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Area42,549,000 km2
(16,428,000 sq mi)
Population1.02 billion[1]
Population density22.67/km2(58.74/sq mi)
DemonymAmerican,[2]Pan-American,[3]New Worlder[4](seeusage)
LanguagesSpanish,English,Portuguese,French,Haitian Creole,Quechua,Guaraní,Aymara,Nahuatl,Dutch,andmany others
Time zonesUTC−10:00toUTC
Largest cities
CompleteList of largest metropolitan areasand theircities
UN M49code019– Americas
001– World
1990sCIApolitical map of the Americas inLambert azimuthal equal-area projection

TheAmericas,sometimes collectively calledAmerica,[5][6][7]known initially asIndia Nova,[8]are a landmass comprising the totality ofNorth AmericaandSouth America.[8][9][10]The Americas make up most of the land inEarth'sWestern Hemisphereand comprise theNew World.[5]

Along with theirassociated islands,the Americas cover 8% of Earth's total surface area and 28.4% of its land area. The topography is dominated by theAmerican Cordillera,a long chain of mountains that runs the length of the west coast. The flatter eastern side of the Americas is dominated by large river basins, such as theAmazon,St. Lawrence RiverGreat Lakes,Mississippi,andLa Platabasins. Since the Americas extend 14,000 km (8,700 mi) from north to south, the climate and ecology vary widely, from the arctictundraofNorthern Canada,Greenland,andAlaska,to thetropical rainforestsinCentral Americaand South America.

Humans firstsettled the AmericasfromAsiabetween 20,000 and 16,000 years ago. A second migration ofNa-Dene speakersfollowed later from Asia. The subsequent migration of theInuitinto theneoarcticc. 3500 BCEcompleted what is generally regarded as the settlement by theIndigenous peoples of the Americas.

The first known European settlement in the Americas was by theNorseexplorerLeif Erikson.[11]However,the colonizationnever became permanent and was later abandoned. The Spanishvoyages of Christopher Columbusfrom 1492 to 1504 resulted in permanent contact with European (and subsequently, otherOld World) powers, which eventually led to theColumbian exchangeand inaugurated a period ofexploration,conquest, and colonizationwhose effects and consequences persist to the present. The Spanish presence involved theenslavementof large numbers of the indigenous population of America.[12]

Diseases introduced fromEuropeandWest Africadevastated the indigenous peoples,and the European powerscolonized the Americas.[13]Massemigration from Europe,including large numbers ofindentured servants,andimportation of African slaveslargely replaced the indigenous peoples in much of the Americas.

Decolonization of the Americasbegan with theAmerican Revolutionin the 1770s and largely ended with theSpanish–American Warin the late 1890s. Currently, almost all of the population of the Americas resides in independent countries; however, the legacy of the colonization and settlement by Europeans is that the Americas share many common cultural traits, most notablyChristianityand the use of West European languages: primarilySpanish,English,Portuguese,French,and, to a lesser extent,Dutch.

The Americas are home to more than a billion inhabitants, two-thirds of whom reside in theUnited States,Brazil,andMexico.It is home to eightmegacities(metropolitan areaswith 10 million inhabitants or more):Greater Mexico City(21.2 million),São Paulo(21.2 million),New York City(19.7 million),Los Angeles(18.8 million),Buenos Aires(15.6 million),[14]Rio de Janeiro(13.0 million),Bogotá(10.4 million), andLima(10.1 million).

Etymology and naming

America is named after Italian explorerAmerigo Vespucci.[15]

The name "America" was first recorded in 1507. A two-dimensional globe created byMartin Waldseemüllerwas the earliest recorded use of the term.[16]The name was also used (together with the related termAmerigen) in theCosmographiae Introductio,apparently written byMatthias Ringmann,in reference to South America.[17]It was applied to both North and South America byGerardus Mercatorin 1538. "America" derives fromAmericus,theLatinversion of Italian explorerAmerigo Vespucci's first name.

The feminine formAmericawas originally used to refer to the newly discovered continent, which is why it was accorded with the feminine names of the other continents:Asia,Africa,andEuropa.[18]

Since the 1950s,[19]however, North America and South America have generally been considered by English speakers as separate continents, and taken together are calledthe Americas,or more rarelyAmerica.[20][21][5]When conceived as a unitary continent, the form is generallythe continent of Americain the singular. However, without a clarifying context, singularAmericain English commonly refers to theUnited States of America.[5]


Pre-Columbian era

The Plaza Occidental inCopán,Honduras

The pre-Columbian era incorporates allperiod subdivisionsin thehistory and prehistory of the Americasbefore the appearance of significant European influences on the American continents, spanning the time of theoriginal settlementin theUpper PaleolithictoEuropean colonizationduring theEarly Modern period.The termPre-Columbianis used especially often in the context of the greatindigenous civilizations of the Americas,such as those ofMesoamerica(Olmec,Toltec,Teotihuacano,Zapotec,Mixtec,Aztec,Maya) and theAndean civilizations(Inca,Moche,Chavín,Muisca,Cañari).

