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Ælfgifu of Shaftesbury

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Ælfgifu of Shaftesbury
Queen consort of the English
Tenurec. 939–944
Diedc. 944
SpouseEdmund I, King of the English
IssueKing Eadwig
King Edgar

Ælfgifu of Shaftesbury
Venerated inCatholic Church
Feast18 May

Ælfgifu of Shaftesbury(died 944) was the first wife of KingEdmund I(r. 939–946). She wasQueen of the Englishfrom her marriage in around 939 until her death in 944. Ælfgifu and Edmund were the parents of two future English kings,Eadwig(r. 955–959) andEdgar(r. 959–975).[1]Like her motherWynflaed,Ælfgifu had a close and special if unknown connection with the royalnunnery of Shaftesbury(Dorset), founded byKing Alfred,[2]where she was buried and soon revered as a saint. According to a pre-Conquest tradition fromWinchester,her feast day is 18 May.[3][4]

Family background

Will ofWynflæd(British LibraryCotton Charters viii. 38)[5]

Her mother appears to have been an associate of Shaftesbury Abbey calledWynflaed(also Wynnflæd). The vital clue comes from a charter ofKing Edgar,in which he confirmed the grant of an estate atUppidelen(Piddletrenthide,Dorset) made by his grandmother (ava) Wynflæd to Shaftesbury.[6]She may well be the nun or vowess (religiosa femina) of this name in a charter dated 942 and preserved in the abbey'schartulary.It records that she received and retrieved from King Edmund a handful of estates in Dorset, namelyCheselbourneand Winterbourne Tomson, which somehow ended up in the possession of the community.[7]

Since no father or siblings are known, further speculation on Ælfgifu's background has largely depended on the identity of her mother, whose relatively uncommon name has invited further guesswork.H. P. R. Finbergsuggests that she was the Wynflæd who drew up a will, supposedly sometime in the mid-10th century, after Ælfgifu's death. This lady held many estates scattered acrossWessex(inSomerset,Wiltshire,Berkshire,Oxfordshire,andHampshire) and was well connected with the nunneries at Wilton and Shaftesbury, both of which were royal foundations. On that basis, a number of relatives have been proposed for Ælfgifu, including a sister called Æthelflæd, a brother called Eadmær, and a grandmother called Brihtwyn.[8]

There is, however, no consensus among scholars about Finberg's suggestion. Simon Keynes and Gale R. Owen object that there is no sign of royal relatives or connections in Wynflæd's will and Finberg's assumptions about Ælfgifu's family therefore stand on shaky ground.[9]Andrew Warehamis less troubled about this and suggests that different kinship strategies may account for it.[10]Much of the issue of identification also seems to hang on the number of years by which Wynflæd can plausibly have outlived her daughter. In this light, it is significant that on palaeographical grounds, David Dumville has rejected the conventional date ofc.950 for the will, which he considers “speculative and too early” (and that one Wynflæd was still alive in 967).[11]

Married life


The sources do not record the date of Ælfgifu's marriage toEdmund.The eldest son Eadwig, who had barely reached majority on his accession in 955, may have been born around 940, which gives us only a very roughterminus ante quemfor the betrothal. Although as the mother of two future kings, Ælfgifu proved to be an important royal bed companion, there is no strictly contemporary evidence that she was ever consecrated as queen. In a charter of doubtful authenticity dated 942–946, she attests as the king's concubine (concubina regis).[12]but later in the centuryÆthelweard the Chroniclerstyles her queen (regina).

The remains of the Norman buildings which replaced the earlier ones at Shaftesbury Abbey.

