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8.2-kiloyear event

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The 8.2 kiloyear event appears as a dent in the warmHoloceneperiod. Evolution of temperatures in the Post-Glacial period following theLast Glacial Maximum(LGM), according toGreenland ice cores.[1]
The warmHoloceneperiod with the 8.2 kiloyear event. Central Greenlandice corereconstructed temperature up to mid-19th century.

Inclimatology,the8.2-kiloyear eventwas asudden decrease in global temperaturesthat occurredapproximately8,200 yearsbefore the present,orc.6,200BC,and which lasted for the next two to fourcenturies.It defines the start of theNorthgrippianage in theHoloceneepoch.The cooling was significantly less pronounced than during theYounger Dryascold period that preceded the beginning of the Holocene. During the event,atmospheric methaneconcentration decreased by 80 ppb, an emission reduction of 15%, by cooling and drying at a hemispheric scale.[2][3]



A rapid cooling around 6200 BC was first identified by Swiss botanistHeinrich Zoller[de]in 1960, who named the event theMisox oscillation(for theVal Mesolcina).[4]It is also known as theFinse eventinNorway.[5]Evidence for the 8.2 ka event has been found inspeleothemrecords across Eurasia, the Mediterranean, South America, and southern Africa and indicates the event was globally synchronous.[6]The strongest evidence for the event comes from theNorth Atlanticregion; the disruption in climate shows clearly inGreenlandice coresand insedimentaryand other records of the temperate and the tropical North Atlantic.[7][8][9]It is less evident in ice cores fromAntarcticaand in South American indices.[10][11]The effects of the sudden temperature decrease were global, however, most notably in changes insea level.

Cooling event


The event may have been caused by a largemeltwater pulse,[12]which probably resulted from the final collapse of theLaurentide Ice Sheetof northeastern North America,[13][14][15]most likely when theglacial lakesOjibwayandAgassizsuddenly drained into the North Atlantic Ocean.[16]The same type of action produced theMissoula floodsthat formed theChanneled Scablandsof theColumbia Riverbasin. The meltwater pulse may haveaffectedthe North Atlanticthermohaline circulation,[17][18][19]reducing northward heat transport in the Atlantic and causing significant North Atlantic cooling.[20]TheAtlantic meridional overturning circulation(AMOC) weakened by 55%[14]or 62%.[20]Estimates of the cooling vary and depend somewhat on the interpretation of the proxy data, but decreases of around 1 to 5 °C (1.8 to 9.0 °F) have been reported. In Greenland, the event started at 8175 BP, and the cooling was 3.3 °C (decadal average) in less than 20 years. The coldest period lasted for about 60 years, and its total duration was about 150 years.[2]The meltwater causation hypothesis is, however, considered to be speculation[by whom?]because of inconsistencies with its onset and an unknown region of impact.[citation needed]

Researchers suggest that the discharge was probably superimposed upon a longer episode of cooler climate lasting up to 600 years, and it was merely one contributing factor to the event as a whole.[21]

Further afield from the Laurentide Ice Sheet, some tropical records report a 3 °C (5.4 °F) cooling, based on cores drilled into an ancientcoral reefinIndonesia.[22]The event also caused a global CO2decline of about 25 ppm over about 300 years.[23]However, dating and interpretation of other tropical sites are more ambiguous than the North Atlantic sites. In addition, climate modeling shows that the amount of meltwater and the pathway of meltwater are both important in perturbing the North Atlantic thermohaline circulation.[24]

The initial meltwater pulse caused between 0.5 and 4 m (1 ft 8 in and 13 ft 1 in) ofsea-level rise.Based on estimates of lake volume and decaying ice cap size, values of 0.4–1.2 m (1 ft 4 in – 3 ft 11 in) circulate. Based on sea-level data from the Mississippi Delta, the end of the Lake Agassiz–Ojibway (LAO) drainage occurred at 8.31 to 8.18 ka and ranges from 0.8 to 2.2 m.[25]The sea-level data from the Rhine–Meuse Delta indicate a 2–4 m (6 ft 7 in – 13 ft 1 in) of near-instantaneous rise at 8.54 to 8.2 ka, in addition to 'normal' post-glacial sea-level rise.[26]Meltwater pulse sea-level rise was experienced fully at great distance from the release area. Gravity and rebound effects associated with the shifting of water masses meant that the sea-level fingerprint[colloquialism]was smaller in areas closer to theHudson Bay.TheMississippi Deltarecords around 20%, Northwestern Europe 70% and Asia records 105% of the globally averaged amount.[27]The cooling of the 8.2-kiloyear event was a temporary feature, but the sea-level rise of the meltwater pulse was permanent.

