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Seleucus I Nicator

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Seleucus I Nicator
King of Persia
King of Kings
King of the Lands
Lord of Asia
Male bust
Bust of Seleucus I Nicator, Roman artwork of the Imperial era made in a Syrian workshop after a Hellenistic model.
Basileusof theSeleucid Empire
Reign305[1]– September 281 BC
PredecessorAlexander IV
SuccessorAntiochus I Soter(co-ruler from c. 292 BC)
Bornc. 358 BC
DiedSeptember 281 BC (aged c. 77)
IssueAntiochus I Soter

Seleucus I Nicator(/səˈljkəsnˈktər/;[citation needed]c. 358– 281 BC;Greek:Σέλευκος ΝικάτωρSéleukos NikátōrAttic Greekpronunciation:[sé.leu̯.kosni.ká.to:r],lit.'Seleucus the Conqueror') was aMacedonian Greekgeneral, officer and successor ofAlexander the Greatwho went on to found the eponymousSeleucid Empire,led by theSeleucid dynasty.Initially a secondary player in the power struggles following Alexander's death, Seleucus rose to become the total ruler ofAsia Minor,Syria,Mesopotamia,and theIranian plateau,assuming the title ofbasileus(king). The Seleucid Empire was one of the major powers of theHellenistic world,until it was overcome by theRoman RepublicandParthian Empirein the late second and early first centuries BC.

While serving under Alexander, Seleucus was commander of theHypaspistai,or Silver-Shields, an elite Macedonian infantry unit. After the death of Alexander in June 323 BC, Seleucus initially supportedPerdiccas,the regent of Alexander's empire, and was appointedCommander of the Companionsandchiliarchat thePartition of Babylonin 323 BC. However, after the outbreak of theWars of the Diadochiin 322, Perdiccas' military failures againstPtolemyinEgyptled to the mutiny of his troops inPelusium.Perdiccas was betrayed and assassinated in a conspiracy by Seleucus,PeithonandAntigenesin Pelusium sometime in either 321 or 320 BC. At thePartition of Triparadisusin 321 BC, Seleucus was appointedSatrap of Babylonunder the new regentAntipater.But almost immediately, the wars between the Diadochi resumed and one of the most powerful of the Diadochi,Antigonus,forced Seleucus to fleeBabylon.Seleucus was only able to return to Babylon in 312 BC with the support of Ptolemy. From 312 BC, Seleucus ruthlessly expanded his dominions and eventually conquered thePersianandMedianlands. Seleucus ruled not onlyBabylonia,but the entire eastern part ofAlexander's empire.

Seleucus further made claim to the former satrapies inGandharaand in eastern India. However these ambitions were contested byChandragupta Maurya,resulting in theSeleucid–Mauryan War(305–303 BC). The conflict was ultimately resolved by a treaty resulting in theMaurya Empireannexing the eastern satrapies. Additionally, a marriage alliance was formed, with Chandragupta marrying a daughter of Seleucus, according to Strabo and Appian.[4]Furthermore, the Seleucid Empire received a considerable military force of 500war elephantswithmahouts,which would play a decisive role against Antigonus at theBattle of Ipsusin 301 BC. In 281 BC, he also defeatedLysimachusat theBattle of Corupedium,adding Asia Minor to his empire.

Seleucus' victories against Antigonus and Lysimachus left the Seleucid dynasty virtually unopposed amongst the Diadochi. However, Seleucus also hoped to take control of Lysimachus' European territories, primarily Thrace and Macedon itself. But upon arriving in Thrace in 281 BC, Seleucus was assassinated byPtolemy Ceraunus,[2]who had taken refuge at the Seleucid court with his sisterLysandra.The assassination of Seleucus destroyed Seleucid prospects in Thrace and Macedon, and paved the way for Ptolemy Ceraunus to absorb much of Lysimachus' former power in Macedon. Seleucus was succeeded by his sonAntiochus Ias ruler of the Seleucid Empire.

Seleucus founded a number of new cities during his reign, includingAntioch(300 BC),EdessaandSeleucia on the Tigris(c. 305 BC), a foundation that eventually depopulated Babylon.

Youth and family[edit]

Seleucus was the son ofAntiochus.HistorianJunianus Justinusclaims that Antiochus was one ofPhilip II of Macedon's generals, but no such general is mentioned in any other sources, and nothing is known of his supposed career under Philip. It is possible that Antiochus was a member of anupper Macedoniannoble family. Seleucus' mother was supposedly calledLaodice,but nothing else is known of her. Later, Seleucus named a number of cities after his parents.[5]Seleucus was born inEuropus,located in the northern part ofMacedonia.Just a year before his birth (if the year 358 BC is accepted as the most likely date), thePaeoniansinvaded the region. Philip defeated the invaders and only a few years later utterly subdued them under Macedonian rule.[6]Seleucus' year of birth is unclear. Justin claims he was 77 years old during thebattle of Corupedium,which would place his year of birth at 358 BC.Appiantells us Seleucus was 73 years old during the battle, which means 354 BC would be the year of birth.Eusebius of Caesarea,however, mentions the age of 75, and thus the year 356 BC, making Seleucus the same age asAlexander the Great.This is most likely propaganda on Seleucus' part to make him seem comparable to Alexander.[7]

As a teenager, Seleucus was chosen to serve as the king'spage(pais). It was customary for all male offspring of noble families to first serve in this position and later as officers in the king's army.[5]

Seleucus, like his later rivalsAntigonus I MonophthalmusandDemetrius I of Macedon,was reportedly a very large and powerful man. Appian wrote of an incident in which a wild bull that was about to be sacrificed by Alexander broke free of its bounds, and Seleucus managed to restrain the animal just with his bare hands.[4]This was apparently the reason for the bull horns often depicted in the coins he later minted as a sovereign.

