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American Sociological Association

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American Sociological Association
FormationJanuary 1, 1905;119 years ago(1905-01-01)
Headquarters1717K StreetNW, Suite 900,Washington, D.C.,U.S.
2023 President
Joya Misra

TheAmerican Sociological Association(ASA) is anon-profit organizationdedicated to advancing the discipline and profession ofsociology.Founded in December 1905 as theAmerican Sociological SocietyatJohns Hopkins Universityby a group of fifty people, the first president of the association would beLester Frank Ward.[2]Today, most of its members work inacademia,while around 20 percent of them work in government, business, or non-profit organizations.

ASA publishes tenacademic journalsand magazines, along with four section journals, including theAmerican Sociological ReviewandContexts.

The ASA had 9,893 members in 2023, as anassociation of sociologistseven larger than theInternational Sociological Association.[3]It is composed of researchers, students, college/university faculty, high school faculty, and various practitioners[4]The "American Sociological Association Annual Meeting" is an annualacademic conferenceheld by the association consisting of over 4,000 participants.





In the summer of 1905,George Washington Universityprofessor C. W. A. Veditz began a discussion among sociologists throughout theUnited States,writing to several dozen people to gauge the need for or interest in forming an sociological organization.[5][6][7][8]Sociologists debated whether there was a need for a separate organization from theAmerican Economic Association,American Political Science Associationand theAmerican Historical Association,which most sociologists at the time were members of.[5][8]Ultimately, a consensus was reached that the time had come for a society of sociologists in the U.S.[5]

In early December, Veditz and eight others wrote to about 300 people inviting them to a special session during theAmerican Economic Association(AEA) andAmerican Political Science Associationmeetings later that month to discuss the potential formation of a sociological society.

On December 27, approximately 50 people, including one woman, gathered in McCoy Hall atJohns Hopkins University,Baltimore,and, by its end, the group would motion to form a new society of sociologists. Though there would be debate as to integrating this new society with an existing organization, such as the AEA, the group would ultimately decide that the new society ought to be an independent entity.

The committee


At the end of the day of the initial meeting, those gathered at the meeting formed a five-person committee to develop a plan for the new society and how it should be governed. The committee members would re-convene the next afternoon to review the proposed structure of the society. Council members would includeEdward A. Ross,W.F. Wilcox,Albion Small,Samuel Lindsay, D. C. Wells, and William Davenport.

The following men would be elected officers of the new society:[7]

When the committee left Baltimore, the birth of the American Sociological Society was complete, a Constitution had been adopted, officers were elected, and plans were made for the second annual meeting of the new society.



In 1981, in celebration the association's 75th anniversary, Lawrence J. Rhoades prepared a 90-page publication entitledA History of the American Sociological Association, 1905-1980,commonly referred to as the "1981 Rhoades History." The publication provides a brief overview of the founding and early years of the association, as well as highlights of key activities and events in the decades since.[9]

In 1953, during the annual meeting inBerkeley, California,each of the (living) past presidents of the society would compose a voice recording to address the coming generation of sociologists.[10]



ASA membership peaked at almost 15,000 in 2007 before declining to its current level below 10,000.[11]The trend led to the formation of a Task Force on Membership in 2016, with recommendations released in 2019, addressing issues of community, cost, and value.[12]

100-Year Anniversary


In 2005, in celebration of the association's 100th anniversary, ASA published a 201-page book entitledA History of the American Sociological Association, 1981-2004.The publication picks up where the 1981 Rhoades history concludes, continuing the story and capturing the association's history from 1981 through 2004. It was the culmination of over two years of detailed research by Katherine J. Rosich.[9]

The "ASA Wikipedia" Initiative


In the fall of 2011, the ASA launched its "Sociology in Wikipedia" initiative.Erik Olin Wright,President of the ASA, called for improvement in sociological entries inWikipedia.He asked that professors and students to get more involved by having Wikipedia-writing assignments in class. The basic goal set forth by the initiative would be to make it easier for sociologists to contribute to Wikipedia, and for sociologists to become better involved in the writing and editing processes to ensure that social science articles are up-to-date, complete, accurate, and written appropriately.