In 2003, theOffice of Net Assessment(ONA) at theUnited States Department of Defensewas commissioned to produce a study on the likely and potential effects of a modern climate change.[28]The study, conducted under ONA headAndrew Marshall,modeled its prospective climate change on the 8.2 ka event, precisely because it was the middle alternative between the Younger Dryas and the milder Little Ice Age.[29]


This is the most prominent temperature fallback (regression) of the Holocene immediately preceding the Atlantic temperature peak.

Across much of the world, the 8.2 ka event engendered drier environmental conditions.[30]Northern Hemisphere monsoon precipitation declined by 12.4% for every °C of global mean temperature change, while Southern Hemisphere monsoon precipitation rose by 4.2%/°C.[31]The 8.2 ka event was also associated with an increase in ocean salinity and terrestrial dust flux.[32]

North Africa and Mesopotamia


Drier conditions were notable inNorth Africa;the area around the Charef River in eastern Morocco records an episode of extreme aridity around 8,200 BP.[33]East Africawas significantly affected by five centuries of generaldrought.InWest Asia,especiallyMesopotamia,the 8.2-kiloyear event was a 300-yeararidificationand cooling episode, which may have provided the natural force for Mesopotamian irrigation agriculture and surplus production, which were essential for the earliest formation of classes and urban life.[citation needed]However, changes taking place over centuries around the period are difficult to link specifically to the approximately 100-year abrupt event, as recorded most clearly in the Greenland ice cores.

In particular, inTell Sabi Abyad,Syria, significant cultural changes are observed at c. 6200 BC; the settlement was not abandoned at the time.[34]



In northwesternMadagascar,the 8.2 ka event is associated with a negative δ18O excursion andcalcitedeposition, indicating wet, humid conditions caused by the southward migration of the ITCZ.[35]Summer monsoons in the Southern Hemisphere likely became stronger, contributing to precipitation increases.[36]Humidification was two-phased, with an 8.3 kiloyear sub-event preceding the 8.2 kiloyear sub-event by about 20 years.[37]



The sediment core records of theFram Straitshow a short-lived cooling during the 8.2 ka event superimposed on a broader interval of warm climate.[38]In westernScotland,the 8.2 ka event coincided with a dramatic reduction in the Mesolithic population.[39]In the Iberian Peninsula, the 8.2 ka event is linked to greater summer aridity that caused an increase in the frequency of fires and a consequent expansion of fire-resistant evergreen oak trees.[40]

North Asia


Lacustrine sediment records show that Western Siberia underwent humidification during the 8.2 ka event.[41]

South Asia


Carbonates from Riwasa Palaeolake show a weakening of the Indian Summer Monsoon (ISM) synchronous with the 8.2 ka event.[42]Stalagmites from Kotumsar Cave[43]and from Socotra and Oman further confirm the ISM precipitously diminished in strength.[44]

East Asia


A sediment core fromLop Nurin theTarim Basinshows a major dry spell occurred during the 8.2 ka event.[45]The impact of the 8.2 ka event onforestsin theKorean Peninsulawas severe, shown by a sizeable reduction inpollenproduction. It took approximately 400 years for forestecosystemsto recover from the event to their state before the climatic perturbation.[46]

Southeast Asia


Evidence from theGulf of Thailandreveals that a sea level drop occurred concordantly with the 8.2 ka event. Also detectable frompalynologicalandsedimentologicalrecords is an increase in runoff.[47]

North America


In Greenland, the 8.2 ka event is associated with a large negative spike in ice core δ18O values.[48][49]The waters offCape Hatterasexperienced a majorsalinityincrease.[50]Batguanoδ13C andδDvalues in theGrand Canyondeclined.[51]Southwestern Mexico became significantly drier, evidenced by the interruption of stalagmite growth.[52]In theGulf of Mexico,bay-head deltas back stepped as sea levels rose.[53]Mustang Islandwas breached and ceased to be an effective salinity barrier.[54]Gulf of Mexico δ18Oseawatervalues dropped by 0.8%.[55]

South America


The South American Summer Monsoon (SASM) drastically intensified during the 8.2 ka event as revealed by sediment records from Juréia Paleolagoon.[56]

See also



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