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31 equal temperament

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31-ET on theregular diatonic tuningcontinuum at P5= 696.77 cents[1]

In music,31 equal temperament,31-ET, which can also be abbreviated 31-TET (31 tone ET) or 31-EDO(equal division of the octave), also known astricesimoprimal,is thetemperedscale derived by dividing theoctaveinto 31 equal-sized steps (equal frequency ratios).PlayEach step represents afrequencyratio of312,or 38.71cents(Play).

31-ET is a very good approximation ofquarter-comma meantonetemperament. More generally, it is aregular diatonic tuningin which the tempered perfect fifth is equal to 696.77 cents, as shown in Figure 1. On anisomorphic keyboard,the fingering of music composed in 31-ET is precisely the same as it is in any other syntonic tuning (such as12-ET), so long as the notes are spelled properly—that is, with no assumption ofenharmonicity.

History and use


Division of theoctaveinto 31 steps arose naturally out of Renaissancemusic theory;the lesserdiesis— the ratio of an octave to three major thirds, 128:125 or 41.06 cents— was approximately one-fifth of atoneor two-fifths of asemitone.In 1555,Nicola Vicentinoproposed an extended-meantone tuning of 31 tones. In 1666,Lemme Rossifirst proposed an equal temperament of this order. In 1691, having discovered it independently, scientistChristiaan Huygenswrote about it also.[2]Since the standard system oftuningat that time wasquarter-comma meantone,in which the fifth is tuned to45,the appeal of this method was immediate, as the fifth of 31-ET, at 696.77 cents, is only 0.19 cent wider than the fifth of quarter-comma meantone. Huygens not only realized this, he went farther and noted that 31-ET provides an excellent approximation of septimal, or7-limitharmony. In the twentieth century, physicist, music theorist and composerAdriaan Fokker,after reading Huygens's work, led a revival of interest in this system of tuning which led to a number of compositions, particularly by Dutch composers. Fokker designed the Fokker organ, a 31-tone equal-tempered organ, which was installed inTeyler's MuseuminHaarlemin 1951 and moved toMuziekgebouw aan 't IJin 2010 where it has been frequently used in concerts since it moved.

Interval size

21-Limit just intonation intervals approximated in 31-ET

Here are the sizes of some common intervals:

interval name size (steps) size (cents) midi just ratio just (cents) midi error
octave 31 1200 2:1 1200 0
minor seventh 26 1006.45 9:5 1017.60 −11.15
small justminor seventh 26 1006.45 16:9 996.09 +10.36
harmonic seventh,subminor seventh 25 967.74 Play 7:4 968.83 Play 01.09
minor sixth 21 812.90 Play 8:5 813.69 Play 00.78
perfect fifth 18 696.77 Play 3:2 701.96 Play 05.19
greaterseptimal tritone,diminished fifth 16 619.35 10:70 617.49 +01.87
lesserseptimal tritone,augmented fourth 15 580.65 Play 7:5 582.51 Play 01.86
undecimaltritone,half augmented fourth, 11thharmonic 14 541.94 Play 11:80 551.32 Play 09.38
perfect fourth 13 503.23 Play 4:3 498.04 Play +05.19
septimal narrow fourth, half diminished fourth 12 464.52 Play 21:16 470.78 Play 06.26
tridecimal augmented third, and greater major third 12 464.52 Play 13:10 454.21 Play +10.31
septimal major third 11 425.81 Play 9:7 435.08 Play 09.27
diminished fourth 11 425.81 Play 32:25 427.37 Play 01.56
undecimal major third 11 425.81 Play 14:11 417.51 Play +08.30
major third 10 387.10 Play 5:4 386.31 Play +00.79
tridecimal neutral third 09 348.39 Play 16:13 359.47 Play −11.09
undecimalneutral third 09 348.39 Play 11:90 347.41 Play +00.98
minor third 08 309.68 Play 6:5 315.64 Play 05.96
septimal minor third 07 270.97 Play 7:6 266.87 Play +04.10
septimal whole tone 06 232.26 Play 8:7 231.17 Play +01.09
whole tone,major tone 05 193.55 Play 9:8 203.91 Play −10.36
whole tone, major second 05 193.55 Play 28:25 196.20 02.65
whole tone,minor tone 05 193.55 Play 10:90 182.40 Play +11.15
greater undecimalneutral second 04 154.84 Play 11:10 165.00 −10.16
lesser undecimal neutral second 04 154.84 Play 12:11 150.64 Play +04.20
septimal diatonic semitone 03 116.13 Play 15:14 119.44 Play 03.31
diatonic semitone,minor second 03 116.13 Play 16:15 111.73 Play +04.40
septimal chromatic semitone 02 077.42 Play 21:20 084.47 Play 07.05
chromatic semitone,augmented unison 02 077.42 Play 25:24 070.67 Play +06.75
lesser diesis 01 038.71 Play 128:125 041.06 Play 02.35
undecimaldiesis 01 038.71 Play 45:44 038.91 Play 00.20
septimal diesis 01 038.71 Play 49:48 035.70 Play +03.01

