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Adaldag(c. 900 – 28 April 988; also Adelgis, Adelger, and Adalgag) was the seventharchbishop of Hamburg-Bremen,from 937 until his death.



Adaldag was of noble birth, a relation and pupil of Adalward,Bishop of Verden,and became canon ofHildesheim.Otto Imade him hischancellorand notary immediately after his accession. He enjoyed the favor of Otto's mother,Queen Matilda.[1]On the death of ArchbishopUnniof Hamburg-Bremen in 936, Otto nominated him to the vacantsee,[2]and granted him all the rights of a count.

None of the early incumbents of the see ruled for so long, and none did so much for the diocese, though his success was partly the fruit of his predecessors’ labors and of peculiarly favorable circumstances. Under Adaldag the metropolitan see obtained its first suffragans, by the erection of the bishoprics ofRibe,Schleswig,andÅrhus;[3]and that of theSlavicterritories ofAldenburg(today'sOldenburg in Holstein) was also placed underHamburg.(Not to be confused withOldenburg in Oldenburg,which had formerly belonged to thediocese of Verden.)

He resisted successfully a renewal of the efforts ofCologneto claim jurisdiction overBremen.He gained many privileges for his see, in jurisdiction, possession of land, and market rights, by his close relations with the emperors, especially Otto I.[4]He accompanied the latter on his journey toRome,and remained with him from 961 to 965, and is mentioned as the emperor's chief counselor at the time of his coronation in Rome. Otto placed the deposed popeBenedict Vin his custody in Hamburg.[5]As Benedict was considered both holy and learned, the Archbishop kept him in great honor until his death some months later.[6]

After Adaldag's return to Hamburg, he still maintained these relations, and his privileges were confirmed byOtto IIand by the regency ofOtto III.The later years of his life were troubled by inroads of theDanesand Slavonians on the north. He rebuilt Hamburg after the sack of the city in 983 by theObotritesunderMistiwoi.


  1. ^Adam of Bremen,History of the Archbishops of Hamburg-Bremen,(Francis J. Tschan, trans.) Columbia University Press, 2002, p. 54 n.3ISBN9780231500852
  2. ^"Adaldag",Enciclopedia Italiana,1929
  3. ^"Adaldag", Great Norwegian Encyclopedia
  4. ^Schäfer, Joachim. "Adaldag von Hamburg-Bremen",Ökumenischen Heiligenlexikon
  5. ^Philip Hughes,A History of the Church,(Sheed & Ward Ltd., 1978), 196.
  6. ^Adam of Bremen, p. 60
Born:around 900Died:28 April 988 in Hamburg?
Preceded by Archbishop of Bremen-Hamburg
Succeeded by
Liawizo I(also Libizo, Latin: Libentius)
New diocese Bishop of Schleswig
Succeeded by
Hored(also Horath or Oredo)