Many pre-Columbiancivilizationsestablished characteristics and hallmarks which included permanent or urban settlements, agriculture, civic and monumental architecture, andcomplex societal hierarchies.Some of these civilizations had long faded by the time of the first permanent European arrivals (c. late 15th–early 16th centuries), and are known only througharcheologicalinvestigations. Others were contemporary with this period, and are also known from historical accounts of the time. A few, such as the Maya, had their own written records. However, most Europeans of the time viewed such texts as pagan, and much was destroyed in Christian pyres. Only a few hidden documents remain today, leaving modern historians with glimpses of ancient culture and knowledge.[22]


Map ofearly human migrationsbased on theOut of Africa theory[23]

The first inhabitantsmigrated into the Americas from Asia. Habitation sites are known inAlaskaandYukonfrom at least 20,000 years ago, with suggested ages of up to 40,000 years.[24][25][26]Beyond that, the specifics of thePaleo-Indianmigration to and throughout the Americas, including the dates and routes traveled, are subject to ongoing research and discussion.[27]Widespread habitation of the Americas occurred after theLate Glacial Maximum,from 16,000 to 13,000 years ago.[26][28]

Statue representing the Americas atPalazzo Ferreria,inValletta,Malta

The traditional theory has been that these early migrants moved into theBeringialand bridge between eastern Siberia and present-day Alaska around 40,000–17,000 years ago,[29]when sea levels were significantly lowered during theQuaternary glaciation.[27][30]These people are believed to have followed herds of now-extinctpleistocene megafaunaalongice-free corridorsthat stretched between theLaurentideandCordilleranice sheets.[31]Another route proposed is that, either on foot or usingprimitive boats,they migrated down the Pacific coast to South America.[32]Evidence of the latter would since have been covered by asea level riseof hundreds of meters following the last ice age.[33]Both routes may have been taken, although the genetic evidences suggests a single founding population.[34]Themicro-satellitediversity and distributions specific toSouth American Indigenous peoplesindicates that certain populations have been isolated since the initial colonization of the region.[35]

A second migration occurred after the initial peopling of the Americas;[36]Na Dene speakersfound predominantly in North American groups at varying genetic rates with the highest frequency found among theAthabaskansat 42% derive from this second wave.[37]Linguistsandbiologistshave reached a similar conclusion based on analysis ofAmerindian language groupsandABO blood group systemdistributions.[36][38][39][40]Then the people of theArctic small tool tradition,a broad cultural entity that developed along theAlaska Peninsula,aroundBristol Bay,and on the eastern shores of the Bering Straitc. 2500 BCEmoved into North America.[41]The Arctic small tool tradition, aPaleo-Eskimoculture branched off into two cultural variants, including thePre-Dorset,and theIndependence traditionsof Greenland.[42]The descendants of the Pre-Dorset cultural group, theDorset culturewas displaced by the final migrants from the Bering sea coast line, theThule people(the ancestors of modernInuit), by 1000CE.[42]

Norse colonization

Around the same time as the Inuit migrated into Greenland, Viking settlers began arriving inGreenlandin 982 andVinlandshortly thereafter, establishing a settlement atL'Anse aux Meadows,near the northernmost tip ofNewfoundland.[43]Contact between the Norse colonies and Europe was maintained, asJames Watson Curranstates:

From 985 to 1410, Greenland was in touch with the world. Then silence. In 1492 theVaticannoted that no news of that country "at the end of the world" had been received for 80 years, and the bishopric of the colony was offered to a certain ecclesiastic if he would go and "restore Christianity" there. He didn't go.[44]

Large-scale European colonization

Christopher Columbusleads expedition to the New World, 1492.

Although there had been previoustrans-oceanic contact,large-scale European colonization of the Americas began with the first voyage ofChristopher Columbusin 1492. The first Spanish settlement in the Americas wasLa Isabelain northernHispaniola.This town was abandoned shortly after in favor ofSanto Domingo de Guzmán,founded in 1496, the oldest American city of European foundation. This was the base from which the Spanish monarchy administered its new colonies and their expansion. Santo Domingo was subject to frequent raids by English and Frenchpirates.

On the continent,Panama Cityon the Pacific coast of Central America, founded on August 15, 1519, played an important role, being the base for the Spanish conquest of South America. ConquistadorLucas Vázquez de AyllónestablishedSan Miguel de Guadalupe,the first European settlement in what is now theUnited States,on thePee Dee RiverinSouth Carolina.[45]During the first half of the 16th century, Spanish colonists conducted raids throughout theCaribbean Basin,bringing captives from Central America, northern South America, andFloridaback to Hispaniola and other Spanish settlements.[46]

France, led byJacques CartierandGiovanni da Verrazzano,[47]focused primarily on North America. English explorations of the Americas were led byGiovanni Caboto[48]and SirWalter Raleigh.The Dutch inNew Netherlandconfined their operations to Manhattan Island, Long Island, the Hudson River Valley, and what later became New Jersey. The spread of new diseases brought by Europeans and African slaves killed many of the inhabitants of North America and South America,[49][50]with a generalpopulation crash of Native Americansoccurring in the mid-16th century, often well ahead of European contact.[51]One of the most devastating diseases wassmallpox.[52]

European immigrants were often part of state-sponsored attempts to found colonies in the Americas. Migration continued as people moved to the Americas fleeingreligious persecutionor seeking economic opportunities. Millions of individuals were forcibly transported to the Americas asslaves,prisoners orindentured servants.

Map showing the dates of independence from European powers. Black signifies areas that aredependent territoriesor parts of countries with a capital outside the Americas.

Decolonization of the Americasbegan with theAmerican Revolutionand theHaitian Revolutionin the late 1700s. This was followed by numerousLatin American wars of independencein the early 1800s. Between 1811 and 1825,Paraguay,Argentina,Chile,Gran Colombia,theUnited Provinces of Central America,Mexico,Brazil,Peru,andBoliviagained independence from Spain and Portugal in armed revolutions. After theDominican Republic won independence from Haiti,it was re-annexed by Spain in 1861, but reclaimed its independence in 1865 at the conclusion of theDominican Restoration War.The last violent episode of decolonization was theCuban War of Independencewhich became theSpanish–American War,which resulted in the independence ofCubain 1898, and the transfer of sovereignty overPuerto Ricofrom Spain to the United States.

Peaceful decolonization began with the United States's purchase ofLouisiana from Francein 1803,Florida from Spainin 1819, ofAlaska from Russiain 1867, and theDanish West Indies from Denmarkin 1916.Canadabecame independent of the United Kingdom, starting with theBalfour Declaration of 1926,Statute of Westminster 1931,and ending with thepatriation of the Canadian Constitutionin 1982. TheDominion of Newfoundlandsimilarly achieved independence under the Balfour Declaration and Statute of Westminster, but relinquished self-rule in 1934.[53]It was subsequentlyconfederated with Canadain 1949.

