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Ajam of Bahrain

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Iranian Bahrainis
عجم البحرين/فرس البحرين(in Arabic)
پارسهای بحرین/ایرانیان بحرین(in Persian)
Iranian school in Bahrain 1939
Persian(Bahraini, Bushehri, Shirazi),Achomi/Khodmooni,Baluchi,Luri,Azeri,Ajami Arabic,[1]Bahraini Arabic
Islam (TwelverShias,Sunnis), Bahaiis, Christians, Non-religious
Related ethnic groups
Iranians of UAE,Ajam of Bahrain,Iranians of Qatar,Iranians of Iraq,Iranians of Kuwait

Iranian Peoples(Lur,Achomi,Baluch,Kurds,Iranian Azerbaijanis),Turkic peoples(Qashqai,Azeri),Huwala

TheAjam of Bahrain(Arabic:عجم البحرین), also known asPersians of BahrainorIranians of Bahrain(Persian:ایرانیان بحرین), are anethnic groupinBahraincomposed ofBahraini citizensofIranian ancestryandIranian origins.[2][3][4][5][6][7]

Most families are of a Shia background, although there is a number of Sunni families ofAchomiandBaluchiancestry as well.[2][3]: 36, 39 [4][5][6]They are mostly bilingual.

TheAjamare found in significant numbers inManama,Muharraq,and Shia majority areas such as Saar,DirazandSamaheej.BothSamaheejandDirazhave their names derived fromPersian.[8][9]

Terms explained

  • Persian:this term is used for anyone ofPersian/Iranianroots bothgeneticallyandlinguistically.Bahrainis of a Persian speaking background use this term to refer to themselves.[7]: 53 While some others (locally in Bahrain) saw it as just a term for Ajams from aShiabackground.[7]: 27 
  • Ajami(Plural: Ajam): The same general meaning of the term applies here, initially used to refer to those from a Persian speaking background locally,[7]: 26 similarly to it's historical use,[10]however nowadays any non-Arab is referred to as an Ajam.[7]: 27 While some find this term to be derogatory due to its negative historical use context,[11]some Sunni Iranians claim it is only for those of a Shia background,[12]similarly to thesituation in Kuwait,others don't reject or deny it.[7]: 30 

Ethnic composition


The Iranians of Bahrain are the descendants of immigrants who immigrated to this country in the 19th and 20th centuries (1800~2000 AD) from the southern provinces ofIran,includingFars province,[3][13]Bushehr province,[14][3][7]Hormozgan province,Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad province,Khoramshahr,[14]Sistan and Baluchistan,[7][3][5][6]andLorestan.[13]

The people of Iranian origins are made up ofdifferent ethnic groups,[7]: 26-27 including,Iranian/Iranic peoples:

By origin location:

Other groups:



Iranian migration into Bahrain goes back to the days of theSassanidandAchaemenid Persian empire,though in modern times there has been a constant migration for hundreds of years.[23]There has always been a migration of Persian-speaking Shia into Bahrain.[24]

Pre-Islamic period


Researchers claim that Bahrain was inhabited bypartially-Christianized Arabs,[25][26][27]Aramaic-speaking agriculturalists,[25][28][29]PersianZoroastrians,and a small amount ofJews.[30]Robert Bertram Serjeant,believes that theBaharnamay be the last of the "descendants of converts from the original population ofChristians(Aramaeans),Jewsand ancientZoroastrianPersians(Referred to as "Majus" by Arabs) inhabiting the island and cultivated coastal provinces ofEastern Arabiaat the time of theArab conquest".[31][32]The Christian sentiment is supported by Archaeology as Archaeologists uncovered a ChristianchurchinSamaheejbelonging to that period.[33]

Islamicnarrationsclaim that Bahrain was majorly aZoroastrianpopulation, before theArab conquest,and thatMohammedtook theJizyafrom them.[34][35][36]

The Bahraini population is said to have spokenSyriacandPersian(likelyMiddle "Pahlavi" Persian) at the time.[25]

Modern Migrations


It is claimed that Persians were settling inHormuzand Bahrain at the time when there was a conflict between the Portuguese and the Persian Empire on ruling Bahrain, notably during the time ofNader Shah.[7]: 22-26 

The number began to increase significantly in the year 1850, and due to the natural problems that the Iranian arena faced, such as lack of rain and due to waves offamine,choleraandsmallpoxoutbreaks and increasedcrime rates,this led to immigration to a large-scale migration to Bahrain.[7]: 8 [3]: 60 Bushehri states that no one leaves his homeland, land, or clan unless they were forced to.[7]: 8 

