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Albanian principalities

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The termAlbanian Principalitiesrefers to a number ofprincipalities(although they functioned more like a series of kingdoms) created in theMiddle AgesinAlbaniaand the surrounding regions in the westernBalkansthat were ruled byAlbaniannobility.The 12th century marked the first Albanian principality, thePrincipality of Arbanon.It was later, however, in the 2nd half of the 14th century that these principalities became stronger, especially with the fall of theSerbian Empireafter 1355. Some of these principalities were notably united in 1444 under the military alliance calledLeague of Lezhëup to 1480 which defeated theOttoman Empirein more than 28 battles. They covered modern dayAlbania,western and centralKosovo,Epirus,areas up toCorinth,westernNorth Macedonia,southernMontenegro.The leaders of these principalities were some of the most noted Balkan figures in the 14th and 15th centuries such asGjin Bua Shpata,Andrea II Muzaka,Gjon Zenebishi,Karl Topia,Andrea Gropa,Balshafamily,Gjergj Arianiti,Gjon Kastrioti,Skanderbeg,Dukagjini familyandLek Dukagjini.

List of Albanian principalities

Recreated map of the Albanian principalitiesc. 1390

Principality of Arbanon

Principality of Arbanon

ThePrincipality of Arbanon(1190–1255) was the first Albanian state during theMiddle Ages.The proclamation of the feudal state ofArbanon,in the north of Albania, withKrujaas the capital took place in 1190. As the founder of this state is known Progoni and later on Gjini and Dhimiter. Nderfandina is known as the most important center of this principality. For this was spoken clearly by the emblem of Arbanon found carved on a stone in the Catholic Church of Saint Maria. After the fall ofProgon Dynastythe principality came underGrigor KamonaandGulam of Albania.Finally the principality was dissolved in 1255. The best period of the principality was underDhimiter Progoni.

Despotate of Angelokastron and Lepanto


Despotate of Angelokastron and Lepanto(1358–1374) was aDespotate,ruled by Albanian chieftains ofEpirus.It was created after the defeat ofNikephoros II Orsiniin 1358 and ceased to exist in 1374, when its despot,Gjin Bua Shpata,unified the territory withDespotate of Arta.[1][2][3]

Principality of Valona


ThePrincipality of Valona(1346–1417) was a medieval state roughly encompassing the territories of the modern Albanian counties ofVlorë(Valona) andBerat.Initially a vassal of theSerbian Empire,it became an independent lordship after 1355 until conquered by theOttoman Turksin 1417. Between 1355 and 1417, there were Bulgarian rulers from Asen family and rulers from theBalšić family.

Principality of Dukagjini


ThePrincipality of Dukagjini(Albanian:Principata e Dukagjinit) refers to the domains of theAlbanianDukagjini familyin northern Albania and western Kosovo in the 14th century and 15th century. At their maximum extent, the domains of the Dukagjini extended from UpperZadrimain the northwest to thePlain of Dukagjiniin western Kosovo.[4]The political center of the Dukagjini family wasLezhëuntil 1393 when it was surrendered to Venice in order to not fall under the Ottomans. The Ottomansanjak of Dukagjinwas named after the rule of the family in the areas that formed it.[5]The principality formally existed until 1479, but in 1444 it was united bySkanderbegwith the other Albanian noble families.

Despotate of Arta


Despotate of Arta(1355–1416) was aDespotate,ruled by Albanian chieftains ofEpirus.It was created after the defeat ofNikephoros II Orsiniin 1358 and ceased to exist in 1416.[1][2][3]After the death of Peter Losha in 1374, the Albanian despotates of Arta and Angelocastron were united under the rule of Despot Gjin Bua Shpata. The territory of this despotate was from theCorinth GulftoAcheron Riverin the North, neighbouring with thePrincipalityofGjon Zenebishi,another state created in the area of theDespotate of Epirus.The Despotate of Epirus managed to control in this period only the eastern part ofEpirus,with its capital inIoannina. During this period the Despotate of Epirus was ruled byThomas II Preljubović,who was in an open conflict with Gjin Bua Shpata. In 1375, Gjin Bua Shpata started an offensive inIoannina,but he couldn't invade the city. Although Shpata married with the sister ofThomas II Preljubović,Helena their war did not stop. After the death ofGjin Bua Shpatain 1399, the Despotate of Arta weakened continuously. Among the animosities with the rulers ofJaninaGjin's successor,Muriq Shpata,had to deal with the intentions of theVenetiansand ofCountCarlo I ToccoofCefalonia.In 1416 he defeatedJakup Bua Shpataand conquered Arta, ending the Shpata dynasty.

