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Allis clamp

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Allis clamp

AnAllis clamp(also called theAllis forceps) is a commonly usedsurgical instrument.It was invented byOscar Allis.

  • The Allis clamp is a surgical instrument with sharp teeth, used to hold or grasp heavy tissue. It is also used to graspfasciaand soft tissues such asbreastorboweltissue.[1]Allis clamps can cause damage, so they are often used in tissue about to be removed.
  • When used to grasp thecervixto stabilize theuterus,such as when anintrauterine deviceis being inserted, an Allis clamp has the advantage of causing less bleeding than the more commonly usedtenaculum.[2]

See also[edit]


  1. ^Yap, L.H.; Ahmad, T. (2001)."Allis forceps: notes on the inventor".British Journal of Plastic Surgery.54(6): 561.doi:10.1054/bjps.2001.3641.PMID11513536.
  2. ^Johnson, Lee; Johnson, Isaiah (May 2015). "Allis Compared With Tenaculum for Stabilization of the Cervix During IUD Placement: A Randomized Controlled Trial".Obstetrics & Gynecology.doi:10.1097/01.AOG.0000463550.01588.fd.S2CID75524772.[1]

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