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InGreek mythology,Aezeius(Ancient Greek:ΑἰζειόςAzeios) orAzeus(Άζειόν or Άζειός) was one of the first kings of thePeloponnesus,probably ofArcadia,and a contemporary ofPhoroneuswho ruled atArgolis.[1]



Azeus was one of thegiantsons ofGaea(Earth) and, by anymph,became the father of the heroLycaon(Lycon) who also siredDeïanira.The latter became the mother of the youngerLycaon,the impious king of Arcadia, byPelasgus,the son ofNiobê(daughter of Phoroneus) andZeus.[2][3]



Azeus’ lineage was recounted in the following myth:

"...I will lift the veil from your remotest ancestry: Chthon (Gaia) teemed of old and bore a sonAzeios,who grew to manhood amid the mighty battles of theTitanes.GigasAzeiosencountered a Nymphe with lover's intent, and begot Lykon; and hero Lykon begot a fair maiden Deianeira. Now Pelasgos of old went up the fair couch of Deianeira when she was growing to womanhood; he was the dear son ofZeus Eleutherios(God of Freedom); and from her bed he got Lykaon, shepherd of the land of Arkadia. "[4]

The Arcadians were called Aezeians during Aezeius’ reign and this changed into Lycaonians when Lycaon came into power.[5]


  1. ^Dionysius of Halicarnassus,Antiquitates Romanae1.11.2;Eusebius,Chronography102
  2. ^Dionysius of Halicarnassus,Antiquitates Romanae1.11.2;Greek PapyriIII,140b
  3. ^Juríková, Erika (2017-06-11)."Antiquitates Romanae - Ancient History Textbook of the Jesuit Trnava University".Historica Olomucensia.52:71–85.doi:10.5507/ho.2017.003.ISSN1803-9561.
  4. ^Greek PapyriIII,140b,perhaps attributed toPamprepius of Panopolisas the author
  5. ^Dionysius of Halicarnassus,Antiquitates Romanae1.12.1