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Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute

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Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute (AFRRI)
Agency overview
FormedMay 12, 1961;63 years ago(May 12, 1961)[1]
JurisdictionFederalmilitary research institution
Headquarters4301 Jones Bridge Road,Bethesda, Maryland,USA
38°59′5″N77°5′41″W/ 38.98472°N 77.09472°W/38.98472; -77.09472
Annual budget$27.1 million (FY2014)[1]
Agency executive
Parent departmentUnited States Department of Defense
Parent agencyOffice of the Secretary of Defense(1961-1964),Defense Atomic Support Agency(1964-1971),Defense Nuclear Agency(DASA successor, nowDTRA) (1971-1993),Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences(1993-present)

TheArmed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute(AFRRI) is an American triservice research laboratory inBethesda, Marylandchartered byCongressin 1960 and formally established in 1961.[1]It conducts research in the field ofradiobiologyand related matters which are essential to the operational and medical support of theU.S. Department of Defense(DoD) and theU.S. military services.AFRRI provides services and performs cooperative research with other federal and civilian agencies and institutions.


Department of Defense (DoD) interest in the health effects of exposure to radiological agents (radiobiology), born in the wake of theManhattan Project,motivated a 1958Bureau of Medicine and Surgeryproposal that a bionuclear research facility be established to study such issues. On June 8, 1960, Public Law 86-500 authorized the construction of such a facility, including a laboratory andvivariumunder the Defense Atomic Support Agency (DASA, now theDefense Threat Reduction Agency(DTRA)); on December 2, 1960, DASA and thesurgeons general of the Army,Navy,andAir Forceapproved a charter for the Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute (AFFRI). The institute was formally established on May 12, 1961, by DoD Directive 5154.16 as a joint agency of theArmy,Navy,andAir Forceunder the command and administrative control of theOffice of the Secretary of Defense(OSD).[1][3]

Research at AFRRI began in January 1962, although the laboratory became fully operational only in September 1963. AFFRI included aTraining, Research, Isotopes, General Atomics(TRIGA) Mark F nuclear reactor (uniquely allowing studies ofnuclear weaponradiation characteristics facilities), laboratory space, and an animal facility. A high-dosecobalt-60facility, 54-megaelectron volt (54,000,000electron volt)linear accelerator(LINAC), and low-level cobalt-60 irradiation facility were later added.[1][3]

In July 1964, AFRRI was moved to DASA, and the Chief of DASA becameex officiochair of AFRRI's Board of Governors. While nominally an operational field element of DASA, AFFRI functioned largely independently. In the 1960s, the institute's research was partitioned into five departments:Experimental Pathology,Behavioral Sciences,Physical Sciences,Chemistry,andRadiation Biology;it also focused on biological responses, with an emphasis on high doses of external radiation. AFRRI conductedanimal testingto determine the effects of radiation doses and opened collaborations with universities, government agencies, and corporations.[1]

In 1971, DASA ceased to exist and AFRRI passed to its successor, the Defense Nuclear Agency (laterDTRA). To address growing DOD concerns about thecorrelation between radiation presence and cancerin service members, AFRRI helped establish the Nuclear Test Personnel Review (NTPR) program in January 1978. NTPR-which still operates today-estimated theabsorbed radiation doseof veterans who participated in U.S.atmospheric nuclear testsor thepostwar occupationsofHiroshimaandNagasakiimmediately after theatomic bombingsand determined monetary compensation for long-term radiation-related illnesses accordingly. AFFRI's experience and expertise innuclear accidents,hazardous materials,and radiological cleanup issues was later leveraged during AFRRI's joining of the International Chernobyl Site Restoration Assistance Team, which responded to the 1986Chernobyl disaster.AFFRI later assisted environmental cleanup effortsSemipatatinck Soviet nuclear test sitein modernKazakhstan.[1]The late-70s saw AFRRI greatly increase its biomedical staff to address military radiation injury concerns.[3]

