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Amhrán na bhFiann

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Amhrán na bhFiann
The Soldier's Song
English lyrics sheet,c. 1916

National anthem ofIreland
Also known as"A Soldier's Song" (original)
LyricsPeadar Kearney,1909(English version)
Liam Ó Rinn, 1923(Irish version)
MusicPatrick Heeney,1910
Adopted12 July 1926
Audio sample
U.S. Navy Bandinstrumental version

"Amhrán na bhFiann"(Irish pronunciation:[ˈəuɾˠaːn̪ˠn̪ˠəˈvʲiən̪ˠ]), called "The Soldier's Song"in English, is thenational anthemofIreland.The music was composed byPeadar KearneyandPatrick Heeney,the original English lyrics written by Kearney, and the Irish-language translation, now usually the version heard, byLiam Ó Rinn.The song has three verses, but only the choral refrain is used as the national anthem.

ThePresidential Salute,played when thePresident of Irelandarrives at an official engagement, consists of the first four bars of the national anthem immediately followed by the last five.[1]





The song, as "A Soldier's Song", was composed "early in 1910 or late in 1909",[n 1]with words byPeadar Kearney,and music by his childhood friend and neighbourPatrick Heeney,who had collaborated on songs since 1903.[4]Kearney assisted Heeney in setting the refrain.[5][6][7]Heeney composed it with hismelodeon.[8]Seán Rogan, later of theIrish Citizen Army,may also have helped with the music, and first wrote it in musical notation.[6]Kearney wrote much of the text in the Swiss Café at the corner ofO'Connell StreetandNorth Earl Street.[2]The first draft of the text, handwritten on copybook paper, sold at auction in Dublin in 2006 for €760,000.[9]After being rejected byThe United Irishman,Bulmer Hobson's magazineIrish Freedompublished the text in 1912.[5][10]Whelan and Son of Ormond Quay, Dublin, published the lyrics for sale as a flysheet.[6][11]It was used as a marching song by theIrish VolunteersandSeamus Hughesfirst sang it in public at a Volunteer fundraising concert.[12]It was sung by rebels in theGeneral Post Office(GPO) during theEaster Risingof 1916.[5]Its popularity increased among rebels held inFrongoch internment campafter the Rising.[5][13]

The sheet music was first published in late 1916 by Whelan and Son, in an arrangement by Cathal Mac Dubhghaill (Cecil Grange MacDowell).[6][14][15]In December 1916 in New York City,Victor Herbertpublished his own piano and orchestral arrangements under the title "Soldiers of Erin,the Rallying Song of the Irish Volunteers ", on the instigation of R. F. O'Reilly, an Irish priest.[16][6][17][18][19]O'Reilly arranged for proceeds to go to theGaelic League,but paid royalties to Kearney and Heeney once he discovered they were the authors.[16][6][19]With later cheques from the US, Kearney earned "not much more than £100".[16]The song's first commercial recording was made in New York City in early 1917 by George Potter and commissioned by Ellen Byrne De Witt, a prominent Irish-American businesswoman.[20]Margaret Skinnider,in her 1917 memoir of the rising, called it the "Volunteer Marching Song"and (incorrectly) said" I have been told the men inthe rising of '67also sang it. "[21]

By 1917, according toSéumas Robinson,the song was being parodied by British soldiers in Ireland.[22]Éamon de Valera's platform at the June 1917East Clare by-electionfeatured a large banner with the opening two lines.[23]That October the Irish Volunteers allied withSinn Féinunder de Valera and during theIrish War of Independence(1919–21) the Volunteers evolved into theIrish Republican Army(IRA). The song's popularity led to its being called the "Sinn Féin anthem".Copies were confiscated by British security forces asseditious.[24]Carl Hardebeckplayed it unannounced onLow Sunday1918 inSt Peter's Cathedral, Belfast.[25]Victor Herbert's version was well known toIrish Americansby 1919, when de Valera arrived asPresident of Dáil Éireannof the self-proclaimedIrish Republic.[19]In the 1922–23Civil War,the IRA split into the "National Army"of the nascentIrish Free Stateand the"Irregulars"loyal to the defunct Republic. Both sides continued to sing "The Soldier's Song".[26]After the war, it remained popular as an Army tune, and was played at many military functions.[5]

Official adoption

The Irish national anthem played on RTÉ during the 1960s

The Free State did not initially adopt any official state anthem.[5]The delicate political state in the aftermath of the Civil War provoked a desire to avoid controversy.[27]Ex-unionistscontinued to regard "God Save the King"as the national anthem,[5]as it had been for the rest of theBritish Empire.For nationalists, the fact that "The Soldier's Song" described Irishmen fighting a foreign foe allowed it to overlook the painful memory of the Civil War.[26]W. T. Cosgrave,1922–32Presidentof theExecutive Council,avoided explicitly making it the national anthem for fear of exacerbating the antipathy for the Free State held by unionists inNorthern Ireland.[28]On the other hand, the government did not want to disassociate the state from the anthem for fear of leaving a potent symbol available for its republican opponents to claim.[29]The same equivocation hung around the status of theIrish tricolour.

"The Soldier's Song" was widely if unofficially sung by nationalists.[30]Public perception that it was officially recognised sprang from a concert on 3 February 1924 at theTheatre Royal, Dublinby theArmy Music Schoolunder its German-born director, ColonelFritz Brase.As an encore to the concert, Brasé conducted "Irish March, no.1", hismedleyof Irish patriotic airs, which ended with that of "The Soldier's Song". Most dignitaries present stood up at this point, includingGovernor-GeneralTim Healy,Cosgrave and most of the Executive Council, althoughRichard Mulcahyremained seated.[26]On 28 April 1924, Cosgrave expressed opposition to replacing "The Soldier's Song", which was provisionally used within the State.[27]Sean Lester,Publicist at theDepartment of External Affairsconsidered "The Soldier's Song" to be "hardly suitable in words or music"[30]and favoured the music, though not the words, of "Let Erin Remember".[30]This was used as the anthem forthe state at the 1924 Olympicsin Paris,[5][n 2]and other events abroad for the next two years.[30]TheDublin Evening Mailheld contests in 1924 and 1925 to find verses for a new anthem; the first produced no sufficiently good entry, and the second's winning entry was soon forgotten.[5]

