adopt Michael Doyle's lists of liberal democracies for 1776–1800 and 1800–1850. Doyle used a much looser definition, namely the secret ballot that was first adopted byTasmaniain 1856, while Belgium had barely 10% adult male suffrage before 1894.[65]

Factor analysis


Critical reviews of Rummel's estimates have focused on two aspects, namely his choice of data sources and his statistical approach. Historical sources Rummel based his estimates upon can rarely serve as sources of reliable figures.[5][10]The statistical approach Rummel used to analyze big sets of diverse estimates may lead to dilution of useful data with noisy ones.[5][9]Rummel and othergenocide scholarsare focused primarily on establishing patterns and testing various theoretical explanations ofgenocidesandmass killings.In their work, as they are dealing with large data sets that describe mass mortality events globally, they have to rely on selective data provided by country experts, so precise estimates are neither a required nor expected result of their work.[11]Yehuda Bauer,noted scholar ofthe Holocaustwho commented thatdemocideis more appropriate to describe mass atrocities perpetrated by state actors than genocide,[66]wrote inRethinking the Holocaust:"Rummel has been criticized for exaggerating the losses. Even if the criticisms were valid, a figure lower by 10 or 20 or even 30 percent would make absolutely no difference to the general conclusions that Rummel draws."[30]

Rummel's works have been criticized for establishing estimates onhearsayand unverifiable overtly high death estimates from highly biased authors. An example of this is in theTito's Slaughterhousechapter ofStatistics of Democide,where Rummel quotes estimates for the democide record ofTito's Yugoslaviafrom authors who were sympathetic towards theIndependent State of Croatia(NDH) and who attempted to downplay or deny the crimes ofUstašeinthe Holocaust in the Independent State of Croatia,an example of those authors being Ivo Omrčanin, a former NDH official in foreign ministry and an espouser of fascist ideals.[9]: 87–88 

Awards and nominations


In 1999, Rummel was awarded theSusan Strange Awardof theInternational Studies Association.[67]This award recognizes a person "whose singular intellect, assertiveness, and insight most challenge conventional wisdom and intellectual and organizational complacency in the international studies community."[68]In 2003, Rummel was given The Lifetime Achievement Award from the Conflict Processes Organized Section of theAmerican Political Science Associationfor "scholarly contributions that have fundamentally improved the study of conflict processes."[69]

Rummel used to publicly claim that he was a finalist for theNobel Prize for Peace,based on anAssociated Pressreport reprinted in his local paper about an alleged Nobel short list of 117 names.[14]Although he retracted the claim, it still appeared in one of his books.[70]Rummel was nominated multiple times for the Peace Prize byPer Ahlmarkbut no shortlist has been made public.[71]

Never Again Series


Rummel wrote theNever Again Seriesofalternative-historynovels. According to the series' website,Never Againis "a what-if, alternative history" in which "two lovers are sent back in time to 1906 with modern weapons and 38 billion 1906 dollars" in order to prevent the rise oftotalitarianismand the outbreak ofworld wars.[72][nb 2]

Published works


Most books and articles by Rummel are available for free download at hisFreedom, Democide, Warwebsite, including those not listed here.[73][74]