The remaining European colonies in the Caribbean began to achieve peaceful independence well afterWorld War II.JamaicaandTrinidad and Tobagobecame independent in 1962, andGuyanaandBarbadosboth achieved independence in 1966. In the 1970s, theBahamas,Grenada,Dominica,St. Lucia,andSt. Vincent and the Grenadinesall became independent of the United Kingdom, andSurinamebecame independent of the Netherlands.Belize,Antigua and Barbuda,andSaint Kitts and Nevisachieved independence from the United Kingdom in the 1980s.


Satellite photo of the Americas onEarth


The Americas make up most of the land in Earth'sWestern Hemisphere.[54]The northernmost point of the Americas isKaffeklubben Island,which is the most northerly point of land on Earth.[55]The southernmost point is the islands ofSouthern Thule,although they are sometimes considered part ofAntarctica.[56]The mainland of the Americas is the world's longest north-to-south landmass. The distance between its two polar extremities,Murchison Promontoryon theBoothia Peninsulain northern Canada andCape Frowardin ChileanPatagonia,is roughly 14,000 km (8,700 mi).[57]The mainland's most westerly point is the end of theSeward Peninsulain Alaska;Attu Island,further off the Alaskan coast to the west, is considered the westernmost point of the Americas.Ponta do Seixasin northeastern Brazil forms the easternmost extremity of the mainland,[57]whileNordostrundingen,in Greenland, is the most easterly point of the continental shelf.


South America broke off from the west of the supercontinentGondwanaaround 135 million years ago, forming its own continent.[58]Around 15 million years ago, the collision of theCaribbean Plateand thePacific Plateresulted in the emergence of a series of volcanoes along the border that created a number of islands. The gaps in the archipelago of Central America filled in with material eroded off North America and South America, plus new land created by continued volcanism. By three million years ago, the continents of North America and South America were linked by theIsthmus of Panama,thereby forming the single landmass of the Americas.[59]TheGreat American Interchangeresulted in many species being spread across the Americas, such as thecougar,porcupine,opossums,armadillos,andhummingbirds.[60]


Aconcagua,inArgentina,is the highest peak in the Americas.

The geography of the western Americas is dominated by theAmerican Cordillera,with theAndesrunning along the west coast of South America[61]and theRocky Mountainsand otherNorth American Cordilleraranges running along the western side of North America.[62]The 2,300-kilometer-long (1,400 mi)Appalachian Mountainsrun along the east coast of North America fromAlabamatoNewfoundland.[63]North of the Appalachians, theArctic Cordilleraruns along the eastern coast of Canada.[64]

The largest mountain ranges are theAndesandRocky Mountains.TheSierra Nevadaand theCascade Rangereach similar altitudes as theRocky Mountains,but are significantly smaller. In North America, the greatest number offourteenersare in the United States, and more specifically in the US state ofColorado.The highest peaks of the Americas are located in theAndes,withAconcaguaofArgentinabeing the highest; in North AmericaDenali(Mount McKinley) in the US state ofAlaskais the tallest.

Between its coastal mountain ranges, North America has vast flat areas. TheInterior Plainsspread over much of the continent, with low relief.[65]TheCanadian Shieldcovers almost 5 million km2of North America and is generally quite flat.[66]Similarly, the north-east of South America is covered by the flatAmazon basin.[67]TheBrazilian Highlandson the east coast are fairly smooth but show some variations in landform, while farther south theGran ChacoandPampasare broadlowlands.[68]


Climate zones of the Americas in theKöppen climate classificationsystem

The climate of the Americas varies significantly from region to region.Tropical rainforest climateoccurs in the latitudes of theAmazon,Americancloud forests,southeastern Florida andDarién Gap.In theRocky MountainsandAndes,dry and continental climates are observed. Often the higher altitudes of these mountains are snow-capped.

Southeastern North America is well known for its occurrence oftornadoesandhurricanes,of which the vast majority of tornadoes occur in the United States'Tornado Alley,[69]as well as in the southerlyDixie Alleyin the North American late-winter and early spring seasons. Often parts of the Caribbean are exposed to the violent effects of hurricanes. These weather systems are formed by the collision of dry, cool air from Canada and wet, warm air from the Atlantic.


With coastal mountains and interior plains, the Americas have several largeriver basinsthat drain the continents. The largest river basin in North America is that of theMississippi,covering the second largestwatershedon the planet.[70]The Mississippi-Missouri river system drains most of 31 states of the United States, most of theGreat Plains,and large areas between the Rocky and Appalachian mountains. This river is thefourth longest in the worldandtenth most powerful in the world.

In North America, to the east of theAppalachian Mountains,there are no major rivers but rather a series of rivers and streams that flow east with their terminus in the Atlantic Ocean, such as theHudson River,Saint John River,andSavannah River.A similar instance arises with central Canadian rivers that drain intoHudson Bay;the largest being theChurchill River.On the west coast of North America, the main rivers are theColorado River,Columbia River,Yukon River,Fraser River,andSacramento River.