A number of legends, similar to those told of Alexander the Great, were told of Seleucus. It was said Antiochus told his son before he left to battle the Persians with Alexander that his real father was actually the godApollo.The god had left a ring with a picture of ananchoras a gift to Laodice. Seleucus had a birthmark shaped like an anchor. It was told that Seleucus' sons and grandsons also had similar birthmarks. The story is similar to the one told about Alexander. Most likely the story is propaganda invented to present Seleucus as the natural successor of Alexander.[5]

John Malalastells us Seleucus had a sister calledDidymeia,who had sons called Nicanor and Nicomedes. It is most likely the sons are fictitious. Didymeia might refer to the oracle of Apollo inDidymanearMiletus.It has also been suggested thatPtolemy (son of Seleucus)was actually the uncle of Seleucus.[8]

Early career under Alexander the Great[edit]

Seleucus led the RoyalHypaspistaiduring Alexander's Persian campaign.

In spring 334 BC, as a young man of about twenty-three, Seleucus accompanied Alexander into Asia.[2]By the time of theIndian campaignsbeginning in late in 327 BC, he had risen to the command of the elite infantry corps in the Macedonian army, the "Shield-bearers" (Hypaspistai,later known as the "Silvershields"). It is said by Arrian that when Alexander crossed theHydaspes riveron a boat, he was accompanied byPerdiccas,Ptolemy I Soter,Lysimachusand also Seleucus.[9]During the subsequentBattle of the Hydaspes(326 BC), Seleucus led his troops against the elephants ofKing Porus.It is unknown the extent in which Seleucus participated in the actual planning of the battle, as he is not mentioned as holding any major independent position during the battle. This contrasts withCraterus,Hephaistion,PeithonandLeonnatus– each of whom had sizable detachments under their control.[10]Seleucus' RoyalHypaspistaiwere constantly under Alexander's eye and at his disposal. They later participated in the Indus Valley campaign, in the battles fought against theMalliand in the crossing of theGedrosiandesert.

At thegreat marriage ceremonyatSusain the spring of 324 BC, Seleucus marriedApama,daughter ofSpitamenes.They had his eldest son and successorAntiochus I Soter,at least two legitimate daughters (Laodice and Apama) and possibly another son (Achaeus). At the same event, Alexander married the daughter of the late Persian KingDarius IIIwhile several other Macedonians married Persian women. After Alexander's death (323 BC), when the other senior Macedonian officers unloaded their "Susa wives"en masse,Seleucus was one of the very few who kept his wife, and Apama remained his consort (later Queen) for the rest of her life.[11]

Ancient sources report several anecdotes about Seleucus' activities during the life of Alexander. In the first of these episodes, he participated in a sailing trip nearBabylon,where Alexander'sdiademwas blown off his head and landed on some reeds near the tombs of Assyrian kings. Seleucus swam to fetch the diadem back, placing it on his own head while returning to the boat to keep it dry. The validity of the story is dubious. In the second, he took part in the dinner party ofMedeios the Thessalianwith Alexander. The story of the dinner party of Medeios may be true, but the plot to poison the King is unlikely.[clarification neededinsufficient details and context]In the final story, Seleucus reportedly slept in the temple of the godSerapisshortly before Alexander's death in the hope that his health might improve.[12]The validity of this story is also questionable, as the Graeco-Egyptian Serapis had not yet been invented at the time.[13]

Senior officer under Perdiccas (323–321 BC)[edit]

Ptolemy I Soter,an officer under Alexander the Great, was nominated as thesatrapof Egypt. Ptolemy madePtolemaic Egyptindependent and proclaimed himselfBasileusandPharaohin 305 BC.

Alexander the Great died without a successor in Babylon on June 10, 323 BC. His generalPerdiccasbecame the regent of all of Alexander's empire, while Alexander's physically and mentally disabled half-brother Arrhidaeus was chosen as the next king under the namePhilip III of Macedon.Alexander's unborn child (Alexander IV) was also named his father's successor. In the "Partition of Babylon"however, Perdiccas effectively divided the enormous Macedonian dominion among Alexander's generals. Seleucus was chosen to command theCompanion cavalry(hetairoi) and appointed first or courtchiliarch,which made him the senior officer in the Royal Army after the regent and commander-in-chief Perdiccas. Several other powerful men supported Perdiccas, includingPtolemy,Lysimachus,PeithonandEumenes.Perdiccas' power depended on his ability to hold Alexander's enormous empire together, and on whether he could force thesatrapsto obey him.[13]

War soon broke out between Perdiccas and the otherDiadochi.To cement his position, Perdiccas tried to marry Alexander's sisterCleopatra.TheFirst War of the Diadochibegan when Perdiccas sent Alexander's corpse to Macedonia for burial. Ptolemy however captured the body and took it toAlexandria.Perdiccas and his troops followed him to Egypt, whereupon Ptolemy conspired with the satrap of Media,Peithon,and the commander of theArgyraspides,Antigenes,both serving as officers under Perdiccas, and assassinated him.Cornelius Neposmentions that Seleucus also took part in this conspiracy, but this is not certain.[14]

Satrap of Babylonia (321–316 BC)[edit]

Roman copy of a bronze statue of Seleucus found inHerculaneum(now located at theNaples National Archaeological Museum)

The most powerful man in the empire after the death of Perdiccas wasAntipater.Perdiccas' opponents gathered in Triparadisos, where the empire of Alexander was partitioned again (theTreaty of Triparadisus321 BC).[15]

At Triparadisos the soldiers had become mutinous and were planning to murder their master Antipater. Seleucus andAntigonus,however, prevented this.[16]For betraying Perdiccas, Seleucus was awarded the rich province of Babylon. This decision may have been Antigonus' idea. Seleucus' Babylon was surrounded byPeucestas,the satrap ofPersis;Antigenes,the new satrap ofSusianaand Peithon of Media. Babylon was one of the wealthiest provinces of the empire, but its military power was insignificant. It is possible that Antipater divided the eastern provinces so that no single satrap could rise above the others in power.[15]

After the death of Alexander,Archon of Pellawas chosen satrap of Babylon. Perdiccas, however, had plans to supersede Archon and nominateDocimusas his successor. During his invasion of Egypt, Perdiccas sent Docimus along with his detachments to Babylon. Archon waged war against him, but fell in battle. Thus, Docimus was not intending to give Babylon to Seleucus without a fight. It is not certain how Seleucus took Babylon from Docimus, but according to one Babylonian chronicle an important building was destroyed in the city during the summer or winter of 320 BC. Other Babylonian sources state that Seleucus arrived in Babylon in October or November 320 BC. Despite the presumed battle, Docimus was able to escape.