The period 1860-1910 is classified as the "first generation" migration by some.[3]: 59 It includes places likeBushehr,Bandar Abbas,Bandar LangehMohammerah (Khorramshahr),[3]: 60 [14][37]andLorestan.[13]

In 1860, the Bushehri family migrates to Bahrain.[7]: 13 [3]: 60 

During the early 20th century, the Iranian central government imposed new import and export taxes,[13]The introduction of taxes was an effort to reinforce the authority of the Iranian state and draw revenue from affluent peripheral areas like Bandar Lingeh and Bushehr, which were key economic hubs in the Gulf during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.[37]Migrants, familiar with the region, circumvented these restrictions by choosing alternative routes.[37]To escape the heavy taxation, many merchants simply relocated to the other side, a practice that had been common for centuries due to the familiarity of the region.[13]prompting the migration of tens of thousands of people fromsouthern Iranto the opposite shores.[13]Bahrain became a primary destination for these migrants,[37]leading to a significant increase in its Iranian population.[37]This period also saw heightened British involvement in the region.[13][37]

In 1904, anti-Persian rioting broke out in the markets ofManama,marking the first recorded instance of local resistance against migrants in Bahrain.[37]The British labeled the incident as "anti-Persian" and subsequently took control over the affairs of Iranian migrants in Bahrain.[37]In response, the Iranian central government requested British assistance to ensure justice for its citizens in Bahrain.[37]According to historian Stephenson, this request was a temporary measure rather than an attempt to permanently cede jurisdiction, reflecting the historically fluid and overlapping borders in the Gulf region.[37]

According to Dr. Ali Akbar Bushehri, in the year 1905, the Ajam of Bahrain were estimated to be around 1650.[7]

By 1909, the British who were treating Iranians as foreigners in need of British protection,[13]had convinced the Sheikh of Bahrain to oversee the Iranian migrants after spending five years of trying to convince him that they were foreigners,[37]even though the Iranians (of Bahrain) themselves had not sought such protection.[13]This shift marked the introduction of new territorialized identities in the Gulf,[13][37]replacing earlier conceptions of belonging that were based on familial ties rather than geographic origin.[13][37]The British court system reinforced this "spatial awareness," bringing a legal and official understanding of belonging that was increasingly tied to territorial boundaries.[13][37]Despite the British designation of Iranians as foreigners,[13][37]the Sheikh of Bahrain viewed them as part of his subjects,[13][37]prioritizing their economic contributions over any concern about their origins.[13]

In 1910, the local Iranian community funded and opened aprivate school,Al-Ittihad school (Persian:دبستان اتحاد ملی,romanized:Dabistan Ittihad Melli,lit.'National Union Primary School'),[38][39]that taughtPersian,besides other subjects.[39]It is considered one of the earliest, if not first, school to be opened in Bahrain.[40][41]Between 1910 and 1919, in the absence of state-run schools on the islands, some Bahrainis attended Al-Ittihad, contributing to the development of modern education in the region.[42]: 293–294 It had asecular approachinfluenced by thePahlavi dynastyup until the1979 Revolution.[40]: 293–294 

Between 1919-1923, Members of the Iranian community asked the government to require teachingPersian(Farsi) as part of the curriculum in all schools but this was rejected.[40]: 292 

AfterReza Shahcame to power in 1925, and his nationalist policy, there was fear of the Persians in Bahrain. Anything that happens in Iran that is annoying to Bahrain or another side of the Gulf, the pressure is immediately put on Iranians living in Bahrani or the rest of the Gulf in general, Bushehri recounts.[7]: 10 

Most modern migration of Iranians to Bahrain started around the year 1928, according according to the oldest document they had in 2009, but this doesn't mean they didn't exist before this period, recounts Dr. Ali Akbar Bushehri.[7]

During the 1930s, someconservativeSunni families have migrated from Iran to Bahrain due to the fear ofReza Shahimposed "Kashf-e hijab"law and what these families perceived as an" extreme secularism against religion "comparable to"Ataturk".[7]: 18, 33 

Bandari woman wearingBattoulahinQeshm Island.Some families that migrated to Bahrain, Kuwait, UAE used to/still wear this.

Between 1920-1940, beforeWorld War II,more families migrated fromBushehrto Bahrain to avoid the on-going conflict betweenReza Shahand theEnglish.[7]: 20 

In 1941,Mohammed Reza Shahbecomes the Shah of Iran.

