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Alexandrian war

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TheAlexandrian war,also called theAlexandrine war,was a phase ofCaesar's civil warin whichJulius Caesarinvolved himself in an Egyptian dynastic struggle. Caesar attempted to mediate a succession dispute betweenCleopatraandPtolemy XIIIand exact repayment of certain Egyptian debts.

Arriving in Alexandria in October 48 BC and seeking initially to apprehendPompey,his enemy in the civil war, Caesar found that Pompey had been assassinated by Ptolemy XIII's men. Caesar's financial demands and high-handedness then triggered a conflict which put him under siege in Alexandria's palace quarter. Only after external intervention from a Roman client state were Caesar's forces relieved. In the aftermath of Caesar's victory at theBattle of the Nileand Ptolemy XIII's death, Caesar installed his mistress Cleopatra as Egyptian queen, with her younger brother as co-monarch.



Egyptian dynastic struggle

Depiction ofPtolemy XII Auletes.
Depiction ofCleopatra VII,one of the participants in the dynastic struggle after Ptolemy XII Auletes' death in 51 BC.

Ptolemaic Egypthad been in a period of dynastic instability and domestic unrest, including native rebellions against the Hellenistic Ptolemies, for decades prior to the installment ofPtolemy XI Alexander IIin 81 BC bySulla.This instability and violence was caused by racial, regional, religious, and economic factors.[1]Internecine conflict between royal claimants, resentment of Roman interference by the Alexandrians, and Roman interventionism, further contributed to the kingdom's decline.[2]In 75 BC, EgyptianCyrenaicawas annexed by Rome.[3]In later years, Egypt tried to placate powerful Roman generals in the east during theThird Mithridatic War,such asLucullusandPompey.[4]

Ptolemy XII Auletes' rule was regularly challenged both by domestic rebellion and by other claimants requesting Roman support for their own claims against him.[2]Auletes attempted to cultivate good relations with Egyptian priests, tried to recentre religious practice around himself as a unifying force, and seek Roman support for his rule.[5]During Caesar's first consulship in 59 BC, he gave an enormous bribe to Caesar and Pompey to receive an official declaration that he was a Roman "friend and ally".[3]His seeking of Roman friendship was possibly in response to abortive Roman attempts to vassalise the rich kingdom in 65 BC.[3]

When Egyptian Cyprus was annexed by Rome in 58 BC, Auletes was driven from his throne by an Alexandrian mob. Cyprus itself was annexed at the initiative ofPublius Clodius Pulcher,who appointedMarcus Porcius Catoasproquaestor pro praetoreto liquidate the island's wealth, likely to fund a Roman grain project; Auletes' younger brother, who was king there, killed himself in preference to submission.[3]Driven from his throne and replaced by his daughter,Berenice IV,Auletes travelled to Rome, where he pled his case with Pompey's support. After apparent threat to his personal safety, he travelled to Ephesus where he sought sanctuary at the temple of Artemis.[6]

The consul of 57,Publius Cornelius Lentulus Spinther,was supposed to lead an army to restore Ptolemy, but Roman intervention was forestalled by a Sibylline oracle warning against deployment of an army. Further Roman debates in 56 BC on whether to intervene and, if so, who to send, were bitter and inconclusive.[a]But after the irregular and contested election of Pompey and Crassus to a joint consulship in 55 BC, the governor of Syria –Aulus Gabinius– received a massive ten thousandtalentbribe from Auletes and illegally left his province with his army to overthrow Berenice and install Auletes back to the throne. Many Roman troops, called theGabiniani,stayed in Egypt to support the Ptolemaic dynasty and occupy the country.[8]

Auletes' return was marked with the murder of his daughter and her supporters. Gabinius, upon the expiration of his command, was successfully prosecuted for corruption and sent into exile; Gabinius protested that he had marched out of fear of Berenice's husband's fleet turning piratical, which was seemingly disbelieved.[9]When Auletes was unable to make payment on his bribes, he appointed a Roman representative to exact the appropriate monies, but the representative was driven from the kingdom by a mob. WhenMarcus Calpurnius Bibulus,as governor of Syria, sent his sons as ambassadors to recall the Gabiniani to defend against a possible Parthian counter-invasion in 50 BC, they were killed.[8]