Much of Ælfgifu's claim to fame derives from her association with Shaftesbury. Her patronage of the community is suggested by a charter ofKing Æthelred,dated 984, according to which the abbey exchanged with King Edmund the large estate atTisbury(Wiltshire) forButticanlea(unidentified). Ælfgifu received it from her husband and intended to bequeath it back to the nunnery, but such had not yet come to pass (her son Eadwig demanded thatButticanleawas returned to the royal family first).[13]

Ælfgifu predeceased her husband, probably in 944, and may have died in childbirth of Edgar.[14]In the early 12th century,William of Malmesburywrote that she suffered from an illness during the last few years of her life, but there may have been some confusion with details of Æthelgifu's life as recorded in a forged foundation charter of the late 11th or 12th century (see below).[15]Her body was buried and enshrined at the nunnery.[16]



Ælfgifu was venerated as a saint soon after her burial at Shaftesbury. Æthelweard reports that many miracles had taken place at her tomb up to his day,[17]and these were apparently attracting some local attention.Lantfredof Winchester, who wrote in the 970's and so can be called the earliest known witness of her cult, tells of a young man from Collingbourne (possibly Collingbourne Kingston, Wiltshire), who in the hope of being cured of blindness travelled to Shaftesbury and kept vigil. What led him there was the reputation of “the venerable St Ælfgifu [...] at whose tomb many bodies of sick person receive medication through the omnipotence of God”.[18]Despite the new prominence of Edward the Martyr as a saint interred at Shaftesbury, her cult continued to flourish in later Anglo-Saxon England, as evidenced by her inclusion in a list of saints' resting places, at least 8 pre-Conquest calendars and 3 or 4 litanies from Winchester.[19]

Ælfgifu is styled a saint (Sancte Ælfgife) in the D-text of theAnglo-Saxon Chronicle(mid-11th century) at the point where it specifies Eadwig's and Edgar's royal parentage.[20]Her cult may have been fostered and used to enhance the status of the royal lineage, more narrowly that of her descendants.[21]Lantfred attributes her healing power both to her own merits and those of her son Edgar. It may have been due to her association that in 979 the supposed body of her murdered grandson Edward the Martyr was exhumed and in a spectacular ceremony, received at the nunnery of Shaftesbury, under the supervision of ealdorman Ælfhere.[22]

According to William of Malmesbury, Ælfgifu would secretly redeem those who were publicly condemned to severe judgment, she gave expensive clothes to the poor, and she also had prophetic powers as well as powers of healing.[23]

Ælfgifu's fame at Shaftesbury seems to have eclipsed that of its first abbess, King Alfred's daughterÆthelgifu,[24]so much so perhaps that William of Malmesbury wrote contradictory reports on the abbey's early history. In theGesta regum,he correctly identifies the first abbess as Alfred's daughter, followingAsser,although he gives her the name of Ælfgifu (Elfgiva),[25]while in hisGesta pontificum,he credits Edmund's wife Ælfgifu with the foundation.[26]Either William encountered conflicting information, or he meant to say that Ælfgifu refounded the nunnery.[27]In any event, William would have had access to local traditions at Shaftesbury, since he probably wrote a now lost metricalLifefor the community, a fragment of which he included in hisGesta pontificum:[28]

Latin text Translation
Nam nonnullis passa annis morborum molestiam,

defecatam et excoctam Deo dedit animam.
Functas ergo uitae fato beatas exuuias
infinitis clemens signis illustrabat Deitas.
Inops uisus et auditus si adorant tumulum,
sanitati restituti probant sanctae meritum.
Rectum gressum refert domum qui accessit loripes,
mente captus redit sanus, boni sensus locuples

For some years she suffered from illness,

And gave to God a soul that it had purged and purified
When she died, God brought lustre to her blessed remains
In his clemency with countless miracles.
If a blind man or a deaf worship at her tomb,
They are restored to health and prove the saint's merits.
He who went there lame comes home firm of step,
The madman returns sane, rich in good sense.[29]