The Defense Nuclear Agency transferred control of AFRRI to theUniformed Services University of the Health Sciences(USUHS) in 1993. The end of theCold Warsaw AFRRI's funding and personnel levels diminish and its termination proposed. However, the lack of alternative research institutions led to military leaders' decision to keep AFRRI operational. American interest in nuclear preparedness resurged in the late-1990s asIndiaandPakistan developed and tested nuclear weaponsand suspicions grew thatIraqandNorth Koreasought to do the same. As private companies lacked the incentive to develop radioprotectants (drugs protecting againstradiationdamage) andcountermeasuresfor the military, funding for AFRRI was increased in 2000.[1]

Post-9/11fears of terrorist threats also stimulated support for AFFRI. The attacks helped expand AFRRI's scope of work to include minimizing the effects of radiological dispersal devices (i.e.dirty bombs), terrorist access to radiation sources, and sabotage of nuclear reactors. Despite this, AFRRI remained limited by a lack of proper funding, facilities, and personnel. Extra support granted in 2003 and 2004 allowed for infrastructural upgrades and the development of a radioprotective drug, 5-androstenediol.[1][3]

As of the 2010s and 2020s, AFRRI is DOD's only medical research and development initiative dedicated tonuclear and radiological defense.It serves the military by performing medical research and development, education, and advisory and consultative functions to increase understanding of the effects and risks ofionizing radiation.[1]


AFRRI is charged with executing DoD's Medical Radiological Defense Research Program. Its civilian and active duty military personnel conduct exploratory and developmental research to identify and develop medical countermeasures againstionizing radiation.Core areas of study include prevention, assessment, and treatment of radiological injuries. The program seeks to develop prophylactic (disease preventing) and therapeutic drugs, such asEx-Rad,that prevent and treatradiationinjuries and to develop rapid high-precision analytical methods that assessradiationexposure doses from clinical samples and thus aid in thetriageand medical management of radiological casualties. New drug candidates and biological dose assessment technologies are developed up to and throughpreclinical testing and evaluation.

Primary research areas of the Institute includebiodosimetry,combined injury (radiation with othermedical insults), internal contamination and metal toxicity, medical countermeasure development, animal welfare, assessment of radiation injury, and radiation facilities.[1][4]

Research Mission

AFRRI's research focuses on its goals to:

  • Develop methods of rapidly assessing radiation exposure to assure appropriate medical treatment
  • Pursue new drugs that will prevent the life-threatening and health-degrading effects ofionizing radiationand move those drugs from discovery through theFood and Drug Administrationapproval process
  • Investigate the effects of radiation injury combined with other challenges such as trauma, disease, and chemical exposures
  • Contribute to the knowledge base that is useful in understanding, for example, theeffects of space radiationonastronauts[4]


AFRRI is charged with the following:

  • Operating research facilities for and disseminate results from the study ofradiobiologyandionizing radiationbioeffects and the development of medical countermeasures against ionizing radiation
  • Providing analysis, study, and consultation on the impact of the biological effects of ionizing radiation on the organizational efficiency of the U.S. military services and their members
  • Conducting cooperative research with military medical departments in those aspects of military and operational and medical support considerations related to nuclear weapons effects and the radiobiological hazards of space operations
  • Conducting advanced training in the field ofradiobiologyand the biological effects of nuclear and radiobiological weapons to meet the internal requirements of AFRRI, the military services, and other DoD components and organizations
  • Participating in cooperative research and other enterprises, consistent with the AFRRI mission and applicable authorities, with other federal agencies involved inhomeland securityand emergency medical preparedness
  • Informing and appraising department, government, academic, corporate, and other nongovernmental organizations of its (AFRRI's) activities
  • Performing other such functions as may be assigned by theAssistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs(ASD(HA))[1]
  • Overseeing DoD's Medical Radiological Defense Research Program[5]


AFRRI is a joint entity of the threemilitary departmentsand is subject to the authority and direction of the president of theUniformed Services University of the Health Sciences(USU),Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs,andUnder Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness.The institute is led by a Director and Scientific Director.[1]


The director of the Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute is appointed by the surgeons general of theArmy,Navy,andAir Forceto a four-year term. Additionally, the director must hold adoctoral degreein thelife sciencesand be amilitary officer.It is the director's responsibility to act as liaison to the heads of DoD's components and other governmental and nongovernmental agencies and to ensure that other DoD components are appraised of AFRRI's activities. All directors have beencaptainsorcolonels.[1]The current director isCAPTGerald F. Burke as of August 2023.[6]

