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Coordinates:32°48′20″N35°10′10″E/ 32.80556°N 35.16944°E/32.80556; 35.16944
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  • שְׁפַרְעָם
  • شفاعمرو
Hebrew transcription(s)
ISO 259Šparˁam
• Also spelledShfar'am[citation needed](official)
View of Shefa-Amr
View of Shefa-Amr
Official logo of Shefa-Amr
Shefa-Amr is located in Northwest Israel
Shefa-Amr is located in Israel
Coordinates:32°48′20″N35°10′10″E/ 32.80556°N 35.16944°E/32.80556; 35.16944
Grid position166/245PAL
FoundedBronze age
• MayorNahid Khazem (from March, 2024)[1]
• Total19,766dunams(19.766 km2or 7.632 sq mi)
• Total43,543
• Density2,200/km2(5,700/sq mi)

Shefa-AmrorShfar'am(Arabic:شفاعمرو,Šafāʻamru,Hebrew:שְׁפַרְעָם,Šəfarʻam) is anArab cityin theNorthern DistrictofIsrael.In 2022 it had a population of 43,543,[2]with aSunni Muslimmajority and largeChristian ArabandDruzeminorities.[3]



Palmerwrites that the name meant: "The margin or edge of 'Amr. Locally and erroneously supposed to mean the healing of 'Amer (ed Dhaher). "[4]The city is identified withShefar'am,an ancient Jewish town of great significance duringTalmudictimes. Some have proposed that its original meaning may be linked to the Hebrew words "Shefer"(שֶׁפֶר), signifying something nice, beautiful or good, and"'Am",(עַם) which translates to people.[5]



Ancient period

Christian Byzantine graves, 5th and 6th century CE.[6]

Walls, installations and potterysherdsfrom theEarly Bronze Age IBand theMiddle Bronze Age IIB,Iron,HellenisticandRomanperiods have been excavated at Shefa-ʻAmr.[7]

Shefa-Amr is first mentioned under the nameShefar'am(Hebrew:שפרעם) in theTosefta(Tractate Mikvaot 6:1), followed by theTalmudredacted in 500CEwhere it is mentioned in several places, in TractateAvodah Zarah8b andRosh Hashanah31b,et al.

Settlement has existed there without interruption since the Roman period, when it was one of the cities mentioned in theTalmudas containing the seat of the JewishSanhedrinduring the reign ofMarcus Aurelius.[8][9]The seat of the Sanhedrin was traditionally thought to be where the Old Synagogue "Maḥaneh Shekhinah" was built in later times.[8]Old Shefa-'Amr was settled in the area where are now built the Police Station, the various Churches and Jews' Street.[10]Decorated burial caves were documented by theSurvey of Western Palestinein the late nineteenth century; they were found to be Christian tombs from theByzantineera, dating to the 5th and 6th century CE.Greekinscriptions were also found.[6]

Archaeological excavations of a cave andquarriesrevealed that they were used in the Roman and Byzantine eras.[11]Shefa-ʻAmr contains Byzantine remains, including a church and tombs.[12]

Asalvage digwas conducted in the southern quarter of the old city exposing remains from five phases in the Late Byzantine and earlyUmayyadperiods. Finds include atabun oven,a pavement of small fieldstones, a mosaic pavement that was probably part of awine presstreading floor, a small square wine press, handmadekraters,an imported Cypriot bowl and an open cooking pot. Also discovered were glass and pottery vessels.[13]

Middle Ages


Under theCrusadersthe place was known as "Safran", "Sapharanum", "Castrum Zafetanum", "Saphar castrum" or "Cafram".[14]The Crusaders built afortress,used by theKnights Templar,in the village. At the foot of the castle was a fortified settlement with a church, inhabited either by local Christians or Crusaders.[15]The village, then called "Shafar 'Am", was used by Muslim leaderSaladinbetween 1190–91 and 1193-94 as a military base for attacks onAcre.[16]

By 1229, the place was back in Crusader hands; this was confirmed by SultanBaybarsin the peace treaty of 1271, and by SultanQalawunin 1283.[17]Italian monkRiccoldo da Monte di Crocevisited the village in 1287–88, and noted that it had Christian inhabitants.[18]It apparently was underMamlukcontrol by 1291,[19][20]as it was mentioned in that year when sultanal-Ashraf Khalilallocated the town's income to acharitable organizationinCairo.[21]