The 31 equal temperament has a very close fit to the 7:6, 8:7, and 7:5 ratios, which have no approximate fits in12 equal temperamentand only poor fits in19 equal temperament.The composerJoel Mandelbaum(born 1932) used this tuning system specifically because of its good matches to the 7th and 11th partials in the harmonic series.[3]The tuning has poor matches to both the 9:8 and 10:9 intervals (major and minor tone in just intonation); however, it has a good match for theaverageof the two. Practically it is very close to quarter-comma meantone.

This tuning can be considered ameantone temperament.It has the necessary property that a chain of its four fifths is equivalent to its major third (thesyntonic comma81:80 is tempered out), which also means that it contains a "meantone" that falls between the sizes of 10:9 and 9:8 as the combination of one of each of its chromatic and diatonic semitones.

Scale diagram

Circle of fifthsin 31 equal temperament

The following are the 31 notes in the scale:

Interval (cents) 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39
Note name A Bdouble flat A B Adouble sharp B C B C Ddouble flat C D Cdouble sharp D Edouble flat D E Ddouble sharp E F E F Gdouble flat F G Fdouble sharp G Adouble flat G A Gdouble sharp A
Note (cents) 0 39 77 116 155 194 232 271 310 348 387 426 465 503 542 581 619 658 697 735 774 813 852 890 929 968 1006 1045 1084 1123 1161 1200

The five "double flat" notes and five "double sharp" notes may be replaced by half sharps and half flats, similar to thequarter tonesystem:

Interval (cents) 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39
Note name A Ahalf sharp A B Bhalf flat B Bhalf sharp Chalf flat C Chalf sharp C D Dhalf flat D Dhalf sharp D E Ehalf flat E Ehalf sharp Fhalf flat F Fhalf sharp F G Ghalf flat G Ghalf sharp G A Ahalf flat A
Note (cents) 0 39 77 116 155 194 232 271 310 348 387 426 465 503 542 581 619 658 697 735 774 813 852 890 929 968 1006 1045 1084 1123 1161 1200
Key signature Scale Number of
Key signature Scale Number of
C major C D E F G A B 0
G major G A B C D E F 1
D major D E F G A B C 2
A major A B C D E F G 3
E major E F G A B C D 4
B major B C D E F G A 5
Fmajor F G A B C D E 6
Cmajor C D E F G A B 7
Gmajor G A B C D E Fdouble sharp 8
Dmajor D E Fdouble sharp G A B Cdouble sharp 9
Amajor A B Cdouble sharp D E Fdouble sharp Gdouble sharp 10 Ctriple flatmajor Ctriple flat Dtriple flat Etriple flat Ftriple flat Gtriple flat Atriple flat Btriple flat 21
Emajor E Fdouble sharp Gdouble sharp A B Cdouble sharp Ddouble sharp 11 Gtriple flatmajor Gtriple flat Atriple flat Btriple flat Ctriple flat Dtriple flat Etriple flat Fdouble flat 20
Bmajor B Cdouble sharp Ddouble sharp E Fdouble sharp Gdouble sharp Adouble sharp 12 Dtriple flatmajor Dtriple flat Etriple flat Fdouble flat Gtriple flat Atriple flat Btriple flat Cdouble flat 19
Fdouble sharpmajor Fdouble sharp Gdouble sharp Adouble sharp B Cdouble sharp Ddouble sharp Edouble sharp 13 Atriple flatmajor Atriple flat Btriple flat Cdouble flat Dtriple flat Etriple flat Fdouble flat Gdouble flat 18
Cdouble sharpmajor Cdouble sharp Ddouble sharp Edouble sharp Fdouble sharp Gdouble sharp Adouble sharp Bdouble sharp 14 Etriple flatmajor Etriple flat Fdouble flat Gdouble flat Atriple flat Btriple flat Cdouble flat Ddouble flat 17
Gdouble sharpmajor Gdouble sharp Adouble sharp Bdouble sharp Cdouble sharp Ddouble sharp Edouble sharp Ftriple sharp 15 Btriple flatmajor Btriple flat Cdouble flat Ddouble flat Etriple flat Fdouble flat Gdouble flat Adouble flat 16
Ddouble sharpmajor Ddouble sharp Edouble sharp Ftriple sharp Gdouble sharp Adouble sharp Bdouble sharp Ctriple sharp 16 Fdouble flatmajor Fdouble flat Gdouble flat Adouble flat Btriple flat Cdouble flat Ddouble flat Edouble flat 15
Adouble sharpmajor Adouble sharp Bdouble sharp Ctriple sharp Ddouble sharp Edouble sharp Ftriple sharp Gtriple sharp 17 Cdouble flatmajor Cdouble flat Ddouble flat Edouble flat Fdouble flat Gdouble flat Adouble flat Bdouble flat 14
Edouble sharpmajor Edouble sharp Ftriple sharp Gtriple sharp Adouble sharp Bdouble sharp Ctriple sharp Dtriple sharp 18 Gdouble flatmajor Gdouble flat Adouble flat Bdouble flat Cdouble flat Ddouble flat Edouble flat F 13
Bdouble sharpmajor Bdouble sharp Ctriple sharp Dtriple sharp Edouble sharp Ftriple sharp Gtriple sharp Atriple sharp 19 Ddouble flatmajor Ddouble flat Edouble flat F Gdouble flat Adouble flat Bdouble flat C 12
Ftriple sharpmajor Ftriple sharp Gtriple sharp Atriple sharp Bdouble sharp Ctriple sharp Dtriple sharp Etriple sharp 20 Adouble flatmajor Adouble flat Bdouble flat C Ddouble flat Edouble flat F G 11
Ctriple sharpmajor Ctriple sharp Dtriple sharp Etriple sharp Ftriple sharp Gtriple sharp Atriple sharp Btriple sharp 21 Edouble flatmajor Edouble flat F G Adouble flat Bdouble flat C D 10
Bdouble flatmajor Bdouble flat C D Edouble flat F G A 9
Fmajor F G A Bdouble flat C D E 8
Cmajor C D E F G A B 7
Gmajor G A B C D E F 6
Dmajor D E F G A B C 5
Amajor A B C D E F G 4
Emajor E F G A B C D 3
Bmajor B C D E F G A 2
F major F G A B C D E 1
C major C D E F G A B 0
Comparison between 1/4-comma meantone and 31-ET (values in cents, rounded to 2 decimals)
1/4 comma: 0.00 76.05 117.11 193.16 269.21 310.26 386.31 462.36 503.42 579.47 620.53 696.58 772.63 813.69 889.74 965.78 1006.84 1082.89 1123.95 1200.00
31-ET: 0.00 77.42 116.13 193.55 270.97 309.68 387.10 464.52 503.23 580.65 619.35 696.77 774.19 812.90 890.32 967.74 1006.45 1083.87 1122.58 1200.00