  • Dimensions of Nations,SAGE Publications, 1972
  • Wilkenfeld, J.,ed.Conflict Behavior & Linkage Politics(contributor), David McKay, 1973
  • Peace Endangered: Reality of Détente,SAGE Publications, 1976
  • Understanding Conflict and War,John Wiley & Sons, 1976
  • Conflict in Perspective (Understanding Conflict and War),SAGE Publications, 1977
  • Field Theory Evolving,SAGE Publications, 1977
  • Der gefährdete Frieden. Die militärische Überlegenheit der UdSSR( "Endangered Peace. The Military Superiority of the USSR" ), München, 1977
  • National Attitudes and Behaviors(with G. Omen, S. W. Rhee, and P. Sybinsky), SAGE Publications, 1979
  • In the Minds of Men. Principles Toward Understanding and Waging Peace,Sogang University Press, 1984
  • Applied Factor Analysis,Northwestern University Press, 1988
  • Lethal Politics: Soviet Genocide and Mass Murder since 1917,Transaction Publishers, 1990
  • China's Bloody Century: Genocide and Mass Murder Since 1900,Transaction Publishers, 1991
  • The Conflict Helix: Principles & Practices of Interpersonal, Social & International Conflict & Cooperation,Transaction Publishers, 1991
  • Democide: Nazi Genocide and Mass Murder,Transaction Publishers, 1992
  • Death by Government,Transaction Publishers, 1997
  • Statistics of Democide: Genocide and Mass Murder Since 1900,Lit Verlag, 1999
  • Power Kills: Democracy as a Method of Nonviolence,Transaction Publishers, 2002
  • Never Again(series)
  1. War and Democide,Llumina Press, 2004
  2. Nuclear Holocaust,Llumina Press, 2004
  3. Reset,Llumina Press, 2004
  4. Red Terror,Llumina Press, 2004
  5. Genocide,Llumina Press, 2005
  6. Never Again?,Llumina Press, 2005
Never Again: Ending War, Democide, & Famine Through Democratic Freedom,nonfiction supplement, Llumina Press, 2005
  • The Blue Book of Freedom: Ending Famine, Poverty, Democide, and War,Cumberland House Publishing, 2007

Scholarly articles


Rummel had approximately 100 publications in peer-reviewed journals, including:[73][74]

  • International Journal on World Peace,October–December 1986,III(4), contributor
  • Journal of International Relations,Spring 1978,3(1), contributor
  • Reason,July 1977,9(3), "The Problem of Defense", contributor

See also



  1. ^Rummel consideredcommunismto be a significant causative factor in democides.[5]According to Rummel, the killings committed by Communist states can best be explained as the result of the marriage between absolute power and the ideology ofMarxism,which he also considered to beabsolutist.Rummel wrote that "communism was like a fanatical religion. It had itsrevealed textand its chief interpreters. It had its priests and their ritualistic prose with all the answers. It had a heaven, and the proper behavior to reach it. It had its appeal to faith. And it had its crusades against nonbelievers. What made this secular religion so utterly lethal was its seizure of all the state's instruments of force and coercion and their immediate use to destroy or control all independent sources of power, such as the church, the professions, private businesses, schools, and the family. "Rummel said that Communists saw the construction of theirutopiaas "though a war on poverty, exploitation, imperialism and inequality. And for the greater good, as in a real war, people are killed. And, thus, this war for the communist utopia had its necessary enemy casualties, the clergy, bourgeoisie, capitalists, wreckers, counterrevolutionaries, rightists, tyrants, rich, landlords, and noncombatants that unfortunately got caught in the battle. In a war millions may die, butthe cause may be well justified,as in the defeat ofHitlerand an utterly racistNazism.And to many communists, the cause of a communist utopia was such as to justify all the deaths. "[27]
  2. ^Rummel wrote: "What if there were a solution to war and genocide? What if a secret society sent back to 1906 two lovers, Joy Phim, a gorgeous warrior, and John Banks, a pacifist professor of history, and gave them the incredible wealth and weapons necessary to create a peaceful alternative universe—one that never experienced the horrors of world war, the Holocaust, and the other atrocities of the twentieth century? And what if, at great personal cost, they succeed too well and create a peaceful world of complacent democracies? In Book 2, the clock is turned back to their arrival in 1906. They receive a message from the future of the universe they will create – Islamic fundamentalists have attacked the unarmed democracies with nuclear weapons and enslaved them. It is now up to these lovers to prevent this horrible future.[72]


