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An extract from Baumann'sWeltdeutsch,in Weltdeutsch
Created byAdalbert Baumann
Language codes
ISO 639-3None(mis)

Wede(IPA:[ˈveːdə]),Weltdeutsch(IPA:[ˈvɛltdɔʏtʃ]),Weltpitshn(IPA:[ˈvɛltpɪtʃn̩]), andOiropa'pitshnwere a series of languages created by Bavarian politician and teacherAdalbert Baumannto create azonal auxiliary languagebased on the German language. The first of the languages, Wede (short forWelt-dialekt,World dialect), was published in 1915, with Weltdeutsch, Weltpitshn, and Oiropa'pitshn being published in 1916, 1925, and 1928 respectively. The languages werea posteriori,largely based on theGerman language– they primarily differed in grammatical and orthographic simplifications. Baumann's languages received a largely negative reception, being mocked by members of theEsperantoandIdocommunities; none were implemented in any official manner.

The primary purpose of these languages was to provide a simplified version of German to be easily learnt by foreigners, particularly in theBaltic statesand theGerman colonial empire.[1]Baumann saw previousinternational auxiliary languagesas unsuitable for international communication, in particular criticisingtheir orthographiesand source languages. The languages were published via two books and several articles in newspapers.



Adalbert Baumann was a Germangymnasiumteacher, politician, and historian. A supporter ofBavarian separatism,he founded theDemocratic Socialist Citizen's Party of Munich(German:Demokratisch-sozialistische Bürgerpartei München) in mid-November 1918.[2][3]Baumann promoted the creation of a union state betweenAustriaand Bavaria, on the basis that apeace treatyfor a victorious Germany after the First World War would better benefit Bavaria in such a country.[2]Baumann was a member of the Munich branch of theUSPD,but quit in mid-1920.[3]

Joining theNazi Party,Baumann was a proponent for the formation of a German language office; in 1933, he sent a letter toJoseph Goebbelswith a plea to establish one, which was denied, and he would later be expelled from the Party in 1937. Contrasting with hisGerman nationalism,Baumann also supported the formation of aEuropean Economic Unionof 26 countries; in March 1935, Baumann wrote a letter addressed to the governments of Europe demanding an artificiallingua francabe installed to aid "the economically consolidated Europe". In Baumann's view, the language should be German:

Als solche Hilfssprache kann keine von allen Völkern erst neu zu erlernende Kunstsprache wie das sprachlich und praktisch unsinnige Esperanto in Frage kommen, sondern nur eine vereinfachte, weitestgehende Ableitung von der in Europa verbreitetsten Sprache, das ist die deutsche![4]

English translation:An artificial language such as the linguistically and practically nonsensicalEsperanto,which is to be relearned by all peoples, cannot be taken into consideration as such an auxiliary language; only a simplified, extensive derivation of the most widely spoken language in Europe [can], that being German!




The word Wede is positioned at the top of the cover, curving around a picture of the globe, which is centred on India. Below the globe is the text 'die neue Welthils-Sprache' in white with a heavy black underline. The background of the cover is dark blue with depictions of constellations.
The front cover of the publication of Wede

In September 1915, Baumann publishedWede: the language of understanding for the Central Powers and their Friends, the new World Language (Wede: die Verständigungssprache der Zentralmächte und ihrer Freunde, die neue Welthilfssprache),[i]wherein he outlined his thoughts regardinginternational auxiliary languagesand presented Wede. The name is anabbreviationfor "Weltdialekt"(World Dialect), which Baumann shortened in "the American way".[ii]

Baumann believed that theRomance languages(among which he countedEnglish,due to theinfluence of French on English) had been the dominant world languages throughout theMiddle Agesup to the time of writing, partly perpetuated through theuse of Latin in the Christian Churchand also through the suppression of Germany by France in events such as theThirty Years' War.Baumann also saw the use ofSpanish in the Americasas an example of howRomaninfluence (as he termed it,Romanismus) still continued to impact the world and Germany.[iii]