Meanwhile, the empire was once again in turmoil. Peithon, the satrap of Media, assassinated Philip, the satrap ofParthia,and replaced him with his brotherEudemusas the new satrap. In the westAntigonusandEumeneswaged war against each other. Just like Peithon and Seleucus, Eumenes was one of the former supporters of Perdiccas. Seleucus' biggest problem was, however, Babylon itself. The locals had rebelled against Archon and supported Docimus. The Babylonian priesthood had great influence over the region. Babylon also had a sizeable population of Macedonian and Greek veterans of Alexander's army. Seleucus won over the priests with monetary gifts and bribes.[17]

Second War of the Diadochi[edit]

After the death of Antipater in 319 BC, the satrap of Media began to expand his power. Peithon assembled a large army of perhaps over 20,000 soldiers. Under the leadership of Peucestas the other satraps of the region brought together an opposing army of their own. Peithon was finally defeated in a battle waged in Parthia. He escaped to Media, but his opponents did not follow him and rather returned to Susiana. Meanwhile, Eumenes and his army had arrived atCilicia,but had to retreat when Antigonus reached the city. The situation was difficult for Seleucus. Eumenes and his army were north of Babylon; Antigonus was following him with an even larger army; Peithon was in Media and his opponents in Susiana. Antigenes, satrap of Susiana and commander of the Argyraspides, was allied with Eumenes. Antigenes was in Cilicia when the war between him and Peithon began.[18]

Peithon arrived at Babylon in the autumn or winter of 317 BC. Peithon had lost a large number of troops, but Seleucus had even fewer soldiers. Eumenes decided to march to Susa in the spring of 316 BC. The satraps in Susa had apparently accepted Eumenes' claims of his fighting on behalf of the lawful ruling family against the usurper Antigonus. Eumenes marched his army 300stadionsaway from Babylon and tried to cross theTigris.Seleucus had to act. He sent twotriremesand some smaller ships to stop the crossing. He also tried to get the formerhypasitiof the Argyraspides to join him, but this did not happen. Seleucus also sent messages to Antigonus. Because of his lack of troops, Seleucus apparently had no plans to actually stop Eumenes. He opened the flood barriers of the river, but the resulting flood did not stop Eumenes.[19]

In the spring of 316 BC, Seleucus and Peithon joined Antigonus, who was following Eumenes to Susa. From Susa Antigonus went to Media, from where he could threaten the eastern provinces. He left Seleucus with a small number of troops to prevent Eumenes from reaching the Mediterranean.Sibyrtius,satrap ofArachosia,saw the situation as hopeless and returned to his own province. The armies of Eumenes and his allies were at breaking point. Antigonus and Eumenes had two encounters during 316 BC, in the battles ofParaitaceneandGabiene.Eumenes was defeated and executed. The events of the Second War of the Diadochi revealed Seleucus' ability to wait for the right moment. Blazing into battle was not his style.[20]

Escape to Egypt[edit]

Antigonus spent the winter of 316 BC in Media, whose ruler was once again Peithon. Peithon's lust for power had grown, and he tried to get a portion of Antigonus' troops to revolt to his side. Antigonus, however, discovered the plot and executed Peithon. He then superseded Peucestas as satrap of Persia.[21]In the summer of 315 BC Antigonus arrived in Babylon and was warmly welcomed by Seleucus. The relationship between the two soon turned cold, however. Seleucus punished one of Antigonus' officers without asking permission from Antigonus. Antigonus became angry and demanded that Seleucus give him the income from the province, which Seleucus refused to do.[22]He was, however, afraid of Antigonus and fled to Egypt with 50 horsemen. It is told thatChaldeanastrologers prophesied to Antigonus that Seleucus would become master of Asia and would kill Antigonus. After hearing this, Antigonus sent soldiers after Seleucus, who had however first escaped toMesopotamiaand then toSyria.Antigonus executed Blitor, the new satrap of Mesopotamia, for helping Seleucus. Modern scholars are skeptical of the prophecy story. It seems certain, however, that the Babylonian priesthood was against Seleucus.[23]

During Seleucus' escape to Egypt, Macedonia was undergoing great turmoil. Alexander the Great's motherOlympiashad been invited back to Macedon byPolyperchonin order to drive Cassander out. She held great respect among the Macedonian army but lost some of this when she had Philip III and his wifeEurydicekilled as well as many nobles whom she took revenge upon for supporting Antipater during his long reign.Cassanderreclaimed Macedon the following year at Pydna and then had her killed.Alexander IV,still a young child, and his mother Roxane were held guarded at Amphipolis and died under mysterious circumstances in 310 BC, probably murdered at the instigation ofCassanderto allow the diadochs to assume the title of king.

Admiral under Ptolemy (316–311 BC)[edit]

After arriving in Egypt, Seleucus sent his friends to Greece to inform his fellow Diadochi Cassander (ruler of Macedon and overlord of Greece) and Lysimachus (ruler ofThracia) about Antigonus. Antigonus was now the most powerful of theDiadochi,and the others would soon have to face him. Ptolemy, Lysimachus and Cassander formed a coalition against Antigonus. The allies sent a proposition to Antigonus in which they demanded shares of his accumulated treasure and of his territory, with Phoenica and Syria going to Ptolemy, Cappadocia and Lycia to Cassander, Hellespontine Phrygia to Lysimachus, and Babylonia to Seleucus.[24]Antigonus refused, and in the spring of 314 BC, he marched against Ptolemy in Syria.[25]Seleucus acted as an admiral to Ptolemy during the first phase of the war. Antigonus was besiegingTyre,[26]when Seleucus sailed past him and went on to threaten the coast of Syria and Asia Minor. Antigonus allied with the island ofRhodes,which had a strategic location and a navy capable of preventing the allies from combining their forces. Because of the threat of Rhodes, Ptolemy gave Seleucus a hundred ships and sent him to the Aegean Sea. The fleet was too small to defeat Rhodes, but it was big enough to forceAsander,the satrap ofCaria,to ally with Ptolemy. To demonstrate his power, Seleucus also invaded the city ofErythrai.Polemaios,a nephew of Antigonus, attacked Asander. Seleucus returned to Cyprus, where Ptolemy I had sent his brotherMenelaosalong with 10,000 mercenaries and 100 ships. Seleucus and Menelaos began to besiege Kition. Antigonus sent most of his fleet to the Aegean Sea and his army to Asia Minor. Ptolemy now had an opportunity to invade Syria, where he defeatedDemetrius,the son of Antigonus, in thebattle of Gazain 312 BC. It is probable that Seleucus took part in the battle.Peithon, son of Agenor,whom Antigonus had nominated as the new satrap of Babylon, fell in the battle. The death of Peithon gave Seleucus an opportunity to return to Babylon.[27]