Ottoman era


During earlyOttomanrule in the Galilee, in 1564, the revenues of the village of Shefa-Amr were designated for the newwaqfofHasseki Sultan Imaretin Jerusalem, established by Hasseki Hurrem Sultan (Roxelana), the wife ofSuleiman the Magnificent.[22]In the early decades of the 16th century a small number of Jews were mentioned, but none at the end of the century.[23]

Afirmandated to 1573 mentioned that Shefa-Amr was among a group of villages in thenahiya(sub district) ofAkkawhich had rebelled against the Ottoman administration. By 1577, the village had accumulated an arsenal of 200 muskets.[24]In the 1596tax records,Shefa-Amr was part of thenahiyaof Akka, part ofSafad Sanjak,with a population of 83 households (khana), and eight bachelors, allMuslims.The total revenue was 13,600akçe,most of which was given in fixed amounts.[25]The taxable produce also comprised occasional revenues, goats and beehives, and the inhabitants paid for the use or ownership of an olive oil press.[26][27]

Zahir al-Umar fort
Shefa-Amr, 1910

In the 18th century the village rose to prominence. At the beginning of the century the village was under the control of Shaykh Ali Zaydani, the uncle ofZahir al-Umarand leadingshaykhof lowerGalilee.It is also known that there was a castle in the village at least as early as 1740. After Zahir al-Umar's rise to power in the 1740s, Ali Zaydani was replaced by his nephew, Uthman, a son of Zahir. After Zahir's death in 1775,Jazzar Pashaallowed Uthman to continue as the governor of Shefa-Amr in return for a promise of loyalty and advance payment of taxes. Jazzar Pasha allowed the fortress to remain intact despite orders fromConstantinoplethat it should be destroyed.[28]Several years later Uthman was removed and replaced by Ibrahim Abu Qalush, an appointee of Jazzar Pasha.[29]

During this period Shefa-Amr was a regional centre of some importance due to its location in the heart of the cotton-growing area and its natural and man-made defenses. The significance of cotton to the growth of Shefa-Amr was fundamental. Tax returns for the village attest to the large returns expected of this crop.[30]There was definite indication of a Jewish presence in Shefa-ʻAmr in the 18th century.[23]In the census taken byMoses Montefiorein 1839 there were numbered 107Sephardic Jewsliving in Shefa-ʻAmr.[31]Their condition worsened with the departure ofMuhammad Ali Pasha,during which time Shefa-Amr was nearly emptied of its Jewish citizens, who had opted to move toHaifaand toTiberias.[32]In 1850 and 1887, some 42 Jewish families fromMoroccosettled in Shefa-ʻAmr, but by 1920 all Jews had left the city.[33]

A map byPierre JacotinfromNapoleon's invasion of 1799showed the place, named asChafa Amr.[34]

Ss. Constantine and Helena Church

James Finnwrote in 1877 that "The majority of the inhabitants are Druses. There are a few Moslems and a fewChristians;but [in 1850] there were thirty Jewish families living as agriculturists, cultivating grain and olives on their own landed property, most of it family inheritance; some of these people were of Algerine descent. They had their own synagogue and legally qualified butcher, and their numbers had formerly been more considerable. "However," they afterwards dwindled to two families, the rest removing to [Haifa] as that port rose in prosperity. "[35]Conder and Kitchener, who visited in 1875, was told that the community consisted of "2,500 souls—1,200 being Moslems, the rest Druses, Greeks, and Latins."[36]The town's Druze community dwindled considerably in the 1880s as its members migrated east to theHauranplain to avoid conscription by the Ottoman authorities.[37]

A population list from about 1887 showed that Shefa-Amr had about 2,750 inhabitants; 795 Muslims, 95 Greek Catholics, 1,100 Catholic, 140 Latins, 175 Maronites/Protestants, 30 Jews and 440 Druze.[38]

British Mandate

The old market in Shefa-Amr

TheBritish Mandate of Palestinewas established in 1920. At the time of the1922 census of Palestine,Shefa-Amr had a population of 2,288 inhabitants: 1,263 Christians, 623 Muslims, and 402 Druze.[39]Of the Christians, 1,054 wereMelkites,94 Anglicans, 70 Roman Catholics, 42 Greek Orthodox and three Maronite.[40]By the1931 census,Shefa-Amr had 629 occupied houses and a population of 1,321 Christians, 1,006 Muslims, 496 Druze, and one Jew. A further 1,197 Muslims in 234 occupied houses was recorded for "Shafa 'Amr Suburbs".[41]

