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All Partners Access Network

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All Partners Access Network(APAN), formerly calledAsia-Pacific Area Network,is aUnited States Department of Defense(USDOD) social networking website used for information sharing and collaboration.[1]APAN is the premier collaboration enterprise for the USDOD.[2]The APAN network of communities fosters multinational interaction and multilateral cooperation by allowing users to post multimedia and other content inblogs,wikis,forums,document libraries and media galleries. APAN is used forhumanitarian assistanceanddisaster relief,exercise planning, conferences and work groups.[3]APAN providesnon-governmental organizations(NGOs) and U.S. partner nations who do not have access to traditional, closed USDOD networks with an unclassified tool to communicate.[4]


AdmiralDennis C. Blair



The origins of APAN can be traced back to the Virtual Information Center (VIC),[5]which was created atCamp SmithinHonolulu, Hawaii.The VIC was established as an open source, information network designed to provide timely crisis-driven information to command decision makers.[6]Admiral Dennis Blair,theU.S. Commander-in-Chief of the Pacific Command,believed that genuine security within the region comes only when nations share dependable expectations of peaceful change, and act in concert to address common challenges.[7]He maintained that armed forces, in conjunction with diplomatic efforts, should cooperate.[8]It was at this same time U.S. coalition partners were seeking greaterinteroperabilitywithin theUSPACOMArea of Responsibility(AOR).[9]As a result, APAN was created in March 2000[10]to provide partner nations with a non-dot-mil (.mil), unclassified link into the Virtual Information Center to establish a way to communicate worldwide.[11]

U.S. Senator Daniel Inouye

Blair's objective was to further the USPACOM Regional Security Cooperation objectives using collaborative, online tools.[12]Through his direction, the Asia-Pacific Area Network was utilized to encourage cooperation on common tasks, fromsearch and rescueto peacekeeping operations to promoting collaboration across the Pacific.[13]The goal was to collaborate, cooperate and coordinate with USPACOM foreign partners andNGOs.[14]

Blair, collaborating withSenator Daniel K. Inouye,received congressional funding through the Asia-Pacific Regional Initiative Fund (APRI) to further develop APAN.[15]

As development of Asia Pacific Area Network continued, partnering nations began to increasesituation awarenessof events and developments within the Asia-Pacific region.[16]APAN provided mutual benefit by providing capabilities, information and shared results instantly with USPACOM foreign counterparts and NGOs.[17]APAN played a major role inOperation Unified Assistanceto assist relief efforts to the2004 Indian Ocean tsunami.During thishumanitarian responsemilitaries from multiple countries worked with NGOs in Thailand. APAN was utilized to assist in cooperation of these efforts to assist more than 12,600USDODpersonnel, foreign military partners and NGOs that were involved in the relief effort.



As APAN grew, other HADR exercises and planning sessions utilized APAN. In 2005, the USPACOM APAN (J08) team merged to form the J7 Training Directorate.[18]

On April 1, 2007, in a report to theU.S. Congresson the Implementation ofU.S. DODDirective 3000.05 Military Support for Stability, Security, Transition and Reconstruction (SSTR) Operations supportingU.S. National SecurityPresidential Directive44 (NSPD-44), Management of Interagency Efforts Concerning Reconstruction and Stabilization Operations,[19]U.S. Secretary of DefenseRobert Gatessaid, "Exercises and security cooperation activities such asBalikatanandCobra Gold,support to the Global Peace Operations Initiative, bilateral activities with regional allies, and cooperative planning throughU.S. Pacific Command's 33-nation Multi-national Planning and Augmentation Team are further strengthening the relationships essential to stability operations. The value of these relationships and capabilities was demonstrated in tsunami, earthquake, and landslide relief operations, as well as in supporting activities forOperation Enduring Freedom – Philippines.To improve regional stability operations coordination and interoperability, U.S. Pacific Command sponsors the Asia Pacific Area Network (APAN), an unclassified internet-based collaboration portal forhumanitarian assistanceanddisaster relief operations.APAN supportsU.S. Pacific Command's theater strategy and improves coordination among government agencies and international organizations.U.S. Pacific Commandwill continue to expand its interagency and multi-national approach to stability operations through exercises, workshops, and expanded initiatives. "[19]