There was concern that the lack of an official anthem was giving unionists an opportunity to persist with "God Save the King".[30]Ewan Morris writes, "While some, perhaps many, nationalists undoubtedly disliked 'The soldier's song', few would have objected so strongly as to refuse to honour it as the national anthem. But for ex-unionists 'The soldier's song' remained anathema, and 'God save the king' continued to be the national anthem they honoured."[32]By 1926 foreign diplomats' protocol offices were requesting copies of the anthem's score.[33]On 12 July 1926, the Executive Council decided to adopt it as the National Anthem,[30]with Cosgrave the driving force in the decision.[30]He wrote to Lester, "there must be uniformity in regard to the national anthem and that for the present the 'Soldier's song' is to be used for this purpose both at home and abroad".[33]The decision was not publicised.[5][34]On 20 June 1926,Osmond Esmondeasked President Cosgrave what the National Anthem was, but theCeann ComhairleMichael Hayesruled 'If the Deputy desires to investigate any problem in regard to the National Anthem, he cannot ask a question of the President. The President cannot be asked to define what is the National Anthem. It is not part of his functions.'[35]Esmonde instead askedMinister for DefencePeter Hugheswhat 'as far asthe Armyis concerned' was the National Anthem.[35]The draft response provided for Hughes stated that 'while no final decision has been come to', "The Soldier's Song" was 'at present accepted as the National Anthem',[36][37]However, this wording was vetoed by Cosgrave, and in the Dáil chamber Hughes responded simply 'The "Soldier's Song."'[5][37][35]

In 1928, the Army band established the practice of playing only the chorus of the song as the Anthem, because the longer version was discouraging audiences from singing along.[27]Also in 1928, Chief JusticeHugh Kennedy,returning from an official trip to North America, reported that an official arrangement of the music was "very badly needed" for circulation abroad.[27]This was produced in July 1929 by Fritz Brase.[5]This consisted only of the chorus, and was published under the title "The Soldier's Song" rather than "A Soldier's Song",[5]although variants such asthe "Soldiers' Song"continued to occur in later official documentation.[38]


The national anthem was played at closedown byRadio Éireannfrom its inception in 1926. TheCatholic Truth Society of Irelandincluded it in a 1929 publication commemorating the centenary of theRoman Catholic Relief Act 1829.Cinemas and theatres played the anthem when closing from 1932[5]until 1972.[n 3][40]Peadar Kearney, who had received royalties from sheet music publishers, issued legal proceedings for royalties from those now performing the anthem.[5]He was joined by Michael Heeney, brother of Patrick Heeney, who had died in 1911.[5]In 1934, theDepartment of Financeacquired the copyright of the song for the sum of £1,200 (£980 to the copyright holders plus £220 expenses[41]).[5][42][43]Copyright law changed in the 1950s,[n 4]such that the government had to reacquire copyright in 1965, for £2,500.[5][46]Ruth Sherry states that it is unclear whether the official anthem is the music alone or the text also;[5]however, the official 1934Estimate of the amount required... for the acquisition by the state of copyright in the national anthemincludes the line item, 'Payment to the holders of copyright in thewords andmusic of the "Soldier's Song" ' [emphasis added].[41]While the state held the copyright, most requests for publication were accepted, "although several of a purely commercial nature, such as its use in advertisements, were refused".[47]As perEU copyright law,the English lyrics' copyright expired on 1 January 2013, following the 70th anniversary of Kearney's death.[48][49][n 5]In 2016, three Fianna Fáil senators introduced aprivate member's billintended to restore the state's copyright in the anthem.[n 6]The ending of copyright also encourage theSeanadto announce a public consultation on the anthem.[53]

Official salute




TheGovernor-General of the Irish Free Statewas theKing's representative and, as such, unionists considered that the appropriate official salute to play was "God Save The King" rather than the Free State Anthem. AtJames McNeill's 1928 inauguration, the Army band played "The Soldier's Song", but that summer, at two events with unionist organisers, he was greeted by "God Save The King".[54]The Executive Council advised him that in future the Free State anthem must be played.[55]McNeill declined a June 1929 invitation to theTrinity Collegesports when the college insisted that the British anthem was its tradition.[56][5]Unionists and people in Great Britain took this as a snub, while for republican commentators it encapsulated the Free State's attempts to suppress the truth about its subservience to Britain.[57]A compromise adopted in 1931 was that "The Soldier's Song" would mark the Governor General's arrival and he would leave before the end of the sports, when "God Save The King" would be played.[58]Following the1932 general election,Éamon de Valerabecame President of the Executive Council; as part of his campaign to abolish the office of Governor-General, he forbade the Army band from playing "The Soldier's Song" in McNeill's presence.[5]



The first ceremonial regulations for theIrish Defence Forces,drawn up in 1926, provided that the official "Presidential Salute" for the President of the Executive Council would be the first and last eight bars of the national anthem.[59]The1937 Constitutionrenamed the head of governmentTaoiseach,and introduced the office ofPresident of Ireland.The "Presidential Salute" has since 1937 been used for the President of Ireland, who as head of statetakes precedenceover the Taoiseach.[59]The Taoiseach's salute is "Mór Chluana", an old Irish air to whichOsborn Berginset "Amhrán Dóchais",which in the 1930s was often suggested as a replacement national anthem.[59][60]

