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4th Panzer Army

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4th Panzer Army
German:4. Panzerarmee
Fall 1943, 4th Panzer Army in Southern Ukraine
Active15 Feb 1941 – 8 May 1945
CountryNazi Germany
BranchGerman Army
RoleArmoured warfare
1 July 1943(start of theBattle of Kursk):
1 November 1943(Battle of the Dnieper):
20 December 1943(start of theDnieper-Carpathian Offensive):
10 April 1944(end of the Dnieper-Carpathian Offensive):

The4th Panzer Army(German:4. Panzerarmee), operating asPanzer Group 4(Panzergruppe 4) from its formation on 15 February 1941 to 1 January 1942, was a Germanpanzerformation duringWorld War II.As a key armoured component of theWehrmacht,the army took part in the crucial battles of theGerman-Soviet war of 1941–45,includingOperation Barbarossa,theBattle of Moscow,theBattle of Stalingrad,theBattle of Kursk,and the1943 Battle of Kiev.

The army was destroyed during the Battle of Stalingrad,[5][6]but later reconstituted.

Formation and preparations for Operation Barbarossa


As part of the German High Command's preparations forOperation Barbarossa,GeneraloberstErich Hoepnerwas appointed to command the 4th Panzer Group in February 1941. It was to drive towardLeningradas part ofArmy Group NorthunderWilhelm von Leeb.[7]On 30 March 1941, Hitler delivered a speech to about two hundred senior Wehrmacht officers where he laid out his plans for an ideologicalwar of annihilation(Vernichtungskrieg) against the Soviet Union.[8]He stated that he "wanted to see the impending war against the Soviet Union conducted not according to the military principles, but as a war of extermination" against an ideological enemy, whether military or civilian. Many Wehrmacht leaders, including Hoepner, echoed the sentiment.[9]As a commander of the 4th Panzer Group, he issued a directive to his troops:[10]

The war against Russia is an important chapter in the struggle for existence of the German nation. It is the old battle of Germanic against Slav peoples, of the defence of European culture against Muscovite-Asiatic inundation, and the repulse of Jewish-Bolshevism. The objective of this battle must be the destruction of present-day Russia and it must therefore be conducted with unprecedented severity. Every military action must be guided in planning and execution by an iron will to exterminate the enemy mercilessly and totally. In particular, no adherents of the present Russian-Bolshevik system are to be spared.

— 2 May 1941[10]

The order was transmitted to the troops on Hoepner's initiative, ahead of the officialOKW(Wehrmacht High Command) directives that laid the groundwork for the war of extermination, such as theBarbarossa Decreeof 13 May 1941 and other orders. Hoepner's directive predated the firstOKH(Army High Command) draft of theCommissar Order.[11]The historianJürgen Försterwrote that Hoepner's directive represented an "independent transformation of Hitler's ideological intentions into an order".[11]

1941: Invasion of the Soviet Union

4th Panzer Army is located in European Russia
22 Jun 1941
22 Jun
30 Sep 1941
30 Sep
28 Nov 1941
28 Nov
May 1942
Oct 1942
25 Aug 1941
25 Aug
4th Panzer Army locations, 1941-42

Advance on Leningrad


The 4th Panzer Group consisted of theLVI Army Corps (motorised)(Erich von Manstein) and theXXXXI Army Corps (motorised)(Georg-Hans Reinhardt).[12]Their composition was as follows:

The Army Group was to advance through theBaltic Statesto Leningrad. Barbarossa commenced on 22 June 1941 with a massive German attack along the whole front line. The 4th Panzer Group headed for theDvina Riverto secure the bridges near the town ofDaugavpils.[14]The Red Army mounted a number of counterattacks against the XXXXI Panzer Corps, leading to theBattle of Raseiniai.[15]