In 2009, APAN was chosen by the Oversight Executive Board as the platform for the Transnational Information Sharing and Collaboration (TISC)Joint Capability Technology Demonstration(JCTD).[18]Once this occurred, APAN was being utilized by individuals outside of theUSPACOMAORand changed its name to All Partners Access network.[20][21]



After several years of developing APAN,[22]in January 2010, theDefense Information Systems Agency(DISA) set up an APAN Community to assist more than 500 organizations looking to coordinate efforts for the2010 Haiti earthquakewithinUSSOUTHCOM.[23]APAN was utilized to supportOperation Unified Responseto coordinateNGOs,foreign governments. private individuals andhumanitarian assistance.Users utilized APAN to share situation reports, imagery and other crucial statistics with thehumanitarian aidcommunity. Over 1,400 users, including theRed Crossand smaller relief organizations communicated with one another using APAN. to relieve the suffering in Haiti.[24]In an interview conducted with the CTO ofDISAby Defense Systems, Dave Mihelcic, states "One of the things we learned...is that you can't always understand who your partners are. One night I was on APAN, watchingHaitirelief being coordinated by aU.S. Southern Commandoperator, and someone popped in and said, 'I'm the owner of a construction business inBiloxi[Miss.] and I have four qualified bulldozer operators, and if you can arrange transportation toHaiti,they can participate in the relief.' And they were able to coordinate that. "[25]

In 2011, the US DOD announced a new Unclassified Information Sharing Service (UISS) as an enterprise service centrally funded for all Combatant Commands (COCOMs) to use with mission partners in their respective AORs.[26]



On February 12, 2019, The Office of the Deputy Secretary of Defense released a directive-type memorandum for Mission Partner Environments (MPE).[27]Through the Mission Partner Environments program, the US Air Force "assumes responsibility for modernization, management, integration, and consolidation of All Partners Access Network."[28]



APAN users can select between two platforms based on their community need:TelligentorSharePoint.Added to APAN in 2010,Telligentprovided APAN users a more social opportunity and usesblogs,wikis,forumsand media galleries. In 2013, APAN addedSharePointas a secondary platform for those users who were looking for more structured content[29]using document libraries and lists.

Additional features




APAN added chat services to supportHADRevents and exercises for users to collaborate in real-time from a browser in 2014.[29][30]



APAN addedAdobe Connectto facilitate real-time audio and video conferencing to assist with online training and learning in 2000.[29][31]

Maps and GIS


In 2012, APAN adds Mapping andGIScapabilities to support collaboration.[29][32][33]Mapping capabilities are enhanced on October 31, 2015.[34]



On October 31, 2015, APAN upgradesTelligentplatform to supportresponsive design.[34]



In 2014, APAN enhancestranslation toolsacross APAN to be able to communicate with foreign partners using multiple languages.[29][35]

Technology releases

Version Date Update[36]
APAN 1.0 1999 HTML Code
APAN 2.0 2001 Active Server Pages (ASP)
APAN 3.0 2003 Lotus Quick Place
APAN 4.0 2004 Dot Net Nuke
APAN 5.1 2007 Windows Share Point Services
APAN 5.2 2009 Telligent Community Server added
APAN 5.3 2010 Telligent Web update
APAN 6.0 2011 Telligent Web update
APAN 6.5 2012 Enterprise SharePoint 2010 added
APAN 7.0 2014 Telligent 7.0
APAN 8.0 2015 Telligent 8.5[34]
AN 9.0P Telligent 9.2[37]