At 12:50 p.m. on March 26, 1970, London Radio announced that both Britain and Iran had submitted a request to the Secretary-General of the United Nations to send a representative from the international organization to survey the opinion of the people of Bahrain as to whether they wish to remain under British Protectorate or to have Independence or be part of Iran.[7]: 48, 52 Musa Al-Ansari recounts that he voted on the promise for the country to be an independentdemocraticcountry that respectsminorities,"I went to vote as a Bahraini, but I do not want to lose my identity as a Persian."[7]: 51, 53 

Post Revolution


Bushehri recounts that the "Khomeini Revolution" created a rift between the Ajams of Bahrain.[7]: 96 Majority of Bahraini Iranians were opposed to the Revolution, but theystarted supporting itover time.[7]: 96 

Mohammed Al-Qassab recounts "We were proud of the revolution because it overthrew theShah.It removed from us the worry of ambitions and expansion. But we got in new labyrinths and greed of a different kind wrapped in revolutionary and religious slogans. "[7]: 97–98 

The1990s uprising in Bahraintook place in-between 1994 and 1999 in whichleftists,liberalsandIslamistsjoined forces to demanddemocraticreforms.

After the Revolution in Iran, the Iranian School was renamed to "Islamic Republic School."[citation needed]At that time, the school was being funded and operated by the Iranian Ministry of Education.[40]: 293–294 The 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran led to a shift in the school's ideological framework and curriculum.[40]: 293–294 Prior to the Revolution, the school followed asecular approachinfluenced by thePahlavi dynastyfor nearly 70 years.[40]: 293–294 For over seventy-five years, the school has provided education to multiple generations in Bahrain.[40]: 293–294 In 1996, the "Iranian school" was shutdown by the Bahraini government.[40][43]

In 2002, Bahraini's King,Hamad Bin Isa,announced many of the Ajams of Bahrain as Bahraini citizens and granted them citizenships.[citation needed]

In 2003,Khatamivisited Bahrain which marked the first visit of an Iranian president to Bahrain since 25 years,[44]Khatami gave a lecture in the Arabic language at theGulf HotelinManameh.[7]: 97 Bushehri recounts "The place was buzzing with Ajams, support, and prayers. Me and two of my friends were there. Everyone raises their voices in prayer except for us. For the first time, I felt that I had become aminorityamong a minority. Three people, a minority among 1,500.[7]: 97 

The Bahraini people became considerably very religious after the 1979 events,[7]: 99–100 and theWahhabi movementin Saudi which was strengthened by oil exports,[45]: 61–62 Musa Al-Ansari recounts: "I do not know why the revolution took this character in Bahrain. The fanaticism that exists in Bahrain does not exist in Iran. In Iran you will see people listening to music and songs, women in half-veils laughing in the street. Here you are an infidel if you listen to a cassette or hear singing. Bahrain is a completely different situation."[7]: 99–100 Al-Qassab wonders, "where did we get all this fanatism from?" to which Al-Ansari responds "FromIslamic Extremism."[7]: 100–101 

In the year 2009, the Iranians of Bahrain were estimated to be around 20% of the local population.[7]: 7 [note 1]

Some of the new generation of Ajams of Bahrain do not identify much religiously and do not give attention to issues such as sectarianism or over religiosity, and rather view all their peers of different backgrounds as one.[citation needed]



They accuse us of not having loyalty. What do they mean, that we have no loyalty? The aggressor will not differentiate between an Arab and a non-Arab. We must all defend this land. That brings us together.

— Nasser Hussein,[7]: 83 

Iranians of Bahrain could quite often face discrimination andracism,[20][9][14]and their loyalty is always questioned.[7]: 88–95 Sectarian conflicts following theIslamic revolution of Iran,[7]: 96 2011 events,along withIslamic extremism,[7]: 99–100 attributed to divisions among the Ajams of Bahrain.

One of the key reasons behind the Bahraini government's promotion of an "Arab identity"framework among its population is to mitigate its deep-rooted historical ties withIranand its Persian community (Ajam), as well as the indigenous Arab Shi’a (Baharna).[3]: 72 The intertwined history of Bahrain and Iran, along with their respective peoples, dates back to at least the 5th century BCE during theAchaemenid Empire.[3]: 72 Over the centuries, both regions have vied for control of the Gulf, with influence shifting back and forth since pre-Islamic times.[3]: 72 Notably, during theSassanian Empire,parts of the Arabian Peninsula and Iraq, now predominantly Arab-controlled, were once under Iranian rule.[3]: 72 

Shias in Bahrain or people of aShia backgroundin general, face discrimination, and are often called "Majoos",[46]a term invented by Arabs forZoroastrians;who are a minority today, often accused of "worshipping fire" as well,[47]which is untrue as Zoroastrians worship "Ahuramazda"andthe fireto them is as holy as theKaabahis to Muslims). It is worth noting that the majority of Bahrain's Shia population areBahranipeople who are mostly (around 50%) easternArabsand (around 30%~) North West Asian (Iranian,Caucasian,andMespotamian) according to their genes,[48][49]and the two (Baharna and Ajams) can be often conflated by many.[46]Many individuals, particularly those who view all Shias as 'Iranian Majoos,' also accuse them of being subservient to the Islamic Republic of Iran.[46]It is important to note that this perception has been prevalent among some Sunni Iranians,[50]or at least was in the past, ultimately leading to unintended consequences for them.[51]