Seleucus had prepared his return to Babylon well. After the battle of Gaza Demetrius retreated toTripoliwhile Ptolemy advanced all the way toSidon.Ptolemy gave Seleucus 800 infantry and 200 cavalry. He also had his friends accompanying him, perhaps the same 50 who escaped with him from Babylon. On the way to Babylon Seleucus recruited more soldiers from the colonies along the route. He finally had about 3,000 soldiers. In Babylon, Peithon's commander, Diphilus, barricaded himself in the city's fortress. Seleucus conquered Babylon with great speed and the fortress was also quickly captured. Seleucus' friends who had stayed in Babylon were released from captivity.[28]His return to Babylon was afterwards officially regarded as the beginning of theSeleucid Empire[2]and that year as the first of theSeleucid era.

Satrap of Babylonia (311–306 BC)[edit]

Conquest of the eastern provinces[edit]

The kingdoms ofAntigonus,Seleucus I,Ptolemy I,CassanderandLysimachus

Soon after Seleucus' return, the supporters of Antigonus tried to get Babylon back.Nicanorwas the new satrap of Media and thestrategosof the eastern provinces. His army had about 17,000 soldiers. Evagoras, the satrap ofAria,was allied with him. It was obvious that Seleucus' small force could not defeat the two in battle. Seleucus hid his armies in the marshes that surrounded the area where Nicanor was planning to cross the Tigris and made a surprise attack during the night. Evagoras fell in the beginning of the battle and Nicanor was cut off from his forces. The news about the death of Evagoras spread among the soldiers, who started to surrenderen masse.Almost all of them agreed to fight under Seleucus. Nicanor escaped with only a few men.[29]

Even though Seleucus now had about 20,000 soldiers, they were not enough to withstand the forces of Antigonus. He also did not know when Antigonus would begin his counterattack. On the other hand, he knew that at least two eastern provinces did not have a satrap. A great majority of his own troops were from these provinces. Some of Evagoras' troops were Persian. Perhaps a portion of the troops were Eumenes' soldiers, who had a reason to hate Antigonus. Seleucus decided to take advantage of this situation.[29]

Seleucus spread different stories among the provinces and the soldiers. According to one of them, he had in a dream seen Alexander standing beside him. Eumenes had tried to use a similar propaganda trick. Antigonus, who had been in Asia Minor while Seleucus had been in the east with Alexander, could not use Alexander in his own propaganda. Seleucus, being Macedonian, had the ability to gain the trust of the Macedonians among his troops, which was not the case with Eumenes.[30]

After becoming once again satrap of Babylon, Seleucus became much more aggressive in his politics. In a short time he conquered Media and Susiana.Diodorus Siculusreports that Seleucus also conquered other nearby areas, which might refer toPersis,AriaorParthia.Seleucus did not reachBactriaandSogdiana.The satrap of the former wasStasanor,who had remained neutral during the conflicts. After the defeat of Nikanor's army, there was no force in the east that could have opposed Seleucus. It is uncertain how Seleucus arranged the administration of the provinces he had conquered. Most satraps had died. In theory,Polyperchonwas still the lawful successor of Antipater and the official regent of the Macedonian kingdom. It was his duty to select the satraps. However, Polyperchon was still allied with Antigonus and thus an enemy of Seleucus.[31]


Seleucus I coin depictingAlexander the Great's horseBucephalus

Antigonus sent his son Demetrius along with 15,000 infantry and 4,000 cavalry to reconquer Babylon. Apparently, he gave Demetrius a time limit, after which he had to return to Syria. Antigonus believed Seleucus was still ruling only Babylon. Perhaps Nicanor had not told him that Seleucus now had at least 20,000 soldiers. It seems that the scale of Nicanor's defeat was not clear to all parties. Antigonus did not know Seleucus had conquered the majority of the eastern provinces and perhaps cared little about the eastern parts of the empire.[32]

When Demetrius arrived in Babylon, Seleucus was somewhere in the east. He had leftPatroclesto defend the city. Babylon was defended in an unusual way. It had two strong fortresses, in which Seleucus had left his garrisons. The inhabitants of the city were transferred out and settled in the neighbouring areas, some as far as Susa. The surroundings of Babylon were excellent for defence, with cities, swamps, canals and rivers. Demetrius' troops started to besiege the fortresses of Babylon and conquered one of them. The second fortress proved more difficult for Demetrius. He left his friend Archelaus to continue the siege, and himself returned west leaving 5,000 infantry and 1,000 cavalry in Babylon. Ancient sources do not mention what happened to these troops. Perhaps Seleucus had to reconquer Babylon from Archelaus.[33]

Babylonian War[edit]

Coin of Lysimachus with an image of a horned Alexander the Great

Over the course of nine years (311–302 BC), while Antigonus was occupied in the west, Seleucus brought the whole eastern part of Alexander's empire as far as theJaxartesandIndus Riversunder his authority.[2]

In 311 BC Antigonus made peace with Cassander, Lysimachus and Ptolemy, which gave him an opportunity to deal with Seleucus.[34]Antigonus' army had at least 80,000 soldiers. Even if he left half of his troops in the west, he would still have a numerical advantage over Seleucus. Seleucus may have received help from Cossaians, whose ancestors were the ancientKassites.Antigonus had devastated their lands while fighting Eumenes. Seleucus perhaps recruited a portion of Archelaus' troops. When Antigonus finally invaded Babylon, Seleucus' army was much bigger than before. Many of his soldiers certainly hated Antigonus. The population of Babylon was also hostile. Seleucus, thus, did not need to garrison the area to keep the locals from revolting.[35]