Global communication and collaboration impacts


Cobra Gold


AnAsia-Pacificmilitary exerciseheld annually inThailand,utilized APAN[38]for emergency notifications during the 2008Cobra Goldexercise.[39]Partnering with AtHoc IWSAlerts, throughUSPACOM,theU.S. Army Pacific(USARPAC) led operators from theJoint Task Forceprotection teams throughoutThailandusing the emergency alerts for critical communication needs during practicedisaster reliefefforts.[39]Cobra Goldimproved coordinated efforts to natural disaster response including the2004 Indian Ocean tsunamiand theTyphoon Haiyanresponse.[40]



Originally developed on Harmonie Web, RONNA[41]was moved to APAN in 2011.[42]RONNA[41]provided information sharing between partners working to build a peaceful and democratic state inAfghanistan.RONNA's[41]purpose was to fill information gaps that existed between government andNGOsand other Afghan partners.[43][44]"Over thirty communities from organizations includingISAF,USAID,theU.S. Treasuryand theIslamic Republic of Afghanistan"shared information within the RONNA[45]community of interest.[46]

U.S. Navy Cmdr. Marc Christensen, exercise director, briefs Combined Endeavor 2010 delegation chiefs Aug. 31, in Grafenwoehr, Germany. Combined Endeavor 2010 is the world's largest communications interoperability exercise, preparing international forces' command, control, communications and computer systems for multinational operations.

Endeavor Exercises

ABUJA, NIGERIA – Lance Corporal Adeoye Omidiji (left), Corporal Mohammed Chindo (seated) and Sergeant Benibo Onimite (right), Nigerian soldiers from theECOWASCombat Forces Signal Squadron, demonstrate what they have learned on the All Partners Access Network during train up for the Africa Endeavor 2011 multilateral communications exercise. Nations from across the continent have gathered in either The Gambia, Nigeria or Ethiopia, to develop cogent plans to minimize challenges with differing communications equipment provided to the individual nations from distributors around the world 14 July 2011.[47]

APAN has supported theUSDOD's program of "Endeavor" exercises: Pacific Endeavor, Africa Endeavor, and Combined Endeavor. These exercises have brought together military representatives from various nations in a region to practice communications in crisis scenarios. Hundreds of communications officers and technicians from around the globe have gathered annually for these events to practice communicating before a crisis strikes and to build relationships beyond cultural boundaries.[48]

Combined Endeavor

Combined Endeavor, the largest command, control, communications and computer interoperability event in the world,[49]used APAN to provide online collaboration for exercise planning and equipment management.[50]

Africa Endeavor

In 2010, for the first time ever, a direct communications link was established between theAfrican Unionand units in the field as part of the annual Africa Endeavor 2010 Exercise by using APAN, to allow international military andNGOgroups to work together in a neutral online environment.[51]Approximately 40 countries participate in bilingual crisis response exercises using English and French with approximately 1,000 members of the APAN community sharing pictures and files using translation functions that have supplemented the use ofinterpreters,which has expanded participants' ability to overcome language barriers.[52]

Pacific Endeavor – Multinational Communications Interoperability Program (MCIP)

Since 2010, throughUSPACOM,MCIP has hosted Pacific Endeavor exercises that have brought together partner nation militaries and HADR experts from around the world to develop, test, and improve communication systems across the Pacific.[53]MCIP has used APAN to promote humanitarian communication, for its planning workshops.[54]The planning workshops assistedUSPACOMpartners andNGOsto plan communication procedures in the event of anatural disastersand to build partnerships.[55]On August 19, 2014, part of an exercise performed through MCIP was for Nepaleseamateur radio operatorsto report earthquake aftershocks toUSPACOMusing APAN.[56]This practice proved successful as partners around the world knew how to communicate during the2015 Nepal earthquake[57]using the bulletin board established on APAN.[58]