Since 1980s till mid 2000s, a lot of "Bidoon"Iranians have been deported back to Iran,[3]many of which were working forBAPCO,the island’s oil company, claimed to have been an attempt to open up more jobs for the native Bahraini population.[3]: 74–75 

Based on a study in 2013, the researcher noted: the linguistic and religious situation of Sunni Persians in Bahrain is thorny and sometimes it is intentionally confused between "Hole\Hawala Arabs" and "Sunni Persians".[15]The same study also claims that Sunni Achomis did not face any systematic racism.[15]Some Sunni Achomis actively reject efforts to attribute Arab origins to their heritage.[52]

In 2015,Al-Wasatcolumnist and journalist “Hani Al-Fardan” wrote an article in which he explained (indirectly) that a lot of people are getting in the fashion of changing their family names either for political or financial reasons, he explained “if one knew the original names and the names they changed to, they wouldn’t be surprised.”[53]

In 2019, Dr. Abdullah Madani, writer of Al-Ayam newspaper and specialist in Asian affairs, describes in an article how a Bahraini of Persian origin once protested to him that he used his family name among the Ajams. Bahrain has brought. Madani had dedicated one of his articles to Bahrainis of Ajam of Iranian race and especially Shiites. In his article entitled "Kabir al-Ajam fe Al-Bahrain", he mentioned the name of "Akbari" family as one of the most famous Ajam families in Bahrain, along with the names of many other families. Ismail Akbari (husband of writer Sosan Al-Shaer and father of Bahrain Consultative Council member Bassam Ismail Al-Bon Mohammad "Akbari" ) strongly protested. In his opinion, the name "Ajam" refers only to Shias of Iranian origin, not to Sunnis, and his family, who are "Bastaki", not "Ajami".[12]

While students inIranstudyFormal Arabic,[54]Bahrainis of Iranian origin or ancestry (whatever their background) cannot studyPersian(Farsi), or anyIranian language,the suggestion was made between 1919-1923 and ignored.[40]: 292 





Sultaneezwas a local Bahraini band that operated between 1989-2003, they are known for laying the foundation for "Bandari music," they have produced songs in Achomi (Bastaki dialect), Farsi, and Arabic. Their Bastaki song "Naz Akon Naz Akon" inspired by Yusuf Hadi Bastaki's folkloric song of the same name, is one of the most popular songs of this group.[55]Kouros Shahmiri's song "Naz Nakon", which was released later (1998 AD),[56][note 2][57]was inspired by Sultaneez's song "Naz Akon", which was released on June 25, 1990.[58][note 3]Additionally, the song "Chai Chayi" by Koros was also inspired by the song of Soltaniz "Chayi Chayeem Kalam Dard Akon", which was released in 1989.[59][60]Their legacy still lives on to this day, and many Bahraini Iranians listen to them to remember their roots.

Other Bahraini Persian bands include:

  • Al-Kawakib (فرقة الکواکب البحرینیة)
  • Sharks (فرقة شارکس البحرینیة)
  • Al-Ghuraba'a (فرقة الغرباء البحرینیة)
  • Al-Danah (فرقة الدانة البحرینیة) - This group was composed of "Janahi" family members.
  • Al-Salam (فرقة السلام البحرینیة)



Related languages:

The Ajam speak southernIranian languagesandPersian dialectsdistinctive to the cities they have originated from, below is a comparison chart of English, Modern Standard Arabic, Bahraini Arabic, Achomi, Standard New Persian, Bahraini/Bushehri New Persian, and Iranian/Tehrani New Persian:


English Modern Standard Arabic Bahraini Arabic Achomi StandardNew Persian Bahraini/Bushehri New Persian Iranian/TehraniNew Persian
What for? Arabic:لماذا؟,romanized:lematha Arabic:حگ شنو؟,romanized:hag sheno? Persian:برای چه؟,romanized:baráye che Persian:سی چه؟,romanized:Si cheh Persian:واسه چی؟,romanized:vaseh che
Do you want water? Arabic:هل تريد ماء؟,romanized:hal turidu ma'a? Arabic:تَبي ماي؟,romanized:taby mai? Persian:آیا شما آب می خواهید؟,romanized:Aaya shoma ab mekhaheed? Persian:اُو مي خای؟,romanized:ow mikhay Persian:آب میخوای؟,romanized:áb mikhái
He did not know what to do, suddenly he thought that he could go to the camel's home. Arabic:لم يكن يعرف ماذا يفعل، فجأة فكر أنه يستطيع الذهاب إلى بيت الجمل.,romanized:lam yakun yaerif madha yafeila, faj'atan fakar 'anah yastatie aldhahab 'iilaa bayt aljumli. Persian:اُشنا فَمی چُنگ بُکُن، اِرانِ اَفِک کَت کِه اُ چی اَ خونَه ی دامونِ اُشتُری,romanized:oshna fami chong bokon, erani a fek kat ke oi chi akhonaye damone oshtori Persian:او نمی دانست چه کند، ناگهان فکر کرد که می تواند به خانه شتر برود,romanized:u namidanast che konad, nagahan fekr kard keh metavanad beh khaney shetar beravad Persian:او نمیدونست چیکار کنه، یهو فکر کرد که میتونه بره خونه شتر.,romanized:ou namidanast che kar koneh, yaho fekr kard keh metoneh bereh khoney shetar
I told you Arabic:أنا قلت لك,romanized:ana qulto laka Arabic:آنه گلت لك,romanized:aaneh gelt lek Persian:مَن بِه شُما گُفتَم,romanized:man be shoma goftam Persian:مُو سیت (سی تو) گفتُم,romanized:mo seet goftum Persian:مَن بِهِت (به تو) گُفتَم,romanized:man behet goftam


English Modern Standard Arabic Bahraini Arabic Achomi StandardNew Persian Bahraini/Bushehri New Persian Iranian/TehraniNew Persian
Money Arabic:مال,romanized:mal Arabic:فلوس/بيزات,romanized:feloos/bizat Persian:پول,romanized:Púl Persian:پِیسه,romanized:peyse Persian:پول,romanized:Púl
Food Arabic:طعام,romanized:taam Arabic:اكل,romanized:akel Persian:خوراک,romanized:khorak Persian:غذا,romanized:ghaza(from Arabic) Persian:خوراک,romanized:khorak Persian:غذا,romanized:ghaza(from Arabic)
Breakfast Arabic:إفطار,romanized:iftar Arabic:فطور/ریوگ,romanized:fotoor/reyoog Persian:ناشتا,romanized:Nashta Persian:صبحانه,romanized:Sobhaneh Persian:ناشتا,romanized:Nashta Persian:صبحانه,romanized:Sobhaneh
Lunch Arabic:غداء,romanized:ghada'a Arabic:غده,romanized:ghadeh Persian:چاشت,romanized:Chasht Persian:ناهار,romanized:Nahar(from Arabic) Persian:چاش,romanized:Chash Persian:ناهار,romanized:Nahar(from Arabic)
Socks Arabic:جوراب,romanized:jurab Arabic:دولاغ,romanized:Dolagh

(from Achomi)

Persian:دولاغ,romanized:Dolagh? Persian:جوراب,romanized:Jurab(from Arabic) Persian:دولاغ,romanized:Dolagh Persian:جوراب,romanized:Jurab
Aunt Arabic:عمة/خالة,romanized:ameh/khaleh Arabic:عمة/خالة,romanized:ameh/khaleh Persian:ببه/دامون,romanized:babeh/damon Persian:عمه/خاله,romanized:ameh/khaleh Persian:عمه/خاله,romanized:ameh/khaleh
Nose Arabic:انف,romanized:anf Arabic:خشم,romanized:khashem Persian:پوز,romanized:puz Persian:دماغ,romanized:demagh Persian:پوز,romanized:puz Persian:دماغ,romanized:demagh
Mouth Arabic:فم,romanized:fam Arabic:بوز,romanized:booz Persian:کَپ,romanized:kap Persian:دهن,romanized:dahan Persian:کَپ,romanized:kap Persian:دهن,romanized:dahan
Brain Arabic:مخ/دماغ,romanized:mokh/demagh Arabic:مخ/دماغ,romanized:mokh/demagh Persian:مغز,romanized:maghz Persian:مغز,romanized:maghz




TheBādgirof the house of Shaikh Isa Bin Ali looks very similar to the older ones found in Southern Iran, likely introduced to UAE and Bahrain by Migrant Iranians from the South of Iran.[14][37]

TheIranian languageshas had the biggest foreign linguistic influence onBahraniandBahraini Arabic.[9][61][62][63][64][73]The indigenous Bahrani dialect of Bahrain has also borrowed many words from Persian, for example:

  • Chandal- woods used in constructing the roof of old buildings.
  • Bādgir- towers with single or two, three or four sided openings above dwellings in order to let wind air into the building to create a current and hence cool the air inside the lower floor rooms. Now they refer to them as "Mulgaf" (ملقف) instead.
  • Hast - Existing, for example Bahrainis sometimes say "Sh-hast?" (Meaning: What's up?).[73]: 43 
  • Bannad - He closed.[73]: 83 
  • Khosh - Good.[73]: 120 
  • Buuz - Mouth (noted to be from an older Iranian dialect)[73]: 134 


  • The migration of the Bushehri community to Bahrain led to a significant rise in the importation of certain goods, includingbooks,rosewater,tea,and spirits, which distinguished them from the local Arab population.[74]: 60 
  • Persians in Bahrain are known and are famous in Bahrain for bread-making.[75]


Matam Al-Ajam Al-Kabeer inManama
MatamAl Ajam interior,Fareej el-Makharqa

Matam Al-Ajam Al-Kabeer (Arabic:مأتم العجم الكبير) is the first PersianMatamand the largest such matam in Bahrain. It was founded inFareej el-Makharqaby Abdul-Nabi Al-Kazerooni, a rich Persian merchant who was a representative of the Persian community in the council of thehakimIsa ibn Ali Al Khalifa.[76]Himself an immigrant from theDashtiregion of Iran, he single-handedly organised processions, collected donations and hiredorators(Arabic:خطيب) to speak at the matam.[76]Construction started in 1882 as a specialized building whereAshura,a holy day inShia Islam,would be marked with processions,ceremonial flagellationand passion plays commemorating the death ofImam Hussain.[77]The matam is still used for this purpose.

It was originally built with simple construction material such aspalm treetrunks and leaf stalks. The matam was formally established in 1904 where it was decided that the matam would be renovated with rocks, clay and cement.[78]Initially in the 1890s, the matam was primarily supported by Persian merchants, with two-thirds of the donation coming from theBushehriand Safar family, respectively. For much of the 20th century, the matam had relied on yearly donations of money and land from rich and poor members of the Persian community and fromwaqfrevenue.[77]The matam also had an emergency relief fund that was to be distributed to the poor and to needy individuals; the matam provided financial aid and shelter to people following the collapse of thepearlingmarket in the 1930s.[77]

Upon the death of Abdul-Nabi Al-Kazerooni in 1927, Abdul Nabi Bushehri, himself a Persian immigrant fromBushehrand a well-respected figure in the Persian community, took control of the matam.[76]Unlike his close friend, Bushehri ran the matam with other notables of the Persian community, forming ade factoboard. Upon Bushehri's death in 1945, the board took over. In order to prevent confusion, the board appointed a specific member, Hasan Baljik, to act as key carrier to the matam and responsible for programs and budgetary issues.[76]In 1971, an administrative board consisting of a president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and others was set up, all of whom were rich merchants.[76]




  • One of the notable local delicacies of the AchomiPersiansin Bahrain isMahyawa,consumed inSouthern Iran(and specifically inIrahistan) as well, is a watery earth brick coloured sauce made from sardines and consumed with bread or other food.
  • Another local "Achomi" delicacy is "pishoo" made from rose water (golab) and agar agar.[9]
  • Cham-Chamoo is a sweet naan that is made similar to Qeshm Island version.



Other food items consumed are similar to otherIranian cuisine.For example,Kaleh Pacheh,is very famous in Bahrain, in addition to Iranian Grills.



Famous Iranian restaurants in Bahrain include "Isfahani" (named afterIsfahan) and "Takht Jamshid" (named after a famoushistorical sitein Persopolis).[83][84]


  • Khonji/Al-Khonji[9][3]
  • Bastaki/Al-Bastaki[9][3]
  • Karmostaji[9]
  • Al-Awadhi[9][3]
  • Janahi/Al-Janahi[9]
  • Al-Ansari[7]: 53 
  • Kookherdi[9][3]
  • Al-Kaziruni[3]: 102 [note 4]
  • Ali Reza[3]: 102 
  • Almoayed[3]: 102 
  • Daylami[3]: 102 
  • Eshaq[3]: 102 [note 4]
  • Fakhro[3]: 102 
  • Kanoo[3]: 102 
  • Khunji[3]: 102 
  • Kuhiji[3]: 102 
  • Matar[3]: 102 
  • Safar[3]: 102 [note 4]
  • Al-Fardan[3]: 102 
  • Aryan[3]: 102 
  • Bushihri[3]: 102 
  • Diwani[3]: 102 
  • Farsi[3]: 102 
  • Sayigh[3]: 102 
  • Ahwazi[3]: 103 
  • Al-Zarb[3]: 103 
  • Ariyan[3]: 103 
  • Beder[3]: 103 
  • Beljik[3]: 103 
  • Dawani[3]: 103 
  • Husayn Banna'[3]: 103 
  • Isfandiyar[3]: 103 
  • Ruyan[3]: 103 
  • Sa'ati[3]: 103 
  • Sharif[3]: 103 
  • Shekib[3]: 103 
  • Shirazi[3]: 103 
  • Dashti[7]: 108 
  • Rahimi
  • Al-Qassab[7]
  • Jamsheer