Little information is available about the conflict between Antigonus and Seleucus; only a very rudimentary Babylonian chronicle detailing the events of the war remains. The description of the year 310 BC has completely disappeared. It seems that Antigonus conquered Babylon. His plans were disturbed, however, by Ptolemy, who made a surprise attack in Cilicia.[35]

We do know that Seleucus defeated Antigonus in at least one decisive battle. This battle is only mentioned inStratagems in WarbyPolyaenus.Polyaenus reports that the troops of Seleucus and Antigonus fought for a whole day, but when night came the battle was still undecided. The two forces agreed to rest for the night and continue in the morning. Antigonus' troops slept without their equipment. Seleucus ordered his forces to sleep and eat breakfast in battle formation. Shortly before dawn, Seleucus' troops attacked the forces of Antigonus, who were still without their weapons and in disarray and thus easily defeated. The historical accuracy of the story is questionable.[36][37]

The Babylonian war finally ended in Seleucus' victory. Antigonus was forced to retreat west. Both sides fortified their borders. Antigonus built a series of fortresses along theBalikh Riverwhile Seleucus built a few cities, includingDura-EuroposandNisibis.


The next event connected to Seleucus was the founding of the city ofSeleucia.The city was built on the shore of the Tigris probably in 307 or 305 BC. Seleucus made Seleucia his new capital, thus imitating Lysimachus, Cassander and Antigonus, all of whom had named cities after themselves. Seleucus also transferred the mint of Babylon to his new city. Babylon was soon left in the shadow of Seleucia, and the story goes thatAntiochus,the son of Seleucus, moved the whole population of Babylon to his father's namesake capital in 275 BC. The city flourished until AD 165, when the Romans destroyed it.[36][38]

A story of the founding of the city goes as follows: Seleucus asked the Babylonian priests which day would be best to found the city. The priest calculated the day, but, wanting the founding to fail, told Seleucus a different date. The plot failed however, because when the correct day came, Seleucus' soldiers spontaneously started building the city. When questioned, the priests admitted their deed.[39]

King of the Seleucid empire (306–281 BC)[edit]

The struggle among the Diadochi reached its climax when Antigonus, after the extinction of the old royal line of Macedonia, proclaimed himself king[2]in 306 BC. Ptolemy, Lysimachus, Cassander and Seleucus soon followed. Also,Agathoclesof Sicily declared himself king around the same time.[36][40]Seleucus, like the other four principal Macedonian chiefs, assumed the title and style ofbasileus(king).[2]

Chandragupta and the Eastern Provinces[edit]

Tetradrachm of Seleucus I from theSeleuciamint. Obverse shows the head ofZeus.Reverse showsAthenawith elephants, with Greek legend: BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΣEΛEYKOY,Basileо̄s Seleukou,"of king Seleucus".
Coin of Seleucus I from theSusamint. Obverse shows Seleucus wearing helmet covered with leopard skin and bull's horn and ear. Reverse showsNike,holding in both hands a wreath that she places on trophy. Greek legend reads: BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΣEΛEYKOY,Basileо̄s Seleukou,"of king Seleucus".

Seleucus soon turned his attention once again eastward. The Persian provinces in what is now modern Afghanistan, together with the wealthy kingdom ofGandharaand the states of theIndus Valley,had all submitted toAlexander the Greatand become part of his empire. When Alexander died, theWars of the Diadochi( "Successors" ) split his empire apart; as his generals fought for control of Alexander's empire. In the eastern territories, Seleucus I Nicator took control of Alexander's conquests. According to the Roman historianAppian:

[Seleucus was] always lying in wait for the neighboring nations, strong in arms and persuasive in council, he acquired Mesopotamia, Armenia, 'Seleucid' Cappadocia, Persis, Parthia, Bactria, Arabia, Tapouria, Sogdia, Arachosia, Hyrcania, and other adjacent peoples that had been subdued by Alexander, as far as the river Indus, so that the boundaries of his empire were the most extensive in Asia after that of Alexander. The whole region from Phrygia to the Indus was subject to Seleucus.

— Appian,History of Rome,The Syrian Wars55

The Mauryans then annexed the areas around the Indus governed by the four Greek satraps:Nicanor,Phillip,EudemusandPeithon.This established Mauryan control to the banks of the Indus. Chandragupta's victories convinced Seleucus that he needed to secure his eastern flank. Seeking to hold the Macedonian territories there, Seleucus thus came into conflict with the emerging and expanding Mauryan Empire over the Indus Valley.[41]

In the year 306 BC, Seleucus I Nicator went to India and apparently occupied territory as far as the Indus, and eventuallywaged warwith theMauryaEmperorChandragupta Maurya.Only a few sources mention his activities in India. Chandragupta (known in Greek sources asSandrokottos), founder of theMauryan empire,had conquered the Indus valley and several other parts of the easternmost regions of Alexander's empire. Seleucus began a campaign against Chandragupta and crossed theIndus.[41]Most western historians note that it appears to have fared poorly as he did not achieve his goals[citation needed],even though what exactly happened is unknown.[42]The two leaders ultimately reached an agreement,[43]and through a treaty sealed in 303 BC,[44]Seleucus abandoned the territories he could never securely hold in exchange for stabilizing the East and obtaining elephants, with which he could turn his attention against his great western rival, Antigonus Monophthalmus.[43]The 500 war elephants Seleucus obtained from Chandragupta were to play a key role in the forthcoming battles, particularly at Ipsus[45]against Antigonus and Demetrius. The Maurya king might have married the daughter of Seleucus.[46]According to Strabo, the ceded territories bordered the Indus:

Seleucid–Mauryan war[47]

The geographical position of the tribes is as follows: along the Indus are the Paropamisadae, above whom lies the Paropamisus mountain: then, towards the south, the Arachoti: then next, towards the south, the Gedroseni, with the other tribes that occupy the seaboard; and the Indus lies, latitudinally, alongside all these places; and of these places, in part, some that lie along the Indus are held by Indians, although they formerly belonged to the Persians. Alexander [III 'the Great' of Macedon] took these away from the Arians and established settlements of his own, butSeleucus Nicatorgave them toSandrocottus[Chandragupta], upon terms of intermarriage and of receiving in exchange five hundred elephants. — Strabo 15.2.9[48]

From this, it seems that Seleucus surrendered the easternmost provinces ofArachosia,Gedrosia,Paropamisadaeand perhaps alsoAria.On the other hand, he was accepted by other satraps of the eastern provinces. His Persian wife, Apama, may have helped him implement his rule inBactriaandSogdiana.[49][50]This would tend to be corroborated archaeologically, as concrete indications of Mauryan influence, such as the inscriptions of theEdicts of Ashokawhich are known to be located in, for example,Kandhaharin today's southern Afghanistan.

