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Sneezing powder

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Sneezing powderis a group ofpowdersor powder-like substances that inducesneezingwhen someone is exposed to them. This is usually done as apractical jokeorprankto an unsuspecting victim.

Sneezing powders containingVeratrum albumalkaloidshave been linked to poisoning, includingupset stomach,fainting,slowed heart rateandlow blood pressure.[1]Children are especially vulnerable.[2]

An example of asternutatory(sneeze-inducing) agent ishelenalin(the acetate is calledangustibalin). The plant containing thischamissonolideis actuallyeponymouslycalledsneezeweed.

See also



  1. ^Carlier P, Efthymiou ML, Garnier R, Hoffelt J, Fournier E (1983). "Poisoning with Veratrum-containing sneezing powders".Human Toxicology.2(2): 321–325.doi:10.1177/096032718300200224.PMID6862477.S2CID44786035.
  2. ^Fogh A, Kulling P, Wickstrom E (1983). "Veratrum alkaloids in sneezing-powder a potential danger".Journal of Toxicology. Clinical Toxicology.20(2): 175–179.doi:10.3109/15563658308990062.PMID6887310.