Baumann was a critic of previous international languages;Volapükfor its excessverb forms(especially its use of anAoristaspect), excessiveminimal pairs,and excessive use of umlauts.[iv]Baumann especially took issue withEsperanto,criticising thecircumflexesused inits orthography,supposed monotony, instability, and dearth of speakers.[v]Baumann found thecorrelativesystemof the languageunacceptable, due to the similarity of the individual correlatives making distinguishing between them in fast speech difficult.[vi]In Baumann's view, a significant reason for the failure of previous language projects was that they were based on the Romance languages, and especially on thedead languageofLatin.[5]

Wede was a language created forchauvinistic,[6]nationalist,[7]andimperialistpurposes:[8]

... daß Deutschland nach dem unbefangenen Urteile aller Völker das meiste moralische Recht hat, der Welt eine aus seinem Schoße geborene Hilfssprache zu geben, eine Weltsprache ins Germanischem, nicht in romanischem Geiste. English translation:... that Germany, according to the unbiased judgement of all peoples, has the most moral right to give the world an auxiliary language born from its womb, a world language in the Germanic, not in the Romanic spirit.[vii]

In this, Baumann was not the first – according to German interlinguistDetlev Blanke,Elias Molee'sTutonishwas also created for chauvinistic purposes;[9]Sven Werkmeister argues that Wede was a form oflinguistic purism,as part of its function was to prevent uncontrolledlanguage changeand influence from foreign languages.[10]The language received a negative reception, with Soviet EsperantistErnest Drezendescribing it as "incomprehensible" and remarking that "for the Germans it is nothing but a caricature reminiscent of their own mother tongue" in hisHistorio de la Mondolingvo(History of the international language).[11]


A book cover. The background of the cover is tan, with borders in black and red. At the top is an eagle with wings outspread to fill a rectangle. Below the eagle is the word 'Weltdeutsch' with information about the author and publisher of the book.
Front cover ofWeltdeutsch

On 16 December 1916, Baumann released a sequel toWede,entitledDas neue, leichte Weltdeutsch (das verbesserte Wedé) für unsere Bundesgenossen und Freunde!(The new, easy Weltdeutsch (the improved Wedé[note 1]) for our allies and friends!). The book, like its predecessor[viii]was published byJoseph Carl Huber[de]in Munich.[ix]

Baumann created Weltdeutsch as a response to reactions to Wede's orthography, which he intended to simplify in the new language. According to Baumann, the new language was particularly influenced by the comments from a W. Schreiber, Fritz Buckel,[x]andprivy councillor[12]Emil Schwörer,[x]who would publish his own German-based auxiliary language,Kolonial-Deutsch[de],in the same year.[13]

Baumann argued that his language was necessary due to the incoming "world economic war" between Germany and England, claiming that this war could only be won through a political and economicalliancebetween Germany and theCentraland Eastern European powers.[xi]As such an alliance was hindered by themultilingualism of Europe,Baumann designed Wede to be a foreigner-friendly form of the German language.[14]Baumann viewed the international useof Frenchandof Englishas a factor for the struggle of the Central Powers in the First World War,[xii]citing the use ofFrench in Turkeyas the reason for Turkey's supposedly positiverelations with Franceduring the war.[12]Additionally, Baumann saw the increasingworld populationas a threat to the German language, reporting that German had fallen to fourth place among themost spoken languages,behindChinese.[xiii]

In Baumann's view, one of the largest reasons for this decline was German's difficulty ofacquisition:judging by this criterion, he viewed English as surpassing German.[xiii]

Welt'pitshn and Oiropa'pitshn


In 1925, Baumann released another language,Welt'pitshn(lit.'World pidgin'). Like its predecessors, it received a negative reception, being described in theEsperanto newspaperSennaciulo[eo]as a "result of partisan critics on the territory of international language" ( "rezultaĵo de partiecaj kritikemuloj sur la teritorio mondlingva").[15]An article in the February 1926 edition of theUniversal Esperanto Association's magazineEsperantoreported that although Baumann had published articles in the press he had no supporters for Welt'pitshn, and called the language a "mutilated German".[16]

Three years later in 1928, Baumann published a fourth language –Oiropa'pitshn(lit.'European pidgin',abbreviated to "Opi"[17]). Baumann published and promoted it in several newspapers, including theAllgemeine Rundschauof Munich.[18]Although he intended to publish another book on the language, as he had for both Wede and Weltdeutsch, he was unable to find a publisher willing to release the work,[19]despite attempting correspondence with sixtypublishing houses.[18][20]Like its predecessors, it was mocked by both Esperantists andOccidentalists,[20]with Johano Koppmann responding inKatolika Mondo[eo]:

Ni demandas, kun kia jaro oni volas postuli, ke ĉiuj devas lerni germanajn vortojn, kial ĉiuj ceteraj lingvoj devas esti eligataj el la kunlaboro de l’konstruado de helplingvo?... Ĉion kuntirante ni opinias senutila, ke unu viro dum 16 jaroj laboregas je problemo jam delonge solvita, depost 50 jaroj.