Irish version


The Irish translation was written byLiam Ó Rinn(1886–1943), later the Chief Translator of theOireachtas,[5]who was involved in the Irish versions of both the1922 Constitutionand the1937 Constitution.Although Sherry says the Irish version was first published inAn tÓglach(the magazine of theIrish Defence Forces) on 3 November 1923,[5][61]an almost identical text was printed in theFreeman's Journalon 3 April 1923, under Ó Rinn's pen name "Coinneach".[62][63]It may have been written as early as 1917.[5][64]Ó Rinn's grandson Nial claims Liam started work on a translation while interned in Frongoch after the 1916 Rising.[3]Several other translations had been made by 1923, which Ó Rinn criticised as unreadable.[62]These were in literaryClassical Irish,whereas Ó Rinn favoured the living vernacular spoken inGaeltachtareas.[62]On the other hand, Ó Rinn's Irish was a second language which some native speakers found inelegant.[65]"Rosc Catha na nÓglach",T. F. O'Rahilly's translation,[66]was used byConradh na Gaeilgein the early 1920s;[67]in 1924, Padraig de Burca said it "deserves more favour than it has received".[68]Other translations included one sung by Claisceadal inUniversity College Galwayin December 1931,[69]and others by Pádraig Mac Cárthaigh,[70]Sean Dubhthaigh,[71]Seamus Mac Grianna[72],andErnest Blythe.[72]From the 1930s, theGaelic Athletic Association(GAA) encouraged singing the anthem in Irish at its matches.[5]The text of the Ó Rinn version was printed in 1933 inAn Camán,[n 7][5]and in the programs of GAA matches atCroke Park,where the crowd was led via thepublic addresssystem by singers fromSt Patrick's College of EducationandConradh na Gaeilge,led bySeán Ó Síocháin.[74]Also in 1933Eamonn O'Neillsuggested in the Dáil that schoolchildren should be taught the words in both English and Irish.[75]In 1935Charles Bewley,Irish envoy to Germany, requested Irish lyrics because "the English text... makes a bad impression abroad".[64]

Both the English and Irish texts appeared in various editions ofFacts about Ireland,published by theDepartment of Foreign Affairs,[5][76][77]and on the official website of theDepartment of the Taoiseach.[1] However, no Irish version has been officially adopted,[5]the state does not hold the copyright to any Irish version,[48]and Ó Rinn, unlike Kearney and Heeney's estate, never received royalties.[5]A memorandum in the Department of the Taoiseach on 5 April 1958 discussed five distinct Irish translations, noting that Ó Rinn's was the best known; it suggested that, if it were to be officially endorsed, the spelling and grammar should be standardised and the opening words "Sinne Fianna Fáil" changed to "Sinne laochra Fáil" to avoid association with theFianna Fáilpolitical party.[64]The 2018 Seanad report on the anthem recommended no change to the wording, and pointed out that the law would not prevent a new political party adopting revised words like "Laochra Fáil" as its name.[78][n 8]The first recording of the anthem sung in Irish was onArgo Recordsin 1965 by Our Lady's Choral Society, Dublin, and theRadio Éireann Symphony Orchestra.[80]

Modern use


The English version has been almost totally eclipsed, and many are unaware that the Irish lyrics are a translation.[5][81]In 1960 it was remarked that the anthem's effect at Croke Park was impaired by the fact that some people sang in English and others in Irish.[82]The Irish Timesreported audience participation at a 1962 concert in theOlympia Theatre, Dublinunder the headline "Sang National Anthem in Irish".[83]Frank Ormsby's 2017 poem "The National Anthem" parodies the Irish text (Buíon dár sluabecomes "Binned. Arse. Loo." ) which about 1960 he uncomprehendingly learnt by rote in a Catholic school in Northern Ireland.[84][85]In the 21st century the English version is still sung at home matches ofCeltic F.C.,a GlasgowIrish-Scotsfootball club.[86][87]The English version was sung in Canada during a state visit by PresidentMary McAleesein 1998,[88]and at the2004 Ryder Cupin the United States. The latter prompted objections fromFáilte Ireland,[89]and whatGaeltacht MinisterÉamon Ó Cuívcalled "an outcry" from viewers in Ireland.[90][91]A 2002 public sculpture of Kearney includes the Irish lyrics rather than Kearney's.[92]The 2018 Seanad report suggested that "For those not familiar with the Irish language, it may be appropriate to produce aphonetic versionof the National Anthem ".[93]Some foreign-born Irish international sportspeople have learned the Irish words via ad hoc phonetic versions, includingMick McCarthyof theassociation football team[94]andCJ Standerof therugby union team.[95]

In 1987, the anthem was recommended, but not required, to be taught as part of the civics syllabus innational schools.[96]Fianna Fáil's manifesto in the2007 general electionpromised to "include the national anthem in the primary school curriculum".[97][98]As of 2017the primary school Social Personal and Health Education curriculum includes being "aware" of the anthem inthird/fourth class,and "respecting" it in fifth/sixth class.[99]Richard Bruton,theMinister for Educationstated that it was "notDepartmentalpolicy to impose regulations on schools regarding national expression ", but that it had supported several initiatives which included the national anthem.[100]To mark the 2016 centenary of the Easter Rising, members of theDefence Forcesvisited each national school and presented it with a national flag and copies of the national anthem and the1916 Proclamation.[101]A 2017 opinion poll found 82% supported teaching the anthem in school; 40% claimed to know all the words and 40% "some" of them.[102]The 2018 Seanad report said the anthem was "indeed currently on the curriculum at primary school level. However, once it has been taught at primary school level there are little [sic] opportunities for students to use the National Anthem within the school environment ".[103]It said suggestions to sing the anthem at school every day "may not be possible",[103]but school children could be encouraged to sing it on the eve[n 9]ofSaint Patrick's Day.[103]

Although only the chorus forms the official national anthem, the music of both verse and chorus has often been played at sports events outside Ireland.[104]The text of the first verse appears as well as the chorus in early (1960s) editions of theDepartment of External Affairs's bookFacts About Ireland.[76]Later editions include only the chorus.[77]

The song is used by many Irish nationalists as an anthem for the entire island of Ireland. As such it is played at all GAA matches, including those inNorthern Irelandand overseas. The 2018 Seanad report on the anthem recommended awareness of the anthem among "Irish citizens at home and abroad, as well as new citizens of Ireland".[93]It was common in the twentieth century, and not unknown today, for a music session in a pub to end atclosing timewith the playing of the national anthem. A 1961Evening Heraldeditorial complained that the anthem was played "far too often" and "usually in a most undignified manner", and that it "should be limited to very special occasions".[65]

There is no protocol specified for the anthem; the 2018 Seanad report on the anthem recommended adopting one and provided a draft.[105]Theflag protocolissued by theDepartment of the Taoiseachstates that when the anthem is played in the presence of the national flag, all present should face the flag and stand to attention, and Defence Forces personnel should salute the flag, "until the last note of the music".[106]History professor Caoimhín De Barra comments, "I don't think I have ever seen anyone salute the flag during Amhrán na bhFiann. Certainly, nobody is standing to attention until the last note of music, given that we have effectively replaced the last line of the song with collective freestyle screaming and roaring."[107]