Many of the previously mentioned families are of Persian origin based on historical records and the locations of their ancestral homelands.[3][9]However, many choose to identify as Arabs to avoid discrimination or controversy.[9]Ultimately, this often depends on the strength of their Persian cultural ties and the surrounding environment, which can lead to differing views within the same family about whether their heritage is Persian or Arab.[9]

It is also common for these families to add "Al" (Arabic: ال), meaning "The," to their surnames to make them sound more Arabic. Some view this as abandoning or distancing themselves from their Persian roots, while others see it as a way to avoid racial issues. This shift is evident today, as many have adopted Arabic attire and now only speak fluent Arabic.[9]

Names of Locations


In addition to this, many names of villages in Bahrain are derived from Persian,[73][9]Bahrain's historical ties toPersian culture,particularly under theAchaemenid,[3]: 72 Parthian,[85]andSassanian Empire,[3]: 72 as well as influences during theSafavid rule(1501–1722),[9]have left a significant impact on place names and cultural elements in the region.[73][9]City and village names such asManama,Karbabad,Salmabad,Karzakan,Samaheej,Tashan,Duraz,Barbar,Demistan,Karrana,Shakhura,Shahrekan,andJurdabwere originally derived from Persian, suggesting Persian influence on the island's history.[73][9]

Current Name Former Name Persian root Translation
Al-Manama(Arabic:المنامه) Manamah Man-Nameh

(Persian:من نامه)

The name "Manāmah" was first recorded around the year 730 AH (approximately 1330 AD) during the visit of Turān Shah ofHurmuzto the island. At that time, it had already been annexed by his predecessor, Tahamtam II of Hurmuz.[73]: 23 

Derived from two words, meaningIandSpeech. Originally it was called simply "Manamah" before being renamed to Al-Manamah. InPersian,"man" (من) means "me," and "nameh" (نامه) means "letter," similar to the structure of words like "Shah Nameh"(Book of Kings).

Some claim that Al-Manama is actually derived from Arabic Al-Muna'amah (المنعمة) and its people were referred to as Almuna'ami; in the Shia book by Sayyed Mohsen Alameen "A'yan Alshia" (أعيان الشيعة) a Shi'a scholar from Manama or Muna'ama was mentioned Shaykh Ali bin Umran bin Fayad Almuna'ami Albahrani (شيخ علي بن عمران بن فياض المنعمي البحراني)

Al-Adliya Zulmabad[7]: 106 [86] Zulm Abad


Like the name ofa villagein Gotvand County,Khuzestan,Iran – contrary to the original name, this place is not oppression, and it has become the city of lovers.[86]
Al-Diraz(Arabic:دراز) Diraz Diraz


Long.[87]A village stretched along the coastline.
Busaiteen Beseytin Beseytin


Similar to a name ofa villagein Khouzestan, Iran.
Al-Malkiya Malchiyeh Mal Chiyeh

(Persian:مال چیه)

What is it (for)? - The locals still refer to it as "Malchiyeh."[88]Furthermore, it is named similarly tovillagein Khouzestan.
Shahrakan(Arabic:شهركان) N/A Shahr-akan Old Town
Karzakan N/A Karz-akan
Shakhura(Arabic:شاخورة) Shahkhura Shah-khora

(Persian:شاه خورا)

آخور شاه (اصطبل پادشاه)

Stable of Kings

Jurdab(Arabic:جرداب) Gerdāb Gerd-āb


Salmabad(Arabic:سلماباد) Selmābād Selm-ābād


Would translate as "the peaceful settlement" or "the place of peace," with "سلم" (Salm) meaning "peace" and "آباد" implying a settled or prosperous area.
Karbabad(Arabic:كرباباد) N/A Karb-ābād


Would translate as "the settlement of sadness" or "the place of sorrow," as "کرب" (Karb) refers to "sadness" or "distress" and "آباد" again indicates a settled or inhabited place.
Dumistan(Arabic:دمستان) Dabistan[73]: 134  Dabistan

(Persian:دب اِستان)

The term "Dabistan" (دبستان) is a Persian word that typically means "school"or" place of learning. "[73]: 134 
  • Dab(دب) refers to "learning" or "education."
  • -stan(اِستان) is a suffix meaning "place" or "land of."