  1. ^ab"Rudolph Joseph Rummel".Honolulu Hawaii Obituaries.March 8, 2014.RetrievedAugust 31,2021– via Hawaii Newspaper Obituaries.
  2. ^abcdRummel, Rudolph (2002) [1997]."Appendix to Chapter 1: Q and A on the Fact that Democracies Do Not Make War on Each Other".Power Kills: Democracy as a Method of Nonviolence.New Brunswick, New Jersey: Transaction Publishers.ISBN9781412831703.RetrievedAugust 31,2021– via Freedom, Democide, War at the University of Hawaii System.
  3. ^Rummel, Rudolph (2007).The Blue Book of Freedom: Ending Famine, Poverty, Democide, and War(paperback ed.). Nashville, Tennessee: Cumberland House Publishing. p. 99.ISBN9781581826203.
  4. ^Rummel, Rudolph (November 20, 2005)."Reevaluating China's Democide to be 73,000,000".Democratic Peace.Archived fromthe originalon November 1, 2007.RetrievedAugust 31,2021.
  5. ^abcdefHarff, Barbara (Summer 1996). "Review. Reviewed Work:Death by Governmentby R. J. Rummel ".The Journal of Interdisciplinary History.27(1). Boston, Massachusetts: The MIT Press: 117–119.doi:10.2307/206491.JSTOR206491.
  6. ^Kuromiya, Hiroaki (January 2001). "Review Article: Communism and Terror".Journal of Contemporary History.36(1). Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications: 191–201.doi:10.1177/002200940103600110.JSTOR261138.S2CID49573923.
  7. ^Paczkowski, Andrzej (Spring 2001)."The Storm overThe Black Book".The Wilson Quarterly.25(2). Washington, D.C.: Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars: 28–34.JSTOR40260182.Retrieved31 August2021– via Wilson Quarterly Archives.
  8. ^Weiner, Amir (Winter 2002). "Review. Reviewed Work:The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repressionby Stéphane Courtois, Nicolas Werth, Jean-Louis Panné, Andrzej Paczkowski, Karel Bartošek, Jean-Louis Margolin, Jonathan Murphy, Mark Kramer ".The Journal of Interdisciplinary History.32(3). Boston, Massachusetts: The MIT Press: 450–452.doi:10.1162/002219502753364263.JSTOR3656222.S2CID142217169.
  9. ^abcDulić, Tomislav (January 2004). "Tito's Slaughterhouse: A Critical Analysis of Rummel's Work on Democide".Journal of Peace Research.41(1). Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications: 85–102.doi:10.1177/0022343304040051.JSTOR4149657.S2CID145120734.
  10. ^abKarlsson, Klas-Göran; Schoenhals, Michael, eds. (2008).Crimes Against Humanity under Communist Regimes – Research Review(PDF).Stockholm, Sweden: Forum for Living History. pp. 35, 79.ISBN9789197748728.RetrievedNovember 17,2021– via Forum för levande historia.While Jerry Hough suggested Stalin's terror claimed tens of thousands of victims, R.J. Rummel puts the death toll of Soviet communist terror between 1917 and 1987 at 61,911,000. In both cases, these figures are based on an ideological preunderstanding and speculative and sweeping calculations. On the other hand, the considerably lower figures in terms of numbers of Gulag prisoners presented by Russian researchers during the glasnost period have been relatively widely accepted.... It could, quite rightly, be claimed that the opinions that Rummel presents here (they are hardly an example of a serious and empirically-based writing of history) do not deserve to be mentioned in a research review, but they are still perhaps worth bringing up on the basis of the interest in him in the blogosphere.
  11. ^abHarff, Barbara (2017)."The Comparative Analysis of Mass Atrocities and Genocide"(PDF).In Gleditsch, Nils Petter (ed.).R.J. Rummel: An Assessment of His Many Contributions.SpringerBriefs on Pioneers in Science and Practice. Vol. 37. New York City, New York: Springer. pp. 111–129.doi:10.1007/978-3-319-54463-2_12.ISBN978-3-319-54463-2.Retrieved30 August2021.