In 2014,Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa(CJTF-HOA) used APAN forums to conduct collaboration and sharing between scholars, government,NGOsand professionals around the world who were interested in East African Issues. TheCJTF-HOAAPAN community provided its members chat, file, sharing, geo-data, and translation forsituation awarenessand knowledge specific to theHorn of Africa.[59][60]

2015 Nepal earthquake


The7.3 earthquakethat shookNepaldamaged various radio antennae andAmateur Radiofor emergency operations was down inNepaland the surrounding area.[61]The Army Military Auxiliary Radio System (MARS) gathered information and statistics on the earthquake and relayed messages around the world to otherHAM operatorsand also posted the information on the NEPAL HADR APAN community of interest[62]for those who were assisting to coordinate relief efforts.[63]

Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) impacts


2010 Haiti earthquake


The2010 Haiti earthquakewas one of theworld's deadliest national disasters.Shortly after the earthquake, surviving officials of the government ofHaitimade urgent request for United States assistance.[20]APAN was requested to assist as the primary communication hub for theHaiti earthquakerelief efforts for unclassified, nonmilitary information sharing andcollaboration.[64]USSOUTHCOMestablished an APANcommunity of interest[65]and within three weeks, APAN had more than 1,800 registered users supporting the relief efforts.[66]

Imagery, maps, photos, assessments, situation reports,common operational picturereports, and requests for information were all made available on APAN to support thehumanitarian assistance.From the information-management standpoint, the decision to keep the Haiti operations within the unclassified domain enabled information sharing across agencies.[67]

A user on APAN posted, "Sacre Coeur Hospital inMilot, Haitiis appealing for patients. Need coordination to get helos to hospital. "Two days later, the hospital reported going from 20 patients to 112 new patients with 12 helicopter landings and 17 foreign doctors assisting the patients; four days later the hospital expanded into a nearby school with 100 more patients with cots and equipment.[68]

2011 Japan earthquake


In March 2011, a publiccommunity of interestwas created on APAN, Japan Earthquake 2011 Support,[69]in an effort to facilitate information sharing with U.S. Government organizations andNGOsinvolved in thedisaster reliefefforts.[70][71][72]A private community, the Virtual Civil Military Operations Center (VCMOC), was set up in order to develop an unclassifiedCommon Operating Picture(COP) and to share information in support of Joint relief operations.[73]Members of the VCMOC were invited by invitation only. Both communities were created on APAN to assistOperation Tomodachi.[74]Operation Tomodachi was the first joint operation in the field forUS Forces Japan(USFJ) andJapan Self-Defense Forces(USDF) within theUSPACOMAOR.[75]Watchstanders were able to provideTactics, Techniques and Procedures(TTPs) andConcept of Operations(CONOPs) via APAN.[76]APAN was used to coordinate travel forUnited States militaryfamilies who were evacuating and traveling back to the United States. from Japan.[77]APAN forums provided links for those traveling as well asFAQs.[77]TheYale-Tulane Disaster Resilience Academycreated daily briefs to compile information into a format that could be shared through publicblogs.[77]

The tactical operations center setup begins for the humanitarian assistance and disaster relief phase of Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) Exercise 2014 on Ford Island, Hawaii. The world's largest international maritime exercise, RIMPAC provides a unique training opportunity that helps participants foster and sustain the cooperative relationships. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Daniel Rolston/Released)

RIMPAC 2012: Operation Restore Chianti


For the first time inRIMPAC's 41-year history, an HADR component was part of the maritime exercise, with U.S. hospital participation.[78]Hospitals participated in the disaster scenario with helicopter landings, patient transport for patients with simulated injuries.[79]During the fictitious response Operation Restore Chianti,[80]simulated DOD-produced public health messaging, resupply and exercise communications occurred on800MHzand APAN.[79]The exercise also incorporatedcrowd-sourcedcrisis mapping components to simulate the mass influx ofsocial mediamessages that are produced during adisaster.[80]Volunteers produced and validated over 2,000 incident reports that were funneled into APAN's map feeds.[80]This shared communication platform for RIMPAC participants was offered by APAN.[81]