See also



  1. ^Williams 2004.
  2. ^Asser,Vita Ælfredich. 98.
  3. ^Lantfred,Translatio et Miracula S. Swithuni:pp. 328-9 n. 299 (Lapidge's commentary).
  4. ^Elgiva May 18.Latin Saints of the Orthodox Patriarchate of Rome.
  5. ^CharterS 1539at the Electronic Sawyer
  6. ^S 744 (AD 966). Edgar's paternal grandmother wasEadgifu of Kent.
  7. ^S 485 (AD 942); Yorke,Nunneries and the Anglo-Saxon royal houses.pp. 82-3. See further Kelly,Charters of Shaftesbury Abbey.pp. 53-9.
  8. ^S 1539; Finberg,The Early Charters of Wessex.p. 44. Whitelock,Anglo-Saxon wills,p. 109, identifies the testatrix with thereligiosa feminaof S 485 (AD 942), but she is silent about Edgar's grandmother. Brihtwyn has been tentatively identified as the wife of Alfred, bishop of Sherborne, but this has been disputed. See Whitelock,Anglo-Saxon Wills;Owen, “Wynflæd's wardrobe.” p. 197, note 2.
  9. ^Keynes, “Alfred the Great and Shaftesbury Abbey.” pp. 43-5; Owen, “Wynflæd's wardrobe.” p. 197 note 1; Yorke,Nunneries and the Anglo-Saxon royal houses.p. 100 note 136.
  10. ^Wareham, “Transformation of kinship.” pp. 382-3.
  11. ^Dumville, “English square minuscule.” p. 146 note 75.The Prosopography of Anglo-Saxon Englandalso links Wynflæd with the noblematronaof that name, who appears in as late as 967 receiving royal grants of land in Hampshire. S 754 (AD 967);Wynnflæd 3,PASE.
  12. ^S 514 (AD 942 x 946); Campbell, A., 1973The Charters of Rochester,p. xxvi (cited inSawyer, S514),
  13. ^S 850 (AD 984).
  14. ^Yorke 2014,p. 143;Keynes 1999,p. 65, n. 78.
  15. ^S 357;Gesta pontificum Anglorumvol II, pp. 130-1 (Thomson's commentary); Yorke,Nunneries and the Anglo-Saxon royal houses,p. 76.
  16. ^SeeLantfredand Æthelweard below.
  17. ^Æthelweard,Chronicon,book IV, chapter 6.
  18. ^Lantfred,Translatio et Miracula S. Swithuni,ch. 36.
  19. ^Thacker., “Dynastic monasteries.” p. 259;On the resting places of English saints,ed. Liebermann, II no. 36.
  20. ^Anglo-Saxon Chronicle(D) s.a. 955.
  21. ^Yorke,Nunneries and the Anglo-Saxon royal houses.p. 83.
  22. ^Yorke,Nunneries and the Anglo-Saxon royal houses.p. 115.
  23. ^Studies in the Early History of Shaftesbury Abbey. Dorset County Council, 1999
  24. ^Yorke,Nunneries and the Anglo-Saxon royal houses,p. 77.
  25. ^William of Malmesbury,Gesta regum,ch. 122.
  26. ^William of Malmesbury,Gesta pontificum,book 2, ch. 86.
  27. ^William of Malmesbury,Gesta pontificum.Vol. II. p. 131. The latter suggestion was made by Patrick Wormald in correspondence with Thomson.
  28. ^William of Malmesbury,Gesta pontificum.Vol. II. p. 131.
  29. ^William of Malmesbury,Gesta pontificum,book 2, ch. 86.