The Colorado River drains much of theSouthern Rockiesand parts of theBasin and Range Province.The river flows approximately 1,450 miles (2,330 km) into theGulf of California,[71]during which over time it has carved out natural phenomena such as theGrand Canyonand created phenomena such as theSalton Sea.The Columbia is a large river, 1,243 miles (2,000 km) long, in central western North America and is the most powerful river on the West Coast of the Americas. In the far northwest of North America, the Yukon drains much of the Alaskan peninsula and flows 1,980 miles (3,190 km)[72]from parts of Yukon and the Northwest Territory to the Pacific. Draining to the Arctic Ocean of Canada, theMackenzie Riverdrains waters from the Arctic Great Lakes of Arctic Canada, as opposed to the Saint-Lawrence River that drains the Great Lakes of Southern Canada into the Atlantic Ocean. The Mackenzie River is the largest in Canada and drains 1,805,200 square kilometers (697,000 sq mi).[73]

The largest river basin in South America is that of theAmazon,which has the highest volume flow of any river on Earth.[74]The second largest watershed of South America is that of theParaná River,which covers about 2.5 million km2.[75]


North America and South America began to develop a shared population of flora and fauna around 2.5 million years ago, whencontinental driftbrought the two continents into contact via theIsthmus of Panama.Initially, the exchange of biota was roughly equal, with North American genera migrating into South America in about the same proportions as South American genera migrated into North America. This exchange is known as theGreat American Interchange.The exchange became lopsided after roughly a million years, with the total spread of South American genera into North America far more limited in scope than the spread of North American genera into South America.[76]

Countries and territories

There are 35 sovereign states in the Americas, as well as anautonomous countryofDenmark,threeoverseas departmentsofFrance,threeoverseas collectivitiesof France,[77]and one uninhabited territory of France, eightoverseas territoriesof theUnited Kingdom,threeconstituent countriesof theNetherlands,threepublic bodiesof the Netherlands, twounincorporated territoriesof theUnited States,and one uninhabited territory of the United States.[78]

Country or territory Total area
[note 1]
(per km2)
Common languages
(official inbold)
Anguilla(United Kingdom) 91 13,452 164.8 English The Valley
Antigua and Barbuda 442 86,295 199.1 Creole,[80]English St. John's
Argentina 2,766,890 42,669,500 14.3 Spanish Buenos Aires
Aruba(Netherlands) 180 101,484 594.4 Papiamentu,Spanish,[81]Dutch Oranjestad
Bahamas, The 13,943 351,461 24.5 Creole,[82]English Nassau
Bajo Nuevo Bank(United States / Colombia / Jamaica) 100[83] 0[84] 0.0 Uninhabited N/A
Barbados 430 285,000 595.3 Bajan,[85]English Bridgetown
Belize 22,966 349,728 13.4 Spanish,Kriol,English[86] Belmopan
Bermuda(United Kingdom) 54 64,237 1,203.7 English Hamilton
Bolivia 1,098,580 10,027,254 8.4 Spanishand36 indigenous languages La PazandSucre[87]
Bonaire(Netherlands) 294 12,093 41.1 Papiamentu,Spanish,Dutch[88] Kralendijk
Brazil 8,514,877 203,106,000 23.6 Portuguese Brasília
British Virgin Islands(United Kingdom) 151 29,537 152.3 English Road Town
Canada 9,984,670 37,411,592 3.8 English,French Ottawa
Cayman Islands(United Kingdom) 264 81,546 212.1 English George Town
Chile[89] 756,950 17,773,000 22 Spanish Santiago
Clipperton Island(France) 6[83] 0[84] 0.0 Uninhabited N/A
Colombia 1,138,910 47,757,000 40 Spanish Bogotá
Costa Rica 51,100 4,667,096 89.6 Spanish San José
Cuba 109,886 11,167,325 102.0 Spanish Havana
Curaçao(Netherlands) 444 150,563 317.1 Papiamentu,Dutch[88] Willemstad
Dominica 751 71,293 89.2 French Patois,English[90] Roseau
Dominican Republic 48,671 10,378,267 207.3 Spanish Santo Domingo
Ecuador 283,560 15,819,400 53.8 Spanish,Quechua[91] Quito
El Salvador 21,041 6,401,240 293.0 Spanish San Salvador
Falkland Islands(United Kingdom)[92] 12,173 3,000 0.26 English Stanley
Federal Dependencies of Venezuela(Venezuela) 342 2,155 2.4 Spanish N/A
French Guiana(France) 91,000 237,549 2.7 French Cayenne
Greenland(Denmark) 2,166,086 56,483 0.026 Greenlandic,Danish Nuuk
Grenada 344 103,328 302.3 English St. George's
Guadeloupe(France) 1,628 405,739 246.7 French Basse-Terre
Guatemala 108,889 15,806,675 128.8 Spanish,Garifuna and 23 Mayan languages Guatemala City
Guyana 214,999 784,894 3.5 English Georgetown
Haiti 27,750 10,745,665 361.5 Creole,French Port-au-Prince
Honduras 112,492 8,555,072 66.4 Spanish Tegucigalpa
Jamaica 10,991 2,717,991 247.4 Patois,English Kingston
Martinique(France) 1,128 392,291 352.6 Patois,[93]French Fort-de-France
Mexico 1,964,375 119,713,203 57.1 Spanish, 68 indigenous languages Mexico City
Montserrat(United Kingdom) 102 4,922 58.8 Creole English,English[94] Plymouth;Brades[95]
Navassa Island(United States / Haiti) 5[83] 0[84] 0.0 Uninhabited Lulu Town
Nicaragua 130,373 6,071,045 44.1 Spanish Managua
Panama 75,417 3,405,813 45.8 Spanish Panama City
Paraguay 406,750 6,783,374 15.6 Guaraní,Spanish Asunción
Peru 1,285,220 30,814,175 22 Spanish, Quechua, and other indigenous languages Lima
Puerto Rico(United States) 8,870 3,615,086 448.9 Spanish,English San Juan
Saba(Netherlands) 13 1,537[96] 118.2 English,Dutch The Bottom
Saint Barthélemy(France) 21[83] 8,938[84] 354.7 French Gustavia
Saint Kitts and Nevis 261 55,000 199.2 English Basseterre
Saint Lucia 539 180,000 319.1 English,French Creole Castries
Saint Martin(France) 54[83] 36,979 552.2 French Marigot
Saint Pierre and Miquelon(France) 242 6,081 24.8 French Saint-Pierre
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 389 109,000 280.2 English Kingstown
Serranilla Bank(United States / Colombia / Honduras) 100[83] 0[84] 0.0 Uninhabited N/A
Sint Eustatius(Netherlands) 21 2,739[96] 130.4 Dutch,English Oranjestad
Sint Maarten(Netherlands) 34 37,429 1,176.7 English,Spanish,Dutch Philipsburg
South Georgia and the South Sandwich IslandsSouth Georgia and
South Sandwich Islands
(United Kingdom)
3,093 20 0.01 English King Edward Point
Suriname 163,270 534,189 3 Dutchand others[98] Paramaribo
Trinidad and Tobago 5,130 1,328,019 261.0 English Port of Spain
Turks and Caicos Islands(United Kingdom) 948 31,458 34.8 Creole English,English[99] Cockburn Town
United States of America[note 2] 9,629,091 320,206,000 34.2 English, Spanish Washington, D.C.
U.S. Virgin Islands(United States) 347 106,405 317.0 English Charlotte Amalie
Uruguay 176,220 3,286,314 19.4 Spanish Montevideo
Venezuela 916,445 30,206,307 30.2 Spanish and 40 indigenous languages Caracas
Total 42,320,985 973,186,925 21.9