Principality of Gjirokastër

Map of the Principality of Gjirokastër (1373-1418)

Principality of Gjirokastër(1373–1418) was a principality created byGjon Zenebishiin 1386 and abolished after theOttomaninvasion in 1434. In 1380, Gjon Zenebishi was appointedsebastocratoror prefect ofVagenetianearDelvinaand in 1386 he became prince. In 1399 Esau, supported by some Albanian clans, marched against his wife's brother-in-law Gjon Zenebishi of Gjirokastër. Now Esau was routed and captured, and much of his land was occupied by Zenebishi. Esau returned to Ioannina in 1400, regaining the reign from Zenebishi. Zenebishi was defeated by the Turks, he fled to the Venetian island ofCorfu,but was called back two years later (1416) by an uprising of the mountain tribes. With the support of Venice, he again set his sights on Gjirokastra, but was chased away once more by the Turks and died in Corfu in 1418.

Lordship of Berat


TheLordship of Beratwas a principality ruled by theMuzakanoble family. It's uncertain when the Muzaka family started to rule in central Albania, however, one of the first notable rulers is thesebastokratorAndrea I Muzakawho ruled overMyzeqe.In 1335 the principality became aDespotateand was significantly expanded during the rule of Andrea II. The Muzaka family continued to be a formidable and influential dynasty in central Albania until 1417 when it eventually fell under theOttoman Empire.

Principality of Kastrioti


Principality of Kastrioti(1389–1444) was one of the most important principalities in Medieval Albania. It was created byGjon Kastriotiand then ruled by the national hero of Albania,Gjergj Kastrioti Skanderbeg. Gjon Kastriotihad originally only two small villages, which probably emblem of the eagle family with a black two-headed, even if it can provide different interpretations. In short time Gjon Kastrioti managed to expand its lands so as to become the undisputed lord of Central Albania. Gjon Kastrioti was among those who opposed[6]the early incursion of OttomanBayezid I,however his resistance was ineffectual. The Sultan, having accepted his submissions, obliged him to pay tribute and to ensure the fidelity of local rulers, Gjergj Kastrioti and his three brothers were taken by the Sultan to his court as hostages. Gjergj Kastrioti Skanderbegwas distinguished as one of the best officers in several Ottoman campaigns both in Asia Minor and in Europe, and the Sultan appointed him General. On 28 November 1443, Skanderbeg saw his opportunity to rebel during abattleagainst the Hungarians led byJohn HunyadiinNišas part of theCrusade of Varna.He switched sides along with 300 other Albanians serving in the Ottoman army. After a long trek to Albania he eventually captured Krujë by forging a letter[6]from the Sultan to the Governor of Krujë, which granted him control of the territory. After capturing the castle, Skanderbeg[7]abjured Islam and proclaimed himself the avenger of his family and country. Following the capture of Krujë, Skanderbeg managed to bring together all the Albanian princes in the town ofLezhë[8](seeLeague of Lezhë,1444). Gibbon[7]reports that the"Albanians, a martial race, were unanimous to live and die with their hereditary prince"and that"in the assembly of the states of Epirus, Skanderbeg was elected general of the Turkish war and each of the allies engaged to furnish his respective proportion of men and money".

Principality of Albania (medieval) under the Thopia


ThePrincipality of Albaniawas anAlbanian principalityruled by the formidable Albanian dynasty ofThopia.One of the first notable rulers isTanusio Thopiawho was count of Mat since 1328. The most influential figure from this dynasty as well one of the most influential figures of medieval Albania wasKarl Thopia.The principality changed hands between the Thopia dynasty and theBalšić dynasty,until 1392, whenDurrëswas annexed by theRepublic of Venice.

Principality of Mataranga


TheMataranga family,who were wealthy in thesouthern Albaniacoastal region betweenDurazzoandValona,whose first known members were recorded in a document from the Republic of Ragusa as rulers of the territory. Temporary vassals of theByzantineEmperors,at the beginning of the 14th century they accepted the supremacy ofPhilip of Taranto,who recaptured Durazzo in 1304 for theHouse of Anjouof theKingdom of Naples.[9]One of the last members was the rulerBlasius Matarangowho after Dusan's death ruled from 1355 until his death in 1367, after his death the territories of theMataranga familywere incorporated into thePrincipality of Albania.

