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List of court cases in the United States involving slavery

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The following is a list of court cases in the United States concerningslavery.

Date Case Court Ruling
1779 Brakkee v. Lovell Vermont Superior Court Pompey Brakkee had been held as a slave by Elijah Lovell afterslavery was made illegalinVermont.Lovell failed to appear and Brakkee was awarded 400 pounds sterling.[1]
1781 Brom and Bett v. Ashley Berkshire County Court of Common Pleas Slaves Brom and Bett (Elizabeth Freeman) were freed on the basis that the Massachusetts constitution provided that "all men are born free and equal." This case was a precedent for the following one.
1781 Quock Walkerv. Jennison Worcester County Court of Common Pleas Jennison's slave,Quock Walker,was found to be a freedman on the basis that slavery was contrary to the Bible and the Massachusetts Constitution.
1783 Commonwealth v. Jennison Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court JusticeWilliam Cushinginstructs jury that "slavery is in my judgment as effectively abolished as it can be by the granting of rights and privileges wholly incompatible and repugnant to its existence."[2]
1792 Guardian of Sally v. Beatty Supreme Court of South Carolina A slave owned by Beatty had bought a slave girl Sally and manumitted her. Chief JusticeJohn Rutledgeinstructed the jury that such an act of generosity on Sally's behalf should not be overturned.
1806 Hudgins v. Wright Virginia Supreme Court Jackey Wright and her two children were freed based on her claim of maternal descent fromNative Americanwomen. Indian slavery had been prohibited in Virginia since 1705.
1818 Harry v. Decker & Hopkins Supreme Court of Mississippi Decker's slave Harry was freed, and slaves residing in the Northwest Territory become free as per the Ordinance of 1787, and may assert their rights in court.
1820 Polly v. Lasselle Supreme Court of Indiana Indiana gave freedom to blacks in the state who had been held as slaves in the territory prior to Indiana's state constitutional ban on slavery.
1830 North Carolina v. Mann Supreme Court of North Carolina Slaveowners were ruled to have absolute authority over their slaves and could not be found guilty of committing violence against them.
1834 Rachel v. Walker Supreme Court of Missouri Afreedom suitof Rachel, a slave who sued for freedom from John Walker in the Supreme Court of Missouri, and won based on his having held her in the free state of Illinois.
1834 North Carolina v. Negro Will Supreme Court of North Carolina JudgeWilliam Gastonheld that slaves who killed their owner or overseer in self-defense could not be found guilty of murder, but at most manslaughter (cf.North Carolina v. Mann (1830)above)[3][4]
1836 Commonwealth v. Aves Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court A slave named Med was freed on the grounds that any slave brought to a free state by his or her owner was thereby set free.
1838 Hinds v. Brazealle Supreme Court of Mississippi Denied a deed of manumission in Ohio for a citizen of Mississippi'smixed-raceson and his slave mother, because it was against Mississippi statutes (which required an act by the state legislature), and was considered fraud
1838 North Carolina v. Manuel Supreme Court of North Carolina JudgeWilliam Gastonheld that free blacks, including former slaves, were citizens of North Carolina and could not be denied any rights guaranteed under the state constitution, including that of declaring insolvency to avoid imprisonment or forced labor for debt.[5](The decision was cited in JusticeBenjamin Curtis's dissent inDred Scott,below.)[4]
1841 United States v. Libellants and Claimants of the Schooner Amistad Supreme Court of the United States As the Africans in question were never legal property, they were not criminals and had rightfully defended themselves in mutiny. They were unlawfully kidnapped, and the Court directed the President to transport them in return to Africa.
1842 Prigg v. Pennsylvania Supreme Court of the United States Overturned the conviction of slavecatcher Edward Prigg in Pennsylvania based on the ruling that Federal law (which provides for recovery of fugitive slaves) supersedes State law.
1851 Strader v. Graham Supreme Court of the United States The status of three slaves who traveled from Kentucky to the free states of Indiana and Ohio depended on Kentucky slave law rather than Ohio law, which had abolished slavery.
1852 Lemmon v. New York Superior Court of the City of New York Granted freedom to slaves who were brought into New York by their Virginia slave owners, while in transit to Texas.
1853 Northup v. Epps Recognized thatSolomon Northup,who had been abducted from New York and sold as a slave in Louisiana, was free.
1853 Holmes v. Ford Oregon Territorial Supreme Court Granted freedom to a family of slaves who had been brought to Oregon with their master from Missouri, as this action violated theOrganic Laws of Oregon,which did not allow slavery.
1857 Dred Scott v. Sandford Supreme Court of the United States People of African descent imported into the United States and held as slaves, or their descendants – whether or not they were slaves – were not citizens of the United States under the Constitution and therefore could not sue in federal court and had "no rights which the white man was bound to respect".
1859 Ableman v. Booth Supreme Court of the United States Held that state courts cannot issue rulings that contradict the decisions of federal courts, in this case overturning theunconstitutionalityruling by the Wisconsin Supreme Court of theFugitive Slave Law of 1850.
1985 United States v.Sante Kimes U.S. District Court Charged with "conspiracy to violate slavery laws" after offering to employ illegal immigrants and then keeping them as prisoners after Kimes was unwilling or unable to pay them. Kimes was sentenced to five years in prison for violating federal anti-slavery laws
2021 Nestlé USA, Inc. v. Doe Supreme Court of the United States Held that respondents improperly sought extraterritorial application of theAlien Tort Statute,as the petitioner's domestic conduct – investing in and doing business with plantations that use child slave labor – constituted general corporate activity and conduct that directly caused injury outside the United States.

See also



  1. ^Mello, Robert A. (2014).Moses Robinson and the Founding of Vermont.Vermont Historical Society.ISBN978-0934720656.
  2. ^"The Quock Walker Case".Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court (mass.gov). Archived fromthe originalon December 4, 2009.RetrievedOctober 4,2009.
  3. ^Brinkley, Martin H."State v. Negro Will".NCPedia.North Carolina Government & Heritage Library at the State Library of North Carolina.Retrieved2021-06-09.
  4. ^abMartin, Jonathan."State v. Negro Will (1834) and State v. Manuel (1838)".North Carolina History Project.John Locke Foundation.Retrieved2021-06-09.
  5. ^Stoesen, Alexander R."State v. Manuel".NCPedia.North Carolina Government & Heritage Library at the State Library of North Carolina.Retrieved2021-06-09.