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Telephoto lens

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A collection of telephoto lenses

Atelephoto lens,also known astelelens,is a specific type of along-focus lensused inphotographyandcinematography,in which the physical length of the lens is shorter than thefocal length.[1]: 93 This is achieved by incorporating a special lens group known as atelephoto groupthat extends the light path to create a long-focus lens in a much shorter overall design. Theangle of viewand othereffects of long-focus lensesare the same for telephoto lenses of the same specified focal length. Long-focal-length lenses are often informally referred to astelephoto lenses,although this is technically incorrect: a telephoto lens specifically incorporates the telephoto group.[2]: 207 


A 500 mm non-telephotolong-focus lenswith a physical length about the same as its focal length.
A 150–500 mm telephoto zoom lens, physically much shorter than its maximum focal length.

A simple photographic lens may be constructed using onelenselement of a given focal length; to focus on an object at infinity, the distance from this single lens to focal plane of the camera (where the sensor or film is) has to be adjusted to the focal length of that lens. For example, given a focal length of 500 mm, the distance between lens and focal plane is 500 mm. The farther the focal length is increased, the more the physical length of such a simple lens makes it unwieldy. In practice, to minimizeoptical aberrations,instead of a single lens element, these simple lenses usually are constructed using several elements to form anachromatic lens.

But such simple lenses are not telephoto lenses, no matter how extreme the focal length – they are known aslong-focus lenses.[1]While theoptical centreof a simple ( "non-telephoto" ) lens is within the construction, the telephoto lens moves the optical centre in front of the construction. In other words, a telephoto lens might have a focal length of 400 mm, while it is shorter than that. While the length of a long-focus lens approximates its focal length, a telephoto lens manages to be shorter than its focal length. The termtelephoto ratiorefers to the physical length of a lens divided by its focal length; where long-focus lenses have a telephoto ratio around 1, telephoto lenses have a ratio less than 1. As an example, one modern lens (Canon EF 400 mmf/4DO IS) achieves a telephoto ratio of 0.58 in part due to a front (converging) lens group which incorporatesdiffractive optics.

Diagram of a typical telephoto lens with a large positive lens and a smaller negative telephoto group combined to create a much longer focal length -f.

The simplest telephoto lens can be regarded as having two elements: one (on the object side) converging and another (on the image side) diverging. Again, in practice, more than one element is used in each group to correct for various aberrations. The combination of these two groups produces a lens assembly that is physically shorter than a long-focus lens producing the same image size.

As a group, the front (object-facing) elements in a telephoto lens collectively have a positive focus, with an overall focal length that is shorter than the effective focal length of the lens. The converging rays from this group are intercepted by the rear (image-facing) lens group, sometimes called the "telephoto group," which has a negative focus. This second group of elements spread the cone of light so that it appears to have come from a lens of much greater focal length.

Diagram of a catadioptric mirrors lens.

This same property is achieved in camera lenses that combine mirrors with lenses. These designs, calledcatadioptric, 'reflex', or 'mirror' lenses,have acurved mirroras the primary objective with some form of negative lens in front of the mirror to correctoptical aberrations.They also use a curvedsecondary mirrorto relay the image that extends the light cone the same way the negative lens telephoto group does. The mirrors also fold the light path. This makes them much shorter, lighter, and cheaper than an all refractive lens, but some optical compromises, primarily the "doughnut" shape of out-of-focus highlights, are caused by the central obstruction from the secondary mirror.

The heaviest non-Catadioptric telephoto lens for civilian use was made byCarl Zeissand has a focal length of 1700 mm with a maximumapertureoff/4,implying a 425 mm (16.7 in)entrance pupil.It is designed for use with amedium formatHasselblad203 FE camera and weighs 256 kg (564 lb).[3]

The telephoto lens design has also been used for wide angles; in the case of theOlympus XA,the telephoto arrangement permitted a 35 mm focal length to fit in an extra compact camera body.[4]

Retrofocus lenses

A diagram of light travel through a wide-angle lens showing how focal length can be shorter than the lens.

Inverting the telephoto configuration, employing one or more negative lens groups in front of a positive lens group, creates awide-angle lenswith an increased back focal distance. These are calledretrofocus lensesor inverted telephotos, which have greater clearance from the rear element to the film plane than their focal length would permit with a conventional wide-angle lens optical design. This allows for greater clearance for other optical or mechanical parts such as the mirror parts in asingle-lens reflex camera.

