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Rupes/ˈrpɪs/(plural/ˈrpz/)[1]is theLatinword for 'cliff'. It is used inplanetary geologyto refer toescarpmentson other worlds. As of January 2013,theIAUhas named 62 such features in theSolar System,onMercury(17),Venus(7), theMoon(8),Mars(23), the asteroidsVesta(2) andLutetia(2), and Uranus's satellitesMiranda(2) andTitania(1).[2][failed verification]

How rupes formed is, as of 2008,a matter of speculation. Compressionalstrainfrom the cooling of the crust ofterrestrial planetsand large-scale displacement due to impacts are the two dominant theories.[3]

See also



  1. ^The two Latin forms, singularrūpeswith a short 'e' and pluralrūpēswith a long 'e', are spelled the same in English.
  2. ^USGS Astrogeology: Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature - Feature Types
  3. ^"APOD: 21 January 1996 - Mercury's Faults".APOD (Astronomy Picture of the Day). 1996-01-21.Retrieved2008-04-16.