English translation:We ask, in what year do they want to demand that everyone must learn German words, why must all other languages be excluded from the cooperation of the construction of an auxiliary language?... Taking everything together, we think it is useless for one man to work for 16 years on a problem that has long been solved, these past 50 years.

— Johann Koppman, 15 June 1928 inKatolika Mundo.[18]



Baumann's languages had large grammatical simplifications, with several features ofGerman grammarbeing removed. Among these wasgrammatical gender,[21]with Wede now only conjugatingarticlesforgrammatical number.This removal also extended togendered third-person pronouns;German's masculine, feminine and neuterer,sie,andeswere all replaced withde.[xiv]Baumann quantified his grammatical simplifications into a set ofrules,of which there were 38 for Weltdeutsch and Welt'pitshn,[15]and 25 for Oiropa'pitshn.[20]

Adjectiveinflection was also removed, with only the ending ⟨-e⟩ remaining for all adjectives in Weltdeutsch,[xv]as in Wede.[xvi]Wede also supported usingpresent participlesas adjectives, as well asnominalized adjectives,which were marked with the suffix-s.Wede'sdegrees of comparisonwere marked with the suffixes-erefor the comparative and-stefor the superlative, although the latter became-esteafter singular articles.[xvi]Baumann also removed many ofGerman's prepositionsin Weltdeutsch, leaving 27 from German's 54.[1]

Oiropa'pitshn's grammar was largely based onthat of English,as Baumann considered it the simplest of modern languages[18]Julian Prorók,writing inCosmoglotta,described it as "reforming German in an English fashion" ( "reforma german in maniere angles").[20]



Wede's definite article wast(pluralti),[21]and the indefinite articleeine(no plural indefinite article existed).[xvii]Omissionof an article was grammatical in several cases, for example afterprepositionsrelating to time and place and inidioms.Articles were also to be omitted after mergers of articles and prepositions (as inübers,[xviii]"above the", fromüberanddas). In Weltdeutsch,[1]Welt'pitshn,[15]and Oiropa'pitshn,[20]the articles weredein the singular anddiin the plural. In Weltdeutsch,ainewas used as an indefinite article;[1]althoughEnglish articleswere also grammatical, withanbeing used in front of vowels andain all other cases (a hund,an apfel).[xix]



Wede had twotenses(thepresentandpast,[21]specifically thepreterite[xx]), and twoauxiliary verbs,hawenandwerden.Baumann decided to have a total of four verb forms, from these two tenses in conjunction with theactiveandpassivevoices –hawenwas used for the active andwerdenfor the passive. Other forms of the two auxiliary verbs were used to create other moods and voices, such as theconditional,which was formed withwirden(German:würden,would).[xx]In Wede, all verbs ended in-en,but this ending could often be dropped. However, there were several exceptions to this rule, such as when the endings were needed for clarity; this was seen for instance in the verbshawenandgewen.[xxi]

Wede verb conjugations[xxii]
Tense Form Wede English Notes
Infinitive -en slagen to strike
Present Participle -end slagend striking
Past Participle ge- +stem+ -(et) geslag(et) struck (or strucken) Parenthesised endings indicate that their use is optional.
Active forms
Present -en slag(en) I strike Vide supra.
Preterite hawen + -et ik hawen geslag(et) I have struck
Future ik slag(en) morgen Tomorrow I will strike Baumann elected not to create a new conjugation, so future phrases were constructed using specific time phrases.
Imperative Singular:-e




Conditional Present:wirde+ infinitive

Past:wirde hawen+ past participle

ik wirde slag(en)

ik wirde hawen geslag(et)

I would strike

I would have struck

Optative meg(en)orwelen wir er meg(en) slag(en)or

welen wir slag(en)

May he strike! or May we strike!
Passive forms
Present werden+ past participle ik werden geslaget I am (being) struck
Preterite worden+ past participle ik worden geslaget I have been struck
Conditional wirde+ past participle ik wirde geslaget I would be struck
Future ik werden geslaget morgen Tomorrow I'll be struck Vide supra.