In 2021 the total population of the Americas was about 1.03 billion people, divided as follows:

  • North America: 596.6 million (includes Central America and theCaribbean)
  • South America: 434.3 million

Largest urban centers

There are three urban centers that each hold titles for being the largest population area based on the three main demographic concepts:[100]

A city proper is the locality with legally fixed boundaries and an administratively recognized urban status that is usually characterized by some form of local government.[101][102][103][104][105]
An urban area is characterized by higher population density and vast human features in comparison to areas surrounding it. Urban areas may be cities, towns or conurbations, but the term is not commonly extended to rural settlements such as villages and hamlets. Urban areas are created and further developed by the process of urbanization and do not include large swaths of rural land, as do metropolitan areas.[citation needed]
Unlike an urban area, a metropolitan area includes not only the urban area, but also satellite citiesplus intervening rural landthat is socio-economically connected to the urban core city, typically by employment ties through commuting, with the urban core city being the primary labor market.[citation needed]

In accordance with these definitions, the three largest population centers in the Americas are:Mexico City,anchor to the largest metropolitan area in the Americas; New York City, anchor to the largest urban area in the Americas; and São Paulo, the largest city proper in the Americas. All three cities maintainAlphaclassification and large scale influence.

Country City City Population Metro Area
Mexico Mexico City 8,864,000 22,300,000[106]
Brazil São Paulo 12,038,175 21,742,939[107]
United States New York City 8,405,837[108] 19,949,502[109]
Argentina Buenos Aires 2,891,082[14] 15,594,428[14]
United States Los Angeles 3,928,864[110] 13,131,431[111]


Ethnic map of the Americas (c. 1880) byHeinrich Berghaus

The population of the Americas is made up of the descendants of four largeethnic groupsand their combinations.

The majority of the population lives inLatin America,named for its predominant cultures, rooted inLatin Europe(including the two dominant languages, Spanish andPortuguese,bothRomance languages), more specifically in theIberiannations ofPortugaland Spain (hence the use of the termIbero-Americaas a synonym). Latin America is typically contrasted withAnglo-America,where English, aGermanic language,is prevalent, and which comprises Canada (with the exception ofFrancophone Canadarooted in Latin Europe [France]—seeQuebecandAcadia) and the United States. Both countries are located in North America, with cultures deriving predominantly fromBritishand otherGermanicroots.

Black population

Slavery in BrazilbyJean-Baptiste Debret(1834–1839)

The transatlantic slave trade brought millions of Africans to the territories of the Americas under the colonial rule of European powers. In South America,Portugalplayed a significant role in the trafficking of enslaved Africans, with estimates suggesting that around 40% of all Africans forcibly brought to the Americas were taken to Brazil alone, to work primarily in sugar cane plantations, mining, and agricultural endeavors.[112]In North America, theBritish Empirewas heavily involved in the transatlantic slave trade, with the establishment of colonies such as Virginia, where enslaved Africans were primarily used as labor in tobacco plantations and later in other agricultural and domestic sectors. This system perpetuated for centuries, shaping the socio-economic landscape of all nations of the hemisphere.

After theHaitian Revolutionled byJean-Jacques Dessalines,which started in 1791 and was the only successful slave revolt in history, the world's first black republic was established. It started with the massacre of the white population, between 3,000 and 5,000 white men and women of all ages were killed. Dessalines declared:

Oui, nous avons rendu à ces vrais cannibales guerre pour guerre, crimes pour crimes, outrages pour outrages.
Oui, j’ai sauvé mon pays, j’ai vengé l’Amérique.
Yes, we have rendered to these true cannibals war for war, crime for crime, outrage for outrage;
Yes, I have saved my country – I have avenged America.

— Dessalines, first president of the Republic of Haiti, 1804[113][114]


The most prevalent faiths in the Americas are as follows:

  • Christianity (86 percent)[115]
    • Roman Catholicism: Practiced by 69 percent[116]of the Latin American population (61 percent[116]in Brazil whose Roman Catholic population of 134 million[117]is the greatest of any nation's), approximately 24 percent of the United States' population[118]and about 39 percent of Canada's.[119]
    • Protestantism: Practiced mostly in the United States, where half of the population are Protestant, Canada, with slightly more than a quarter of the population, and Greenland; there is a growing contingent ofEvangelicalandPentecostalmovements in predominantly Catholic Latin America.[120]
    • Eastern Orthodoxy:Found mostly in the United States (1 percent) and Canada; this Christian group is growing faster than many other Christian groups in Canada and now represents roughly 3 percent of the Canadian population.[119]
    • Non-denominational Christiansand other Christians (some 1,000 different Christian denominations and sects practiced in the Americas).
  • Irreligion:About 12 percent, including atheists and agnostics, as well as those who profess some form of spirituality but do not identify themselves as members of any organized religion.
  • Islam: Together, Muslims constitute about 1 percent of the North American population and 0.3 percent of all Latin Americans. It is practiced by 3 percent[119]of Canadians and 0.6 percent of the U.S. population.[118]Argentinahas the largest Muslim population in Latin America with up to 600,000 persons, or 1.5 percent of the population.[121]
  • Judaism (practiced by 2 percent of North Americans—approximately 2.5 percent of the U.S. population and 1.2 percent of Canadians[122]—and 0.23 percent of Latin Americans—Argentina has the largest Jewish population in Latin America with 200,000 members)[123]