In 2017, the SeanadPublic ConsultationCommittee invited comments on "the most appropriate way the State should treat the National Anthem".[53]Its chair,Mark Daly,said, "The debate around this issue includes aspects of copyright law, cultural tolerance, respect for national symbols, public opinion, free speech and a range of other factors."[53]The committee published 71 of the submissions received,[108]several of whose authors were invited to its hearings on 5 December 2017.[3][109]Michael W. D'Arcysaid the government favoured guidelines rather than legislation, and that penalties for misuse might prove counterproductive.[3][110]The committee's report was published in July 2018; it recommended producing an official translation intoIrish Sign Language(ISL).[111]A deaf choir performed an ISL version of the anthem inLeinster Houseat the report's official launch.[112]In January 2019, Fianna Fáil senators introduced a private member's bill "to confirm that the choral refrain, with or without the lyrics, of 'Amhrán na bhFiann' or, in the English Language, 'The Soldier's Song' is and continues to be the National Anthem; to provide for a version of the National Anthem in the Irish Sign Language; [and] to confirm that the Presidential Salute is and continues to be the music of the first 4 bars, followed by the last 4 bars, of the National Anthem".[113]The bill lapsed on the Dáil's2020 dissolution.[113]During the2021 COVID-19 lockdown,RTÉ published a guide byBishopstown Community Schoolto assist schoolchildren learning the anthem's ISL version.[114]



Suggestions to replace the anthem are reported regularly.[92]In the 1933 Dáil debate on the state's acquisition of the song's copyright, there was discussion of its merits or lack thereof.Frank MacDermotsaid, 'Leaving out sentiment, I must confess, from both a literary and a musical point of view, I would regard the "Soldier's Song" as, shall we say, a jaunty little piece of vulgarity, and I think we could have done a lot better.'[115]Thomas F. O'Higginsresponded, "National Anthems come about, not because of the suitability of the particular words or notes, but because they are adopted generally by the nation. That is exactly how the" Soldier's Song "became a National Anthem in this country. It happened to be the Anthem on the lips of the people when they came into their own and when the outsiders evacuated the country and left the insiders here to make the best or the worst of the country. It was adopted by the people here before ever it was adopted by the Executive Council".[115]Fintan O'Toolecalled it "EdwardianEnglishmusic halljingo".[84]

The Irish version is a free translation of the English; Richard Parfitt says it tones down some of the original's militancy.[92]"Sinne Fianna Fáil"[fn 1]is not a literal translation of "Soldiers are we".Fianna Fáil,variously translated as "Soldiers of Destiny", "Warriors of Fál", "Warriors of Destiny", "The Irish Army", or "Soldiers of Ireland",[116]Éamon de Valera regarded the phrase'suntranslatabilityas a virtue.[117]This is from the IrishFianna( "bands of warriors"[118]) ofFál(acoronation stone,andmetonymically"Ireland"[119]).[120]As an Irish name for theIrish Volunteers,it was an alternative toÓglaigh na hÉireann.The initials "FF" appeared on the Volunteer badge, and remain on that ofIrish Defence Forcesas successor to the Volunteers.[121]On 2 April 1926, "Fianna Fáil" was chosen as the name ofÉamon de Valera's new political party.Ó Rinn's version appeared in a 1927 volume of poetry with a foreword by de Valera.[122]Since the Irish version of the anthem became popular in the 1930s, there has been intermittent resentment of the party name's occurring in it.[5][123]Publishers Browne & Nolan printed a version in 1938 substituting "Sinne laochra Fáil" for "Sinne Fianna Fáil" (laochra,'heroes, warriors'), which is occasionally heard instead.[5]TDMaureen O'Sullivanlikewise favoured changing to "laochra Fáil".[124]In the Dáil in 2011 and 2012, she asked theMinister for FinanceMichael Noonanwhether "Sinne Fianna Fáil" was "appropriate and correct" or had "party political connotations"; Noonan stated it was appropriate and had no such connotations, given that the translation predated the party's founding.[48][125]The 2018 Seanad report on the anthem took the same view.[78]Mícheál Ó Súilleabháinsaid the Irish lyrics sound worse than the English ones, which rhyme and so are easier to learn.[126]Ó Súilleabháin has also written that the national anthem is "in effect an ungainly pastiche in the style of a British march".[127]

Ulster unionistsregard the anthem as specific to theRepublic of Ireland,not symbolic of the wholeisland of Ireland,and deprecate its use withUnited Irelandsymbolism as irredentism.[128][129]Thesymbolism of flags in Northern Irelandraises similar issues: in 1933, theunionist governmentinvokedits Special Powers Actto ban public display of the tricolour when "representing the Irish Republican Army... an Irish Republic... or... any... unlawful association"; the order was interpreted as a ban in all circumstances unless flown explicitly to represent the Free State. Similar orders specifically banning "The Soldier's Song" were drafted before the1935 Westminsterand1938 Stormontelections, but the government felt they were too controversial to implement; a general order against music "likely to lead to abreach of the peace"was often invoked when" The Soldier's Song "was played.[130]After theNorthern Ireland peace process,when unionists andConservativesbegan attending GAA matches in their official capacity, they arrived after the playing of "Amhrán na bhFiann", includingsports ministerEdwin Pootsin 2008,[129]First MinisterPeter Robinsonin 2012,[131]andNorthern Ireland SecretaryJames Brokenshirein 2017.[131]Robinson's successorArlene Fosterstood for the anthem at the2018 Ulster Football Final,which was played in the Republic.[132]

