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Admetus of Pherae

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Alcestisand Admetus,ancient Roman fresco from theAugusteuminHerculaneum,Italy
Herkules entreißt Alkestis dem Totengott Thanatos und führt sie dem Admetus zubyJohann Heinrich Tischbein(circa 1780)

InGreek mythology,Admetus(/ædˈmtəs/;Ancient Greek:ἌδμητοςAdmētosmeans 'untamed, untameable')[1][2]was a king ofPheraeinThessaly.[3]



Admetus succeeded his fatherPheres[4]after whom the city was named. His mother was identified asPericlymeneorClymene.He was one of theArgonauts[5]and took part in theCalydonian Boarhunt.[6]Admetus' wifeAlcestisoffered to substitute her own death for his. The most famous of Admetus's children wasEumelus,who led a contingent from Pherae to fight in theTrojan War.He also had a daughterPerimele.


Apollo and the Cattle of AdmetusbyCornelius van Poelenburgh(1620)

Divine herdsman


Admetus was famed for hishospitalityand justice. WhenApollowas sentenced to a year of servitude to a mortal as punishment for killingDelphyne,or as later tradition has it, theCyclopes,the god was sent to Admetus' home to serve as his herdsman.[7]Apollo in recompense for Admetus' treatment made all the cows bear twins while he served as his cowherd.[8]

The romantic nature of their relationship was first described byCallimachusof Alexandria, who wrote that Apollo was "fired with love" for Admetus.[9]Plutarch lists Admetus as one of Apollo's lovers and says that Apollo served Admetus because he doted upon him.[10]Latin poetOvidin hisArs Amatoriasaid that even though he was a god, Apollo forsook his pride and stayed in as a servant for the sake of Admetus.[11]Tibullusdescribes Apollo's love to the king asservitium amoris(slavery of love) and asserts that Apollo became his servant not by force but by choice.[12]

Apollo later helped Admetus win the hand ofAlcestis,the daughter ofPelias,king ofIolcus.Alcestis had so many suitors that Pelias set an apparently impossible task to the suitors—to win the hand of Alcestis, they must yoke a boar and a lion to a chariot. Apollo harnessed the yoke with the animals[13]and Admetus drove the chariot to Pelias, and thus married Alcestis.

Admetus, however, neglected to sacrifice toArtemis,Apollo's sister. The offended goddess filled the bridal chamber with snakes and again, Apollo came to Admetus' aid. Apollo advised Admetus to sacrifice to Artemis, and the goddess removed the snakes.

Heroism of Alcestis

Hercules Wrestling with Death for the Body of AlcestisbyFrederic Lord Leighton,England (c. 1869–1871)

The greatest aid Apollo gave to Admetus was persuading theFatesto reprieve Admetus of his fated day of death. According toAeschylusApollo made the Fates drunk, and the Fates agreed to reprieve Admetus if he could find someone to die in his place.[14]Admetus initially believed that one of his aged parents would happily take their son's place of death. When they were unwilling, Alcestis instead died for Admetus.

The scene of death is described inEuripides' playAlcestis,whereThanatos,the god of death, takes Alcestis to the Underworld. As Alcestis descends, Admetus discovers that he actually does not want to live:

I think my wife's fate is happier than my own, even though it may not seem so. No pain will ever touch her now, and she has ended life's many troubles with glory. But I, who have escaped my fate and ought not to be alive, shall now live out my life in sorrow.

— Euripides,Alcestis935ff.

The situation was saved byHeracles,who rested at Pherae on his way towards the man-eatingMares of Diomedes.Heracles was greatly impressed by Admetus'skind treatment of him as a guest,and when told of Admetus' situation, he entered Alcestis' tomb. He repaid the honor Admetus had done to him by wrestling withThanatosuntil the god agreed to releaseAlcestis,then led her back into the mortal world. According to other accounts,Persephone,queen of theUnderworldinstead brought Alcestis back to the upper world.[citation needed]



  1. ^Robert Graves,The Greek Mythsrev. ed. 1960 (index).
  2. ^Karl Kerenyi,The Gods of the Greeks,1951:138.
  3. ^Apollonius Rhodius,1.49
  4. ^Apollodorus,1.9.16
  5. ^Apollonius Rhodius,1.49-50;Apollodorus,1.9.16
  6. ^Hyginus,Fabulae14&173
  7. ^Apollodorus, 3.10.4
  8. ^ScholiaadEuripides,Alcestis2
  9. ^Callimachus,Hymn to Apollo
  10. ^Plutarch,Amatorius17;Numa4.5
  11. ^Ovid,Ars Amatoria2.239
  12. ^Tibullus,Elegies2.3
  13. ^Apollodorus, 1.9.15; Hyginus,Fabulae50
  14. ^Aeschylus,Eumenides728


  • Aeschylus,translated in two volumes. 2.Eumenidesby Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph.D. Cambridge, MA. Harvard University Press. 1926.Online version at the Perseus Digital Library.Greek text available from the same website.
  • Apollodorus,The Librarywith an English Translation by Sir James George Frazer, F.B.A., F.R.S. in 2 Volumes, Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press; London, William Heinemann Ltd. 1921. ISBN 0-674-99135-4.Online version at the Perseus Digital Library.Greek text available from the same website.
  • Callimachus,Callimachus and Lycophron with an English translation by A. W. Mair; Aratus, with an English translation by G. R. Mair,London: W. Heinemann, New York: G. P. Putnam 1921. Internet Archive
  • Callimachus,Works.A.W. Mair. London: William Heinemann; New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons. 1921.Greek text available at the Perseus Digital Library.
  • Gaius Julius Hyginus,Fabulae from The Myths of Hyginustranslated and edited by Mary Grant. University of Kansas Publications in Humanistic Studies.Online version at the Topos Text Project.
  • Graves, Robert,The Greek Myths,Harmondsworth, London, England, Penguin Books, 1960.ISBN978-0143106715
  • Graves, Robert,The Greek Myths: The Complete and Definitive Edition.Penguin Books Limited. 2017.ISBN978-0-241-98338-6,024198338X
  • Kerényi, Carl,The Gods of the Greeks,Thames and Hudson, London, 1951.
  • March, J.Cassell's Dictionary Of Classical Mythology.London, 1999.ISBN0-304-35161-X