Other faiths includeBuddhism;Hinduism;Sikhism;Baháʼí Faith;a wide variety of indigenous religions, many of which can be categorized asanimistic;new agereligions and manyAfricanand African-derived religions.Syncreticfaiths can also be found throughout the Americas.

Religious Demographics According to 2010 censuses/estimates in each country
Country Christians Catholics Protestants None/Atheists/Agnostics Others
Argentina[124] 86.2% 76.5% 9.7% 11.3% 2.5%
Bolivia 95.3% 73.7% 21.6% 3.7% 1.0%
Brazil[125] 86.8% 64.6% 22.2% 8.4% 4.8%
Canada[119] 62.6% 38.7% 23.9% 28.5% 8.9%
Chile[126] 76.0% 60.0% 16.0% 21.0% 3.0%
Colombia[127] 93.9% 80.3% 13.6% 5.2% 1.7%
Costa Rica[128] 84.3% 70.5% 13.8% 11.3% 4.3%
Dominican Republic[129] 87.1% 68.3% 18.8% 10.6% 2.2%
Ecuador[130] 95.6% 87.8% 7.7% 3.5% 1.0%
El Salvador[131] 75.5% 45.8% 29.7% 24.3% 1.2%
Guatemala[132] 79.3% 47.6% 31.7% 18.3% 2.4%
Honduras[133] 83.0% 47.9% 35.1% 14.3% 2.7%
Mexico[134] 92.2% 82.7% 8.7% 4.9% 2.9%
Nicaragua[135] 81.1% 54.3% 26.8% 16.8% 2.1%
Panama 90.0% 75.0% 15.0% 7.0% 3.0%
Paraguay 96.8% 90.4% 6.4% 1.4% 1.8%
Peru[136] 96.7% 81.3% 12.5% 1.9% 1.4%
United States[137] 79.9% 25.9% 54.0% 15.2% 5.0%
Uruguay[138] 58.2% 47.1% 11.1% 40.4% 1.5%
Venezuela[139] 89.0% 72.0% 17.0% 8.0% 3.0%


Languages spoken in the Americas

Variouslanguagesare spoken in the Americas. Some are of European origin, others are spoken by indigenous peoples or are the mixture of various languages like the different creoles.[128]

The most widely spokenfirst languagein the Americas isSpanish,followed byEnglishandPortuguese.[140]The dominant language ofLatin Americais Spanish, though the most populous nation in Latin America,Brazil,speaksPortuguese.Small enclaves ofFrench-,Dutch- and English-speaking regions also exist in Latin America, notably inFrench Guiana,Suriname,andBelizeandGuyanarespectively.Haitian Creoleis dominant in the nation ofHaiti,where French is also spoken.Native languagesare more prominent in Latin America than inAnglo-America,withNahuatl,Quechua,Aymara,andGuaranías the most common. Various other native languages are spoken with less frequency across both Anglo-America and Latin America.Creole languagesother than Haitian Creole are also spoken in parts of Latin America.

The dominant language of Anglo-America is English. French is also official inCanada,where it is the predominant language inQuebecand an official language inNew Brunswickalong with English. It is also an important language inLouisiana,and in parts ofNew Hampshire,Maine,andVermont.Spanish has kept an ongoing presence in theSouthwestern United States,which formed part of theViceroyalty of New Spain,especially inCaliforniaandNew Mexico,wherea distinct variety of Spanishspoken since the 17th century has survived. It has more recently become widely spoken in other parts of theUnited Statesbecause of heavy immigration from Latin America. High levels of immigration in general have brought great linguistic diversity to Anglo-America, with over 300 languages known to be spoken in the United States alone, but most languages are spoken only in small enclaves and by relatively small immigrant groups.

The nations of Guyana, Suriname, and Belize are generally considered[by whom?]not to fall into either Anglo-America or Latin America because of their language differences from Latin America, geographic differences from Anglo-America, and cultural and historical differences from both regions; English is the primary language of Guyana and Belize, and Dutch is the primary language of Suriname.

Most of the non-native languages have, to different degrees, evolved differently from the mother country, but are usually still mutually intelligible. Some have combined, however, which has even resulted in completely new languages, such asPapiamento,which is a combination of Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch (representing the respective colonizers), nativeArawak,variousAfrican languages,and, more recently English. Thelingua francaPortuñol,a mixture of Portuguese and Spanish, is spoken in the border regions of Brazil and neighboring Spanish-speaking countries.[141]More specifically,Riverense Portuñolis spoken by around 100,000 people in the border regions of Brazil andUruguay.Because ofimmigration,there are many communities where other languages are spoken from all parts of the world, especially in the United States, Brazil,Argentina,Canada,Chile,Costa Rica,and Uruguay—very important destinations for immigrants.[142][143][144]


Subdivisions of the Americas
Map Legend
North America (NA)
South America (SA)
May be included in
either NA or SA
North America (NA)
May be included in NA
Central America
South America
North America (NA)
May be included in NA

Northern America

Middle America (MA)
Caribbean (may be
included in MA)
South America (SA)
May be included
in MA or SA
Anglo-America (A-A)
May be included in A-A
Latin America (LA)
May be included in LA