Upon Auletes' death in 51 BC, he left the kingdom to his son and daughter, Ptolemy XIII and Cleopatra (aged ten and seventeen, respectively). The appropriate will was deposited in the Roman state treasury and named the Roman people as guarantors.[10]A power struggle promptly began between Ptolemy XIII and Cleopatra, with Cleopatra attempting to find support from the common Egyptian people: she was the first of the Ptolemies to speak Egyptian and spent money freely to support traditional Egyptian religious cults. Ptolemy XIII's regents,PothinusandAchillas,led the cause against her.[10]

Caesar's arrival


After Caesar's successfulinvasion of Macedoniaand victory atPharsalusin 48 BC, he putPompeyto flight across the Mediterranean. Pompey and his family fled first toLesbosand thence to Alexandria inPtolemaic Egypt;the new child king of Egypt,Ptolemy XIII,had likely been recognised by the Pompeian senate-in-exile and given Pompey as a guardian.[11]When he landed atPelusium,he was assassinated by two Roman officers who were part of Gabinius' garrison.[10]Caesar arrived and learnt of the death of Pompey, his former son-in-law, three days later on 2 October.[12]

Siege of Alexandria

Map of the city of Alexandriac. 30 BC,according toOtto Puchstein,a 19th century German archaeologist.

After arrival to Alexandria, Caesar's forces seemed to have been kept there by unfavourable winds.[13]With some time available and huge financial demands, he demanded payment of some 10 milliondenariiof the bribes promised to him during his consulship in 59 BC. He also announced that he would arbitrate the succession dispute between Ptolemy XIII and Cleopatra.[14]

Pothinus, the eunuch serving as regent for Ptolemy XIII, sent secret orders to Achillas to summon his army of some 20,000 men to Alexandria. They promptly besieged Caesar in the palace compound. After a short truce, Achillas launched an all-out attack. In repulsing one of these attacks, some sources say Caesar's men set a fire which spread to and destroyed theLibrary of Alexandria.Caesar sent messengers requesting aid, but it would take some time for it to arrive.[14]

At the start of the siege, the ostensible enemy leaders were present with Caesar in the palace compound. Cleopatra smuggled herself into the compound to meet with Caesar, aided by a manservant who rowed her across Alexandria's harbour while hidden in a laundry bag.[14]Cassius Dio claims that the queen intentionally seduced Caesar; regardless, the two quickly became lovers and Caesar then declared that Auletes' will required Ptolemy XIII and Cleopatra to be joint rulers.[15]After Pothinus was discovered to be communicating with the besiegers, he was executed. Arsinoe escaped and joined the Egyptian army, which proclaimed her queen, and then assassinated Achillas to take control of the force. Amid rumours of a plot to poison Caesar, he took to drink with his officers.[16]

The first reinforcements were former Pompeians making their way by sea. Caesar's men then fought a series of small naval battles to maintain control of the harbour and the possibility of resupply thereby. While suffering a setback in a defeat in the harbour where his men were routed to the sea before drowning by the hundreds, Caesar's forces maintained some control of the harbour.[17]

In late January or early February 47 BC, a deputation of Alexandrians asked Caesar to let Ptolemy XIII go. He did so in the hopes that Ptolemy XIII would call off the besiegers. He did not. After renewed assaults on Caesar's positions, a relief army from Syria came overland led byMithridatesof Pergamum and aided by 3,000 Jews contributed by High PriestHyrcanus IIand led byAntipater.After the relief army stormed Pelusium, the Ptolemies sent most of their forces to contest the crossing of the Nile delta. Caesar moved his men by sea to join with the relief army, leading to theBattle of the Nile.[18]

Battle of the Nile


After Caesar's arrival to Mithridates camp, Caesar and Ptolemy's forces engaged over across a Nile tributary.Bellum Alexandrinum– usually ascribed toAulus Hirtius[19]– relates that Caesar's Germanic auxiliary cavalry acquitted themselves well in running down Ptolemy's light infantry as Caesar's heavy infantry crossed the river on a makeshift bridge, causing Ptolemy's army to rout.[20]After the victory, the narrative reports Caesar came upon Ptolemy's camp and besieged it.[21]After failing to take it by storm, it reports Caesar discovered and exploited a weak spot in the camp's defences; successfully taking the spot forced Ptolemy's army to flight during which Ptolemy's ship capsized and he drowned.[22]