Primary sources

  • Anglo-Saxon charters
    • S 514(AD 942 x 946), King Edmund grants land. Archive: Canterbury.
    • S 850(AD 984), King Æthelred grants estates to Shaftesbury. Archive: Shaftesbury.
    • S 744(AD 966). Archive: Shaftesbury.
    • S 485(AD 942). Archive: Shaftesbury.
    • S 1539,ed. and tr. Dorothy Whitelock,Anglo-Saxon Wills.Cambridge Studies in English Legal History. Cambridge, 1930. pp. 10–5 (with commentary, pp. 109–14).
  • Anglo-Saxon Chronicle(MS D), ed. D. Dumville and S. Keynes,The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. A Collaborative Edition.Vol. 6. Cambridge, 1983.
  • Æthelweard,Chronicon,ed. and tr. Alistair Campbell,The Chronicle of Æthelweard.London, 1961.
  • Lantfred of Winchester,Translatio et Miracula S. Swithuni,ed. and tr. M. Lapidge,The Cult ofSt Swithun.Winchester Studies 4. The Anglo-Saxon Minsters of Winchester 2. Oxford, 2003. 252–333.
  • On the resting places of English saints,ed. F. Liebermann,Die Heiligen Englands. Angelsächsisch und lateinisch.Hanover, 1889. II no. 36 (pp. 17–8).
  • William of Malmesbury,Gesta Pontificum Anglorum,ed. and tr. M. Winterbottom and R.M. Thomson,William of Malmesbury. Gesta Pontificum Anglorum The History of the English Bishops.OMT. 2 vols (vol 1: text and translation, vol. 2: commentary). Oxford: OUP, 2007.
  • William of Malmesbury,Gesta regum Anglorum,ed. and tr. R.A.B. Mynors, R. M. Thomson and M. Winterbottom,William of Malmesbury. Gesta Regum Anglorum. The History of the English Kings.OMT. 2 vols: vol 1. Oxford, 1998.

Secondary sources

  • Ælfgifu 3atProsopography of Anglo-Saxon England.Retrieved 2009-3-27.
  • Dumville, David.“English Square Minuscule Script: the mid-century phases”Anglo-Saxon England;23 (1994): 133–64.
  • Finberg, H. P. R.The Early Charters of Wessex.Leicester, 1964.
  • Keynes, Simon (1999). "King Alfred the Great and Shaftesbury Abbey". In Keen, Laurence (ed.).Studies in the Early History of Shaftesbury Abbey.Dorchester, UK: Dorset County Council. pp. 17–72.ISBN978-0-85216-887-5.
  • Owen, Gale R. “Wynflæd's wardrobe.”Anglo-Saxon England8 (1979): 195–222.
  • Thacker, Alan. “Dynastic Monasteries and Family Cults. Edward the Elder's sainted kindred.” InEdward the Elder, 899-924,ed. N. J. Higham and David Hill. London: Routledge, 2001. 248–63.
  • Wareham, Andrew. "Transformation of Kinship and the Family in late Anglo-Saxon England."Early Medieval Europe;10 (2001). 375–99.
  • Williams, Ann (2004)."Edmund I (920/21–946)".Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.Oxford University Press.doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/8501.ISBN978-0-19-861412-8.(subscription orUK public library membershiprequired)
  • Yorke, Barbara.Nunneries and the Anglo-Saxon Royal Houses.London, Continuum, 2003.
  • Yorke, Barbara (2014). "The Women in Edgar's Life". In Scragg, Donald (ed.).Edgar King of the English, 595-975(Paperback ed.). Woodbridge, UK: The Boydell Press. pp. 143–57.ISBN978-1-84383-928-6.

Further reading

  • Foot, Sarah.Veiled Women.2 vols: vol. 2(Female Religious Communities in England, 871-1066).Aldershot, 2000.
  • Jackson, R. H. “The Tisbury landholdings granted to Shaftesbury monastery by the Saxon kings.”TheWiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine79 (1984): 164–77.
  • Kelly, S. E.Charters of Shaftesbury Abbey.(Anglo-Saxon Charters; 5.) London, 1996.
  • Murphy, E. “The Nunnery that Alfred Built at Shaftesbury.”Hatcher Review;4 (1994): 40–53.
Preceded by
Eadgifu of Kent
as Queen of the Anglo-Saxons
Queen consort of the English
Succeeded by