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The1670sdecade ran from January 1, 1670, to December 31, 1679.








  • July 11– Representatives ofEngland(led byKing Charles II) andDenmark(led byKing Christian V) sign a treaty of alliance and commerce, theTreaty of Copenhagen.
  • July 18(July 8, O.S.) – TheTreaty of Madrid,also known as the Godolphin Treaty, is signed betweenEnglandandSpainto formally end hostilities left over from theAnglo-Spanish War,in the Caribbean, that ended ten years earlier. For the first time, Spain acknowledges that it is not entitled to all territory in the Americas west of Brazil, as provided by the1493line of demarcation decreed byPope Alexander VI,and by the1494Treaty of Tordesillasbetween Spain and Portugal. Spain acknowledges thatJamaicaand theCayman Islandsare English possessions.
  • August 17– A joint fleet of warships from England (commanded by Commodore Richard Beach on HMSHampshire) and from the Dutch Republic (led by Admiral Willem Joseph van Ghent onSpiegel) rescue 250 Christian slaves and then sink sixAlgerianpirate ships in a battle in the Mediterranean Sea off of the coast ofMoroccoatCape Spartel.[9]
  • August 26– The Parliament of France enacts a uniform criminal code for the nation with the passage of theCriminal Ordinance of 1670,which takes effect on January 1. The code remains in force until October 9, 1789, when it is abrogated during theFrench Revolution.
  • mid-August– Three Spanish frigates from Spanish Florida, sailing from St. Augustine and under the command of Juan Menendez Marques, arrive atCharlestonharbor, preparing to attack the English settlement in South Carolina. The English settlers have been warned in advance by Indians who had found out about the invasion. Because of a storm, and the English preparations for a siege, Captain Menendez abandons the colony without attempting an attack.[10]
  • September 5William PennandWilliam Meadare found not guilty of violating theConventicles Act 1670,after a five day jury trial in London. The two had been arrested on August 14 in front of a meeting houseGracechurch Streetafter preaching a Quaker sermon outside following a ban on preaching indoors. The defiance by the jury leads to the landmark English decision inBushel's Case.



Date unknown






























Kintai Bridgeofficially complete in Japan on October 3



Date unknown








  • July 4– A Dutch fleet underCornelis TrompCaptures the island of Noirmoutieron the French coast. For nearly three weeks, the Dutch occupied the French island and the Dutch fleet captured many French ships in the meantime. The whole coastline from Brest to Bayonne was in turmoil, and French forces gathered to prevent the Dutch from landing. On 23 July the island of Noirmoutier was however abandoned after the Dutch blew up the castle and demolished the coastal batteries.
  • July 7– TheMessina revoltagainst Spanish rule begins on the island ofSicilyas the Italian residents besiege the palace of the Spanish Captain-General and drive out the Spanish garrison.
  • July 16– In a major battle in theThird Anglo-Dutch War,a large fleet of 18 warships from theDutch Republic,along with 15 troop transports, nine storeships and 3,400 soldiers, arrives at the island ofMartiniquein theCaribbean Seafor the purpose ofinvasion and capture of Martinique from the French colonists.AdmiralMichiel de Ruyter,commander of the Dutch forces, waits for four days before coming ashore. The French defenders, under the direction of the Governor,Antoine André de Sainte-Marthe,take advantage of the situation to block the entrances to the harbor and to reinforce troops. The Dutch invasion force is forced to retreat after sustaining heavy losses.
  • July 17– Two skeletons of children are discovered by workmen repairing a staircase at theWhite Tower (Tower of London),and believed at this time to be the remains of thePrinces in the Tower.The urns containing the bones are interred in1678inWestminster Abbey,with an inscription inLatinthat states "Here lie interred the remains of Edward V, King of England, and Richard, Duke of York, whose long desired and much sought after bones, after over a hundred and ninety years, were found interred deep beneath the rubble of the stairs that led up to the Chapel of the White Tower, on the 17 of July in the Year of Our Lord 1674."[38]
  • August 11– The French army underLouis II de Bourbon, Prince de Condéfights the Dutch–Spanish–Imperial army underWilliam III of OrangeatSeneffein a very bloody, but inconclusive battle.
  • September 17Sukjongof theJoseon Dynasty,age 13, becomes the new Emperor of Korea upon the death of his father, the EmperorHyeonjong.Sukjong reigns for more than 45 years until his death on July 12, 1720.
  • September 27– French Navy CommanderJean-Baptiste de Valbellearrives at Sicily during theMessina revoltto help the Messinese expel the last Spanish defenders, taking the fort at Faro in the harbor entrance.