In Weltdeutsch, Baumann added a third conjugation, theconditional,and further simplified verbs by eliminating forms such as thepassiveandsubjunctive,[xiv]and further reducingirregular verbs.[1]Weltdeutsch's past tense used no auxiliary verb, and had a conjugation following German'simperfectconstruct. Weltdeutsch's present tense was formed using the language's only auxiliary verbtunconjugated for person, followed by the infinitive form of the verb, although the auxiliary verb was to be omitted incolloquial speech.[xiv]In Weltdeutsch,tmesisofseparable verbswas also eliminated: such verbs would be hyphenated instead.[xiv]

Weltdeutsch conjugations oftun[xiv]
Person Present Past Conditional English
First tu tat tät I do, I did, I would
Second tust tat-st tät-st You do, you did, you would
Third tut tat tät He does, he did, he would
Weltdeutsch conjugations[xiv]
Tense Form Weltdeutsch English
Present conjugated verbtun+ infinitive ich tu komen I come
Past conjugated verbtun+ infinitive ich tat komen I came


Overview of cases (with the noun for "father" )
Case Preposition Wede[xxiii] Weltdeutsch[xxiv]
Singular Plural Singular Plural
Nominative - t fater ti fatera de fater di fätern
Accusative -
Dative to
Genitive fon

In Wede, plural nouns used the suffix -a.This replaced any other ending from German; for example,Eltern(parents) becameeltera,andWeihnachten(Christmas) becameweinagta.Wede'saccusative casewas identical to its nominative case; the dative case, using the prepositionto(a loanword from English), was only used to distinguish direct and indirectobjectsand for directions, and the genitive, usingfon,for showing origin and possession.[xxv]Apart from usingfon,thegenitive constructioncould also be expressed using a hyphenatedclosed compound:for example,t frau fon t haus(lit.'the woman of the house',German:die Frau des Hauses) could becomet haus-frau('thehouse-wife',die Hausfrau).[xxiii]

Weltdeutsch's plural nouns ended in-en,except in certain circumstances, such as words ending in-el, -er,or-en.Plural nouns were mostly distinguished viaablaut,usually to umlauted versions (e.g. "au" to "äu" ). In both Weltdeutsch and Wede,grammatical casewas handled using a system ofprepositional complements.[xxiv]


An excerpt of text from the book Weltdeutsch, showing the use of accent and consonant changes.
An example of the orthography of Weltdeutsch, from Baumann's 1916 book

Wede included aspelling reform,using analphabetof 24 letters.[xxvi]From the German alphabet, Baumann removed the letters ⟨v⟩, ⟨c⟩, ⟨j⟩, and substituted ⟨f⟩, ⟨kw⟩, ⟨k⟩, ⟨sh⟩, and ⟨f⟩ for themultigraphs⟨ph⟩, ⟨qu⟩, ⟨ch⟩, ⟨sch⟩, and ⟨pf⟩.[xxvii]Theumlautedletters ⟨ä⟩, ⟨ü⟩, and ⟨ö⟩ were also removed. Baumann considered umlauts to be too great a technical difficulty for foreignprinting presses,although ⟨ǝ[note 2]was added to partly replace ⟨ö⟩.[xxvi]Baumann removed the use ofsilent letters,in particular instances ofeandh.[xxviii]

Umlauts reappeared in the orthography of Weltdeutsch, where the digraph ⟨eu⟩ was replaced with ⟨eü⟩ – ⟨Deutschland⟩ (Germany) becomes ⟨Deütschland⟩. The letteréwas added to represent alonge.Baumann changed ⟨ei⟩ to ⟨ai⟩, ⟨sch⟩ to ⟨sh⟩ (like in Wede), and thesuffix-end⟩ became ⟨-ent⟩.[xxix]Double letters were replaced with single letter equivalents.[xxx]