Speakers of Englishgenerally refer to thelandmassesof North America and South America asthe Americas,theWestern Hemisphere,or theNew World.[6]The adjectiveAmericanmay be used to indicate something pertaining to the Americas,[2]but this term is primarily used in English to indicate something pertaining to the United States.[2][145][146]Some non-ambiguous alternatives exist, such as the adjectivePan-American,[147]orNew Worlderas a demonym for a resident of the closely relatedNew World.[4]Use ofAmericain the hemispherical sense is sometimes retained, or can occur when translated from other languages.[148]For example, theAssociation of National Olympic Committees(ANOC) in Paris maintains a single continental association for "America", represented by one of the fiveOlympic rings.[149]

American essayistH.L. Menckensaid, "The Latin-Americans use Norteamericano in formal writing, but, save in Panama, prefer nicknames in colloquial speech."[150]To avoid "American" one can use constructed terms in their languages derived from "United States" or even "North America".[146][151][152]In Canada, its southern neighbor is often referred to as "the United States", "the U.S.A.", or (informally) "the States", while U.S. citizens are generally referred to as "Americans".[146]Most Canadians resent being referred to as "Americans".[146]


In Spanish,Américais a single continent composed of thesubcontinentsofAmérica del SurandAmérica del Norte,theland bridgeofAmérica Central,and the islands of theAntillas.Americanooramericanain Spanish refers to a person fromAméricain a similar way that in whicheuropeooreuropearefers to a person fromEuropa.The termssudamericano/a,centroamericano/a,antillano/aandnorteamericano/acan be used to more specifically refer to the location where a person may live.

Citizens of the United States of America are normally referred to by the termestadounidense(rough literal translation: "United Statesian") instead ofamericanooramericanawhich is discouraged,[153][154]and the country's name itself is officially translated asEstados Unidos de América(United States of America), commonly abbreviated asEstados Unidos(EEUU).[154]Also, the termnorteamericano(North American) may refer to a citizen of the United States. This term is primarily used to refer to citizens of the United States, and less commonly to those of other North American countries.[153]


In Portuguese,América[155]is a single continent composed ofAmérica do Sul(South America),América Central(Central America) andAmérica do Norte(North America).[156]It can be ambiguous, asAméricacan be used to refer to the United States of America, but is avoided in print and formal environments.[157][158]


In French the wordaméricainmay be used for things relating to the Americas; however, similar to English, it is most often used for things relating to the United States, with the termétats-uniensometimes used for clarity.Panaméricainmay be used as an adjective to refer to the Americas without ambiguity.[159]French speakers may use the nounAmériqueto refer to the whole landmass as one continent, or two continents,Amérique du NordandAmérique du Sud.In French,Amériqueis seldom used to refer to the United States, leading to some ambiguity when it is. Similar to English usage,les Amériquesordes Amériquesis used to refer unambiguously to the Americas.


In Dutch, the wordAmerikamostly refers to the United States.[160][161]Although the United States is equally often referred to asde Verenigde Staten( "the United States" ) orde VS( "the US" ),Amerikarelatively rarely refers to the Americas, but it is the only commonly used Dutch word for the Americas. This often leads to ambiguity; and to stress that something concerns the Americas as a whole, Dutch uses a combination, namelyNoord- en Zuid-Amerika(North and South America).

Latin America and Central America are generally referred to asLatijns AmerikaandMidden-Amerikarespectively.

The adjectiveAmerikaansis most often used for things or people relating to the United States. There are no alternative words to distinguish between things relating to the United States or to the Americas. Dutch uses the local alternative for things relating to elsewhere in the Americas, such asArgentijnsforArgentine,etc.

Multinational organizations

The following is a list of multinational organizations in the Americas.


Rank Country GDP(nominal, peak year)
millions ofUSD[162]
Peak year
1 United States 28,781,083 2024
2 Brazil[163] 2,616,156 2011
3 Canada 2,242,182 2024
4 Mexico 2,017,025 2024
5 Argentina 654,892 2023
6 Cuba[164] 545,218 2021
7 Venezuela[165] 482,359 2014
8 Colombia 386,076 2024
9 Chile 335,658 2023
10 Peru 282,458 2024
Rank Country GDP(PPP, peak year)
millions ofUSD
Peak year
1 United States 28,781,083 2024
2 Brazil[166] 4,454,930 2023
3 Mexico 3,434,224 2024
4 Canada 2,472,227 2024
5 Argentina[166] 1,369,904 2023
6 Colombia[166] 1,122,332 2023
7 Chile[166] 653,361 2023
8 Peru[166] 574,288 2023
9 Venezuela 561,498 2013
10 Dominican Republic 293,365 2024

In exports and imports, in 2020, the United States was the world's second largest exporter (US$1.64 trillion) and the largest importer (US$2.56 trillion). Mexico was the tenth largest exporter and importer. Canada was the twelfth largest exporter and importer. Brazil was the 24th largest exporter and the 28th largest importer. Chile was the 45th largest exporter and the 47th largest importer. Argentina was the 46th largest exporter and the 52nd largest importer. Colombia was the 54th largest exporter and the 51st largest importer; among others.[167][168][169]

Theagricultureof the continent is very strong and varied. Countries such asUnited States,Brazil,Canada,Mexico,andArgentinaare among the largest agricultural producers on the planet. In 2019, the continent dominated the world production ofsoy(almost 90% of the world total, with Brazil, the United States, Argentina, Paraguay, Canada and Bolivia among the 10 largest on the planet),sugarcane(about 55% of the world total, with Brazil, Mexico, the United States, and Guatemala among the 10 largest on the planet),coffee(about 55% of the world total, with Brazil, Colombia, Honduras, Peru, and Guatemala among the 10 largest on the planet) andmaize(about 48% of the world total, with the United States, Brazil, Argentina, and Mexico among the 10 largest on the planet). The continent also produces almost 40% of world'sorange(with Brazil, the United States, and Mexico among the top 10 producers), about 37% of world'spineapple(with Costa Rica, Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia among the 10 largest producers), about 35% of world'slemon(with Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, and the United States among the 10 largest producers) and about 30% of world'scotton(with the United States, Brazil, Mexico and Argentina among the top 10 producers), among several other products.[170]