  12. ^Rummel, Rudolph (2007).The Blue Book of Freedom: Ending Famine, Poverty, Democide, and War(paperback ed.). Nashville, Tennessee: Cumberland House Publishing. p. 11.ISBN9781581826203.
  13. ^Rummel, Rudolph (2007).The Blue Book of Freedom: Ending Famine, Poverty, Democide, and War(paperback ed.). Nashville, Tennessee: Cumberland House Publishing. p. 75.ISBN9781581826203.
  14. ^abcd"About R.J. Rummel".Freedom, Democide, War.University of Hawaiʻi.RetrievedAugust 31,2021– via University of Hawaii System.
  15. ^Rummel, Rudolph (1975).Understanding Conflict and War.Beverly Hills, California: SAGE Publications.ISBN9780803915572.RetrievedAugust 31,2021– via Freedom, Democide, War at the University of Hawaii System.
  16. ^Rummel, Rudolph (2002) [1997].Power Kills: Democracy as a Method of Nonviolence.New Brunswick, New Jersey: Transaction Publishers.ISBN9781412831703.RetrievedAugust 31,2021– via Freedom, Democide, War at the University of Hawaii System.
  17. ^Rummel, Rudolph (1990).Lethal Politics: Soviet Genocide and Mass Murder Since 1917(1st paperback ed.). New Brunswick, New Jersey: Transaction Publishers.ISBN9781560008873.RetrievedAugust 31,2021– via Freedom, Democide, War at the University of Hawaiʻi System.
  18. ^Rummel, Rudolph (1991).China's Bloody Century(1st hardback ed.). New Brunswick, New Jersey: Transaction Publishers.ISBN9780887384172.RetrievedAugust 31,2021– via Freedom, Democide, War at the University of Hawaiʻi System.
  19. ^Rummel, Rudolph (1992).Democide: Nazi Genocide and Mass Murder(1st ed.). New Brunswick, New Jersey: Transaction Publishers.ISBN9781412821476.RetrievedAugust 31,2021– via Freedom, Democide, War at the University of Hawaiʻi System.
  20. ^Rummel, Rudolph (1994).Death by Government: Genocide and Mass Murder Since 1900(1st ed.). New Brunswick, New Jersey: Transaction Publishers.ISBN9781560009276.RetrievedAugust 31,2021– via Freedom, Democide, War at the University of Hawaiʻi System.
  21. ^Rummel, Rudolph (2003) [1997].Statistic of Democide: Genocide and Mass Murder Since 1900(hardback ed.). Charlottesville, Virginia: Center for National Security Law, School of Law, University of Virginia; Transaction Publishers, Rutgers University.ISBN9783825840105.RetrievedAugust 31,2021– via Freedom, Democide, War at the University of Hawaiʻi System.
  22. ^Rummel, Rudolph (1988) [1970].Applied Factor Analysis(1st ed.). Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press.ISBN9780810108240.RetrievedAugust 31,2021– via Freedom, Democide, War at University of Hawaiʻi System.
  23. ^Rummel, Rudolph (1976).Understanding Correlation.Honolulu, Hawaii: Department of Political Science, University of Hawaiʻi.RetrievedAugust 31,2021– via Freedom, Democide, War at University of Hawaiʻi System.
  24. ^"National Advisory Council".Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation. Archived fromthe originalon June 10, 2011.RetrievedSeptember 1,2021.
  25. ^Rummel, Rudolph (1994)."Democide in Totalitarian States: Mortacracies and Megamurderers".In Charny, Israel W.; Horowitz, Irving Louis (eds.).The Widening Circle of Genocide(1st ed.). Routledge. pp. 3–40.doi:10.4324/9781351294089-2.ISBN9781351294089.RetrievedNovember 25,2021– via Taylor & Francis.