Zoom lensesthat are telephotos at one extreme of the zoom range and retrofocus at the other are now common.[citation needed]



Telephoto lenses are sometimes divided into the further sub-types ofshortorportrait(85–135 mm in 35 mm film format),[5]medium(135–300 mm in 35 mm film format) andsuper(over 300 mm in 35 mm film format).[6]

Typical telephoto lens focal lengths (mm) for different formats
Angle of
34–18° 18–8° 8–1°
Naming convention: Short / Portrait Medium Super
1 " 25.5–49.5 49.5–110 110–734.5
4/3 35–65 65–150 150–1000
APS-C 45–90 90–195 195–1310
35 mm 70–135 135–300 300–2000
6×6 (120 film) 130–250 250–550 550–3660
4×5 (large format) 550–1000 1000–2250 2250–15000


ACanon New F-1(1981), a 35 mm camera with a telephoto zoom lens with 70-210 mm focal length.
Somecompact digital cameraslike thePanasonic Lumix DMC-TZ18(2010) havesuperzoomlenses with a large range of focal lengths. The lens is completely stored inside the camera in switched-off state and has a maximum focal length (shown) of 384 mm (calculatedequivalent to 35 mm film), minimum is 24 mm, a zoom factor of 16×.

The concept of the telephoto lens, in reflecting form, was first described byJohannes Keplerin hisDioptriceof 1611,[7]and re-invented byPeter Barlowin 1834.[8]

Histories of photography usually creditThomas Rudolphus Dallmeyerwith the invention of the photographic telephoto lens in 1891, though it was independently invented by others about the same time; some credit his fatherJohn Henry Dallmeyerin 1860.[9]

In 1883 or 1884, New Zealand photographer Alexander McKay discovered he could create a much more manageable long-focus lens by combining a shorter focal length telescopeobjectivelens with negative lenses and other optical parts fromopera glassesto modify the light cone. Some of his photographs are preserved in the holdings of the Turnbull Library inWellington,and two of these can be unequivocally dated as having been taken during May 1886. One of McKay's photographs shows a warship anchored in Wellington harbour about two and a half kilometres away, with its rigging lines and gun ports clearly visible.[10]The other, taken from the same point, is of a local hotel, the Shepherds Arms, about 100 metres distant from the camera. The masts of the ship are visible in the background. McKay's other photographic achievements include photo-micrographs, and a ‘shadow-less technique’ for photographing fossils.[11]

McKay presented his work to the Wellington Philosophical Society (the precursor of the Royal Society of New Zealand) in 1890.[12]

Starting in the mid-1970s, Japanese manufacturers introduced telephoto lenses which focused by moving the smaller (diverging) rear group, rather than moving the entire optical system as a unit; in some cases, a second converging group was added behind the diverging group.[13][14]This was marketed as internal focusing,[15]differential focusing, or rear focusing[16]and the concept was derived fromzoom lensdesigns.[17]: 150 

See also



  1. ^abJacobson, Ralph; Ray, Sidney; Attridge, Geoffrey G.; Axford, Norman (2000-08-17).Manual of Photography.Taylor & Francis.ISBN978-1-136-09118-6.
  2. ^Smith, Gregory Hallock (2006).Camera Lenses: From Box Camera to Digital.Society of Photo Optical.ISBN978-0-8194-6093-6.
  3. ^"Zeiss Apo Sonnar T* 1700 mm F4 lens".Digital Photography Review.Retrieved1 October2006.
  4. ^"XA The Original".www.diaxa.com.Retrieved2017-02-08.
  5. ^Dam, Peter (November 7, 2022)."FAQ: What is a Portrait Lens?".Adorama.Retrieved18 October2023.
  6. ^"Wide-Angle vs. Telephoto: Which Lens Should You Choose?".13 April 2021.
  7. ^Edward John Wall and Thomas Bolas (1902).The Dictionary of Photography for the Amateur and Professional Photographer.London: Hazell, Watson, and Viney Ld.
  8. ^Ray N. Wilson (2004).Reflecting Telescope Optics.Springer.ISBN978-3-540-40106-3.
  9. ^New York Times Staff (2004).The New York Times Guide to Essential Knowledge.Macmillan.ISBN978-0-312-31367-8.
  10. ^Simon Nathan (2018)."Alexander McKay: New Zealand's first scientific photographer".Tuhinga.29:35–49.
  11. ^Graham Bishop (2008).The Real McKay: The remarkable life of Alexander McKay, geologist. (1841-1917).Dunedin: Otago University Press.ISBN978-1-877372-22-3.
  12. ^Alexander McKay (1891)."On Some Means for increasing the Scale of Photographic Lenses, and the Use of Telescopic Powers in Connection with an Ordinary Camera".Transactions of the New Zealand Institute.XIII:461–465.
  13. ^US Patent 4113357A,Soichi Nakamura, "Telephoto lens system", published September 12, 1978, assigned to Nippon Kogaku K. K.
  14. ^US Patent 4126378A,Shuji Ogino, "Telephoto lens system having an improved focusing capability", published November 21, 1978, assigned to Minolta Camera Kabushiki Kaisha
  15. ^"Nikkor Lenses, Code No. 8C2-00-E05"(PDF).Nikon Inc. 1984.Retrieved29 July2024.
  16. ^"Canon FD Lenses, pub. C.-CE-132B"(PDF).Canon Inc. November 1981.Retrieved29 July2024.
  17. ^Kingslake, Rudolf(1992).Optics in Photography.SPIE Optical Engineering Press.ISBN0-8194-0763-1.