After Reinhardt's corps closed in, the two corps were ordered to encircle the Soviet formations aroundLuga.Again having penetrated deep into the Soviet lines with unprotected flanks, Manstein's corps was the target of a Soviet counteroffensive from 15 July atSoltsyby theSoviet 11th Army.Manstein's forces were badly mauled and the Red Army halted the German advance at Luga.[16]Ultimately, the army group defeated the defending SovietNorthwestern Front,inflicting over 90,000 casualties and destroying more than 1,000 tanks and 1,000 aircraft, then advanced northeast of theStalin line.[17]

On 6 July 1941, Hoepner issued an order to his troops instructing them to treat the "loyal population" fairly, adding that "individual acts of sabotage should simply be charged to communists and Jews".[18]As with all German armies on the Eastern Front, Hoepner's panzer group implemented the Commissar Order that directed Wehrmacht troops to murder Red Army political officers immediately upon capture, contravening the accepted laws of war.[19]Between 2 July and 8 July, the 4th Panzer Group shot 101 Red Army political commissars, with the bulk of the executions coming from the XLI Panzer Corps.[18]By 19 July, 172 executions of commissars had been reported.[20]

By mid-July, the 4th Panzer Group seized theLugabridgehead and had plans to advance on Leningrad. The staff and detachments 2 and 3 ofEinsatzgruppe A,one of the mobile killing squads following the Wehrmacht into the occupied Soviet Union, were brought up to the Luga district with assistance from the army. "The movement ofEinsatzgruppe A—which the army intended to use in Leningrad—was effected in agreement with Panzer Group 4 and at their express wish ", notedFranz Walter Stahlecker,the commander ofEinsatzgruppe A.[21]Stahlecker described army co-operation as "generally very good" and "in certain cases, as for example, with Panzer Group 4 under the command of General Hoepner, extremely close, one might say even warm".[22]

By late July, Army Group North positioned 4th Panzer Group's units south and east ofNarva, Estonia,where they could begin an advance on Leningrad in terrain conditions relatively suitable for armoured warfare. By that time, however, the army group lacked the strength to take Leningrad, which continued to be a high priority for the German high command. A compromise solution was worked out whereas the infantry would attack north from both sides ofLake Ilmen,while the panzer group would advance from its current position. Hoepner's forces began their advance on August 8, but the attack ran into determined Soviet defences. Elsewhere, Soviet counter-attacks threatened Leeb's southern flank. By mid to late August, the German forces were making gains again, with the 4th Panzer Group taking Narva on 17 August.[23]

On 29 August, Leeb issued orders for the blockade of Leningrad in anticipation that the city would soon be abandoned by the Soviets. On September 5, Hitler ordered Hoepner's 4th Panzer Group and an air corps transferred toArmy Group Centreeffective 15 September, in preparation forOperation Typhoon,the German assault on Moscow. Leeb objected and was given a reprieve in the transfer of his mobile forces, with the view of making one last push towards Leningrad. The 4th Panzer Group was to be the main attacking force, which reached south of theNeva River,where it was faced with strong Soviet counter-attacks. By 24 September, Army Group North halted its advance and transferred the 4th Panzer Group to Army Group Centre.[24]

Battle of Moscow

Erich Hoepner(right) with commander of theSS Polizei Division,Walter Krüger,October 1941

As part ofOperation Typhoon,the 4th Panzer Group was subordinated to the4th Armyunder the command ofGünther von Kluge.In early October, the 4th Panzer Group completed theencirclement at Vyazma.Kluge instructed Hoepner to pause the advance, much to the latter's displeasure, as his units were needed to prevent break-outs of Soviet forces. Hoepner was confident that the clearing of the pocket and the advance on Moscow could be undertaken at the same time and viewed Kluge's actions as interference, leading to friction and "clashes" with his superior, as he wrote in a letter home on 6 October.[25]Hoepner did not seem to appreciate that his units were very short on fuel; the11th Panzer Division,reported having no fuel at all. Only the20th Panzer Divisionwas advancing towards Moscow amid deteriorating road conditions.[26]