Subordinate to the director are a deputy director, secretary, scientific advisor,radiation safety officer,director for administration,senior enlisted advisor,and chief of staff (overseeing a chief of finance and deputy chief of staff).[1]

Scientific Director

AFRRI's scientific director exercises scientific leadership and the administration and supervision of the institute's research-oriented departments and the overall scientific and technical planning of the research program. He or she also serves as the scientific liaison to outside entities. There is also a scientific advisor who counsels the director and acts as a liaison with outside agencies but is not a part of the chain of command. Generally, scientific directors are civilianPh.D.-holders.[1]

Board of Governors

AFRRI's Board of Governors, which once meet at least once every year, comprises the following members:


As of 2014, AFRRI comprised the following departments, each headed by a department head or manager:

  • Radiation Sciences
  • Scientific Research
  • Military Medical Operations
  • Veterinary Sciences
  • Facilities Management
  • Good Laboratory Practice/Test Facility
  • Administration Support

Research components

AFFRI subdivides its laboratory research program into four area-specific laboratories and one center[4]discussed in length in this page'sLaboratories, center, and equipment section.

Outreach and support education components

AFFRI's Military Medical Operations (MMO) Team, staffed byhealth physicistsand radiation trainedphysicians,exists to apply and make useful AFRRI's research. Education outreach is provided by the Medical Effects of Ionizing Radiation (MEIR) Course and operational support by the Medical Radiobiology Advisory Team (MRAT), both available at all times to assist with radiation education or provide emergency advice.[8]

Medical Effects of Ionizing Radiation (MEIR) Course

The MEIR Course is apost-graduateinstructional course concerning thebiomedical consequences of radiation exposure,how the effects can be reduced, and how to medically manage casualties. The training includes combat and noncombat andweaponand non-weapons nuclear incidents. Main focuses includehealth physics,biological effects of radiation, medical/health effects, and psychological effects.[9]

MEIR Courses are three-days in length and conducted at majorU.S. military basesworldwide; intended students aremilitary medical personnelsuch asphysicians,nurses,medical planners, andfirst responders.[9]

Medical Radiobiology Advisory Team (MRAT)

MRAT provides health physics, medical, and radiobiological advice to military and civiliancommand and controloperations worldwide in response to nuclear and radiological incidents requiring coordinated federal responses.[10]

MRATs are deployable team responsible for providing expert advice to incident commanders and staff during radiological incident. Each MRAT is a two-person team, usually consisting of onehealth physicistand onephysician,both specializing in the health effects of radiation,biodosimetry,and treatment of radiation casualties.[11]Through what the AFRRI terms "reachback," deployed MRAT responders can call on the knowledge and skills ofradiobiologists,biodosimetrists, and other research professionals at AFRRI and otherDepartment of Defenseresponse teams.[10]


AFRRI has a Radiation Biodosimetry Division.[5]Additionally, AFRRI publishes various guidebooks and manuals regardingnuclear accidentresponse and treatment,[12]as well asjournal articles,books, and scientific and technical reports.[1]

Facilities and infrastructure


Construction at AFRRI's main headquarters/facility inBethesda, Marylandbegan in November 1960, preceding the organization's official charter and establishment dates. It was occupied by January 1962 and fully operational by November 1963. Facilities include aTraining, Research, Isotopes, General Atomics(TRIGA) nuclear reactor, laboratory space, an animal facility. a high-dosecobalt-60facility, a 54-megaelectron voltlinear accelerator(LINAC), and a low-level cobalt-60 irradiation facility.[1][3]

AFRRI's Bethesda TRIGA reactor is still operational and has a power level of 1,100kW.[13]

TRIGA NRC violation

An April 2019 followup investigation by theNuclear Regulatory Commission,which oversees nuclear facilities such as those operated by AFRRI, found a Severity Level IV violation. This involved the operation of the reactor, at low power, using a new control console, without completing all necessary safety evaluations for the replaced equipment.[14]