F. Gunther Eyck's survey of national anthems classifies "Amhrán na bhFiann" under "resistance anthems", alongside "La Marseillaise","A Portuguesa",and"Poland Is Not Yet Lost".[133]The lyrics have been criticised by some commentators for alleged outdatedness, militarism, and anti-British sentiment.[134][135][136][137][138][139]Others deny such faults or attribute them to national anthems generally.[139][140][84]Richard Parfitt remarks of the lyrics that "few who sing it really wish to stand amidst 'cannon's roar' against the 'Saxon foe'".[141]Kevin Myersdescribed calls for the anthem to be amended or replaced as "seasonal as spring".[135]Questions in the Dáil have been asked byFrank MacDermotin 1932;[142]Noel Lemassin 1973;[143]Trevor Sargentin 1993;[144]Derek McDowellin 1995;[145]andJohn Brownein 2000.[146]Commentators on the 1929 Trinity College incident suggested "The Soldier's Song" would be an impediment to closer ties between the Free State and Northern Ireland.[147]The executive of arts bodyAosdánarejected a 1989 proposal byAloys Fleischmannto campaign for a change of anthem, on the basis that it was a political rather than an artistic question.[148]In 1995, during theNorthern Ireland peace process,TaoiseachJohn Brutonsuggested at theForum for Peace and Reconciliationthat the anthem be changed, with Fianna Fáil and Sinn Féin disagreeing.[149]The Forum drafted an unpublished report on "obstacles to reconciliation in the Republic"; 1998 newspaper articles summarising the draft claimed it suggested "the government could commission alternative anthems for sporting and other non-official occasions"[150]which were not "excessively militaristic".[151]In 1996Fergus McCannresponded tosectarianism in Glasgowby banning Celtic F.C.terrace chantsofIrish rebel songs;"The Soldier's Song" was specifically excluded from the ban.[86]A 2017 opinion poll found 84% supported retaining the anthem, while 10% favoured replacing it.[102]Historian Fearghal McGarry suggests the fact that the lyrics are no longer sung in English dampens demand for change: "public unfamiliarity with Peadar Kearney's original words has almost certainly extended his song's shelf life as the national anthem".[152]

In a debate during the2011 presidential election,candidates were asked whether the anthem was "fit for purpose". Most acknowledged strong public attachment to it.Martin McGuinnessandDana Rosemary Scallonopposed any change.Mary Davissaid people "shouldn't consider changing it lightly".Michael D. Higginssuggested theConstitutional Conventioncould discuss the matter.Seán Gallagherhad "mixed views" and was "open to explore revising it".David Norrissaid other anthems were more "blood-thirsty".[140]The 2018 Seanad report on the anthem recommended no change to the wording.[78]



The previous anthem used by Irish nationalists was "God Save Ireland",with words written byTimothy Daniel Sullivanin 1867 to the tune of "Tramp! Tramp! Tramp!",an American Civil War song written in 1864 byGeorge Frederick Root."God Save Ireland" commemorated theManchester Martyrs,executed in 1867 for felony murder for their part in anIrish Republican Brotherhoodambush, and it quickly replaced the previous unofficial anthem, "A Nation Once Again",written in 1845 byThomas Davisof theYoung Irelandmovement. "God Save Ireland" was associated with theIrish Parliamentary Partyand its eclipse by "The Soldier's Song" after 1916 mirrored the party's eclipse by Sinn Féin.[153]

TheIrish Rugby Football Union(IRFU) and theIreland national rugby union teamare all-island bodies with many unionist supporters; although "Amhrán na bhFiann" is played at Ireland matches in the Republic, it is not played elsewhere, and unionist players are not expected to sing it.[154]Duringthe Troubles,no anthem was played at matches outside Ireland.[155]In Paris, "The Last Rose of Summer"was playedin 1929,and beforethe 1931 matchtheDepartment of External Affairsadvised ambassadorGerald O'Kelly de Gallaghthat, if the organisers refused to allow "The Soldier's Song", then "appropriate Irish airs would be 'St. Patrick's Day', 'The Last Rose of Summer' or 'Let Erin Remember' ".[156]At theinaugural Rugby World Cup,captainDonal Lenihanobjected that all other teams would have an anthem. At the last minute before the side's opening match inAthletic Park, Wellington,aJames Lastcassette recording of "The Rose of Tralee"was borrowed fromPhil Orr;the music and poor recording quality attracted much criticism and no anthem was played for later matches.[157]At the1991 World Cup,there was no anthem away toScotland,Ireland's only game outside Dublin.[158]

For the1995 World Cupin South Africa, the IRFU decided to commission a song fromPhil Coulter.[159][160]His composition, "Ireland's Call",has since been played alongside" Amhrán na bhFiann "at matches within the Republic, and on its own elsewhere, including in Northern Ireland.[160][161]Other all-island teams have adopted "Ireland's Call" for similar reasons to the IRFU's. Themen'sandwomen'shockey teams adopted it in 2000, having previously used the "Londonderry Air";[162]however, a first-ever Olympic qualification saw theOlympic Council of Irelandstandard "Amhrán na bhFiann" usedat Rio 2016.[163]Some sports use no anthem, including badminton and bowls.[128]Criticism that "Ireland's Call" was uninspiring promptedThe Irish Timesto commission a jocular "alternanthem" fromThe Duckworth Lewis MethodforSaint Patrick's Day2010.[164]

A recording of "O'Donnell Abú"was played for the Irish showjumping team at a 1937 competition in Paris; ambassador Art O'Brien threatened a diplomatic incident since the other teams' anthems had been played by a military band.[165]The organisers had been unable to locate a copy of the score, and the Irish embassy had only a piano arrangement.[165]The same air was chosen by the women's hockey team for a 1951 away match againstthe Netherlands.[166]

"The Fields of Athenry"was adopted as aterrace chantby Irish fans at the1990 FIFA World Cupand later by fans of the rugby team.[167]It has been described as a "de facto national sporting anthem"[167]and "unofficial national anthem".[168]



