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4th Brigade (Australia)

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4th Brigade
BranchAustralian Army
Size200 (active)
2,100 (reserve)
40 (civilian)[1]
Part of2nd Division
EngagementsWorld War I

World War II

John Monash
Unit colour patch

The4th Brigadeis abrigade-level formation of theAustralian Army.Originally formed in 1912 as aMilitiaformation, the brigade was re-raised for service during World War I, elements of the brigade served atGallipoliand in the trenches on theWestern Frontbefore being disbanded in 1919. In 1921, the brigade was re-raised as a unit of Australia's part-time military forces, based in the state ofVictoria.During World War II the brigade served in theNew GuineaandNew Britain campaigns.Following the war, the brigade formed part of the3rd Division,however, it was later reallocated to the2nd Division,where it serves as aReservecombined-arms formation including units and personnel from all corps of the Army including armoured, infantry, artillery, engineers, signals and ordnance.



The 4th Brigade traces its origins to 1912, when it was formed as aMilitiabrigade as part of the introduction of thecompulsory training scheme,assigned to the2nd Military District.At this time, the brigade's constituent units were located around regionalNew South WalesincludingArmidale,Inverell,Tamworth,Maitland,NewcastleandAdamstown.[2]

World War I


In September 1914, the brigade was re-raised as part of theAustralian Imperial Force(AIF), which was an all-volunteer force that was raised for service during World War I shortly after the outbreak of the war.[3]Under the command of Colonel (later General Sir)John Monash,at that time the brigade consisted of four infantry battalions which were raised from all Australian states: the13th(NSW),14th(Vic),15th(Qld/Tas) and16th Battalions(SA/WA).[4]

4th Brigade soldiers at Quinn's Post, May 1915

Following initial training atBroadmeadowsin Victoria, they embarked for overseas in the second wave of Australian forces to be dispatched, leaving in December 1914.[5]They arrived inEgyptin early 1915, where they were assigned to theNew Zealand and Australian Division.[4]In April 1915, the brigade participated in theANZAClanding atGallipoli,arriving on the second day as the division's reserve,[5]before joining the eight-month campaign that followed. During theAugust Offensive,the brigade attacked Hill 971 and then, later,Hill 60.In December 1915 the decision was made to evacuate Gallipoli and subsequently the brigade was transported back to Egypt.[4]Following this, the AIF underwent a period of reorganisation and expansion.[6]As a part of this process, the 4th Brigade provided acadreof experienced personnel to the newly formed12th Brigade.[7]At the same time, the brigade was reassigned to the4th Division.[8]

In June 1916, after spending a couple of months manning defences along theSuez Canal,the brigade, along with the rest of the 4th Division was transferred to Europe where they joined the war on theWestern Frontin France and Belgium.[5]Assigned to the front line aroundArmentières,they undertook their first operation on 2 July, undertaking an unsuccessful raid.[5]During the next two years, the brigade rotated in and out of the line along with the rest of the 4th Division. In April 1917, the brigade took part in heavy fighting around Bullecourt where, on 11 April, they suffered heavy casualties, losing 2,339 men out of the 3,000 that were committed.[9]In April 1918, the 4th Brigade was involved in significant fighting aroundVillers-Bretonneux,and eventually succeeded in liberating the town. The liberation was the third anniversary ofAnzac Day,25 April 1918. In commemoration of the sacrifices made by Australians, in 1926 the main street of the town was renamed "Rue de Melbourne", while another was named "Rue de Victoria". The school, which was damaged during the fighting, was rebuilt with donations from Victorian school children and was subsequently called "Victoria School".[10]

Men of the 4th Brigade at Le Verguier, France in 1918.