Portrait of Seleucus I or possibly aGreco-Bactrianruler, with royal diadem. Temple of the Oxus,Takht-i Sangin,3rd-2nd century BC,Tajikistan.[51]

Some authors say that the argument relating to Seleucus handing over more of what is now southern Afghanistan is an exaggeration originating in a statement by Pliny the Elder referring not specifically to the lands received by Chandragupta, but rather to the various opinions of geographers regarding the definition of the word "India":[52]

Most geographers, in fact, do not look upon India as bounded by the river Indus, but add to it the four satrapies of theGedrose,theArachotë,theAria,and theParopamisadë,theRiver Cophesthus forming the extreme boundary of India. According to other writers, however, all these territories, are reckoned as belonging to the country of the Aria. — Pliny, Natural History VI, 23[53]

Nevertheless, it is usually considered today that Arachosia and the other three regions did become dominions of the Mauryan Empire.[citation needed]

The alliance between Chandragupta and Seleucus was affirmed with a marriage (Epigamia). Chandragupta or his son may have married a daughter of Seleucus, or perhaps there was diplomatic recognition of intermarriage between Indians and Greeks. As well, an IndianPuranicsource, thePratisarga Parvaof theBhavishya Purana,also described the marriage ofChandraguptawith a Greek ( "Yavana") princess, daughter of Seleucus (Suluva[54]in Indian sources).[55]

In addition to this matrimonial recognition or alliance, Seleucus dispatched an ambassador,Megasthenes,to the Mauryan court atPataliputra(ModernPatnainBihar state).[56]Only short extracts remain of Megasthenes' description of the journey.[44]

The two rulers seem to have been on very good terms, as classical sources have recorded that following their treaty, Chandragupta sent various presents such asaphrodisiacsto Seleucus.[57][58]

Seleucus obtained knowledge of most of northern India, as explained byPliny the Elderthrough his numerous embassies to the Mauryan Empire:

The Hellenistic world view after Seleucus:ancient world mapofEratosthenes(276–194 BC), incorporating information from the campaigns of Alexander and his successors[59]

The other parts of the country beyond theHydaspes,the farthest extent of Alexander's conquests were discovered and surveyed by Seleucus Nicator: namely

  • from thence (theHydaspes) to theHesudrus168 miles
  • to the riverIoames(Yamuna) as much: and some copies add 5 miles more therto
  • from thence toGanges112 miles
  • toRhodapha119, and some say, that between them two it is no less than 325 miles.
  • From it toCalinipaxa,a great town 167 miles-and-a-half, others say 265.
  • And to the confluent of the riversIomanesand Ganges, where both meet together, 225 miles, and many put thereto 13 miles more
  • from thence to the townPalibotta425 miles
  • and so to the mouth of the Ganges where he falleth into the sea 638 miles. — Pliny the Elder, Natural history, Book 6, Chap 21[60]

Seleucus apparently minted coins during his stay in India, as several coins in his name are in the Indian standard and have been excavated in India. These coins describe him as "Basileus" ( "King" ), which implies a date later than 306 BC. Some of them also mention Seleucus in association with his son Antiochus as king, which would also imply a date as late as 293 BC. No Seleucid coins were struck in India thereafter and confirm the reversal of territory west of the Indus to Chandragupta.[61]

Seleucus may have founded a navy in thePersian Gulfand in the Indian Ocean.[36]

Battle of Ipsus[edit]

Tetradrachmof Seleucus I, minted atSusa.[62]Obv:Portrait of male figure (probably Seleucus, but possibly Alexander or Dionysus),[62]wearing a leopard-skin helmet, with a bull's ear and horns.Rev:Nike,holding a wreath over a trophy, probably referring to theBattle of Ipsus.Legend "King Seleucus".[63]

The war elephants Seleucus received from Chandragupta proved to be useful when the Diadochi finally decided to deal with Antigonus. Cassander, Seleucus and Lysimachus defeated Antigonus and Demetrius in thebattle of Ipsus.Antigonus fell in battle, but Demetrius escaped. After the battle, Syria was placed under Seleucus' rule. He understood Syria to encompass the region from theTaurus mountainstoSinai,but Ptolemy had already conqueredPalestineandPhoenicia.In 299 BC, Seleucus allied with Demetrius and married his daughterStratonice.Stratonice was also the daughter of Antipater's daughterPhila.Seleucus had a daughter by Stratonice, who was also calledPhila.[64]

The fleet of Demetrius destroyed Ptolemy's fleet and thus Seleucus did not need to fight him.[65]

Seleucus, however, did not manage to enlarge his kingdom to the west. The main reason was that he did not have enough Greek troops. During the battle of Ipsus, he had less infantry than Lysimachus. His strength was in his war elephants and in traditional Persian cavalry. In order to enlarge his army, Seleucus tried to attract colonists from mainland Greece by founding four new cities—Seleucia PieriaandLaodicea in Syriaon the coast andAntioch on the OrontesandApameiain theOrontes Rivervalley.Antiochbecame his chief seat of government. The new Seleucia was supposed to become his new naval base and a gateway to the Mediterranean. Seleucus also founded six smaller cities.[65]

It is said of Seleucus that "few princes have ever lived with so great a passion for the building of cities. He is reputed to have built in all nine Seleucias, sixteen Antiochs, and six Laodiceas".[66]

Defeat of Demetrius and Lysimachus[edit]

Coin of Demetrius I Poliorcetes, with the Greek legend: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙΟΥ,Basileо̄s Dēmētriou,"of king Demetrius".