The air is of a style comparable with British marches and songs of the era.[169]Colm Ó Lochlainnsaid, "The tune is not Irish; it sounds to me something between aSousa marchand a German regimental song ".[170]The melody'spentatonic scaleadds some difficulty for the singer.[171]It is usually sung or played in march time. Differenttemposmay be used, however, and the verse and chorus are occasionally played. In 1926 theradio orchestraof2RNwas found too small for an adequate rendition, so a recording by theNew York "Fighting Irish" 69th Infantrywas soon adopted, prompting complaints that it was toojazz-influenced.[172]A 1961Evening Heraldeditorial complained that the anthem was "usually played without any arrangement and often at a tempo more suggestive of ajigtune than an anthem ".[65]Fritz Brase's 1930 arrangement was replaced forDefence Forcesbands in the 1980s by one by Colonel James R. McGee which simplified the highwoodwindparts.Raidió Teilifís Éireann(RTÉ), the Irish national broadcasting company, played an orchestral version in a slow tempo at the close of transmission from 1962 onwards.[173][174]This was produced byGerard VictoryandarrangedbyBrian Boydell(who disliked the tune) on the advice of a Canadian consultant who said, "I wan' it BIG! I envisage the kind of music that will stir the hearts of the Irish people".[174][173]Boydell's version replaced one byJohn Francis Larchetintroduced in 1954.[173]A special arrangement incorporatingtraditional Irish instrumentswas played instead duringEaster Week1966, to mark the 50th anniversary of the Easter Rising.[175]There was negative comment at the lively tempo used inthe ceremonyforMichelle Smith's gold medalsat the 1996 Olympics.[176]The 1965 Argo version was inE-flat majorrather than the usualB-flat major.[177]Bill Whelancommented, “I have long felt the original melody for our anthem delivers on all fronts: dignity, sing-ability, and emotional impact".[177]



The lyrics are those of anIrish rebel song,exhorting all Irish people (both "Gaels"and" men ofthe Pale") to participate in the struggle to end the hegemony (" despot "over" slave ") of the English (" Saxon foe ") in Ireland ("Inisfail"). There are allusions to earlierIrish rebellions,and to support fromIrish Americans( "from a land beyond the wave" ) such asClan na Gael.[178]Eyck attributes the song's rise to popularity to its "down-to-earth lines, descriptive imagery, fighting stance, and patriotic passion".[179]

The original Irish translation by Ó Rinn used distinctlyMunster Irishspelling,[61]however, slight variations exist in modern published versions; in the following texts, the chorus is from the 2018 Seanad report;[180]and the verses are based onNational Anthems of the World(6th edition) with Irish spellings altered to the standard,An Caighdeán Oifigiúil;[181]however, the original Munster spellings are still in common usage.[182][183][184][185]



Only the chorus is the established national anthem.

Irish version IPAtranscription English version

Sinne Fianna Fáil,[fn 1]
atá faoi[fn 2]gheall ag Éirinn,
Buíon dár slua
thar toinn do ráinig chugainn,
Faoi mhóid bheith saor
Seantír ár sinsear feasta,
Ní fhágfar faoin tíorán ná faoin tráill.
Anocht a théam sa bhearna bhaoil,
Le gean ar Ghaeil, chun báis nó saoil,[fn 3]
Le gunna-scréach faoi lámhach na bpiléar,
Seo libh canaig'[fn 4]amhrán na bhFiann.

[ˈʃɪ.n̠ʲə ˈfʲi(ə).n̪ˠə ˈfˠɑːlʲ]
[ə.ˈt̪ˠɑː f(ʷ)ˠiː ˈjal̪ˠ ɛɟ ˈeː.ɾʲən̠ʲ]
[ˈb(ʷ)ˠiːnˠ ˈd̪ˠɑːɾˠ ˈsˠl̪ˠu(ə)]
[haɾˠ ˈt̪(ʷ)ˠiːn̠ʲ d̪ˠɔ ˈɾˠɑː.nʲɪɟ ˈxuː(ɡə)nʲ]
[ˈf(ʷ)ˠiː ˈvˠoːdʲ vʲɛ ˈsˠeːɾˠ]
[ʃanˠ.ˈtʲiːɾʲ ɑːɾˠ ˈʃiːn̠ʲ.ʃəɾˠ ˈfʲasˠ.t̪ˠə]
[n̠ʲiː ˈɑːk.ˈ(f)ˠəɾˠ f(ʷ)ˠiːnʲ ˈtʲiː.ɾˠɑːn̪ˠ ˈn̪ˠɑː f(ʷ)ˠiːnʲ ˈt̪ˠɾˠɑːlʲ]
[ə.ˈn̪ˠɔxt̪ˠ ə ˈheːmˠ sˠə ˈvʲɑːɾˠ.n̪ˠə ˈv(ʷ)ˠeːlʲ]
[lʲɛ ˈɟanˠ ɛɾʲ ˈɣ(ʷ)eːlʲ xʊnˠ ˈb(ʷ)ˠɑːʃ n̪ˠoː ˈsˠeːlʲ]
[lʲɛ ˈɡʊ.n̪ˠə ˈʃcɾʲeːx f(ʷ)ˠiː ˈl̪ˠɑː.wəx nˠə bʲi.ˈlʲeːɾˠ]
[ʃɔ lʲɪvʲ ˈkɑ.n̪ˠɪɟ əu.ˈɾˠaːn̪ˠ n̪ˠə ˈvʲi(ə)n̪ˠ]

Soldiers are we,
whose lives are pledged to Ireland,
Some have come
from a land beyond the wave,
Sworn to be free,
no more our ancient sireland,
Shall shelter the despot or the slave.
Tonight we man thebearna bhaoil,[fn 5]
In Erin's cause, come woe or weal,
'Mid cannons' roar and rifles' peal,
We'll chant a soldier's song.

  1. ^abLiterally "We are the Fianna [seeFenian Cycle] of Fál [seeLia Fáil] "
  2. ^Rather than the standard Irish formsfaoiandfaoin,National Anthems of the Worldhasandfé'nrespectively,[181]which reflects theMunster Irishvariants[186][187]used in the originally published lyrics.[61]
  3. ^Literal translation: "For love of theGael,towards death or life "
  4. ^canaígorcanaidh,the form used in the original Irish translation of the song published by Ó Rinn[61]is aMunster Irishvariant of the standard formcanaigí.As the standard form would not fit the meter the unusual formcanaig'used by The Department of the Taoiseach is evidently an abbreviation ofcanaigí.
  5. ^Kearney's original, otherwise English, text, includesbearna bhaoil,Irish for "gap of danger".[188]

Original verses


The anthem consists only of the chorus of the song. The original has three verses, set to a slightly different tune, with the following lyrics:

Irish version English version

Seo dhíbh, a chairde, duan Ógláigh
Caithréimeach bríomhar ceolmhar
Ár dtinte cnámh go buacach táid
'S an spéir go mín réaltógach
Is fonnmhar faobhrach sinn chun gleo
'S go tiúnmhar glé roimh thíocht don ló
Fé chiúnas chaomh na hoíche ar seol
Seo libh, canaídh Amhrán na bhFiann.


