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Ngô việt
China during the early Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period. A prefix of "F." indicates a city suffixed with "-fu", a prefix of "Z." indicates a city suffixed with "-zhou".
China during the early Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period. A prefix of "F." indicates a city suffixed with "-fu", a prefix of "Z." indicates a city suffixed with "-zhou".
StatusTributary stateofLater Liang,Later Tang,Later Jin,Liao,Later Han,Later Zhou,andNorthern Songdynasties
CapitalQiantang(Main court; Capital)
Yuezhou(Eastern court)
Common languagesWu Language
• 907–932
Qian Liu
• 932–941
Qian Yuanguan
• 941–947
Qian Hongzuo
• 947
Qian Hongzong
• 947–978
Qian Chu(Qian Hongchu)
Historical eraFive Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Period
• Fall of theTang dynasty
• Submitted to theNorthern Song dynasty
• Extinguishment
CurrencyChinese cash,Chinese coin
Preceded by
Succeeded by
Tang dynasty
Northern Song dynasty
Today part ofChina

Wuyue(simplified Chinese:Ngô việt;traditional Chinese:Ngô việt;pinyin:Wúyuè;Wu Chinese pronunciation:[ŋu²³³.ɦyøʔ²³]) was adynastic state of Chinaand one of theTen Kingdomsduring theFive Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms periodofChinese history.It was ruled by theQianclan ofHaiyan( hải diêm tiền thị ), whose family name remains widespread in the kingdom's former territory.


Temple to the Qian King inHangzhou,one of many shrines to the kings of Wuyue which still exist in its former territory.
Qian Liu,the founder of Wuyue.

Beginning in 887, theQianfamily provided military leaders (orjiedushi) to theTang dynasty.Qian Liuwas named Prince ofYuein 902, with the title of Prince ofWuadded two years later. In 907, when the Tang dynasty fell and was replaced in the north by theLater Liang,military leaders in the south formed their own kingdoms. Qian Liu used his position to proclaim himself the King of Wuyue. This signaled the beginning of theFive Dynasties and Ten Kingdomsperiod which would last until the founding of theSong dynastyin 960.

Origin of name


The name Wuyue comes from the combination ofWu KingdomandYue Kingdom,two ancient kingdoms during theSpring and Autumn periodfrom 770 to 476 BC.

Territorial extent


With its capital inHangzhou,also called "Xifu", the kingdom included present-dayZhejiang,Shanghai,along with the southern portion of Jiangsu Province. It also later absorbed some of the northern part ofFujianwhen theMinKingdom fell in 945. The territorial extent of Wuyue roughly corresponded to the territories of theancient Yue,but not the ancient Wu—which led to charges by the neighboringWu(also known as Southern Wu) that Wuyue had designs on its territory, and the name was a source of tension for years between the two states.

In the early decades of its existence, Wuyue bordered the Min Kingdom on its south and theSouthern TangKingdom on its west and north. With the rebellion ofYinfrom the Min from 943 to 945, Wuyue briefly had a third border. However, before long, Wuyue was completely encircled (except for theEast China Sea) as both Yin and Min were absorbed by the Southern Tang.

The population was approximately 550,700 households, with many people living in commercial centers and major seaports.[1]

Administrative divisions

West LakeinHangzhou

Wuyue was not a large kingdom compared to many of its neighbors. Although initially 12 prefectures ( châu ), it later consisted of 13 prefectures and 86 counties or sub-prefectures ( huyện ). Fuzhou was incorporated into Wuyue as its 13th prefecture, after the Min court declared allegiance to it as they were besieged by Southern Tang.