Later, in July, the 4th Brigade took part in the fighting around Le Hamel. The tactics used during the battle on 4 July 1918 were conceived by GeneralJohn Monashand largely carried out by Australian infantrymen, along with a number of US troops. It was the scene of one of Allies greatest military victories during the war.[11]So great was this victory that French prime ministerGeorges Clemenceaucame to address the Australian troops in the field: "When the Australians came to France, the French people expected a great deal of you, but we did not know that from the very beginning you would astonish the whole continent".[12]On 12 August 1918 Monash was knighted in the field byKing George V.[5]

The 4th Brigade remained in the front line until late September 1918,[4]taking part in theHundred Days Offensive,including the fighting on 8 August, which was later described as the "Black Day" by the German commander,Erich Ludendorff.[13]In early October the rest of theAustralian Corpswas withdrawn from the line for rest and re-organisation in order to prepare for further operations.[14]As a result, the brigade did not take part in any further fighting before the Armistice in November 1918, after which the brigade's component infantry battalions began the demobilisation process and were eventually disbanded in 1919.[4][15][16][17]

During the course of the war, eight members of the brigade received theVictoria Cross.These were:Albert Jacka,Martin O'Meara,John Dwyer,Harry Murray,Henry Dalziel,Thomas Axford,Maurice BuckleyandDominic McCarthy.[18]

Inter war years


In 1921, Australia's part-time military forces were re-organised to perpetuate the numerical designations and structure of the AIF formations that had existed during World War I.[19]As a result, in May the 4th Brigade was re-raised as part of theCitizens Forces.[20]Where possible the decision was made to raise the new formations in the recruiting areas from where the World War I units had drawn their personnel. Due to the fact that the 4th Brigade had consisted of battalions that had been drawn from a number of Australian states, upon re-forming when it was decided to base the brigade in Victoria—with its headquarters inPrahran—only one of its four component battalions had the numerical designation of units that had been assigned to the brigade previously. The four infantry battalions that were assigned to it at this time were: the 14th,22nd,29thand46th Battalions.[21]The brigade was assigned to the3rd Divisionat this time.[20]

Initially, despite a level ofwar-wearinessin Australia, numbers within the Citizens Force were maintained through voluntary recruitment and thecompulsory training scheme,and due to strategic concerns around the expansion of Japanese naval power within the Pacific, there was a need to maintain a strong part-time military force. As a result, each infantry battalion within the brigade was able to report being at full strength, with over 1,000 men in each of the four battalions.[22]However, in 1922 following the conclusion of theWashington Naval Treaty,which theoretically resolved Australia's security concerns, the decision was made to reduce the Army's budget and reduce the authorised strength of each battalion to 409 men.[22]

The manpower situation grew more acute in 1929 when theScullinLaborgovernment suspended the compulsory training scheme and replaced it with a voluntary "Militia".[23]This decision, coupled with the economic downturn of theGreat Depressionresulted in further scarcity of recruits for the brigade's infantry battalions and, as a result, the decision was made to amalgamate two of the battalions,[24]the 22nd and the 29th, to form the29th/22nd Battalion.[25]Throughout the 1930s, the situation was characterised by poor attendance and limited training opportunities.[26]This resulted in further changes in the brigade's composition, and by 1934, the 14th Battalion had been reassigned to the 2nd Brigade.[27]The manpower situation, however, began to improve in 1936 and then again in 1938 when tensions in Europe increased concerns about the possibility of another war. The result of this was a concerted recruitment drive and more funding for training courses and camps, which in turn resulted in more enlistments.[28]As a result of the improved attendance within the 4th Brigade, 29th/22nd Battalion was split in August 1939 and the 22nd and 29th Battalions were reconstituted in their own right.[29]

World War II


At the outbreak of World War II, the brigade was a part-time formation of theMilitia,based in Victoria.[30]As the provisions of theDefence Act (1903)precluded the deployment of Militia formations outside of Australian territory to fight, the Australian government decided to raise a separate force for dispatch to Europe and the Middle East. This force was known as theSecond Australian Imperial Force.[31]As a result, it was decided that the Militia would be used to improve the country's overall readiness for war through undertaking periods of continuous training, undertaking defensive duties and managing the training of recruits called up following the re-establishment of the compulsory training scheme in January 1940.[31]

Soldiers from the 29th/46th Battalion evacuate a wounded comrade following fighting around Gusika on New Guinea, November 1943