Inlivestock,America also has giant productions. In 2018, the continent produced around 45% of the world'sbeef(with the United States, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, and Canada among the world's 10 largest producers); about 36% of the world'schicken meat(with the United States, Brazil, and Mexico among the world's 10 largest producers), and about 28% of the world'scow's milk(with the United States and Brazil among the 10 largest producers in the world), among other products.[170]

In industrial terms, theWorld Banklists the top producing countries each year, based on the total value of production. According to the 2019 list, the United States has the second most valuable industry in the world (US$2.3 trillion), Mexico has the 12th most valuable industry in the world (US$217.8 billion), Brazil has the 13th most valuable industry in the world (US$173.6 billion), Canada has the 15th most valuable industry in the world (US$151.7 billion), Venezuela the 30th largest (US$58.2 billion, but depends on the oil to obtain this amount), Argentina was the 31st largest (US$57.7 billion), Colombia the 46th largest (US$35.4 billion), Peru the 50th largest ($28.7 billion), and Chile the 51st largest (US$28.3 billion), among others.[171]

In the production ofoil,the continent had 8 of the 30 largest world producers in 2020: United States (1st), Canada (4th), Brazil (8th), Mexico (14th), Colombia (20th), Venezuela (26th), Ecuador (27th), and Argentina (28th).[172]

In the production ofnatural gas,the continent had 8 of the 32 largest world producers in 2015: United States (1st), Canada (5th), Argentina (18th), Trinidad and Tobago (20th), Mexico (21st), Venezuela (28th), Bolivia (31st), and Brazil (32nd).[173][174]

In the production ofcoal,the continent had 5 of the 30 largest world producers in 2018: United States (3rd), Colombia (12th), Canada (13th), Mexico (24th), and Brazil (27th).[175]

In the production ofvehicles,the continent had 5 of the 30 largest world producers in 2019: United States (2nd), Mexico (7th), Brazil (9th), Canada (12th), and Argentina (28th).[176]

In the production ofsteel,the continent had 5 of the 31 largest world producers in 2019: United States (4th), Brazil (9th), Mexico (15th), Canada (18th), and Argentina (31st).[177][178]

Inmining,the continent has large productions ofgold(mainly in the United States, Canada, Peru, Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina);[179]silver(mainly in Mexico, Peru, Chile, Bolivia, Argentina, and the United States);[180]copper(mainly in Chile, Peru, the United States, Mexico, and Brazil);[181]platinum(Canada and the United States);[182]iron ore(Brazil, Canada, the United States, Peru, and Chile);[183]zinc(Peru, the United States, Mexico, Bolivia, Canada, and Brazil);[184]molybdenum(Chile, Peru, Mexico, Canada, and the United States);[185]lithium(Chile, Argentina, Brazil, and Canada);[186]lead(Peru, the United States, Mexico, and Bolivia);[187]bauxite(Brazil, Jamaica, Canada, and the United States);[188]tin(Peru, Bolivia, and Brazil);[189]manganese(Brazil and Mexico);[190]antimony(Bolivia, Mexico, Guatemala, Canada, and Ecuador);[191]nickel(Canada, Brazil, Dominican Republic, Cuba, and the United States);[192]niobium(Brazil and Canada);[193]rhenium(Chile and the United States);[194]andiodine(Chile),[195]among others.

Dominica,Panama,and theDominican Republichave the fastest-growing economy in the Americas according to theInternational Monetary Fund(IMF),[196]16, five to seven countries in the southern part of the Americas had weakening economies in decline, compared to only three countries in the northern part of the Americas.[197][198]Haiti has the lowest GDP per capita in the Americas, although its economy was growing slightly as of 2016.[197][198]

See also


  1. ^Includes the states of Hawaii and Alaska, which are both separated from theUS mainland,with Hawaii distant from the North American landmass in the Pacific Ocean and therefore more commonly associated with the other territories of Oceania, while Alaska is located betweenCanadaandAsia(Russia).


  1. ^"Population".United Nations.RetrievedJuly 25,2021.
  2. ^abc"American".Oxford English Dictionary(Online ed.).Oxford University Press.(Subscription orparticipating institution membershiprequired.)
  3. ^"Pan-American".Oxford English Dictionary(Online ed.).Oxford University Press.(Subscription orparticipating institution membershiprequired.)
  4. ^ab"New Worlder".Oxford English Dictionary(Online ed.).Oxford University Press.(Subscription orparticipating institution membershiprequired.)
  5. ^abcd"America."The Oxford Companion to the English Language(ISBN0-19-214183-X). McArthur, Tom, ed., 1992. New York: Oxford University Press, p. 33: "[16c: from the feminine ofAmericus,the Latinized first name of the explorer Amerigo Vespucci (1454–1512). The nameAmericafirst appeared on a map in 1507 by the German cartographer Martin Waldseemüller, referring to the area now called Brazil]. Since the 16c, a name of the western hemisphere, often in the pluralAmericasand more or less synonymous withthe New World.Since the 18c, a name of the United States of America. The second sense is now primary in English:... However, the term is open to uncertainties:... "
  6. ^abBurchfield, R. W. 2004.Fowler's Modern English Usage.(ISBN0-19-861021-1) Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press; p. 48.
  7. ^"America".Oxford Dictionary.
  8. ^abWebster's New World College Dictionary,2010 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio.
  9. ^Merriam Webster dictionary.Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. 2013.RetrievedMarch 23,2016.
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Further reading

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