Seleucus nominated his sonAntiochus Ias his co-ruler and viceroy of the eastern provinces in 292 BC, the vast extent of the empire seeming to require a double government.[2]In 294 BC Stratonice married her stepsonAntiochus.Seleucus reportedly instigated the marriage after discovering that his son was in danger of dying of love sickness.[67]Seleucus was thus able to get Stratonice out of the way, as her father Demetrius had now become king of Macedonia.

The alliance between Seleucus and Demetrius ended in 294 BC when Seleucus conqueredCilicia.Demetrius invaded and easily conquered Cilicia in 286 BC, which meant that Demetrius was now threatening the most important regions of Seleucus' empire in Syria. Demetrius' troops, however, were tired and had not received their payment. Seleucus, on the other hand, was known as a cunning and rich leader who had earned the adoration of his soldiers. Seleucus blocked the roads leading south from Cilicia and urged Demetrius' troops to join his side. Simultaneously he tried to evade battle with Demetrius. Finally, Seleucus addressed Demetrius personally. He showed himself in front of the soldiers and removed his helmet, revealing his identity. Demetrius' troops now started to abandon their leaderen masse.Demetrius was finally imprisoned in Apameia and died a few years later in captivity.[65]

Lysimachus and Ptolemy had supported Seleucus against Demetrius, but after the latter's defeat the alliance started to break apart. Lysimachus ruled Macedonia,ThraciaandAsia Minor.He also had problems with his family. Lysimachus executed his sonAgathocles,whose wifeLysandraescaped to Babylon to Seleucus.[65]

The unpopularity of Lysimachus after the murder ofAgathoclesgave Seleucus an opportunity to remove his last rival. His intervention in the west was solicited byPtolemy Keraunos,who, on the accession to the Egyptian throne of his brotherPtolemy II(285 BC), had at first taken refuge with Lysimachus and then with Seleucus.[2]Seleucus then invaded Asia Minor and defeated his rival in theBattle of CorupediuminLydia,281 BC. Lysimachus fell in battle. In addition, Ptolemy had died a few years earlier. Seleucus was thus now the only living contemporary of Alexander.[65]

Administration of Asia Minor[edit]

Before his death, Seleucus tried to deal with the administration of Asia Minor. The region was ethnically diverse, consisting of Greek cities, a Persian aristocracy and indigenous peoples. Seleucus perhaps tried to defeatCappadocia,but failed. Lysimachus' old officerPhiletairosruledPergamonindependently. On the other hand, based on their names, Seleucus apparently founded a number of new cities in Asia Minor.[65]

Few of the letters Seleucus sent to different cities and temples still exist. All cities in Asia Minor sent embassies to their new ruler. It is reported that Seleucus complained about the number of letters he received and was forced to read. He was apparently a popular ruler. InLemnoshe was celebrated as a liberator and a temple was built to honour him. According to a local custom, Seleucus was always offered an extra cup of wine during dinner time. His title during this period was SeleucusSoter( "saviour" ). When Seleucus left for Europe, the organizational rearrangement of Asia Minor had not been completed.[65]

Death and legacy[edit]

Tetradrachm ofAntiochus I.Obv:Seleucus I, with bull's horns.Rev:Apollo,with a bow, seated on theomphalus

Seleucus now held the whole of Alexander's conquests except Egypt and moved to take possession of Macedonia and Thrace. He intended to leave Asia to Antiochus and content himself for the remainder of his days with the Macedonian kingdom in its old limits. He had, however, hardly crossed into theThracian Chersonesewhen he was assassinated byPtolemy KeraunosnearLysimachiain September (281 BC).[2][68]

It appears certain that after taking Macedonia and Thracia, Seleucus would have tried to conquer Greece. He had already prepared this campaign using the numerous gifts presented to him. He was also nominated an honorary citizen ofAthens.[69]

Antiochus founded the cult of his father. A cult of personality formed around the later members of the Seleucid dynasty and Seleucus was later worshipped as a son of Zeus Nikator. One inscription found in Ilium (Troy) advises priests to sacrifice toApollo,the ancestor of Antiochus' family. Several anecdotes of Seleucus' life became popular in the classical world.[70]

Limestone relief sculpture with three figures, the one on the right (in military dress) holding a crown over the head of the figure in the middle.
Cult relief showing Seleucus I Nicator crowning the Gad of Dura.

Seleucus’ reputation as a founder of cities also seems to have persisted after his death. Excavations at the site ofDura-Europosin Syria, for instance, uncovered a cult relief from a temple showing Seleucus, as the founder of the city, crowning the Gad of Dura.[71]Clearer evidence that the city considered Seleucus to be its founder come from a fragmentary papyrus document, P. Dura 32, which designates Dura-Europos as "the colony of the Europeans of Seleucs Nicator".[72]The sparse archaeological remains from the Hellenistic period of the site, however, indicate that the site began life as a small garrison settlement (aphourion) on royal land that did not yet have the status of apolis.[71]The road system and fortifications only seem to have been constructed in 150 CE.[73]The small community, living around the base of the citadel, with small plots of land for each soldier in the surrounding countryside,[74]is unlikely to have had much royal attention in this early period, but the legend surrounding Seleucus I Nicator as a city founder seems to have lead later inhabitants to attach his name to their settlement.

See also[edit]