In September 1939, the brigade consisted of three infantry battalions—the 22nd, 29th and 46th Battalions[32]—and it was initially assigned to the 3rd Division.[33]Following Japan's entry into the war in December 1941, however, the 4th Brigade was mobilised for war service and raised to a higher state of training atBonegilla, Victoria.[34]At this time the brigade was assigned a reserve response force role, and in March 1942, the brigade moved toWarwick, Queensland,and from there toChermsideto take up defensive positions around the north of Brisbane. Later in the year, the brigade was reorientated to defend the southern approaches to Brisbane. Later in the year, the brigade moved toForest Glen, Queenslandon theSunshine Coast.[35]In March 1943, the brigade was transferred to the5th Divisionand it was deployed toNew Guinea,being dispatched toMilne Bayto relieve the7th Brigade.[36]Later, the brigade took part in theHuon Peninsula campaign,and it was amongst the first of the Militia brigades to see action against the Japanese at Guiska. At that time, the brigade consisted of the 22nd,29th/46thand37th/52nd Infantry Battalions.[37]Throughout 1943 and 1944 the brigade was transferred between the 5th and9th Divisiona number of times, taking part in theNew Guinea campaign.[33]

In September 1944, the brigade returned to Australia for reorganisation and training before taking part in theNew Britain campaign.Due to a shortage of shipping, the brigade's deployment was delayed and they did not land until January 1945.[38]Following this, the brigade came under the command of the11th Division,[39]and helped to undertake a containment campaign against the Japanese forces on the island until the end of the war in August 1945,[40]although only one battalion, the 37th/52nd was deployed forward to Ea Ea, while the rest remained at Wunung. Post war, the brigade assisted with occupation duties and oversaw the Japanese surrender around Rabaul.[41]

Post World War II


In 1948, following the completion of the demobilisation process, Australia's part-time military forces were re-organised under the guise of the Citizens Military Force.[42]Upon re-formation, the 4th Brigade was assigned to the 3rd Division and consisted of three infantry battalions: the5th,6thand8th/7th.[43]Throughout the Cold War period which followed, the composition of the brigade changed a number of times as the role of part-time military forces evolved. Initially, post war service was voluntary, however, in 1951 national service was instituted and this increased the size of the CMF units.[44]During this time, due to increased manpower and resources, the brigade was able to achieve full manning and equipment scales and, as a result, in 1959, formed the basis of a 3,500-man combined arms exercise undertaken at Puckapunyal.[45]

Nevertheless, the national service scheme was suspended in 1960,[46]due to the large amount of resources required to administer it.[47]At the same time, the introduction of thePentropic divisional establishmentsaw the disbandment or amalgamation of many infantry battalions as regional-based battalions were formed into multi-battalion State-based regiments.[48]This saw the adoption of the five battalion division and resulted in the disbandment of the old three battalion brigade formations.[49]

In late 1964, however, the decision was made to end the experiment with the Pentropic establishment,[50]partly because of the difficulties it created with allied interoperability.[48]Early the following year the brigade formations were re-established, although they were designated "task forces" instead of brigades.[51][52]By 1976, due to limited resources and manpower the brigade's parent formation, the 3rd Division, had become a largely hollow structure. As a result, the division's headquarters were merged with the 4th Task Force's headquarters as the 3rd Division was redesignated as the "3rd Division Field Force Group" and the 4th Task Force ceased to exist.[53]

On 1 July 1981 the formation was re-raised as the "4th Task Force", however, in 1982 it was renamed as the "4th Brigade".[18]In 1981 the brigade's infantry battalions were the 1st and 2nd Battalions, Royal Victoria Regiment (RVR). In December 1982 the 5th/6th Battalion was raised by establishing a new BHQ and utilising some of the 1 RVR companies. Until 1987 the brigade had three infantry battalions, 1 RVR, 2 RVR and5/6 RVR.During this period 2 RVR was renamed 8/7 RVR. In 1987 the brigade was reduced to just two infantry battalions, namely 5/6 RVR and 8/7 RVR and supporting arms.[46]In the early 1990s the brigade was assigned to the 2nd Division.[46]In 1991, following a force structure review, the 3rd Division was disbanded and its units were placed under the 4th Brigade's command. As a result, in the late 1990s it had a vital asset protection mobilisation role as part of the "Protective Force" in the Tindal area of the Northern Territory.[54]