Statistics compiled by the Mandatory government in the1945 statisticsshowed an urban population of 1,560 Christians, 1,380 Muslims, 10 Jews and 690 "others" (presumably Druze) and a rural population of 3,560 Muslims.[42][43][44]



20th century


In 1948 Shefa-Amr was captured by theIsraeli Armyduring the first phase ofOperation Dekel,from 8 to 14 July. The Druze population actively cooperated with the IDF. The Muslim quarter was heavily shelled and thousands of inhabitants fled toSaffuriyeh.Following the fall of Nazareth some of the refugees were allowed to return to their homes.[45]After the end of the war, the Arab population was placed understrict martial lawuntil 1967.

Ibraheem Nimr Hussein, a former mayor of Shefa-Amr, was chairman of the Committee of Arab Mayors in Israel (later the Arab Follow-Up Committee) from its inception in 1975. In 1981 anNGOto promote health care in the Arab community was set up in Shefa-Amr. It called itselfThe Galilee Society[Wikidata]- the Arab National Society for Health Research and Services.[46]In 1982, following the Israeli invasion of Lebanon, Mayor Ibrahim Nimr Husayn formed the "Supreme Follow-Up Committee" based on a committee that had been formed followingLand Day.It consisted of 11 heads of local councils as well as Arab Members of Knesset. By the 1990s the committee, meeting in Nazareth, had expanded and become a mini-parliament representing Palestinians in the Galilee.[47]

21st century

Orsan Yasen, mayor of Shefa-Amr (2018-2024)[1]

On 16 May 2004, Whehebe Moheen, a man in his sixties, murdered Manal Najeeb Abu Raed, his widowed daughter-in-law, wife of his son, and mother of his two granddaughters.[48]Manal had lost her husband to cancer two years earlier, and was living in the couple's home, in the Druze village ofDaliat El Carmel,near Haifa. Following this event there was conflict between the families of the victim and of the killer. The final reconciliation took place on 27 February 2009, when about 300 family members, dignitaries and residents of the mixed city of Shefa-Amr and Daliyat al-Carmel participated in the reconciliation ritual.[48]They gathered, along with Christian and Muslim dignitaries, including mayors of the two towns involved,Knessetmembers (Druze and Muslim), the religious leader of Israel's Druze community, and a sizable contingent of Druze religious leaders from many villages in northern Israel.[48]Following the speeches, the dignitaries signed thesulha(reconciliation) agreement, and after the document was declared officially endorsed, the killer's family handed the leader of thesulhacommittee, SheikhMuafak Tarif,a bag containing the blood money (diya) compensation, and Tarif handed the bag to cousins of the murdered woman.[48]The bag contained 200,000 NIS (aboutUS$50,000), about half what a "normal" conciliation payment would be, but the killer's family refused to bring more money, claiming that they had no resources, and were not prepared to make themselves bankrupt because of a "crazy" uncle.[48]

On 4 August 2005, an Israeli soldier who wasabsent without leave,Eden Natan-Zada,opened fire while aboard a bus in the city, killing four Arab residents and wounding twenty-two others. After the shooting, Natan-Zada was overcome by nearby crowds,lynchedand beaten with rocks. According to witnesses, the bus driver was surprised to see akippah-wearing Jewish soldier making his way to Shefa-Amr via public bus, so inquired of Natan-Zada whether he was certain he wanted to take his current route. The four fatalities were two sisters in their early twenties, Hazar and Dina Turki, and two men, bus driver Michel Bahouth and Nader Hayek. In the days following the attack, 40,000 people attended mass funeral services for the victims. The sisters were buried in an Islamic cemetery and the men were buried in the Catholic cemetery. The wounded were taken toRambam Hospitalin Haifa. The Shefa-Amr municipality established a monument to commemorate the victims.[49]

In January 2008, Mayor Ursan Yassin met with officials of the Israeli state committee on the celebrations for the 60th anniversary of independence, and announced that Shefa-Amr intended to take part in the celebrations.[50]In 2011, 7,000 Christians, Druze and Muslims held a solidarity march insupport of Christians in IraqandEgyptwho were suffering from religious persecution.[51]



Shefa-Amr is located in theNorth District of Israelat the entrance to theGalilee.It is located 13 kilometres (8.1 mi) from the Mediterranean Sea and 20 kilometres (12 mi) from each of three cities, Haifa,Acreand Nazareth, where many of the inhabitants are employed. The city is located on seven hills, which gives it the name "Little Rome".[citation needed]The elevation of the city and its strategic location as the connection between the valleys and mountains of Galilee made it more than once the center of its district, especially in the period of Uthman, the son of Zahir al-Umar, who built a castle in it, and towers around it. Thebay of Haifawith the sea stretching between Haifa and Acre and the high mountains of Galilee and the valleys surrounding the city could be seen from high points in the city.