Prefecture Châu Counties Huyện
(main capital or western capital)
Hàng châu
Qiantang Tiền đường
Qianjiang Tiền giang
Yanguan Diêm quan
Yuhang Dư hàng
Fuchun Phú xuân
Tonglu Đồng lư
Yuqian Ô tiềm
Xindeng Tân đăng
Hengshan Hoành sơn
Wukang Võ khang
(eastern capital; modern dayShaoxing)
Việt châu
Kuaiji Hội kê
Shanyin Sơn âm
Zhuji Chư ký
Yuyao Dư diêu
Xiaoshan Tiêu sơn
Shangyu Thượng ngu
Xinchang Tân xương
Zhan Chiêm huyện
Huzhou Hồ châu
Wucheng Ô trình
Deqing Đức thanh
Anji An cát
Changxing Trường hưng
Wenzhou Ôn châu
Yongjia Vĩnh gia
Rui'an Thụy an
Pingyang Bình dương
Yueqing Nhạc thanh
Taizhou Đài châu
Linhai Lâm hải
Huangyan Hoàng nham
Taixing Đài hưng
Yong'an Vĩnh an
Ninghai Ninh hải
(modern dayNingboandZhoushan)
Minh châu
Yin County Ngân huyện
Fenghua Phụng hóa
Cixi Từ khê
Xiangshan Tượng sơn
Wanghai Vọng hải
Wengshan Ông sơn
(roughly modern dayLishuicity)
Xử châu
Lishui Lệ thủy
Longquan Long tuyền
Suichang Toại xương
Jinyun Tấn vân
Qingtian Thanh điền
Bailong Bạch long
Quzhou Cù châu
(not the capital)
Tây an
Jiangshan Giang sơn
Longyou Long du
Changshan Thường sơn
(roughly modern dayJinhuacity)
Vụ châu
Jinhua Kim hoa
Dongyang Đông dương
Yiwu Nghĩa ô
Lanxi Lan khê
Yongkang Vĩnh khang
Wuyi Võ nghĩa
Pujiang Phổ giang
(roughly modern northwestern Zhejiang province)
Mục châu
Jiande Kiến đức
Shouchang Thọ xương
Sui'an Toại an
Fenshui Phân thủy
Qingxi Thanh khê
(roughly modernShanghaiand its surrounding environs,
along withJiaxingprefecture in Zhejiang province)
Tú châu
Jiaxing Gia hưng
Haiyan Hải diêm
Huating Hoa đình
Chongde Sùng đức
Suzhou Tô châu
Wu County Ngô huyện
Jinzhou Tấn châu
Kunshan Côn sơn
Changshu Thường thục
Wujiang Ngô giang
(acquired after the fall ofMin)
Phúc châu
Min County Mân huyện
Houguan Hầu quan
Changle Trường nhạc
Lianjiang Liên giang
Changxi Trường khê
Fuqing Phúc thanh
Gutian Cổ điền
Yongtai Vĩnh thái
Minqing Mân thanh
Yongzhen Vĩnh trinh
Ningde Ninh đức
Anguo Yijin Military Prefecture
(once called Yijin military prefecture)
An quốc y cẩm quân
( y cẩm quân )
Lin'an Lâm an

Former Administrative Divisions

Reign of Qian Liu


Under Qian Liu's reign, Wuyue prospered economically and freely developed its own regional culture that continues to this day. He developed the coastal kingdom's agriculture, built seawalls, expanded Hangzhou, dredged rivers and lakes, and encouraged sea transport and trade. On his death-bed he urged a benign administration of state affairs and his words were strictly followed by four succeeding kings.

Foreign diplomacy


In 935, Wuyue established official diplomatic relations withJapan.The kingdom also took advantage of its maritime location to maintain diplomatic contacts with northChina,theKhitans,and theKoreanstates ofLater Baekje,Balhae,Goryeo,andSilla.Buddhism played a large role in the diplomatic relations withJapanandGoryeo.Japanese and Korean monks traveled to Wuyue, while monks from Wuyue went to Japan and Korea as well. The rulers of Wuyue also tried to find sutras that had been lost during the turbulent final years of the Tang. In 947, Qian Zuo sent gifts to Japan and offered to buy any sutras; however none were available. In 961,Qian Chusent fifty precious objects and a letter to Goryeo inquiring about the missing sutras, andGwangjongsent the monk Jegwan (Chinese:Đế quan) with a complete set ofTiantaisutras.[2]

Fall of the kingdom


In 978, in the face of certain annihilation from northern imperial Chinese troops, the last king of Wuyue,Qian Chu,pledged allegiance to theSong dynasty,saving his people from war and economic destruction. While Qian Chu nominally remained king, Wuyue was absorbed into the Song dynasty, effectively ending the kingdom. The last king died in 988.



Cultural legacy

A section of the West Lake with the pavilion on the left that is said to mark the spot of an archery range in the Wuyue period.

The Wuyue Kingdom cemented the cultural and economic dominance of the Wuyue region in China for centuries to come, as well as creating a lasting regional cultural tradition distinctive from the rest of China. The leaders of the kingdom were noted patrons ofBuddhism,andarchitecture,templedecoration, and religious sculptures related toBuddhism.The cultural distinctiveness that began developing over this period persists to this day as the Wuyue region speaks a group of Chinese languages calledWu(the most famous variant of which isShanghainese), has distinctivecuisineand other cultural traits. TheBaochu Pagoda,constructed during the reign of Qian Chu, was one of many temples and pagodas built under the patronage of the Wuyue kings.



The physical legacy of the Wuyue Kingdom was the creation of the system of canals and dikes which allowed the region to become the most agriculturally rich region of China for many centuries. As a result, shrines to Qian Liu sprang up all across the region, and many can still be found today.

Personal legacy


Qian Liu was often known as the "Dragon King" or the "Sea Dragon King" because of his extensive hydro-engineering schemes which "tamed" the seas. The kings of Wuyue continue to enjoy positive treatment in orthodox history. They were popularly revered because of the hydro-engineering works, ensuring the economic prosperity of the region, and for finally surrendering to theSong dynasty,which ensured both aunified Chinese nationand that the region would not be ravaged by war.