21st century


Monash University Regiment (MonUR) and the 2nd/10th Medium Regiment, which had previously been assigned to the brigade, were removed from the Australian Army's Order of Battle in 2012. The Officer Cadet Company of MUR was renamed Monash University Company, and the artillery was amalgamated with 5/6 RVR as the 2nd/10th Light Battery, employing mortars rather than field artillery. The 4th Combat Engineer Regiment (4 CER) was removed from the Australian Army Order of Battle in 2013. 4 CER and 22nd Construction Regiment (22 Const Regt) were amalgamated in 2013 to form the 22nd Engineer Regiment (22 ER).[55]Melbourne University Regimentwas previously assigned to the brigade,[56]but was transferred to the8th Brigadewhen it was converted into a training formation in 2017–2018.[57]

Since 2001, the brigade has contributed personnel to deployments inIraq,Afghanistan,East Timorand theSolomon Islands.[58]It has also supported Australia's commitment toRifle Company Butterworth.Within Australia, the brigade provided engineer and logistic support during the 2003 Alpine Bushfires, the 2006 Gippsland Fires, as well as support to the community during the2009 Victorian bushfiresand the2011 floodsand 2012 floods.[59][60]The brigade also supported relief efforts during the2019–20 Australian bushfire season.[61]

UnderPlan Beershebathe 4th Brigade is paired with the reserve9th Brigadeto reinforce the regular1st Brigade.In the event of the 1st Brigade being deployed, the two reserve brigades are tasked with generating a battalion-sizedbattle group,designated "Battlegroup Jacka".[62]



As of 2023 the 4th Brigade is headquartered atSimpson BarracksinMelbourne.It consists of about 2,400 personnel, who are based in a number of locations in Melbourne and regional Victoria.[58]The brigade currently consists of the following units:[63]