Once the Vyazma pocket was eliminated, other units were able to advance on 14 October. Heavy rains and onset of therasputitsa(roadlessness) caused frequent damage to tracked vehicles and motor transport further hampering the advance.[27]By early November, the 4th Panzer Group was depleted from earlier fighting and the weather but Hoepner, along with other panzer group commanders andFedor von Bock,commander of Army Group Center, was impatient to resume the offensive.[28]

On 17 November, the 4th Panzer Group attacked again towards Moscow alongside theV Army Corpsof the 4th Army, as part of the continuation of Operation Typhoon by Army Group Centre. The panzer group and the army corps represented Kluge's best forces, most ready for a continued offensive. In two weeks' fighting, Hoepner's forces advanced 60 km (37 mi) (4 km (2.5 mi) per day).[29]Lacking strength and mobility to conduct battles of encirclement, the Group undertook frontal assaults which proved increasingly costly.[30]A lack of tanks, insufficient motor transport and a precarious supply situation, along with tenaciousRed Armyresistance and the air superiority achieved by Soviet fighters hampered the attack.[31]

The3rd Panzer Groupfurther north saw slightly better progress, averaging 6 km (3.7 mi) a day. The attack by the2nd Panzer GrouponTulaandKashira,125 km (78 mi) south of Moscow, achieved only fleeting and precarious success, while Guderian vacillated between despair and optimism, depending on the situation at the front.[32]Facing pressure from the German High Command, Kluge finally committed his weaker south flank to the attack on 1 December. In the aftermath of the battle, Hoepner and Guderian blamed slow commitment of the south flank of the 4th Army to the attack for the German failure to reach Moscow, grossly overestimating the capabilities of Kluge's remaining forces, according to Stahel.[33]It also failed to appreciate the reality that Moscow was a fortified position which the Wehrmacht lacked the strength to either encircle nor take in a frontal assault, again according to Stahel.[34]In contrast Forczyk[35]lays the blame in part on Kluge's disingenuous lack of commitment to the Moscow operation.

As late as 2 December, Hoepner urged his troops forward stating that "the goal [the encirclement of Moscow] can still be achieved". The next day, he warned Kluge that failure to break off the attack would "bleed white" his formations and make them incapable of defence. Kluge was sympathetic since the south flank of the 4th Army had already had to retreat under Red Army pressure and was on the defensive.[36]Hoepner was ordered to pause his attack, with the goal of resuming it on 6 December.[37]On 5 December 1941, with orders to attack the next day, Hoepner called a conference of chiefs-of-staff of his corps. The reports were grim: only four divisions were deemed capable of attack, three of these with limited objectives. The attack was called off; the Red Army launched its winter counter-offensive on the same day.[38]

1942: Battle of Stalingrad


On 1 January 1942, the 4th Panzer Group was redesignated4th Panzer Army.The 4th Panzer Army held defensive positions in the spring of 1942 and then was reinforced, re-fit and transferred toArmy Group SouthforCase Blue,its offensive in Southern Russia. Command was transferred to generalHermann Hothin June. As the operation progressed, Hitler divided Army Group South into two army groups.Army Group Awhich was composed of the German 17th Army and 1st Panzer Army andArmy Group Bwhich was composed of 6th Army and the 4th Panzer Army.[citation needed]The 4th Panzer Army was on 1 Aug 1942 composed of:[39]

  • XXXXVIII Panzer Corps(General of Panzer TroopsRudolf Veiel): 14th Panzer Division, 29th Motorized Division, (24th Panzer Division from 6th Army on 14 Aug)
  • IV Army Corps(General of InfantryViktor von Schwedler): 94th Infantry Division, 371st Infantry Division, (297th Infantry-Division from 6th Army on 14 Aug)
  • Romanian VI Army Corps (Lieutenant GeneralCorneliu Dragalina): Romanian 1st Infantry Division, 2nd Infantry Division, 4th Infantry Division, 20th Infantry Division