During the earlySong dynasty,the Qian royal family were treated as second only to the ruling Zhao imperial family, as reflected in theHundred Family Surnames.Subsequently, many shrines were erected across the Wuyue region where the kings of Wuyue were memorialised, and sometimes, worshipped as dictating weather and agriculture. Many of these shrines, known as "Shrine of the Qian King" or "Temple to the Qian King", remain today, the most popularly visited example being that nearWest LakeinHangzhou.

Qian Liu reputedly had more than a hundred sons born to many different wives and concubines. His progeny were posted to various parts of the kingdom. The Qian family remains very widely spread throughout the region. Several branches are considered "prominent families" ( vọng tộc ) in their local areas.[3]


Sovereigns in Kingdom of Wuyue 907–978
Temple Names Posthumous Names Personal Names Period of Reigns Era Namesand respective range of years
Chinese Pinyin Shanghainese Chinese Pinyin Shanghainese Chinese Pinyin Shanghainese
Thái tổ Tài Zǔ Tha Tsu Võ túc vương Wǔ Sù Wáng Vu Soh Waon Tiền lưu Qián Liú Zi Leu 907–932 Tianyou ( thiên hữu ): 907

Tianbao ( thiên bảo ): 908–912
Fengli ( phượng lịch ): 913
Qianhua ( càn hóa ): 913–915
Zhenming ( trinh minh ): 915–921
Longde ( long đức ): 921–923
Baoda ( bảo đại ): 924–925
Baozheng ( bảo chính ): 926–931

Thế tông Shì Zōng Sy Tson Văn mục vương Wén Mù Wáng Ven Moh Waon Tiền nguyên quán
( tiền truyện quán )
Qián Yuánguàn
(Qián Chuánguàn)
Zi Nyoe Cioe
(Zi Zoe Cioe)
932–941 Changxing ( trường hưng ): 932–933

Yingshun ( ứng thuận ): 934
Qingtai ( thanh thái ): 934–936
Tianfu ( thiên phúc ): 936–941

Thành tông Chéng Zōng Zen Tson Trung hiến vương Zhōng Xiàn Wáng Tson Shie Waon Tiền tá
( tiền hoằng tá )
Qián Zuǒ
(Qián Hóng Zuǒ)
Zi Tsu
(Zi Ghon Tsu)
941–947 Tianfu ( thiên phúc ): 941–944

Kaiyun ( khai vận ): 944–946

Did not exist N/A N/A Trung tốn vương Zhōng Xùn Wáng Tson Sen Waon Tiền tông
( tiền hoằng tông )
Qián Zōng
(Qián Hóng Zōng)
Zi Tson
(Zi Ghon Tson)
947 Tianfu ( thiên phúc ): 947
Did not exist N/A N/A Trung ý vương Zhōng Yì Wáng Tson I Waon Tiền thục
( tiền hoằng thục )
Qián Chù
(Qián Hóng Chù)
Zi Tsoh
(Zi Ghon Tsoh)
947–978 Qianyou ( càn hữu ): 948–950

Guangshun ( quảng thuận ): 951–953
Xiande ( hiển đức ): 954–960
Jianlong ( kiến long ): 960–963
Qiande ( càn đức ): 963–968
Kaibao ( khai bảo ): 968–976
Taiping Xingguo ( thái bình hưng quốc ): 976–978

Qian Chusubmitted to theSong dynastyin 978 and continued to reign nominally, successively as King of Huaihai, King of Hannan, King of Hanyang and Prince of Xu, and finally Prince of Deng, until his death in 988. After his death he was also posthumously created King of Qin.

Rulers family tree

Wuyue rulers family tree
Qian Liu
Tiền lưu 850–932
Taìzǔ ( thái tổ )
r. 907–9321
Qian Yuanguan
Tiền nguyên quán 887–941
Shìzōng ( thế tông )
r. 932–9412
Qian Hongzun
Tiền hoằng 僔
Qian Hongzuo
Tiền hoằng tá 928–947
Chéngzōng ( thành tông )
r. 941–9473
Qián ZōngTiền tông
r. 9474
Qian Chu
Tiền thục 929–988
Zhongyi ( trung ý vương )
r. 947–9785




  1. ^Worthy 1983,p. 19.
  2. ^Worthy 1983,p. 36.
  3. ^Pan (1937)


  • Chavannes, Edouard. "Le royaume de Wou et de Yue",T'oung Pao17: 129–264 (1916).
  • Mote, F.W. (1999).Imperial China (900–1800).Harvard University Press. pp. 11, 15, 22–23.ISBN0-674-01212-7.
  • Pan, Guangdan (1937).Prominent Families of Jiaxing in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.Shanghai: The Commercial Press.
  • Worthy, Edmund H. (1983). "Diplomacy for Survival: Domestic and Foreign Relations of Wü Yueh, 907–978". In Rossabi, Morris (ed.).China among Equals: the Middle Kingdom and its Neighbors, 10th–14th centuries.Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. pp. 17–44.