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Amsterdam Internet Exchange

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Amsterdam Internet Exchange
Full nameAmsterdam Internet Exchange
Founded1997 (unofficially 1994)
Peak in12.019 Tb/s[2]
Peak out12.075 Tb/s[2]
Daily in (avg.)8.582 Tb/s[2]
Daily out (avg.)8.619 Tb/s[2]
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TheAmsterdam Internet Exchange(AMS-IX) is anInternet exchange pointbased inAmsterdam,in theNetherlands.Established in the early 1990s, AMS-IX is a non-profit, neutral and independentpeeringpoint.


Year Peak traffic
2002 12 Gbit/s[3]
2003 21 Gbit/s[3]
2004 48 Gbit/s[4]
2005 120 Gbit/s[5]
2006 220 Gbit/s[5]
2007 374 Gbit/s[6]
2008 440 Gbit/s[7]
2009 610 Gbit/s
2010 1 Tbit/s[8]
2011 1.2 Tbit/s
2012 2 Tbit/s
2013 2.5 Tbit/s
2014 3.3 Tbit/s[2]
2015 4.2 Tbit/s[2]
2016 5.2 Tbit/s[2]
2017 5.5 Tbit/s
2018 6.322 Tbit/s
2019 7.1 Tbit/s
2020 10.287 Tbit/s
2024 12 Tbit/s

In February 1994, alayer 2shared infrastructure, used between academic institutes, was connected withCERNto exchange traffic. OtherInternet service providerswere allowed to connect and the name AMS-IX was first used. In 1997, the AMS-IX Association was founded by twenty of the connected Internet service providers and carriers.[5]

In 2002, theNeutral Internet Exchangewas founded as an alternative or backup for the Amsterdam Internet Exchange.[9]

As of 5 January 2011,AMS-IX connected 396 members on 684 ports.[10]The all-time peak of incoming traffic was 1.513Tbit/sand of outgoing traffic 1.512 Tbit/s compared to 0.833 Tbit/s average incoming and outgoing, in January 2012.[11]In November 2016, AMS-IX broke through the 5 Tbit/s ceiling.

The total amount of data transferred by month was (Avg. incoming and outgoing) 75,940 TB in November 2008. By April 2009, it had grown to 124,550 TB, 64% more traffic in a 5-month period.

These traffic speeds make the Amsterdam Internet Exchange thesecond largest Internet exchangein the world, when measured by number of connected members and by Internet traffic, placing it second to theDeutscher Commercial Internet Exchange[12](traffic).

In September 2013, the board voted to create a legal framework to facilitate an expansion into the United States.[13]An AMS-IX press release said that:

The chosen structure will need to protect AMS-IX's current operation and the AMS-IX Association's customers and members from commercial, legal, financial and technical risks and, more specifically, from interception activities by US government agencies.[14]

SURFnet,a member of the exchange, had expressed its objection to the proposal, citing the possibility that such interception would be demanded.[15]

AMS-IX has increased its Internet traffic from about 5 Tbps in March 2020 to about 7 Tbps in March 2021.[16]

Afiber opticpatch panelat the AMS-IX
The AMS-IX core cage at euNetworks



AMS-IX members are able to connect at 16 locations, all located within the greater Amsterdam/Rotterdam area:[17][18]

  • Digital Realty AMS5 (FormerlyInterxionSchipholRijk)
  • Digital Realty AMS9 (formerly Interxion Science Park, Vancis, SARA)
  • Digital Realty AMS17
  • Digital Realty AMS18 (formerly Telecity AMS4)
  • Equinix AM1/2 (South East)
  • Equinix AM3 (Science Park)
  • Equinix AM5 (formerly TeleCity AMS5)
  • Equinix AM6 (formerly TeleCity AMS6)
  • Equinix AM7 (formerly TeleCity AMS2)
  • euNetworks (Amsterdam Amstel Business Park)
  • GlobalSwitch(Slotervaart)
  • Greenhouse Datacenters
  • Iron Mountain (formerlyEvoswitchHaarlem)
  • NIKHEF(Science Park Amsterdam)
  • NorthC Amsterdam (Formerly Datacenter Group)
  • SmartDC (Rotterdam[19])

Third-party network transport links also offer access to AMS-IX peering VLAN via "Reseller Program". Under the program, reseller could arrange one physical connection toward AMS-IX platform (now solely a 10G connection, but in prospect of going to 100G), and multiplexes "virtual-link" of other parties that connect to AMS-IX peering VLAN.[20]



The AMS-IX platform is continually evolving due to its rapid growth in traffic and number of connected member ports. Up until the end of 2009, it was using a redundanthub-spokearchitecture using a core switch and multiple edge switches.[21]This double-star topology had the advantage of being able to perform maintenance on the network without any impact on customer traffic, and to anticipate on fiber and equipment problems by (automatically) switching to the backup topology as soon as a failure in one of the active components occurs. The active switching topology star is determined by means of theVSRPprotocol. This topology is AMS-IX version 3.