  26. ^Tago, Atsushi; Wayman, Frank (January 2010). "Explaining the Onset of Mass Killing, 1949–87".Journal of Peace Research.47(1). Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications: 3–13.doi:10.1177/0022343309342944.ISSN0022-3433.JSTOR25654524.S2CID145155872.Disagreeing with Rummel's finding that authoritarian and totalitarian government explains mass murder, Valentino (2004) argues that regime type does not matter; to Valentino the crucial thing is the motive for mass killing (Valentino, 2004: 70). He divides motive into the two categories of dispossessive mass killing (as in ethnic cleansing, colonial enlargement, or collectivization of agriculture) and coercive mass killing (as in counter-guerrilla, terrorist, and Axis imperialist conquests).
  27. ^abJacobs, Steven; Totten, Samuel, eds. (2013) [2002].Pioneers of Genocide Studies(1st ed.). London, England: Routledge. p. 168.ISBN9781412849746.
  28. ^"An Exclusive Freeman Interview: Rudolph Rummel Talks About the Miracle of Liberty and Peace".The Freeman: Ideas on Liberty.No. 47. July 1997.RetrievedAugust 31,2021– via Freedom, Democide, War at the University of Hawaii System.
  29. ^Jacobs, Steven; Totten, Samuel, eds. (2013) [2002].Pioneers of Genocide Studies.London, England: Routledge. p. 170.ISBN9781412849746.
  30. ^abBerger, Alan L. (2014).Post-Holocaust Jewish–Christian Dialogue: After the Flood, before the Rainbow.Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books. p. 98.ISBN9780739199015.RetrievedNovember 11,2021– via Google Books.
  31. ^abRay, James Lee (June 1998)."Does Democracy Cause Peace?".Annual Review of Political Science.1.Palo Alto, California: Annual Reviews: 27–46.doi:10.1146/annurev.polisci.1.1.27.
  32. ^abcRummel, Rudolph (February 20, 2005)."Democratic Peace Q&A Version 2.0".Freedom, Democide, War.University of Hawaiʻi.RetrievedAugust 31,2021– via University of Hawaii System.
  33. ^Rummel, Rudolph (May 14, 2006)."Who were the Mortacracies of 2005?".Freedom, Democide, War.University of Hawaiʻi.RetrievedAugust 31,2021– via University of Hawaiʻi System.
  34. ^Rummel, Rudolph (2002) [1997]."Freedom Promotes Wealth and Prosperity".Power Kills: Democracy as a Method of Nonviolence.New Brunswick, New Jersey: Transaction Publishers.ISBN9781412831703.RetrievedAugust 31,2021– via Freedom, Democide, War at the University of Hawaii System.
  35. ^Rummel, Rudolph (February 20, 2006)."Global Corruption and Democracy 2006".Democratic Peace.Archived fromthe originalon May 19, 2007.RetrievedAugust 31,2021.
  36. ^Rummel, Rudolph (February 6, 2006)."Happiness – This Utilitarian Argument For Freedom Is True".Democratic Peace.Archived fromthe originalon November 2, 2006.RetrievedAugust 31,2021.
  37. ^Rummel, Rudolph (October 4, 2001)."Democratic Peace Clock".Freedom, Democide, War.University of Hawaiʻi.RetrievedAugust 31,2021– via University of Hawaii System.
  38. ^Gleditsch, Nils Petter (2017). "R.J. Rummel—A Multi-Faceted Scholar". In Gleditsch, Nils Petter (ed.).R.J. Rummel: An Assessment of His Many Contributions.SpringerBriefs on Pioneers in Science and Practice. Vol. 37. New York City: Springer. pp. 1–16.doi:10.1007/978-3-319-54463-2_1.ISBN9783319544632.
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  41. ^Rummel, Rudolph (March 1983). "Libertarianism and International Violence".Journal of Conflict Resolution.27.Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications: 27–71.doi:10.1177/0022002783027001002.S2CID145801545.
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  53. ^Rummel, Rudolph (February 21, 2005)."Eliminate Tenure—Cure Leftimania".Democratic Peace.Archived fromthe originalon May 19, 2007.RetrievedAugust 31,2021.
  54. ^Rummel, Rudolph (September 19, 2009)."Democratic Peace Bibliography Version 3.0".Freedom, Democide, War.University of Hawaiʻi.RetrievedAugust 31,2021– via University of Hawaiʻi System.