Cois bánta réidhe, ar ardaibh sléibhe
Ba bhuadhach ár sinsir romhainn
Ag lámhach go tréan fén sárbhrat séin
'Tá thuas sa ghaoth go seolta
Ba dhúchas riamh dár gcine cháidh
Gan iompáil siar ó imirt áir
'S ag siúl mar iad i gcoinne námhad
Seo libh, canaídh Amhrán na bhFiann


A bhuíon nach fann d'fhuil Ghaeil is Gall
Sin breacadh lae na saoirse
Tá sceimhle 's scanradh i gcroíthe námhad
Roimh ranna laochra ár dtíre
Ár dtinte is tréith gan spréach anois
Sin luisne ghlé sa spéir anoir
'S an bíobha i raon na bpiléar agaibh
Seo libh, canaídh Amhrán na bhFiann


We'll sing a song, a soldier's song
With cheering, rousing chorus
As round our blazing fires we throng
The starry heavens o'er us
Impatient for the coming fight
And as we wait the morning's light
Here in the silence of the night
We'll chant a soldier's song


In valley green, or towering crag
Our fathers fought before us
And conquered 'neath the same old flag
That's proudly floating o'er us
We're children of a fighting race
That never yet has known disgrace
And as we march, the foe to face
We'll chant a soldier's song


Sons of the Gael! Men of the Pale!
The long-watched day is breaking
The serried ranks of Innisfail
Shall set the tyrant quaking
Our camp fires now are burning low
See in the east a silv'ry glow
Out yonder waits the Saxon foe
So chant a soldier's song


Extra verse


In the summer of 1937, probably motivated by theenactment of the Constitution of Irelandand itsinclusion of Northern Ireland within the "national territory",Kearney wrote an extra verse "in answer to a request that the Irish of the Six North-Eastern Counties [i.e.Northern Ireland] could register a protest againstthe British-planned PartitionofUlster".[189]It was published inThe Irish Pressin 1938.[190]As of 1998,no recorded version included the extra verse,[189]which runs:[189][n 10]

And here whereEire's glories bide,
ClannLondon fain would flourish;
But Ulster-wide, whate'er betide,
No pirate blood[n 10]shall nourish;
While flames the faith ofConandOwen,
WhileCave Hillguards the fame ofTone,
FromGullion's Slopes toInishowen
We'll chant a Soldier's Song.


  1. ^While Sherry and de Burca[2]give 1907 as the date of composition, Peadar Kearney in an August 1926affidavitgives the later date.[3]
  2. ^The state did not win any medals, but "Let Erin Remember" was played beforethe football team's matches.[31]
  3. ^Correspondence inThe Irish Timesin 1969 suggested the abbreviatedPresidential salutewas then being played rather than the full anthem.[39]
  4. ^The year 1959 is given by Sherry, citing ministerJames Ryanwhen introducing the 1965 change. However, Eoin O'Dell surmises that the change referred to was section 9 of the Industrial and Commercial Property (Protection) (Amendment) Act, 1957.[44][45]
  5. ^The copyright in the Irish translation has also expired: either on 1 January 2014, being 70 years after Ó Rinn's death, or on 1 January 1974, being 50 years from its publication; the latter applies if Ó Rinn translated it in his capacity as a public servant.[50]
  6. ^Originally Bill 19 of 2016;[51]reintroduced afterthat year's general election[50]as Bill 62 of 2016.[52]
  7. ^An Camánwas the joint official magazine of the GAA andConradh na Gaeilge,an Irish-language organisation.[73]
  8. ^The relevant law is section 25(5) of the Electoral Act 1992, as substituted by section 11 of the Electoral (Amendment) Act, 2001.[79]
  9. ^Saint Patrick's Day is apublic holiday in Irelandon which schools are closed.
  10. ^abThe version quoted in McGarry 2015 p.228 has slight differences of spelling; including "pirate brood" instead of "pirate blood".