However, since 2009; AMS-IX platform has migrated from a pure Layer2 network to a VPLS/MPLS network (using Brocade hardware) in order to cope with future growth (this is AMS-IX version 4).[22]

AMS-IX members connect to the platform with 1, 10, 100 Gbit/s Ethernet connections, or using multiplegigabitor10 gigabitaggregated ports,utilizing the802.3adstandard. Gigabit Ethernet and lower speed ports are directly connected to Brocade -Foundry NetworksBigIron 15000 or RX-8network switches.10 gigabit member ports are connected toGlimmerglass Systemsphotonic switches which maintain an optical connection to the stub switch on the currently active side of the network, following the VSRP protocol. For each 10-gigabit port there is an active and a backup stub switch, for which BigIron RX-8, RX-16 or NetIron MLX-16 switches are used. The core consists of two Brocade NetIron MLX-32 switches, to which all edge switches are connected using 10 gigabit aggregated connections andWDMtechnology.

With the new VPLS/MPLS setup; the BigIron RX and legacy BigIron 15000 are no longer in-use. AMS-IX has migrated all the hardware to the MPLS-capable MLX platform. Stub switch is either MLX-8, MLX-16 or MLX-32.

Since May 2011, AMS-IX engineers have started testing 100GE along with LimeLight Network.

See also



  1. ^abc"Connected networks".ams-ix.net.AMS-IX.Archivedfrom the original on 5 November 2015.Retrieved31 December2016.
  2. ^abcdefg"Total statistics".ams-ix.net.AMS-IX. 4 October 2023.Archivedfrom the original on 5 November 2015.Retrieved4 October2023.
  3. ^abAnnual Report 2003ArchivedMay 13, 2008, at theWayback Machine.Retrieved on 2008-02-10.
  4. ^Annual Report 2004ArchivedMay 13, 2008, at theWayback Machine.Retrieved on 2008-02-10.
  5. ^abcAnnual Report 2006ArchivedMay 13, 2008, at theWayback Machine.Retrieved on 2008-02-10.
  6. ^Annual Report 2007ArchivedNovember 22, 2008, at theWayback Machine.Retrieved on 2008-10-01.
  7. ^Annual Report 2008Archived2011-06-08 at theWayback Machine.Retrieved on 2009-07-08.
  8. ^"Share photos and videos on Twitter".Twitpic.Retrieved2012-12-10.
  9. ^"NL-ix News".nl-ix.net.Netherlands Internet Exchange.Archivedfrom the original on 27 September 2008.Retrieved2008-09-11.
  10. ^"Member list".ams-ix.net.Amsterdam Internet Exchange.Archivedfrom the original on 12 December 2010.Retrieved2011-01-05.
  11. ^"AMS-IX - Traffic".ams-ix.net.Amsterdam Internet Exchange. 2011-01-05.Archivedfrom the original on 12 December 2010.Retrieved2011-01-05.
  12. ^Deutscher Commercial Internet Exchange TrafficArchived2009-09-17 at theWayback Machine.Retrieved on 2010-03-12.
  13. ^ Moody, Glyn,Europe's Largest Internet Exchange Decides To Open US Office, Risks Making Itself Subject To NSA Demands,Techdirt,archivedfrom the original on 2013-10-02
  14. ^ "Majority of AMS-IX Members Support Set Up of US-based Legal Entity"(Press release). AMS-IX. 2013-09-28.Archivedfrom the original on 2013-12-24.In an extraordinary General Meeting (GM) held on 27 September 2013, AMS-IX members approved the set up of a US-based legal entity by a majority of votes.
  15. ^ Graanoogst, Audrey (2013-09-27),SURFnet Also Fears NSA,nltimes.nl,archivedfrom the original on 2014-01-25,In an email to fellow members SURFnet explains that it is against the plan, partly because there are concerns about the eavesdropping capabilities of Americans.
  16. ^ Internet traffic growth in AMS-IX,Stackscale, 2021-03-31
  17. ^"Colocations".AMS-IX.Retrieved2016-07-14.
  18. ^"Internetknooppunt AMS-IX breidt uit naar Rotterdam en Naaldwijk".Tweakers(in Dutch).Retrieved2024-03-29.
  19. ^"Internetknooppunt AMS-IX breidt uit naar Rotterdam en Naaldwijk".Tweakers(in Dutch).Retrieved2024-03-29.
  20. ^Partnerpage AMS-IX sitevisited on 26 feb 2015
  21. ^"AMS-IX topology".Archived fromthe originalon 2008-05-15.Retrieved2008-05-22.
  22. ^"The AMS-IX MPLS/VPLS infrastructure".Archived fromthe originalon 2010-12-12.Retrieved2011-02-25.