  1. ^The Australian Army. Modernisation from Beersheba and Beyond(PDF).Commonwealth of Australia. p. 5. Archived fromthe original(PDF)on 26 March 2015.Retrieved4 December2014.
  2. ^Australian Military Forces 1912, p. 18.
  3. ^Grey 2008, p. 80.
  4. ^abcde"13th Battalion, First World War".Australian War Memorial.Archivedfrom the original on 14 June 2009.Retrieved6 June2009.
  5. ^abcdeSerle, Geoffrey(1986)."Monash, Sir John (1865–1931)".Australian Dictionary of Biography.Canberra: National Centre of Biography,Australian National University.ISBN978-0-522-84459-7.ISSN1833-7538.OCLC70677943.Retrieved12 March2011.
  6. ^Grey 2008, pp. 99–100.
  7. ^Grey 2008, p. 100.
  8. ^Bean 1941, p. 42.
  9. ^Grey 2008, p. 104.
  10. ^Wilson, Peter; Wilson, Lauren (25 April 2009)."Bound by history, French children honour their debt".The Australian.Retrieved6 March2011.
  11. ^Odgers 1988, p. 100.
  12. ^Quoted in Odgers 1994, pp. 121–122.
  13. ^Odgers 1994, p. 122.
  14. ^Odgers 1994, p. 127.
  15. ^"14th Battalion, First World War".Australian War Memorial. Archived fromthe originalon 1 May 2016.Retrieved10 October2011.
  16. ^"15th Battalion, First World War".Australian War Memorial. Archived fromthe originalon 2 June 2016.Retrieved10 October2011.
  17. ^"16th Battalion, First World War".Australian War Memorial. Archived fromthe originalon 25 March 2016.Retrieved10 October2011.
  18. ^ab"History – HQ 4th Brigade – Forces Command".Australian Army. Archived fromthe originalon 2 June 2011.Retrieved11 October2011.
  19. ^Grey 2008, p. 125.
  20. ^abPalazzo 2002, p. 63.
  21. ^"Australian Infantry Unit Colour Patches 1921–1949".Digger History. Archived fromthe originalon 12 July 2007.Retrieved6 March2011.
  22. ^abPalazzo 2002, pp. 65–67.
  23. ^Palazzo 2001, p. 110.
  24. ^Keogh 1965, p. 44.
  25. ^Palazzo 2002, p. 69.
  26. ^Palazzo 2002, p. 76.
  27. ^Kuring 2004, p. 111.
  28. ^Palazzo 2002, pp. 72–86.
  29. ^"29/22 Battalion".Orders of Battle.com.Archivedfrom the original on 14 March 2016.Retrieved10 October2011.
  30. ^"4 Australian Infantry Brigade: Locations".Orders of Battle.com. Archived fromthe originalon 14 April 2016.Retrieved6 March2011.
  31. ^abGrey 2008, p. 146.
  32. ^"4 Australian Infantry Brigade: Subordinates".Orders of Battle.com. Archived fromthe originalon 14 April 2016.Retrieved6 March2011.
  33. ^ab"4 Australian Infantry Brigade: Superiors".Orders of Battle.com. Archived fromthe originalon 14 April 2016.Retrieved6 March2011.
  34. ^McKenzie-Smith 2018, p. 2061.
  35. ^McKenzie-Smith 2018, pp. 2061–2062.
  36. ^Long 1963, p. 577.
  37. ^"29th/46th Battalion".Australian War Memorial. Archived fromthe originalon 2 June 2016.Retrieved28 July2010.
  38. ^Long 1963, p. 251.
  39. ^McKenzie-Smith 2018, p. 2051.
  40. ^Long 1963, p. 261.
  41. ^McKenzie-Smith 2018, p. 2063.
  42. ^Grey 2008, p. 200.
  43. ^Palazzo 2002, p. 163.
  44. ^Grey 2008, p. 205.
  45. ^Palazzo 2002, pp. 167–168.
  46. ^abc"Brief History of the 2nd Division"(PDF).Army History Unit. Archived fromthe original(PDF)on 11 November 2012.Retrieved7 September2009.
  47. ^Grey 2008, p. 207.
  48. ^abGrey 2008, p. 228.
  49. ^Kuring 2004, p. 262.
  50. ^McNeill 1993, p. 22.
  51. ^McCarthy 2003, p. 131.
  52. ^Blaxland 1989, p. 108.
  53. ^Palazzo 2002, pp. 190–191.
  54. ^Palazzo 2002, p. 194.
  55. ^"Minister for Defence and Parliamentary Secretary for Defence – Ministerial visit for Ringwood Army Reserves".Media Release.Department of Defence. 17 April 2013. Archived fromthe originalon 3 May 2014.Retrieved3 May2014.
  56. ^"Home – HQ 4th Brigade – Forces Command".Australian Army. Archived fromthe originalon 16 August 2007.Retrieved11 October2011.
  57. ^Whitwell, Julia (17 May 2018)."Small base, big mission"(PDF).Army News(1,419 ed.). p. 23.
  58. ^abMike Kelly, Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Support."Press Release: Benefits of Employing Reservists Highlighted on Boss Lift to Solomon Islands"(PDF).Department of Defence. Archived fromthe original(PDF)on 2 June 2011.Retrieved11 October2011.
  59. ^Toohill, Ian. "Operation Vic Fires Assist".Australian Infantry Magazine(Oct 2009 – April 2010): 16–20.
  60. ^Toohill, Ian (April 2011). "ADF Reservists Assist SES During Flood Crisis".The Australian Reservist(16): 12–15.
  61. ^"4th Brigade".Our people: units.Australian Army. Archived fromthe originalon 6 March 2020.Retrieved15 March2020.
  62. ^"Integrating Capability on Predators Gallop".Army: The Soldiers' Newspaper(1371 ed.). 21 April 2016. pp. 6–7.
  63. ^"Australian Army Structure as at January 2018".Australian Army. Archived fromthe originalon 6 March 2020.Retrieved19 March2020.