In 1951, the population was 4450, of whom about 10% were internally displaced persons from other villages.[52]During the early 1950s, about 25,000 dunams of the land of Shefa-Amr were expropriated by the following method: the land was declared a closed military area, then after enough time had passed for it to have become legally "uncultivated", the Minister of Agriculture used his powers to "ensure that it was cultivated" by giving it to neighboring Jewish majority communities. Some of the land was owned by Jews.[53]Another 7,579 dunams were expropriated in 1953–4.[54]The total land holdings of the village fell from 58,725 dunams in 1945 to 10,371 dunams in 1962.[54]

According to CBS, in 2012 the religious and ethnic makeup of the city was mostlyArabs(consisting of 59.2% Muslim, 26.5% Christian, and 14.3% Druze). Shefa-Amr is home to the fourth-largest ArabChristian community in Israel,and are mostlyGreek-Melkite Catholics.[55]According to CBS, in 2012 there were 38,300 registered citizens in the city. 40.4% of the population was not over 19 years old, 14.9% between 20 and 29, 21.1% between 30 and 44, 17.8% from 45 to 64, and 5.7% 65 or older.

Population in Shefa-Amr over the years:



According to CBS, in 2012 there were 12,494 salaried and 1062 self-employed workers in the city. The mean monthly wage in 2012 for a salaried worker in the city wasILS5,412. Salaried males had a mean monthly wage of ILS 6,312 versus ILS 3,904 for females. The mean income for the self-employed was ILS 7,381. 235 people received unemployment benefits and 3,971 received an income guarantee.

Education and culture


In 2012, there were 24 schools serving a student population of 9,459: 15 elementary schools with 5,360 students and 13 high schools with 4,099 students. In 2012, 53.7% of twelfth grade students earned a matriculation certificate. In the eastern part of the city,Mifal HaPayisbuilt a public computer center, a public library, a large events hall and more.

Shefa-Amr is also home to Tamrat El Zeitoun, an elementary school (about 150 students) notable for serving Muslim, Christian, and Druze together and being the only Arabic languageWaldorf school.In collaboration with Waldorf educators atHardufthe school developed a language curriculum accommodating the differences between written and spoken Arabic. The school celebrates the festivals from all three religions.[56][57][58]

Beit almusica

The Beit Almusica conservatory was founded in 1999 by musician Aamer Nakhleh in the center of Shefa-ʻAmr. It offers a year-round programs of music studies in various instruments, and holds music performances and concerts.[59]Every year Shefa-ʻAmr holds a music festival known as the "Fort Festival." Arab children from all over the country compete in singing classic Arabic songs and one is chosen as "Voice of the Year." TheBa'ath choir,established by Raheeb Haddad, performs all over the country and participates in many international events.[citation needed]SingerReem Talhamiperforms all over the Arab world.Oudplayer and violinist Tayseer Elias, on the Beit Almusica staff, is a composer, conductor and musicologist who also lectures atBar-Ilan University.[60]Butrus Lusia, a painter, specializes inicons.[citation needed]

Al Ghurbal center in Shefa-Amr

The first plays in Shefa-Amr were performed in the 1950s by the Christian scouts. Since the 1970s, many theaters have opened. among them the sons of Shefa-ʻAmr theater, Athar theater, house of the youth theater, Alghurbal Al Shefa-Amry theater and Al Ufok theater. The largest theater in the city is the Ghurbal Establishment, a national Arab theater. Sa'eed Salame, an actor, comedian and pantomimist, established a 3-day international pantomime festival that is held annually.[citation needed]

Shefa-Amr is known for itsmastic-based ice cream,bozet Shefa-'Amr.The Nakhleh Coffee Company is the leading coffee producer in Israel's Arab community. New restaurant-cafes opened in parts of the old city[when?]and encouraged nightlife, being patronised by the youth of Shefa-ʻAmr. The Awt Cafe started holding musical nights where local singers and instruments players includingoudand others perform for the audience.[citation needed]