In conjunction with theWikimedia Foundationand a research group atCarnegie Mellon University,the ASA developed itsWikipedia Portalin an attempt to achieve the initiative's goal through providing tutorials on how to contribute; video discussions of norms and procedures; and lists of articles and subject areas that need improvement. The Portal would also provide instructions for professors on how to use Wikipedia writing assignments for academic courses.[13]

Code of Ethics


The ASA is governed by a code of ethics, which has been revised since 1970, with the first ASA code of ethics being written in 1970. ASA members are bound by the code of ethics. The association also has codes for meeting behavior, disclosure, award revocation, and removal from leadership positions.[14]



ASA Style Guide


ASA style is a widely accepted format for writing university research papers that specifies the arrangement and punctuation of footnotes and bibliographies. Standards for ASA style are specified in theASA Style Guide,which is designed to aid authors in preparing manuscripts for ASA journals and publications.

ASA Academic Journals and Magazines


The association publishes the followingacademic journalsandmagazines:[15]

The ASA also publishesFootnotes,anewsletteraimed at the association's members.Footnoteswas established in 1979 and is published five times per year.[16]



The following persons have been presidents of the American Sociological Association:[17]

  1. Lester F. Ward1906–1907
  2. William G. Sumner1908–1909
  3. Franklin H. Giddings1910–1911
  4. Albion Woodbury Small1912–1913
  5. Edward A. Ross1914–1915
  6. George E. Vincent1916
  7. George E. Howard1917
  8. Charles Cooley1918
  9. Frank W. Blackmar1919
  10. James Q. Dealey1920
  11. Edward C. Hayes1921
  12. James P. Lichtenberger1922
  13. Ulysses G. Weatherly1923
  14. Charles A. Ellwood1924
  15. Robert E. Park1925
  16. John L. Gillin1926
  17. W. I. Thomas1927
  18. John M. Gillette1928
  19. William F. Ogburn1929
  20. Howard W. Odum1930
  21. Emory S. Bogardus1931
  22. Luther L. Bernard1932
  23. Edward B. Reuter1933
  24. Ernest W. Burgess1934
  25. F. Stuart Chapin1935
  26. Henry P. Fairchild1936
  27. Ellsworth Faris1937
  28. Frank H. Hankins1938
  29. Edwin Sutherland1939
  30. Robert M. MacIver1940
  31. Stuart A. Queen1941
  32. Dwight Sanderson1942
  33. George A. Lundberg1943
  34. Rupert B. Vance1944
  35. Kimball Young1945
  36. Carl C. Taylor1946
  37. Louis Wirth1947
  38. E. Franklin Frazier1948
  39. Talcott Parsons1949
  40. Leonard S. Cottrell Jr.1950
  41. Robert C. Angell1951
  42. Dorothy Swaine Thomas1952
  43. Samuel A. Stouffer1953
  44. Florian Znaniecki1954
  45. Donald Young1955
  46. Herbert Blumer1956
  47. Robert K. Merton1957
  48. Robin M. Williams Jr.1958
  49. Kingsley Davis1959
  50. Howard P. Becker1960 (died in office)
  51. Robert E. L. Faris1961
  52. Paul Lazarsfeld1962
  53. Everett C. Hughes1963
  54. George C. Homans1964
  55. Pitirim A. Sorokin1965
  56. Wilbert E. Moore1966
  57. Charles P. Loomis1967
  58. Philip M. Hauser1968
  59. Arnold Marshall Rose1969 (died in office)
  60. Ralph Turner1969
  61. Reinhard Bendix1970
  62. William H. Sewell1971
  63. William J. Goode1972
  64. Mirra Komarovsky1973
  65. Peter M. Blau1974
  66. Lewis A. Coser1975
  67. Alfred McClung Lee1976
  68. John Milton Yinger1977
  69. Amos H. Hawley1978
  70. Hubert M. Blalock Jr.1979
  71. Peter H. Rossi1980
  72. William Foote Whyte1981
  73. Erving Goffman1982
  74. Alice S. Rossi1983
  75. James F. Short Jr.1984
  76. Kai T. Erikson1985
  77. Matilda White Riley1986
  78. Melvin L. Kohn1987
  79. Herbert J. Gans1988
  80. Joan Huber1989
  81. William Julius Wilson1990
  82. Stanley Lieberson1991
  83. James S. Coleman1992
  84. Seymour Martin Lipset1993
  85. William A. Gamson1994
  86. Amitai Etzioni1995
  87. Maureen T. Hallinan1996
  88. Neil Smelser1997
  89. Jill Quadagno1998
  90. Alejandro Portes1999
  91. Joe R. Feagin2000
  92. Douglas S. Massey2001
  93. Barbara F. Reskin2002
  94. William T. Bielby2003
  95. Michael Burawoy2004
  96. Troy Duster2005
  97. Cynthia Fuchs Epstein2006
  98. Frances Fox Piven2007
  99. Arne L. Kalleberg2008
  100. Patricia Hill Collins2009
  101. Evelyn Nakano Glenn2010
  102. Randall Collins2011
  103. Erik Olin Wright2012
  104. Cecilia L. Ridgeway2013
  105. Annette Lareau2014
  106. Paula England2015
  107. Ruth Milkman2016
  108. Michèle Lamont2017
  109. Eduardo Bonilla-Silva2018
  110. Mary Romero2019
  111. Christine Williams2020
  112. Aldon Morris2021
  113. Cecilia Menjívar2022
  114. Prudence Carter2023
  115. Joya Misra2024



