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9th century BC

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The9th century BCstarted the first day of 900 BC and ended the last day of 801 BC. It was a period of great change for several civilizations. InAfrica,Carthageis founded by thePhoenicians.InEgypt,a severe flood covers the floor ofLuxortemple, and years later, a civil war starts.

It is the beginning of theIron AgeinCentral Europe,with the spread of theProto-CelticHallstatt culture,and theProto-Celtic language.

The majorOlmecsite ofSan Lorenzo TenochtitláninMesoamericadeclined in importance, after having been active since15th century BC.


KingJehuof theKingdom of Israelbows beforeShalmaneser IIIofAssyria.

Inventions, discoveries, introductions


In works of fiction

  • InHighlander,the immortal Juan Sánchez Villa-Lobos Ramírez (Sean Connery) was born in Egypt in 896 BC.
  • InTrue Blood,the vampire known as Russell Edgington was born around 850 BC, and was turned about 800 BC.

Sovereign states


See:List of sovereign states in the 9th century BC.


  1. ^Zimmer 1952,p. 182-183.
  2. ^Hmannan Vol. 1 2003: 153–154
  3. ^Fattovich, Rodolfo, "Akkälä Guzay" in Uhlig, Siegbert, ed.Encyclopaedia Aethiopica: A-C.Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz KG, 2003, p. 169.


  • Zimmer, Heinrich(1952),Joseph Campbell(ed.),Philosophy of India,London:Routledge& Kegan Paul Ltd,Not in copyright