Landmarks and religious sites

St. Peter & St. Paul Church
  • A fort was built in 1760 by Zahir al-Umar to secure the entrance to Galilee. The fort was built on the ruins of a Crusader fort called "Le Seffram". The ground floor of the fort stabled the horses, the first floor above ground was for Zahir's residential quarters. Zahir's fort is considered the biggest fort remaining in the Galilee. After the establishment of the state, the fort was used as a police station. After a new station was built in the "Fawwar" neighbourhood, the fort was renovated and converted to a youth center, which has since closed down.[61]
  • "The Tower" or "al Burj" is an old Crusader fort located in the southern part of the city.
The old market of Shefa-Amr
  • The old market of Shefa-Amr was once the bustling heart of the city. Now all that remains is one coffee shop where elderly men gather every day to play backgammon and drink coffee. According to the mayor of Shefa-Amr, Nahed Khazem, the government provided a budget for improving and reviving the old market and developing the area around the fort as a tourist attraction.[citation needed]
  • TheShfaram Ancient Synagogueis an old synagogue on the site of an even older structure. It is recorded as being active in 1845. A Muslim resident of the town holds the keys.[62]The synagogue was renovated in 2006. The tomb of RabbiJudah ben Baba,a well-known rabbi from the 2nd century who was captured and executed by the Romans, is still standing and many Jewish believers come to visit it.
  • Byzantine period tombs are located in the middle of the city. They were the graves of the 5th and 6th-century Christian community. The tomb entrances are decorated with sculptures of lions and Greek inscriptions which make mention ofJesus.[6]
  • In the center of the city, where theSisters of Nazareth conventnow stands, was a 4th-century church, St. Jacob's. This church is mentioned in the notes of ecclesiastical historians, although the original church has been replaced by the monastery. Some marble columns remain, similar to those used to build the earliest churches.
  • St. Peter & St. Paul Churchis located in one of the town's peaks near the fort, it has a high bell tower and a large purple dome. The church was built by Otman, who made a promise to build it if his fort was finished successfully. The walls of the church began to weaken, and in 1904 the entire church building was reinforced and renovated. This is the main church of the local Greek Catholic community.
  • The Mosque of Ali Ibn Abi Talib (Old Mosque) was constructed near the castle in the days ofSulayman Pasha