Army Group B's objective was to anchor itself on the Volga while Army Group A drove into the oil fields of theCaucasus.The 4th Panzer Army approached Stalingrad from the south while the 6th Army approached it from the west. Their aim was to meet up at Stalingrad and encircle the Soviet 62nd and 64th armies outside the city. The 6th Army was faced by a strong counterattack by the Soviet forces and failed to meet up with the 4th Panzer Army for three crucial days, allowing the two Soviet armies to withdraw into Stalingrad.

The 4th Panzer Army guarded the outside perimeter of Stalingrad while the 6th Army was engaged in the battle to capture the city. For over two months, the 6th Army was embroiled in vicious fighting in the city; though it was able to take over 90% of the city, it was unable to destroy the last pockets of resistance. On 19 November 1942, the Red Army launchedOperation Uranus,a counter-offensive which encircled the entire 6th Army and the24th Panzer Divisionof the 4th Panzer Army. The 4th Panzer Army tried and failed to break the encirclement of Stalingrad inOperation Winter Storm.It was destroyed as a result of the battle.[5][6]

1943: Battles of Kursk and Kiev

4th Panzer Army is located in European Russia
Mar 1943
Jul 1943
Dec 1943
Apr 1944
Aug 1944
4th Panzer Army locations, 1943-44

The army was then given reinforcements including 160 new tanks. It then was able to halt the Soviet winter offensive in Southern Russia and then counterattacked in theThird Battle of Kharkov,retaking the city in March 1943. The army saw little or no action over the next three months as both sides built up their strength for the upcomingBattle of Kursk.

During the Battle of Kursk

The army throughout the spring of 1943 was significantly reinforced and grew to a strength of 1,100 tanks and 250,000 men by July 1943. It was to form the southern spearhead in theBattle of Kursk.The army tried but failed to break through the Soviet defences around Kursk. It then fought a series of defensive battles throughout the remainder of 1943 to hold back the Red Army'sLower Dnieper Strategic Offensive Operation.By November 1943, the Soviets had reached Kiev and the 4th Panzer Army was tasked to defend the city. The Soviet aim was to take the city and break the rail link with Army Group Center or envelop Army Group South. But even though the Soviets had liberated Kiev, broken the Dnieper line, and inflicted massive casualties, the 4th Panzer Army held on and the Soviets failed to break the rail link.

1944–45: The retreat


By early 1944, the 4th Panzer Army had been pushed back to the pre-war 1939 Polish border. The army defended positions in Ukraine west of Kiev until late June 1944, fighting in the southern regions of thePinsk Marshes,and aroundLutsk,Shepetovka,Tarnopol,andKovelin westernGalicia.However, following the transfer of several of its panzer divisions northwards in the aftermath of Army Group Center's collapse inOperation Bagration,4th Army was progressively outmatched and forced into a fighting withdrawal by the 1st Ukrainian Front during theLvov–Sandomierz Offensive.The right flank of 4th Army, including XIII Army Corps, was surrounded and destroyed atBrodyin late July, 1944.

By August 1944, Soviet attacks forced a full retreat of the 4th Panzer Army through the area ofChełmandLublin,ending on the west bank of theVistula Riverand an initially successful attempt to contain the Soviet bridgehead atBaranow. [40]In November 1944, the army was composed of:

4th Panzer Army is located in Germany
31 Jan 1945
31 Jan
24 Feb 1945
24 Feb
1 May 1945
1 May
12 Jan 1945
12 Jan
Positions of 4th Panzer Army in 1945
One corps of the 4th PzA was encircled in theHalbe Pocketin late April 1945.

The defense along the Vistula took place from August 1944 until the renewed Sovietoffensivein January 1945. By January 1945, the 4th Panzer Army was holding static defensive positions on Hitler's direct orders and during the lull in the fighting it had created a defensive zone in southern Poland.