Laboratories, center, and equipment

AFRRI is a fully equipped research facility capable of state of the artmolecular,cellular,microbiology,geneticandbiochemicalresearch. Its four laboratories and one center are:

Awards, recognition, and accomplishments

In 2004, AFRRI was awarded theJoint Meritorious Unit Awardfor "exceptionally meritorious achievements" between September 11, 2001, and February 17, 2004, in response toacts of terrorismand nuclear/radiological threats worldwide.[15][16]

In August 2009, theAmerican Nuclear Societydesignated AFRRI a nuclear historic landmark as the U.S.'s primary source of medical nuclear and radiological research, preparedness, and training.[15]

AFRRI has contributed significantly to the development ofAmifostine,Neupogen,Neulasta,Nplate,andLeukine,a series of drugs treating or preventing radiation injuries.[15]


  1. ^abcdefghijklmnopqrInstitute of Medicine and National Research Council(2014).Research on Health Effects of Low-Level Ionizing Radiation Exposure: Opportunities for the Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute (2014)(Report).National Academies Press.pp. 75–99.RetrievedAugust 6,2021.{{cite report}}:CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  2. ^"DIRECTOR CAPT GERALD F. BURKE, MSC, U.S. NAVY".Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences.RetrievedAugust 12,2024.
  3. ^abcdeThomas S. Tenforde (May 12, 2011).Tribute to AFRRI on Its 50th Anniversary and Perspectives on the History and Future of Radiation Biology and Health Protection(PDF)(Report).National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements.pp. 5–14.RetrievedAugust 7,2021.
  4. ^abcd"Research".afrri.usuhs.edu.Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences.RetrievedAugust 7,2021.
  5. ^ab"Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute (AFRRI)".globalbiodefense.com.Global Biodefense.RetrievedAugust 7,2021.
  6. ^"AFRRI, Leadership".afrri.usuhs.edu.RetrievedAugust 12,2024.
  7. ^David S. C. Chu(March 29, 2006).Department of Defense Instruction 5105.33(PDF)(Report).United States Department of Defense.RetrievedAugust 7,2021.
  8. ^"Education".afrri.usuhs.edu.Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences.RetrievedAugust 7,2021.
  9. ^ab"MEIR COURSE".afrri.usuhs.edu.Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences.RetrievedAugust 7,2021.
  10. ^ab"MEDICAL RADIOBIOLOGY ADVISORY TEAM (MRAT)".afrri.usuhs.edu.Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences.RetrievedAugust 7,2021.
  11. ^"Incident Responder".afrri.usuhs.edu.Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences.RetrievedAugust 7,2021.
  12. ^"Policies".afrri.usuhs.edu.Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences.RetrievedAugust 7,2021.
  13. ^"Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute".nrc.gov.Nuclear Regulatory Commission.RetrievedAugust 7,2021.
  14. ^Nuclear Regulatory Commission(May 10, 2019)."AFRRI - NRC FOLLOW-UP INSPECTION REPORT NO. 05000170/2019202 AND NOTICE OF VIOLATION".Letter to Capt. Dr. John Gilstad, AFRRI Director.RetrievedAugust 7,2021.
  15. ^abcBene, Balazs J.; Blakely, William F.; Burmeister, David M.; Cary, Lynnette; Chhetri, Suyog J.; Davis, Catherine M.; Ghosh, Sanchita P.; Holmes-Hampton, Gregory P.; Iordanskiy, Sergey; Kalinich, John F.; Kiang, Juliann G.; Kumar, Vidya P.; Lowy, R. Joel; Miller, Alexandra; Naeem, Mohammad; Schauer, David A.; Senchak, Lien; Singh, Vijay K.; Stewart, Aure J.; Velazquez, Elih M.; Xiao, Mang (May 2021). "Celebrating 60 Years of Accomplishments of the Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute1".Radiation Research.196(2): 129–146.doi:10.1667/21-00064.1.PMID33979439.S2CID234484490.
  16. ^DoD(January 30, 2018).Table 1. Joint Meritorious Unit Award - Approved DoD Activities(PDF)(Report).United States Department of Defense.p. 10.RetrievedAugust 7,2021.