Notable people

Ghassan Alian

See also



  1. ^ab"رؤساء بلدية سابقون"[Former Mayors].Shfar'am municipal website(in Arabic).Retrieved2024-07-18.
  2. ^ab"Regional Statistics".Israel Central Bureau of Statistics.Retrieved21 March2024.
  3. ^"General"(PDF).Israel Central Bureau of Statistics.
  4. ^Palmer, 1881, p.116
  5. ^Hareuveni, Imanuel (2010).Eretz Israel Lexicon.CET. p. 926.
  6. ^abcConder and Kitchener, 1881, SWP I,339-343
  7. ^Feig, 2014,‘En Shefar‘am, Final report
  8. ^abZaharoni (1978), p. 125
  9. ^Talmud Bavli Rosh Hashana.p. 31b.
  10. ^Zaharoni (1978), p. 126
  11. ^Atrash, 2016,Shefar‘am, Highway 79
  12. ^Conder and Kitchener, 1881, SWP I,p. 343;Guérin, 1880, p414,TIR, 230. All cited in Petersen, 2001, p.276
  13. ^Abu Raya, 2010, Shefar‘am Final Report
  14. ^Pringle, 1997,p. 115
  15. ^Ellenblum, 2003, p.143
  16. ^Abu ShamaRHC(or.), IV,p. 487.Yaqut,p. 304, Both cited in Petersen, 2001, p.277
  17. ^Barag, 1979, p. 207, No. 63.
  18. ^Ellenblum, 2003, p.144
  19. ^Ibn al-Furat,Cited in Petersen, 2001, p.277
  20. ^Pringle, 1998, pp.301-4
  21. ^Barag, 1979, p. 203
  22. ^Singer, 2002, p.126
  23. ^abAlex Carmel, Peter Schäfer & Yossi Ben-Artzi (1990).The Jewish Settlement in Palestine, 634–1881.Beihefte zum Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients: Reihe B, Geisteswissenschaften; Nr. 88. Wiesbaden: Reichert. pp. 94, 144.
  24. ^Heyd, 1960, pp. 84-85, no. 2. Cited in Petersen, 2001, p.277
  25. ^Hütteroth and Abdulfattah, 1977, p. 192
  26. ^Hütteroth and Abdulfattah, 1977, p. 192. Also quoted in Petersen, 2001, p.277
  27. ^Note that Rhode, 1979, p.6writes that the register that Hütteroth and Abdulfattah studied was not from 1595/6, but from 1548/9.
  28. ^Cohen, 1973, p. 106. Cited in Petersen, 2001, p.277
  29. ^Cohen, 1973, p. 25. Cited in Petersen, 2001, p.277
  30. ^Cohen, 1973, p. 128. Cited in Petersen, 2001, p.277
  31. ^Zaharoni (1978), p. 127
  32. ^Zaharoni (1978), p. 127–128
  33. ^Zaharoni (1978), p. 128
  34. ^Karmon, 1960,p. 162(PDF)
  35. ^Finn, 1877, p.243
  36. ^Conder and Kitchener, 1881, SWP I,p. 272
  37. ^Firro, 1992, p. 168.
  38. ^Schumacher, 1888, p.175
  39. ^Barron, 1923, Table XI, Sub-district of Haifa, p.33
  40. ^Barron, 1923, Table XVI, p.49
  41. ^Mills, 1932,p. 96(PDF)
  42. ^Department of Statistics, 1945, p.15
  43. ^Government of Palestine, Department of Statistics. Village Statistics, April 1945. Quoted in Hadawi, 1970,p. 49
  44. ^Sami Hadawi (1957).Land Ownership in Palestine.New York: Palestine Arab Refugee Office. p. 44.
  45. ^Morris,1987, pp. 199, 200, 202
  46. ^Pappe, Ilan(2011)The Forgotten Palestinians. A History of the Palestinians in Israel.Yale.ISBN978-0-300-13441-4.p.198
  47. ^Pappe. p.146
  48. ^abcde"Sulha in Shefaamer « Sulha Research Center".www.sulha.org.Archived fromthe originalon 2011-05-22.
  49. ^Sorek, Tamir (2015).Palestinian Commemoration in Israel: Calendars, Monuments, and Martyrs.Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.ISBN9780804795203.,p. 109
  50. ^Roffe-Ofir, Sharon (February 2008)."Arab town plans big celebration for Israel's Independence Day".ynet.
  51. ^"Shfaram: 7,000 march in solidarity with Christians".The Jerusalem Post - JPost.com.
  52. ^Kamen (1987). "After the Catastrophe I: The Arabs in Israel, 1948-51".Middle Eastern Studies.23(4): 453–495.doi:10.1080/00263208708700721.
  53. ^Jiryis, S.(1973). "The Legal Structure for the Expropriation and Absorption of Arab Lands in Israel".Journal of Palestine Studies.2(4): 82–104.doi:10.1525/jps.1973.2.4.00p0099c.
  54. ^abJiryis, S.(1976). "The Land Question in Israel".MERIP Reports.47(47): 5––20+24–26.doi:10.2307/3011382.JSTOR3011382.
  55. ^"Christmas 2019 - Christians in Israel"(PDF).Central Bureau of Statistics (Israel). 29 December 2019.
  56. ^"Waldorf Worldwide: Learning for peace".Freunde der Erziehungskunst Rudolf Steiners.RetrievedMarch 22,2013.
  57. ^"Shalaam Shalom: Teaching children in the Middle East pathways to peace".Waldorf Today.RetrievedMarch 22,2013.
  58. ^Goldshmidt, Gilad (December 2011)."Interkultureller Brückenschlag".Bund der Freien Waldorfschulen e.V.RetrievedMarch 6,2014.
  59. ^"بيت الموسيقى - شفاعمرو".beit-almusica.org.
  60. ^Tayseer Eliasin the Hebrew Wikipedia. Retrieved 21 December 2016
  61. ^Syon and Hillmann, 2006,Shefar‘am, Final report
  62. ^שי ניר (August 31, 2018)."אופטימיות ופחד (Optimism and Fear)".Davar Rishon.Retrieved2019-07-20.
  63. ^Ankori, Gannit.Palestinian Art.Reaktion Books. p. 203.
  64. ^Ankori, Gannit.Palestinian Art.Reaktion Books. p. 211.
  65. ^"Collections Online | British Museum".www.britishmuseum.org.Retrieved2024-05-20.