After the defeat of Ptolemy XIII's forces, Caesar remained in Egypt for some time. WhileBellum Alexandrinum"gives the impression that... Caesar left Egypt almost immediately", many modern scholars believe he remained there until June or July, possibly holidaying on the Nile with Cleopatra.[23]

Caesar departed due to news ofPharnaces II's invasion ofRoman Asia.He left Cleopatra andPtolemy XIV Philopator(Cleopatra's yet-younger brother) to rule Egypt with the support of three legions. He also ceded Cyprus to Egypt. Around June, Cleopatra boreCaesarion,whom Caesar believed to be his child (contra Octavian's later protests).[24]


  1. ^The senate debated the topic on 13 January 56 BC: Bibulus' proposal was defeated. Hortensius' proposal was vetoed. After a delay, one tribune proposed recalling Spinther (then governor in Cilicia); another tribune proposed sending Pompey; Clodius' supporters then proposed sending Crassus. After a consul put all tribunician proposals on hold by declaring public holidays; one tribune threatened to veto the elections. Eventually, Isauricus' proposal received senatorial approval, but was then vetoed.[7]




  1. ^Thompson 1992,pp. 313, 317.
  2. ^abThompson 1992,p. 318.
  3. ^abcdThompson 1992,p. 319.
  4. ^Thompson 1992,pp. 317–319.
  5. ^Thompson 1992,pp. 318–19.
  6. ^Thompson 1992,pp. 319–20.
  7. ^Wiseman 1992,p. 392.
  8. ^abThompson 1992,p. 320.
  9. ^Thompson 1992,p. 320;Drogula 2019,p. 195.
  10. ^abcThompson 1992,p. 321.
  11. ^Rawson 1992,p. 433.
  12. ^Goldsworthy 2006,p. 431;Rawson 1992,p. 433.
  13. ^Goldsworthy 2006,p. 440.
  14. ^abcGoldsworthy 2006,p. 441.
  15. ^Goldsworthy 2006,pp. 441–42.
  16. ^Goldsworthy 2006,p. 442.
  17. ^Goldsworthy 2006,pp. 442–43.
  18. ^Goldsworthy 2006,pp. 443–44.
  19. ^Way 1955,p. ix.
  20. ^BAlex.,29.
  21. ^BAlex.,30.
  22. ^BAlex.,31.
  23. ^Rawson 1992,p. 434;Goldsworthy 2006,pp. 444–45.
  24. ^Rawson 1992,p. 434.

Modern sources

  • Crook, John; Lintott, Andrew; Rawson, Elizabeth, eds. (1992).The Cambridge ancient history.Vol. 9 (2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press.ISBN0-521-85073-8.OCLC121060.
    • Rawson, Elizabeth. "Caesar: civil war and dictatorship". InCAH2(1992),pp. 424–467.
    • Thompson, Dorothy J. "Egypt, 146–31 BC". InCAH2(1992),p. 310–326.
    • Wiseman, TP. "Caesar, Pompey, and Rome, 59–50 BC". InCAH2(1992),pp. 368–423.
  • Drogula, Fred K (2019).Cato the Younger: life and death at the end of the Roman republic.New York: Oxford University Press.ISBN978-0-19-086902-1.OCLC1090168108.
  • Goldsworthy, Adrian (2006).Caesar: Life of a Colossus.Yale University Press.ISBN978-0-300-13919-8.
  • Goldsworthy, Adrian Keith (2016) [First published 2003].In the name of Rome: the men who won the Roman Empire(1st Yale University Press ed.). New Haven: Yale University Press.ISBN978-0-300-21852-7.OCLC1242336101.
  • Way, AG (1955). Introduction.Caesar: Alexandrian war, African war, Spanish war.By Pseudo-Caesar. Loeb Classical Library. Translated by Way, AG. Harvard University Press.ISBN978-0-67499-443-0.

Primary sources

  • Pseudo-Caesar (1955). "The Alexandrian War".Caesar: Alexandrian war, African war, Spanish war.Loeb Classical Library. Translated by Way, AG. Harvard University Press.ISBN978-0-67499-443-0– via LacusCurtius.