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1983 in science

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List of years in science (table)

The year1983 in scienceand technology involved many significant events, as listed below.



Astronomy and space science

  • June 13 –Pioneer 10passes the orbit ofNeptune,becoming the first man-made object to travel beyond the major planets of theSolar System.
  • September 26 – TheSoyuz T-10-1mission ends in a pad abort at theBaikonur Cosmodrome,when a pad fire occurs at the base of theSoyuz Urocket during the launch countdown. The escape tower system, attached to the top of the capsule containing the crew andSoyuz spacecraft,fires immediately pulling the crew safe from the vehicle, six seconds before the rocket explodes, destroying the launch complex.



Computer science


History of science















  • Spainre-joinsCERNafter having left in 1969 (originally joined for the first time in 1961).








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