  55. ^Rummel, Rudolph (August 31, 2009)."Democratic Peace Bibliography Version August, 2009".Freedom, Democide, War.University of Hawaiʻi.RetrievedAugust 31,2021– via University of Hawaiʻi System.
  56. ^Harff, Barbara (2017)."The Comparative Analysis of Mass Atrocities and Genocide"(PDF).In Gleditish, N. P. (ed.).R.J. Rummel: An Assessment of His Many Contributions.SpringerBriefs on Pioneers in Science and Practice. Vol. 37. New York City, New York: Springer. pp. 111–129.doi:10.1007/978-3-319-54463-2_12.ISBN978-3-319-54463-2.Retrieved30 August2021.A larger theoretical question it raises is why do some totalitarian and authoritarian regimes commit megamurders while others do not? Saudi Arabia, for example, is one of the most authoritarian states in the contemporary world, yet state executions only number in the hundreds. Uzbekistan is a similar example. And on the democratic side, Sri Lanka is one clear case of a democratic regime that in 1989–90 authorized military squads to track down and summarily execute members and suspected supporters of the JVP (Peoples Liberation Party), which had begun its second rebellion that threatened to overthrow the state. Between 13,000 and 30,000 were killed in this politicide—not a megamurder, of course, but a challenge to Rudy's basic argument.
  57. ^Pugh, Jeffrey (April 2005)."Democratic Peace Theory: A Review and Evaluation".CEMPROC Working Paper Series.Archivedfrom the original on February 15, 2018.RetrievedAugust 31,2021– via ResearchGate. See also thePDFversion.{{cite web}}:External link in|postscript=(help)CS1 maint: postscript (link)
  58. ^abGleditsch, Nils Petter (November 1992). "Democracy and Peace".Journal of Peace Research.29(4). Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications: 369–376.doi:10.1177/0022343392029004001.ISSN0022-3433.JSTOR425538.S2CID110790206.Quotations are from Gleditsch'sDemocracy and Peace(1995), a paper that warmly defends the existence of democratic peace, and asserts that it, and the difficulty distant states have in waging war against each other, fully account for the phenomena.{{cite journal}}:CS1 maint: postscript (link)
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  70. ^Rummel, Rudolph (July 30, 2005)."Praise for books by Nobel Peace Prize finalist R. J. Rummel"(PDF).RetrievedAugust 31,2021– via Freedom, Democide, War at the University of Hawaiʻi System.
  71. ^Rummel, Rudolph (September 26, 2005)."A necessary footnote".Freedom, Democide, War.University of Hawaiʻi.RetrievedAugust 31,2021– via University of Hawaiʻi System.
  72. ^ab"Freedom, Democide, War: An Alternative History Series".Freedom, Democide, War.University of Hawaiʻi.RetrievedAugust 31,2021– via University of Hawaii System.
  73. ^ab"List of Documents on Site".Freedom, Democide, War.University of Hawaiʻi.RetrievedSeptember 1,2021– via University of Hawaii System.
  74. ^ab"Thematic List of Documents on Site".Freedom, Democide, War.University of Hawaiʻi.RetrievedSeptember 1,2021– via University of Hawaii System.


  • Gleditsch, Nils Petter, ed. (2017). "R.J. Rummel—A Multi-faceted Scholar".R.J. Rummel: An Assessment of His Many Contributions.SpringerBriefs on Pioneers in Science and Practice. Vol. 37. New York City, New York: Springer. pp. 1–16.doi:10.1007/978-3-319-54463-2_1.ISBN9783319544632.
  • Peterson, H. C. (2017). "Regime Type Matters". In Gleditsch, Nils Petter (ed.).R.J. Rummel: An Assessment of His Many Contributions.SpringerBriefs on Pioneers in Science and Practice. Vol. 37. New York City, New York: Springer. pp. 97–106.doi:10.1007/978-3-319-54463-2_10.ISBN9783319544632.

Further reading
