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Ambrogio Soldani

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Ambrogio Soldani
Ambrogio Soldani
Baldo Maria Soldani

(1736-06-15)June 15, 1736
Died15 June 1815(1815-06-15)(aged 79)
Known forstudies onmicropaleontology
Parent(s)Soldano Soldani and Benedetta Soldani (née Nesterini)
Scientific career
InstitutionsUniversity of Siena

Ambrogio Soldani(1733-1815) was anItalianCamaldolese monk who is known for his works relating the shell fossils found in the mountains ofTuscany.Some of his work could now be viewed as the intersection ofgeology,zoologyandpaleontology.Today Soldani is considered, together withJacopo Bartolomeo Beccari,the father ofmicropaleontology.Charles Lyellconsidered him one of the most important eighteenth-century naturalists.[1]He also published observations aboutastronomy.[1]



He was born inPratovecchio,[2]and entered theCamaldolese orderin the Monastery ofSanta Maria degli Angeliin Florence as a young man (1732), yet he took an interest in mathematics. He transferred to the Monastery ofSan Michele di Pisa.Soldani was anointedabbotin 1776, and four years later he became the superintendent of the abbey of Santa Mustiola in Siena. There he began examining under a microscope the fossils in Tuscan chalk deposits, nearSienaandVolterra.In 1780 he published a preliminarySaggio orittografico,where he described various fossil bearing localities and explains the geology of Tuscany. The work impressed his contemporaries, and the Grand duke of Tuscany,Pietro Leopoldo,appointed Soldani professor of Mathematics at theUniversity of Siena.Soldani also became the secretary of theAccademia dei Fisiocritici,consisting of individuals with interest in natural sciences. In 1783, he traveled through the Romagna region gathering more samples and exploring thermal springs. On 16 June 1794, there was an aerolite ormeteor showerin Siena, and he published his observations and about meteor samples. Upon his death, he gifted his fossil collections to the state.



Among his works were:[3]

  • Saggio orittografico ovvero osservazioni sopra le terre nautilitiche ed ammonitiche della Toscana[Observations about Tuscan lands withammonitesandnautiloids] (in Italian). Siena. 1780.
  • Testaceographia ac Zoophytographia parva et microscopica(in Latin). Siena. 1789–1798.
  • Sopra una pioggetta di sassi accaduta nella sera de' 16 giugno del MDCCXCIV in Lucignan d'Asso nel Sanese(in Italian). Siena. 1794.


  1. ^abRodolico 1970,p. 517.
  2. ^Omboni, Giovanni (1894).Brevi cenni sulla storia della geologia(in Italian). Padua: Tipografia Editrice F. Sacchetto. p. 36.
  3. ^Scifoni, Felice (1849).Dizionario biografico universale(in Italian). Vol. 5. Florence: Davide Passagli. p. 122.


  • Manasse, Ernesto (1908). "Commemorazione di Ambrogio Soldani".Atti dell'Accademia dei Fisiocritici di Siena.20:365–376.
  • Napoli, Ferdinando (1909).Ambrogio Soldani nel primo centenario della sua morte (1808-1908).Rome: Tip. Pont, dell'Istituto Pio IX.
  • Silvestri, Orazio(1872). "Ambrogio Soldani e le sue opere".Atti della Società italiana di scienze naturali.15:273–289.
  • Rodolico, Francesco (1970)."Soldani Ambrogio (Or Baldo Maria)".Dictionary of Scientific Biography.Charles Scribner's Sons. pp. 517–518.