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Algebraic closure

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Inmathematics,particularlyabstract algebra,analgebraic closureof afieldKis analgebraic extensionofKthat isalgebraically closed.It is one of manyclosuresin mathematics.

UsingZorn's lemma[1][2][3]or the weakerultrafilter lemma,[4][5]it can be shown thatevery field has an algebraic closure,and that the algebraic closure of a fieldKis uniqueup toanisomorphismthatfixesevery member ofK.Because of this essential uniqueness, we often speak ofthealgebraic closure ofK,rather thananalgebraic closure ofK.

The algebraic closure of a fieldKcan be thought of as the largest algebraic extension ofK. To see this, note that ifLis any algebraic extension ofK,then the algebraic closure ofLis also an algebraic closure ofK,and soLis contained within the algebraic closure ofK. The algebraic closure ofKis also the smallest algebraically closed field containingK, because ifMis any algebraically closed field containingK,then the elements ofMthat arealgebraic overKform an algebraic closure ofK.

The algebraic closure of a fieldKhas the samecardinalityasKifKis infinite, and iscountably infiniteifKis finite.[3]



Existence of an algebraic closure and splitting fields


Letbe the set of allmonicirreducible polynomialsinK[x]. For each,introduce new variableswhere. LetRbe the polynomial ring overKgenerated byfor alland all.Write

with. LetIbe theidealinRgenerated by the.SinceIis strictly smaller thanR, Zorn's lemma implies that there exists a maximal idealMinRthat containsI. The fieldK1=R/Mhas the property that every polynomialwith coefficients inKsplits as the product ofand hence has all roots inK1.In the same way, an extensionK2ofK1can be constructed, etc. The union of all these extensions is the algebraic closure ofK,because any polynomial with coefficients in this new field has its coefficients in someKnwith sufficiently largen,and then its roots are inKn+1,and hence in the union itself.

It can be shown along the same lines that for any subsetSofK[x], there exists asplitting fieldofSoverK.

Separable closure


An algebraic closureKalgofKcontains a uniqueseparable extensionKsepofKcontaining all (algebraic) separable extensions ofKwithinKalg.This subextension is called aseparable closureofK.Since a separable extension of a separable extension is again separable, there are no finite separable extensions ofKsep,of degree > 1. Saying this another way,Kis contained in aseparably-closedalgebraic extension field. It is unique (up toisomorphism).[7]

The separable closure is the full algebraic closure if and only ifKis aperfect field.For example, ifKis a field ofcharacteristicpand ifXis transcendental overK,is a non-separable algebraic field extension.

In general, theabsolute Galois groupofKis the Galois group ofKsepoverK.[8]

See also



  1. ^McCarthy (1991) p.21
  2. ^M. F. AtiyahandI. G. Macdonald(1969).Introduction to commutative algebra.Addison-Wesley publishing Company. pp. 11–12.
  3. ^abKaplansky (1972) pp.74-76
  4. ^Banaschewski, Bernhard (1992), "Algebraic closure without choice.",Z. Math. Logik Grundlagen Math.,38(4): 383–385,doi:10.1002/malq.19920380136,Zbl0739.03027
  5. ^Mathoverflow discussion
  6. ^Brawley, Joel V.; Schnibben, George E. (1989), "2.2 The Algebraic Closure of a Finite Field",Infinite Algebraic Extensions of Finite Fields,Contemporary Mathematics, vol. 95,American Mathematical Society,pp. 22–23,ISBN978-0-8218-5428-0,Zbl0674.12009.
  7. ^McCarthy (1991) p.22
  8. ^Fried, Michael D.; Jarden, Moshe (2008).Field arithmetic.Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete. 3. Folge. Vol. 11 (3rd ed.).Springer-Verlag.p. 12.ISBN978-3-540-77269-9.Zbl1145.12001.