So, Dabistan can be understood as "the place of learning" or simply "a school."

While the last known location of Al-Ittihad school (Persian:دبستان اتحاد ملی,romanized:Dabistan Ittihad Melli,lit.'National Union Primary School') is known to have been in Manama,[38][43]it is possible that the school at some point may have been located here.

Daih(Arabic:ديه) N/A Village[73]: 134 
Karrana(Arabic:كرانه) Kerrāneh Kerrā-neh


The Coast.[89]
Barbar Barbar Bar+Bar

(Persian:بار بار)

Bar Bar - Dobār (two times) - The word 'bar' may have been repeated to confirm the arrival of shipments or foreign cargo to the shore.
Samaheej(Arabic:سماهيج) Samahīj Se-māhi

(Persian:سِه ماهی)

Three fish.[73]On the origins of the name Samahīj, al-Bakri quoting others says: "Samāhīj is from Persian se (three) and māhi (fish) and hence, 'the three fish'." The sound change in the final "i < y" of the Persian form māhi is rather pronounced locally "-j" which is a phonetic feature known as "aj ajah" and ascribed to Qudā-ah tribes as in the word Tamīmi (a person belonging to bani Tamīm tribes) realized Tamīmij.[73]: 22, 134 

Notable people

  • Abdulhussain bin Ali Mirza,current Minister of Electricity and Water Affairs of Bahrain
  • Fatema Hameed Gerashi,Bahrainiswimmer
  • Munira Fakhro(Arabic:منيرة فخرو), a prominent figure among Bahrain’s Ajams community, faced oppression as her efforts forliberalanddemocraticreforms were overshadowed. Despite her advocacy, she was often ignored and demonized, while the public gave their support toIslamistpolitical parties. This shift in support ultimately empowered Islamist factions over more liberal or democratic movements in Bahrain, sidelining her vision for a more progressive political landscape.
  • Karim Fakhrawi,co-founder of Al-Wasat, considered one of the more popular newspapers in Bahrain by winning numerous awards
  • Ghada Jamshir(Arabic:غادة جمشير), women's rights activist
  • Zainab Al Askari(Arabic:زينب غلوم العسكري), author and actress
  • Ahmed Sultan- Executive Director – International Offices & Business Development (Manufacturing, Transport & Logistics) at Economic Development Board (EDB) and formerSultaniesband lead singer.[90]
  • Sonya Janahi- ILO Governing Body Member, IOE employers VP Asia, Bahrain Chamber Board Member, University of Bahrain Board Member, Franchise Expert, Keynote Speaker. Sunni background.
  • Khalid Fouad- Bahraini Singer of maternal Achomi ancestry.
  • Khaled Janahi- Chairman of Vision 3, Member of Bahrain Economic Development Board and former partner at Pricewaterhouse Coopers. Sunni background.
  • Eman Aseery- Bahraini Poet
  • Neyla Janahi- Bahrain TV Presenter. Sunni background.
  • Norah Al-Baluchi(Baluch) - Popular Bahraini Baluchi Actress.
  • Hussain Javad Parveez- Bahraini Activist.
  • Ahmed Al-Bastaki- Bahraini Artist.
  • Hanan Redha\Reza - Bahraini Singer.
  • Linda Janahi- Chief of Corporate Services at Bahrain EDB.[90]
  • Mohammed Al-Alawi- Chief of Marketing & Communications at Bahrain EDB.[90]
  • Redha Al-Ansari,Executive Director – Research at Bahrain EDB.[90]
  • Dr. Ali Akbar Bushehri,historical researcher.[7]
  • Musa Al-Ansari,Secretary General of the Al-Ikha'a Association.[7]
  • Youssef Amr Allah“Administrative Member - Al-Ikha'a Association”.[7]
  • Jaafar Abdeen,Member - Al-Ikha'a Association.[7]
  • Nasser Hussein,Member - Al-Ikha'a Association.[7]
  • Mahmoud Al-Qassab,Deputy Secretary-General of the National Rally Democratic Association.[7]
  • Samira Rajab:ABa’athistpolitical activist who identifies as aBahraniArab Ba’athist. Her mother is ofIranian descent,which may explain her Iranian-like appearance. She's known for her extreme pro-government role in the2011 protests.
  • Mohammed Al-Bahraini: Bahraini Achomi Bastaki singer.[91][92]

See also



  1. ^Estimated to be around 100 thousand.
  2. ^States the release date is 1998-06-29, remastered on: 2001-06-22
  3. ^Released on: 1990-06-25
  4. ^abcReferenced under more than one subgroup


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Further reading