  1. ^Boiy "The Reigns of the Seleucid Kings According the Babylonian King List."Journal of Near Eastern Studies70(1) (2011): 1–12.
  2. ^abcdefghijOne or more of the preceding sentences incorporates text from a publication now in thepublic domain:Bevan, Edwyn Robert (1911). "Seleucid Dynasty".InChisholm, Hugh(ed.).Encyclopædia Britannica.Vol. 24 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. pp. 603–604.
  3. ^"Seleucus I Nicator".Livius.
  4. ^abAppian,p. 55.
  5. ^abcGrainger 1990, p. 2
  6. ^Grainger 1990, pp. 4–5
  7. ^Grainger 1990, p. 1
  8. ^Grainger 1990, p. 3
  9. ^Arrian Anabasis5.13.1
  10. ^Grainger 1990, pp. 9–10
  11. ^Grainger 1990, p. 12
  12. ^Plutarch,Alexander76; Arrian,Anabasis7.26;Ogden 2017,p. 64
  13. ^abHeckel p. 256
  14. ^Grainger 1990, pp. 20–24
  15. ^abGrainger 1990, pp. 21–29
  16. ^Bosworth p. 211
  17. ^Grainger 1990, pp. 30–32
  18. ^Grainger 1990, pp. 33–37
  19. ^Grainger 1990, pp. 39–42
  20. ^Grainger 1990, p. 43
  21. ^Grainger 1990, p. 44–45
  22. ^Boyi p. 121
  23. ^Grainger 1990, pp. 49–51, Boiy p. 122
  24. ^Diodorus Siculus,Bibliotheca HistoricaXIX 57,1.
  25. ^Grainger 1990, pp. 53–55
  26. ^Jona Lendering."Alexander's successors: The Third Diadoch War".Livius.org. Archived fromthe originalon 18 November 2012.Retrieved7 November2012.
  27. ^Grainger 1990, pp. 56–72
  28. ^Grainger 1990, pp. 74–75
  29. ^abGrainger 1990, p. 79; Boyi p. 126
  30. ^Grainger 1990, p. 80
  31. ^Grainger 1990, p. 81
  32. ^Grainger 1990, pp. 82–83
  33. ^Grainger 1990, p. 83; Boiy p. 127
  34. ^Grainger 1990, p. 86
  35. ^abGrainger 1990, pp. 89– 91
  36. ^abcdGrainger 1997, p. 54
  37. ^Polyaenus."The Babylonian war".Livius.org. Archived fromthe originalon 31 October 2012.Retrieved7 November2012.
  38. ^Boiy p. 45
  39. ^Grainger 1990, s.101
  40. ^Bosworth p. 246
  41. ^abKosmin 2014,p. 34.
  42. ^Kosmin 2014,pp. 32–33.
  43. ^abKosmin 2014,p. 33.
  44. ^abJohn Keay (2001).India: A History.Grove Press. pp. 85–86.ISBN978-0-8021-3797-5.
  45. ^Kosmin 2014,p. 37.
  46. ^Majumdar 2003,p. 105.
  47. ^Romila Thapar (1963).Asoka and the Decline of the Mauryas.Internet Archive. p. 16.Certain areas in the north-west were acquired through the treaty with Seleucus... It has been suggested that the territory ceded consisted of Gedrosia, Arachosia, Aria, and the Paropamisadae.
  48. ^Strabo,Geography,xv.2.9
  49. ^Vincent A. Smith(1998).Ashoka.Asian Educational Services.ISBN81-206-1303-1.
  50. ^Walter Eugene Clark(1919). "The Importance of Hellenism from the Point of View of Indic-Philology",Classical Philology14(4), pp. 297–313.
  51. ^Bopearachchi, Osmund (1998)."A Faience Head of a Graeco-Bactrian King from Ai Khanum".Bulletin of the Asia Institute.12:27.ISSN0890-4464.JSTOR24049090.
  52. ^Debated by Tarn,The Greeks in Bactria and India,p. 100
  53. ^Pliny,Natural HistoryVI, 23
  54. ^Hindu Nationalism, A Reader,Christopher Jeffrelot,Princeton University Press,2007p.90
  55. ^Foreign Influence on Ancient India, Krishna Chandra Sagar, Northern Book Centre, 1992,p. 83.The paragraph of the Pratisarga Parva mentioning this marriage is: "Chandragupta married with a daughter of Suluva, theYavanaking ofPausasa.Thus, he mixed the Buddhists and the Yavanas. He ruled for 60 years. From him,Vindusarawas born and ruled for the same number of years as his father. His son was Ashoka. "Pratisarga Parva p.18.Original Sanskrit of the first two verses: "Chandragupta Sutah Paursadhipateh Sutam. Suluvasya Tathodwahya Yavani Baudhtatapar".
  56. ^Mookerji 1988,p. 38.
  57. ^Kosmin 2014,p. 35.
  58. ^"And Theophrastus says that some contrivances are of wondrous efficacy in such matters [as to make people more amorous]. And Phylarchus confirms him, by reference to some of the presents which Sandrakottus, the king of the Indians, sent to Seleucus; which were to act like charms in producing a wonderful degree of affection, while some, on the contrary, were to banish love"Athenaeus of Naucratis,The Deipnosophists,i.32
  59. ^Source
  60. ^Pliny, Natural History, Book 6, Chap 17alsoPliny the Elder, Natural history, Book 6, Chap 21Archived28 July 2013 at theWayback Machine
  61. ^Coinage of Seleucus and Antiochus in India
  62. ^abMarest-Caffey, L. (2016). "Seleukos I's Victory Coinage of Susa Revisited: A Die Study and Commentary".American Journal of Numismatics.28:1–64.
  63. ^Metropolitan Museum of Art."Tetradrachm of Seleucus I".www.metmuseum.org.
  64. ^John Malalas,viii.198
  65. ^abcdefgGrainger 1997, p. 55–56
  66. ^Public DomainThis article incorporates text from a publication now in thepublic domain:Easton, Matthew George(1897).Easton's Bible Dictionary(New and revised ed.). T. Nelson and Sons.{{cite encyclopedia}}:Missing or empty|title=(help)
  67. ^http://virtualreligion.net/iho/antiochus_1.htmlAntiochus I Soterentry in historical sourcebook by Mahlon H. Smith
  68. ^"Seleucus I Nicator".Livius.
  69. ^Grainger 1997, p. 57
  70. ^Graham Shipley (1999).The Hellenistic World.Routledge.pp. 301–302.ISBN978-0-415-04618-3.
  71. ^abBaird, Jennifer (2018).Dura-Europos.Bloomsbury Academic. p. 19.
  72. ^Kosmin, Paul (2011).Dura-Europos: Crossroads of Antiquity.p. 97.
  73. ^Baird, Jennifer (2018).Dura-Europos.Bloomsbury Academic. p. 20.
  74. ^Baird, Jennifer (2018).Dura-Europos.Bloomsbury Academic. p. 21.

References and further reading[edit]

External links[edit]

Seleucus I Nicator
Born:c. 358 BCDied:281 BC
Regnal titles
Preceded by
New creation
Independence fromMacedonunderAlexander IV
Seleucid King
305–281 BC
Succeeded by