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A la Verge Santíssima: Dues Lletretes a Una Veu

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A la Verge Santíssima: Dues Lletretes a Una Veu(To the Most Holy Virgin: Two Letters in One Voice) is a collection of two hymns to theVirgin Mary:"Sia vostra gran puresa"(1904, Whether your high purity) and"Oració a Maria"(1908, Prayer to Mary), composed byEudalt Serra;the text of the second hymn was written byJacint Verdaguerin 1908. The music publisher wasFoment de Pietat Catalana[ca].[1]


  1. ^Serra, Eudalt; Verdaguer, Jacint.A la Verge Santíssima: Dues Lletretes a Una Veu.Foment de Pietat Catalana.Retrieved24 June2022– viaUniversity of Dayton.