Chords of 31 equal temperament


Many chords of 31-ET are discussed in the article onseptimal meantone temperament.Chords not discussed there include theneutral thirdstriad (Play), which might be written C–Ehalf flat–G, C–Ddouble sharp–G or C–Fdouble flat–G, and theOrwelltetrad, which is C–E–Fdouble sharp–Bdouble flat.

I–IV–V–Ichord progressionin 31 tone equal temperament.[1]Whereas in 12TET Bis 11 steps, in 31-TET Bis 28 steps.
C subminor, C minor, C major, C supermajor (topped by A) in 31 equal temperament

Usual chords like the major chord are rendered nicely in 31-ET because the third and the fifth are very well approximated. Also, it is possible to play subminor chords (where the first third issubminor) and supermajor chords (where the first third issupermajor).

C seventh and G minor, twice in 31 equal temperament, then twice in 12 equal temperament

It is also possible to render nicely theharmonic seventh chord.For example on C with C–E–G–A.The seventh here is different from stacking a fifth and a minor third, which instead yields Bto make adominant seventh.This difference cannot be made in12-ET.

See also

  • Archicembalo,alternate keyboard instrument with 36 keys per octave that was sometimes tuned as 31TET.


  1. ^abMilne, A.,Sethares, W. A.and Plamondon, J.,"Isomorphic Controllers and Dynamic Tuning: Invariant Fingerings Across a Tuning Continuum",Computer Music Journal,Winter 2007, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 15–32.
  2. ^Monzo, Joe (2005)."Equal-Temperament".Tonalsoft Encyclopedia of Microtonal Music Theory.Joe Monzo.Retrieved28 February2019.
  3. ^Keislar, Douglas. "Six American Composers on Nonstandard Tunnings:Easley Blackwood;John Eaton;Lou Harrison;Ben Johnston;Joel Mandelbaum;William Schottstaedt ",Perspectives of New Music,vol. 29, no. 1. (Winter 1991), pp. 176–211.JSTOR833076