The Annual Meeting of the ASA is held each August to provide opportunity for sociologists to share research, develop professional networks, give awards, and hold committee meetings.[18]The 2023 meeting had 4,802 attendees and featured 3000 research papers.[19]



Every year, in August, the ASA presents awards to individuals and groups deserving of recognition. The awards presented are:[20]

Additionally, the Sections of the ASA administer separate multiple awards, which are presented each August during the annual meeting.[21]



Jailing of Rik Scarce


In 1993, then-doctoral student Rik Scarce was jailed for more than five months as a result of following the ASA'scode of ethics.Scarce's Ph.D. research was on theradical environmental movement.Based on anFBIinvestigation of anAnimal Liberation Frontbreak-in, federal prosecutors argued in court that Scarce may have engaged in conversations with individuals believed to be involved with the incident. Prosecutors demanded that Scarce testify to a federal grand jury about those conversations, but Scarce refused to answer three dozen questions, citing the ASA Code of Ethics and theFirst Amendmentas his reasoning for remaining unresponsive.[22]Scarce's refusal to answer resulted in acontempt of courtcitation and 159 days spent in jail. He was never suspected of wrongdoing and—in keeping with contempt of court practice—he was never read hisMiranda rights,arrested, or tried.[23]

Frances Fox Piven and Glenn Beck


In early 2010, ASA publicly expressed outrage over a controversy involvingFrances Fox PivenandGlenn Beck,askingFox Newsto stop Beck's comments.[24]An article written by Piven concerning mobilization of unemployed individuals had spurred the commentary by Beck.[25]ASA suggests in their public statements that the line should be drawn at name calling and that political commentators should instead rely on gathering evidence related to the topics and then drawing the proper conclusions.

The Belfast Project


In January 2012, aUnited States district courtorderedBoston Collegeto turn over material from the "Belfast Project",an oral history project pertaining to the violence inNorthern Ireland.Boston College filed an appeal in February 2012, challenging the district court's decision. ASA became involved in the case to help protect human participants from the subpoena of confidential project research data.[26]The statement by the ASA council cited the potential damage this ruling would have on social science research by stifling the ability to study controversial topics. ASA is looking for an affirmation by the court for confidentiality in research.[27]

Sociologists for Palestine resolution


From 2023 to 2024, in response to the war in Gaza sociologists organized to request that the American Sociological Association establish a stance calling for a ceasefire and pursuing divestment from arms.[28]In December 2023, a letter signed by 125 sociologists including six former ASA presidents, asked for a statement in support of ceasefire.[28]In February 2024, the association released a statement focusing on "deep concern and dismay regarding the loss of civilian lives in the context of continued violence in Gaza and Israel as well as other contexts of conflict and suffering unfolding across the globe.”[28]In March 2024, ASA rejected a resolution forwarded by a group known as Sociologists for Palestine which called for “an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza".[28]After this initial resolution was rejected, enough signatures were collected to support a ballot initiative calling for a ceasefire and divestment from military technologies, however the ASA council edited the request for divestment from the resolution claiming that investment represented an "operational issue" which members could not vote on.[28]The Sociologists for Palestine group responded to this by declaring that the council's removal of the divestment request from the resolution was "fundamentally undemocratic".[28]In May 2024, 59% of voting ASA members approved theResolution for Justice in Palestineand it was adopted.[29] Beyond calling for "an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza", the adopted resolution specifies that the association "supports members’ academic freedom, including but not limited to defending scholars’ right to speak out against Zionist occupation."[30]



Within theEnvironmental sociologysection of the ASA, in 2016 an ad hoc Committee on Racial Equity investigated racial and ethnic diversity within the section in response to critique that the section was overwhelmingly white. Their assessment of the professional climate for scholars of colour concluded that the section was a 'white space' characterized by the overwhelming presence of whites and dominated by white leadership. They concluded that this situation acts as a barrier to inclusion of people of colour in the field, and that the field ofenvironmental justicewas likewise marginalised.[31]