On 1 January 1945, the 4th Panzer Army, then underArmy Group A,had a total strength of 133,474 men spread across seven infantry divisions (68th,72nd,88th,168th,291st,304th,342nd), twoPanzergrenadierdivisions (10th,20th), two panzer divisions (16th,17th), two autonomous brigades, an autonomous regiment and several autonomous artillery detachments. With its manpower, it was the largest single contributor to Army Group A's overall manpower of 400,556.[41]: 504 

Unknown to the Wehrmacht, the Soviet command planned to saturate the entire defensive zone with artillery bombardment. The Red Army began theirVistula–Oder Offensiveon January 17, quickly encircling the LVI Panzer Corps and destroying half of all armoured forces concentrated with the 4th Panzer Army. The commander of the LVI Corps, General Johannes Block, was killed in action on 26 January. The remnants of the army retreated along the entire front before re-grouping on the western bank of the Oder River in February 1945.

The Red Army halted its offensive in February 1945. The 3rd Panzer Army was tasked to halt the Soviets in the north, while the 9th Army was guarding against the Soviets in the centre. During February 1945, the 4th Panzer Army defended along the Oder River, containing the Soviet bridgehead atSteinau on the Oder.In March and the first half of April 1945, the army concentrated on defenses along theLusatian NeisseRiver betweenGörlitzandGuben.[40]

On April 16, 1945, the Red Army renewed its offensive by crossing the Oder River. While the 9th Army held the Soviet forces at theBattle of Seelow Heights,the 4th Panzer Army was being pushed back.V Corpsof the retreating 4th Panzer Army was pushed into the operational region of the German 9th Army, forming a pocket of some 80,000 men. The Red Army then encircled this force in a pocket in theSpree Forestsouth of the Seelow Heights and west ofFrankfurt.[42]Some of the 4th Panzer Army troops trapped in theHalbe Pocketbroke out to the west and surrendered to the US Army on the west bank of the Elbe River. The bulk of the 4th Panzer Army was pushed south of Dresden into theOre Mountainswhere it surrendered to the Red Army in the wake of the early May 1945Prague Offensive.



One of the 4th Panzer Army commanders,Erich Hoepner,was executed for his role in the20 July plot.

Following the end of the war, one of the 4th Panzer Army former commanders,Hermann Hoth,was tried in theHigh Command Trial,one of theSubsequent Nuremberg Trials.Explaining his harsh measures against Jews and other civilians, he claimed that "it was a matter of common knowledge in Russia that it was the Jew in particular who participated in a very large extent in sabotage, espionage, etc."[43]Hoth was found guilty ofwar crimesandcrimes against humanity.On 27 October 1948, he was sentenced to 15 years in prison. In January 1951, the sentence was reviewed with no changes. Hoth was released on parole in 1954; his sentence was reduced to time served in 1957.[44]

None of the other commanders ever faced charges.[citation needed]


No. Portrait Commander Took office Left office Time in office
Erich Hoepner
Hoepner, ErichGeneraloberst
Erich Hoepner
15 February 19417 January 1942326 days
Richard Ruoff
Ruoff, RichardGeneraloberst
Richard Ruoff
8 January 194231 May 1942143 days
Hermann Hoth
Hoth, HermannGeneraloberst
Hermann Hoth
31 May 194210 November 19431 year, 163 days
Erhard Raus
Raus, ErhardGeneraloberst
Erhard Raus
10 November 194321 April 1944163 days
Josef Harpe
Harpe, JosefGeneraloberst
Josef Harpe
18 May 194428 June 194441 days
Walter Nehring
Nehring, WalterGeneral der Panzertruppe
Walter Nehring
28 June 19445 August 194438 days
Hermann Balck
Balck, HermannGeneral der Panzertruppe
Hermann Balck
5 August 194421 September 194447 days
Fritz-Hubert Gräser
Gräser, FritzGeneral der Panzertruppe
Fritz-Hubert Gräser
21 September 19448 May 1945229 days