RIMPAC 2014: Operation Restore Griffon


APAN was used to increase accessibility and collaboration for theRIMPACHADR portion of Operation Restore Griffon.[82]The APAN community of interest was designed to provide a space for coordinating requirements and contributions related to a fictitioushurricane responseeffort duringRIMPAC2014. TheUnited Nationsalso worked side by side with APAN duringRIMPAC2014 using anRSS feedto post information fromUNOCHA'sVirtual On-Site Operations Coordination Center(VOSOCC) website to APAN. APAN was a conduit for China to be able to participate in RIMPAC for the first time; theU.S. DODwould not allow China access to classified networks that were utilized within the exercise.[83][84]Partnerships started atRIMPACcontinue to work on shared procedures for future use.[52]

RIMPAC 2016: Operation Restore Griffon


APAN was used in theRIMPAC– HADR exercise.[85]The exercise simulatedhumanitarian assistanceafter a 7.9 earthquake hit the fictitious country of Griffon. Civilian participants included:Hawaii Disaster Medical Assist Team(HDMAT);Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance(OFDA);Civil-Military Coordination Center(CMCC);United Nations Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs(US-OCHA); Commander Combined Task Force (CCTF); National Disaster Management Office (NDMO) &Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy(USDP). Military participants included:Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force(JMSDF);US THIRDFLT Forces;Canada and various LNO's fromRIMPACcoalition countries.[86]

2013 Philippines typhoon


The global response toTyphoon Haiyanbegan hours after the storm hit thePhilippineson November 8, 2013.[87]USPACOM, in coordination with APAN, launched the Typhoon Haiyan Response Group[88]to provide a centralized location for coordination and communication.[89]APAN was used to provide situation reports on damage.[90]APAN users were able to upload documents, data-sets and files to assist in the relief efforts[91]to decrease response time.[92]Partnering with theNational Geospatial-Intelligence Agency,APAN's mapping tools providedNGAdata to automatically federate geo-spatial content[93]which was utilized to provide the maps forinfrastructureandagriculture.[94]

November 2018 California wildfire response


On November 8, 2018, the Camp Fire ignited in northern California.[95]The Camp Fire was the most destructive fire in California's history.[96]APAN provided support to the California Military Department (CMD), "to ensure cooperation and coordination was taking place, CMD invited those supporting the disaster response into their APAN community, including California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) and California's Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E). PG&E needed a way to track their field operators."[97]

Health impacts


2014 Ebola Response Network (ERN)

Map from Ebola Response Network displaying hospital and health center locations in Liberia.[98]

USAFRICOMsupported theU.S. Agency for International Development(USAID) which led the foreign humanitarian assistance efforts forOperation United Assistance.Operation United Assistancewas a United States military mission to respond to theEbola virus epidemicin West Africa in September 2014. Through coordination and collaboration,NGOsand the US Military were able to utilize APAN to create the Ebola Response Network,[99]an APANcommunity of interest.[100]APAN also worked with theNational Geospatial-intelligence Agency(NGA) to provide accurate data and maps for mission related efforts using the Ebola Response Network.[99][101]Within the first month of the Ebola Response Network[99]being deployed, it had 600 members sharing updates and announcements, uploading documents and using chat rooms.[102]



APAN has been honored by different organizations.

  1. 2010 – Forrester Groundswell Award: Management Division[103]
  2. 2011 – Excellence in Intergovernmental Collaboration from TheAmerican Council for Technology and Industry Advisory Council(ACT-IAC)[104]
  3. 2013 – The Computerworld Honors Program;Laureate:Collaboration Finalist[48]



APAN is headquartered at the K. Mark TakaiPacific Warfighting Centeron Ford Island inHonolulu, Hawaii.[105]


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