See also



  1. ^"ASA Membership, 20-Year Trends | American Sociological Association".
  2. ^Hill, Michael R. (2007)."American Sociological Association".In Ritzer, George (ed.).The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology.pp. 130–134.doi:10.1111/b.9781405124331.2007.x(inactive 2024-04-02).hdl:10138/224218.ISBN9781405124331.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: DOI inactive as of April 2024 (link)
  3. ^ "Membership Trend".International Sociological Association.
  4. ^"[1]."ASA Membership Trends.Retrieved on 5 June 2024.
  5. ^abc"Organization of the American Sociological Society".American Journal of Sociology.11(4): 555–569. 1906.doi:10.1086/211421.ISSN0002-9602.JSTOR2762565.
  6. ^Veditz, C. W. A. (1906)."The American Sociological Society".American Journal of Sociology.11(5): 681–682.doi:10.1086/211435.ISSN0002-9602.JSTOR2762811.
  7. ^ab"About ASA."American Sociological Association.Retrieved on 31 March 2020.
  8. ^abSmall, Albion W. (1916)."Fifty Years of Sociology in the United States (1865-1915)".American Journal of Sociology.21(6): 784–785.doi:10.1086/212570.ISSN0002-9602.JSTOR2763629.
  9. ^ab"History."American Sociological Association,The ASA Story.Retrieved on 31 March 2020.
  10. ^"A 1953 Recording of the American Sociological Society Past Presidents."American Sociological Association.Retrieved 31 March 2020.
  11. ^"ASA Membership Trends".American Sociological Association.
  12. ^"Task Force on Membership".American Sociological Association.
  13. ^"American Sociological Association: ASA Wikipedia Initiative"(PDF).Asanet.org.Retrieved2016-07-01.
  14. ^"Ethics".American Sociological Association.
  15. ^"American Sociological Association: Journals".Asanet.org.Retrieved2012-05-03.
  16. ^"Footnotes Advertising".American Sociological Association.9 May 2016.
  17. ^"Presidents".asanet.org.17 October 2020.Retrieved29 April2021.
  18. ^"Annual Meeting".Asanet.org.Retrieved2024-06-05.
  19. ^"ASA Footnotes 2023 Year in Review"(PDF).Asanet.org.Retrieved2024-06-05.
  20. ^"American Sociological Association: Awards".Asanet.org. 2012-01-31.Retrieved2012-05-03.
  21. ^"American Sociological Association: Awards".Asanet.org. 28 May 2009.Retrieved2013-10-15.
  22. ^Rik Scarce. (2003).Contempt of Court: A Scholar's Battle for Free Speech from behind Bars.ISBN0759106436.
  23. ^"American Sociological Association: Teaching Ethics Throughout the Curriculum, Ethics, Teaching, Teaching Ethics to Students".Asanet.org. Archived fromthe originalon 2012-05-11.Retrieved2012-05-03.
  24. ^American Sociological Association:ASA Officers Respond to Attacks on Frances Fox Piven.ArchivedMay 12, 2012, at theWayback MachineJanuary 24, 2011.
  25. ^The Editors (2011-01-20)."Glenn Beck Targets Frances Fox Piven".The Nation.Retrieved2012-05-03.{{cite web}}:|author=has generic name (help)
  26. ^"Archived copy".Archived fromthe originalon 2012-07-07.Retrieved2012-05-02.{{cite web}}:CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  27. ^"ASA Opposes Subpoena of 'Belfast Project' Data".American Sociological Association(Press release). 22 February 2012.Retrieved15 February2019.
  28. ^abcdefQuinn, Ryan."Leaders of Sociology Group Resist Call for Ceasefire Resolution".Inside Higher Ed.
  29. ^"Sociological Association Calls for Immediate, Permanent Ceasefire in Gaza".Diverse: Issues In Higher Education.May 23, 2024.
  30. ^"Resolution for Justice in Palestine | American Sociological Association".
  31. ^Liévanos, Raoul S.; Wilder, Elisabeth; Richter, Lauren; Carrera, Jennifer; Mascarenhas, Michael (2021-04-03)."Challenging the white spaces of environmental sociology".Environmental Sociology.7(2): 103–109.Bibcode:2021EnvSo...7..103L.doi:10.1080/23251042.2021.1902665.