See also





  1. ^Armeeintendant Pz. A.O.K. 4 532/43 g. Kdos. Verpflegungsstärken nach dem Stand vom 1.7.43. NARA T313, R390, F8680057.
  2. ^Pz. AOK 4 Oberquartiermeister Nr. 1834/43 g. Kdos. Verpflegungsstärken nach dem Stande vom 1.11.43. NARA T313, R390, F8680072.
  3. ^Armeeintendant Pz. A.O.K. 4 an Heeresgruppen Intendant Süd, 1227/43 geh. Kdos. Verpflegungsstärken nach dem Stande vom 20.12.43. NARA T313, R390, F8680079.
  4. ^Armeeintendant Pz. A.O.K. 4, 399/44 g. Kdos. An Heeresgruppenintendant Süd. Verpflegungsstärken nach dem Stande vom 10.4.44. NARA T313, R408, F8700017.
  5. ^abTarrant, V.E. (1992).Stalingrad: Anatomy of an Agony.London: Leo Cooper. p. 230.ISBN978-0850523423.
  6. ^abChilders, Thomas(2017).The Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany(1st ed.). Simon & Schuster. p. 518.ISBN978-1-4516-5113-3.
  7. ^Zabecki 2014,p. 615.
  8. ^Förster 1998,pp. 496–497.
  9. ^Crowe 2013,p. 90.
  10. ^abBurleigh 1997,p. 76.
  11. ^abFörster 1998,pp. 519–521.
  12. ^Melvin 2010,pp. 198–199.
  13. ^Manstein, Lost victories p,178 / Mungo Melvin Manstein p,205
  14. ^Melvin 2010,pp. 205.
  15. ^Melvin 2010,pp. 209–210.
  16. ^Melvin 2010,pp. 217–218.
  17. ^Glantz 2012.
  18. ^abStein 2007,p. 301.
  19. ^Stahel 2015,p. 28.
  20. ^Lemay 2010,p. 252.
  21. ^Jones 2008,p. 35.
  22. ^Stahel 2015,p. 37.
  23. ^Megargee 2006,pp. 104–106.
  24. ^Megargee 2006,pp. 115–116.
  25. ^Stahel 2013,pp. 74–75, 95.
  26. ^Stahel 2013,p. 95.
  27. ^Stahel 2013,pp. 173–174.
  28. ^Stahel 2015,pp. 78–80.
  29. ^Stahel 2015,p. 228.
  30. ^Stahel 2015,p. 223.
  31. ^Stahel 2015,pp. 240–244.
  32. ^Stahel 2015,p. 186−189, 228.
  33. ^Stahel 2015,pp. 229–230.
  34. ^Stahel 2015,pp. 235–237, 250.
  35. ^Forczyk 2006.
  36. ^Stahel 2015,pp. 295–296.
  37. ^Stahel 2015,pp. 304–305.
  38. ^Stahel 2015,pp. 306–307.
  39. ^Glantz, David M.To The Gates of Stalingrad(ISBN978-0-7006-1630-5) p.272
  40. ^abTessin 1973,p. 229
  41. ^Lakowski, Richard (2008). "Der Zusammenbruch der deutschen Verteidigung zwischen Ostsee und Karpaten". In Müller, Rolf-Dieter (ed.).Die Militärische Niederwerfung der Wehrmacht.Das Deutsche Reich und der Zweite Weltkrieg (in German). Vol. 10/1. München: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt. pp. 491–681.ISBN9783421062376.
  42. ^Beevor 2002,p. 329
  43. ^Hebert 2010,pp. 121–122.
  44. ^Hebert 2010,pp. 216–217.
  45. ^Raus, Erhard.Panzer Operationsp. 352

Works cited