Nouncapitalizationwas also removed in Wede and Weltdeutsch,[1]although in Wede this came with several exceptions, such asproper nouns,theword God,and theformalpronounSi.[xxviii]Baumann changed German'scompoundsto puthyphensbetweenstems,so the language'sexonym⟨Weltdeutsch⟩, is rendered ⟨Welt-deütsh⟩ in Weltdeutsch.[xxix]



Similarly tocontrolled natural languagessuch asCharles Kay Ogden'sBasic English,Baumann argued that German'slexiconwas too large, and eliminated manysynonymsfrom Weltdeutsch, arguing that only two to three thousand words were necessary for daily life.[1]Weltdeutsch removed severalminimal pairsandhomophones– for example,der Stiel( "the handle" ) andder Stil( "the style of writing" ) becamede stilandde sraib-artrespectively.[xv]

The languages werea posteriori,[22]being based mostly onHigh German,although the languages were influenced byGerman dialects;several vocabulary substitutions came fromLow Germanvarieties,[21]and Baumann stated thatMiddle High Germanhelped eliminate excess consonants.[xxxi]Apart from German, Oiropa'pitshn's vocabulary was partly drawn fromYiddish;[19]inWeltdeutsch,Baumann had thanked theJewsfor spreadingdi deütshe sprache( "the German language" )around the world.[xxxii]Baumann further claimed in 1928 that one of the benefits of his language would be that it would be comprehensible to the "Jews of the world who make up the economy".[xxxiii]

See also



  1. ^Wede is here speltWedédue to the neworthography of Weltdeutsch.
  2. ^Although in Baumann'sWedethis letter is described as a "turned e" (German:umgekehrtes e), Baumann may have been describing and using the letter schwa (ə).





This list of references shows references from Baumann's publications.

  1. ^Baumann 1915
  2. ^Baumann 1915,p. 65
  3. ^Baumann 1915,pp. 7–11
  4. ^Baumann 1915,p. 30
  5. ^Baumann 1915,pp. 31–41
  6. ^Baumann 1915,pp. 32
  7. ^Baumann 1915,p. 63
  8. ^Baumann 1915,p. 1
  9. ^Baumann 1916,p.cover
  10. ^abBaumann 1916,p. 3
  11. ^Baumann 1916,p. 5
  12. ^Baumann 1916,pp. 5–6
  13. ^abBaumann 1916,p. 9
  14. ^abcdefBaumann 1916,p. 19
  15. ^abBaumann 1916,p. 29
  16. ^abBaumann 1915,p. 91
  17. ^Baumann 1915,p. 82
  18. ^Baumann 1915,pp. 82–83
  19. ^Baumann 1916,p. 18
  20. ^abBaumann 1915,p. 89
  21. ^Baumann 1915,pp. 87–90
  22. ^Baumann 1915,pp. 87–89
  23. ^abBaumann 1915,p. 84
  24. ^abBaumann 1916,pp. 18–19
  25. ^Baumann 1915,p. 83
  26. ^abBaumann 1915,p. 80
  27. ^Baumann 1915,p. 79
  28. ^abBaumann 1915,p. 81
  29. ^abBaumann 1916,p. 4
  30. ^Baumann 1916,p. 28
  31. ^Baumann 1915,p. 17
  32. ^Baumann 1916,p. 23
  33. ^Baumann, Adalbert (1928)."Eine Intereuropäische Hilfssprache in Vorschlag gebracht"[A Proposition for an Inter-European auxiliary language].Tägliche Omaha Tribüne[de].Munich: 3 – via Newspapers.com.


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  9. ^Blanke, Detlev; Scharnhorst, Jürgen (2009).Sprachenpolitik und Sprachkultur(in German). Peter Lang. p. 211.ISBN978-3-631-58579-5.Archivedfrom the original on 6 May 2023.Retrieved6 May2023.Mit oft auf einer einzigen Ethnosprache basierenden Projekten wollten manche Autoren den eigenen Kulturkreis und das in ihm herrschende Sprachmaterial international verbreiten. So war Adalbert Baumann, der Autor vonWede
  10. ^Werkmeister, Sven (2010)."¿El alemán como lengua mundial? Anotaciones históricas acerca de un proyecto fallido"[German as a world language? Historical notes on a failed project].Matices en Lenguas Extranjeras(in Spanish) (4).Archivedfrom the original on 15 June 2023.Retrieved15 June2023.
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