  • October 4
  • October 15– TheTorsåker witch trialsbegin in theTorsåker ParishinSweden,with over 100 men and women accused of witchcraft and the abduction of children. On June 1, 1675, the mass beheading of the 71 people convicted takes place at Häxberget, 65 of whom are women.[41][42]The others are two men and four boys.
  • October 27– The town ofGravesurrenders to a Dutch army aftera difficult siege.
  • November 10– As provided in the Treaty of Westminster of February 19, the Dutch Republic cedes its colony ofNew Netherlandto England. This includes the colonial capital,New Orange,which is returned to its English name ofNew York.The colonies ofSurinam,EssequiboandBerbiceremain in Dutch hands.
  • December 4– FatherJacques Marquette,along with Pierre Poteret and Jacque Poteret, sails southward along the shore ofLake Michigan,accompanied by nine canoes of Indians from thePotawatomitribe, and comes ashore at what is nowChicago.The three missionaries, the first Europeans to explore the area, camp there for the winter.[43]Marquette notes in his journal "The land bordering it is of now value, except on the prairies," and adds "There are eight to ten quite fine rivers."[44]A historical marker is now erected on the site of the landing.[45]Father Marquette founds a mission (which will in time grow into the city ofChicago) on the shores ofLake Michigan,in order to create a Christian ministry to convent native Americans in theIllinois Confederation.

Date unknown











Date unknown











Date unknown










  • October 29Michel le Tellierbecomes Chancellor of France.
  • November 4– The futureMary II of EnglandmarriesWilliam of Orangein London.
  • November 16Frenchtroops occupyFreiburg.
  • December 7– FatherLouis Hennepinof Belgium, exploring North America, becomes the earliest known European person to discoverNiagara Falls,and the first to report its existence. In his bookA New Discovery of a Vast Country in America,published in 1698, Hennepin writes "Betwixt the lakes Ontario and Eire there is a vast prodigious Cadence of water which falls down after a surprising and astonishing manner, inasmuch that the Universe does not afford its parallel."[65]
  • December 9– The French Navy, led byCharles de Courbon de Blénacwith a land force of 950 men, lands at the Caribbean island ofTobago,lays siege to the Dutch fort defending the territory during theFranco-Dutch War,and destroys the structure when it fires a cannon overlooking the fort, striking the gunpowder arsenal. The explosion kills 250 of the defenders, including Dutch AdmiralJacob Binckesand 16 officers. Combined with the sinking of four ships of the Netherlands Navy, the victory at Tobago ends Dutch military power in the Antilles.
  • December 15– The Siege of Stettin (the modern-day Polish city ofSzczecinbut, at this time, a possession of Sweden) ends after almost five months with Sweden's surrender of the city to Prussia'sFrederick William, Elector of Brandenburg.The siege, part of theScanian War,had begun on June 25.

Date unknown











Date unknown











Date unknown




Augustus II the Strong


Jean-Baptiste Rousseau


Peter I of Russia


Louis de Montfort


Philippe II, Duke of Orléans


Guillaume Delisle


Robert Walpole


Françoise Marie de Bourbon
KingStanisław Leszczyński


Antonio Vivaldi
Amaro Pargo


Antonio Farnese



Jacob Westerbaen


Giovanni Battista Riccioli
BlessedAntonio Grassi


Johan de Witt
Anne Bradstreet


Margaret Cavendish


Nicolaes Tulp
John Milton


Gerrit Dou
Guru Tegh Bahadur
Johannes Vermeer


John Clarke
Michiel de Ruyter
Matthew Hale


Baruch Spinoza
Barbara Strozzi


Samuel Dirksz van Hoogstraten
Andries de Graeff



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  6. ^InJohn Lingard'sHistory of England.
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  8. ^Studi magrebini.Istituto Universitario Orientale. 1989. p. 98.
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