Principality of Gropa

Domains of the Gropaj family

TheGropa familywas one of the biggest and famous Albanian noble families in the eastern Albania. The dynasty controlled the region betweenPogradec,OhridandDebarin the period 12th – 14th century.[10]In 1218 a certain Andrea was mentioned as a powerful sebast. In 1273 is mentionedPal Gropawhich once again reconfirmed the domains of the Gropa family and were even given extended privileges byCharles I of Anjouin order to ensure his loyalty. The Gropa noble family ruled until 1395 when it fell under the rapid expansion of theOttoman Empire.

Principality of Zaharia


The first ruler of theZaharia dynastywasKoja Zahariawho captured thecastle of Dagnumin 1396 he proclaimed himself the Lord of Sati and Dagnum( "dominus Sabatensis et Dagnensis" )[11]and from there he ruled the territory around it as an Ottoman vassal. In October 1400 Koja proposed to the Venetians to simulate a battle in which he and his cousinDhimitër Jonimawould pretend to lose their possessions to the Venetians, in exchange for provision of 500 ducats annually. The Venetians did not promptly respond and Koja returned to the sultan.[12]Koja continued to rule until 1430 whenIshak BeycapturedDagnumfrom Koja Zaharia in 1430 it was attached to the territory controlled byAli Beg,while Koja was either imprisoned or expelled.[13]After theAlbanian Revolt of 1432–1436was crushed the sultan entrusted Koja's sonLekë Zahariawith a position of Dagnum's governor.[14]

See also



  1. ^ab"History of Albanian People" Albanian Academy of Science.ISBN99927-1-623-1
  2. ^abJohn V.A. Fine Jr., The Late Medieval Balkans, Ann Arbor, 1987.
  3. ^abTheOxford Dictionary of Byzantium,Oxford University Press, 1991.
  4. ^Trnavci 2010,p. 207.
  5. ^Imber 2019,p. 152.
  6. ^abJames Emerson Tennent,1845,The History of Modern Greece, from Its Conquest by the Romans B.C.146, to the Present Time
  7. ^abEdward Gibbon,1788,History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire,Volume 6, Scanderbeg section
  8. ^Minna Skafte Jensen,2006,A Heroic Tale: Marin Barleti's Scanderbeg between orality and literacyArchived19 July 2011 at theWayback Machine
  9. ^Dimiter Angelov:Imperial Ideology and Political Thought in Byzantium, 1204-1330.p. 319.
  10. ^Vlora 1956,5. GropaArchived27 January 2012 at theWayback Machine:"The sphere of influence of the Gropas was no doubt concentrated in the region betweenPogradec,OhridandDibra.They seem to have ruled in that area for two centuries "
  11. ^Šufflay, Milan;St. Stanojević (1925), H. Barić (ed.),Srbi i Arbanasi: njihova simbioza u srednjem vijeku,Istorijska Serija (in Serbian) (Biblioteka Arhiva za Arbanasku Starinu, Jezik i Etnologiju ed.), Belgrade: Seminar za Arbanasku Filologiju, p. 49,OCLC249799501,Na papiru ili pergameni predaje Djurdje tom zgodom Mlečanima i »grad Sati s carinom na Danju«. Ali dočim Skadar i Drivast domala i bez zapreke preuzimaju mletački provedituri, mali gradići u gudurama Drina, Danj i Sati, ostaju za njih Tih mjesta, u kojima 1395 vlada Kostadin Balšić, ne će izručiti njegov kaštelan, Arbanas Coya Zaccaria. On se poslije nazivao »dominus Sabatensis et Dagnensis« i bio čas turski kletvenik, čas mletački saveznik.
  12. ^Bešić 1970,p. 78

    У октобру 1400. год. један скадарски фрањевац упознао јемлетачку владу са жељом Ко је Закарије да се приклони Млеча-нима, јер је турску власт прихватио наводно из нужде, и да засличан став придобије свог рођака Димитрија Јониму. Као господар Дања и Шатија,... Предлагао је да се инсценира сукоб у коме би га Млечани побиједшш и... Сам је као награду тражио млетачку провизију од 500 дуката годишње. Упркос привлачности понуде,Млечани су одложили коначну одлуку, поготову када се послијенеколико дана сазнало да је и сам. Која већ отишао султану.)

  13. ^Bešić 1970,p. 158

    Коју Закарију је или протјерао или заробио, а Дањ повјерио Али-бегу.)

  14. ^Bešić 1970,p. 160

    Када је арбанаски устанак скршен, султан је... Предао је Дањ сину Које Закарије — Леки,)