  1. ^ab"National Anthem".Department of the Taoiseach"Youth Zone" web page.Retrieved19 January2013.
  2. ^abde Burca 1957 p.52
  3. ^abcdSeanad Public Consultation Committee (5 December 2017)."Status, Treatment and Use of the National Anthem".Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees.KildareStreet.com.Retrieved7 February2018.
  4. ^de Burca 1957 pp.50–51
  5. ^abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzaaabacadaeafSherry, Ruth (Spring 1996)."The Story of the National Anthem".History Ireland.4(1). Dublin: 39–43.JSTOR27724313.
  6. ^abcdefConnell, Joseph E.A. (March–April 2013)."Countdown to 2016: A Soldier's Song/ Amhrán na bhFiann".History Ireland.21(2).
  7. ^de Burca 1957 pp.52–53
  8. ^One Productions 2015 at 8m40s
  9. ^Gartland, Fiona (13 April 2006)."First draft of national anthem sells for €760,000".The Irish Times.p. 7.Retrieved14 March2009.;"LOT: 342: IRELAND'S NATIONAL ANTHEM Amhran na bhFiann".Auction: INDEPENDENCE 12 April 2006.Dublin: Adams. 2006.Retrieved17 November2017.
  10. ^de Burca 1957 p.53
  11. ^"A soldier's song".Holdings.National Library of Ireland. EPH A213.Retrieved10 November2023.
  12. ^de Burca 1957 p.54
  13. ^O'Connor, Batt (1929).With Michael Collins in The Fight for Irish Independence.Mill Street: Aubane Historical Society. pp. 68–70.
  14. ^"MU-sb-1420: The soldier's song".Holdings.National Library of Ireland.Retrieved20 November2017.
  15. ^"'The Doctor, the Countess and the Organist' – 1916 tales from St John's Sandymount ".United Dioceses of Dublin and Glendalough. 12 August 2016.Retrieved20 November2017.Cecil Grange MacDowell, who had been organist at St John's, who changed his name to Cathal Mac Dubhghaill, forsook his unionist background, joined the rebellion and wrote the first arrangement of the National Anthem.
  16. ^abcde Burca 1957 pp.55–56
  17. ^"The Musical Worlds of Victor Herbert".Online Exhibitions.Library of Congress.Arrangement of Irish Folk Tune.Retrieved20 November2017.
  18. ^"Soldiers of Erin".Irish Fest Collection.irishsheetmusicarchives.com.Retrieved20 November2017.
  19. ^abcCasey, Marion R. (January–February 2017)."Was Victor Herbert Irish?".History Ireland.25(1): 20–23.JSTOR90005256.
  20. ^"Soldiers of Erin; Old Ireland Shall Be Free [sound recording] / George Potter".Holdings.Irish Traditional Music Archive. 10852-SE.Retrieved20 October2021.
  21. ^Skinnider, Margaret (1917).Doing my bit for Ireland.New York: Century. p. 237.
  22. ^Robinson, Séamus."Witness Statement 1721"(PDF).Bureau of Military History.p. 66. Archived fromthe original(PDF)on 23 November 2017.Retrieved5 February2018.The Volunteers there were just wild because the Rebellion had come and gone and nothing had happened in proud Tipperary. What goaded the Volunteers more than anything else was the parody on "The Soldier's Song" which the British soldier elements used sing on the least provocation — "Soldiers are we, who nearly fought for Ireland".
  23. ^Morgan, Hiram (30 September 2017)."'De Valera is 34, dark, deified.' An English woman meets Ireland's rebels, 1917 ".The Irish Times.Retrieved11 February2019.;photograph isEditorial #3247099fromGetty Images
  24. ^Ó Drisceoil, Donal (4 February 2015). "Keeping disloyalty within bounds? British media control in Ireland, 1914–19".Irish Historical Studies.38(149): 52–69: 59.doi:10.1017/S0021121400000626.hdl:10468/3057.JSTOR43654254.S2CID232251175.
  25. ^Dunphy, Eugene (January–February 2019). "A Hundred Years in the Foggy Dew".History Ireland.27(1). Wordwell: 32–35: 32.JSTOR26566001.
  26. ^abcMullaney-Dignam 2008 p.32
  27. ^abcd Allen, Gregory (13 October 1984). "The National Anthem".The Irish Times.p. 19.
  28. ^Mullaney-Dignam 2008 p.417
  29. ^Morris 1998 pp.76, 83
  30. ^abcdefg Dudley Edwards, Owen (21 April 1976). "Choosing of the Irish Flag and Anthem".The Irish Times.p. 13.
  31. ^Carey, Tadhg (July–August 2012)."Ireland's footballers at the Paris Olympics, 1924".History Ireland.20(4).
  32. ^Morris 1998 p.77
  33. ^abMullaney-Dignam 2008 p.33
  34. ^Mullaney-Dignam 2008 p.35
  35. ^abc"Ceisteannea—Questions. Oral answers. – Saorstát National Anthem".Dáil Éireann – Volume 16.20 July 1926.Retrieved17 November2017.
  36. ^Morris 1998 p.76
  37. ^abMullaney-Dignam 2008 p.34
  38. ^Mullaney-Dignam 2008 p.31 fn.83
  39. ^McElligott, Moira (7 April 1969)."The National Anthem".The Irish Times.p. 7.
  40. ^Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. – Playing of National Anthem.Archived9 June 2011 at theWayback MachineDáil Éireann – Volume 258 – 27 January 1972
  41. ^abDepartment of Finance (November 1933).Estimate of the amount required in the year ending 31st March, 1934, for the acquisition by the state of copyright in the national anthem(PDF).Official publications. Vol. P.1116. Stationery Office.
  42. ^"Appropriation Act, 1934, Schedule 2".Irish Statute Book.19 July 1934. No.75.Retrieved12 May2016.
  43. ^ Written Answers. – National Anthem.Dáil Éireann – Volume 609 – 8 November 2005
  44. ^O'Dell, Eoin (11 July 2016)."Copyright and the National Anthem; unravelling a tangled past, avoiding a gap of danger – I – The Soldier's Song".cearta.ie.Retrieved16 November2017.
  45. ^"Industrial and Commercial Property (Protection) (Amendment) Act, 1957, Section 9".Irish Statute Book.Retrieved20 November2017.
  46. ^ Committee on Finance. – Vote 18—Miscellaneous Expenses.Archived9 June 2011 at theWayback MachineDáil Éireann – Volume 214 – 2 March 1965
  47. ^Seanad Public Consultation Committee (6 October 2017)."Consultation on the Status, Treatment and Use of the National Anthem"(PDF).Oireachtas. p. 2.Retrieved1 March2023.
  48. ^abcOireachtas, Houses of the (3 May 2011)."Dáil Éireann (31st Dáil) – Tuesday, 3 May 2011 – Houses of the Oireachtas".www.oireachtas.ie.
  49. ^Bohan, Christine (27 January 2013)."It's official: copyright on the National Anthem has ended".TheJournal.ie.Retrieved14 September2014.
  50. ^abO'Dell, Eoin (12 July 2016)."Copyright and the National Anthem; unravelling a tangled past, avoiding a gap of danger – II – Amhrán na bhFiann".cearta.ie.Retrieved16 November2017.
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  53. ^abc"Seanad Public Consultation Committee is seeking your views on the Status, Treatment and Use of the National Anthem".Oireachtas. 6 October 2017.Retrieved17 October2017.
  54. ^Morris 1998 pp.78–79
  55. ^Morris 1998 p.79
  56. ^Morris 1998 pp.79–80
  57. ^Morris 1998 pp.85–86
  58. ^Morris 1998 p.89
  59. ^abc"The 'Taoiseach's Salute'".The Irish Times.16 May 1950. p. 6.Retrieved19 March2020.
  60. ^Bowles, Michael; Ní Ógáin, Ríonach (23 December 1983)."Claisceadal: 'Amhrán Dóchais'".The Irish Times(in Irish). p. 6.Retrieved19 March2020.
  61. ^abcdÓ Rinn, Liam (3 November 1923)."Aḃrán na ḃFian"(PDF).An T-Óglaċ(in Irish).1 NS(17). Dublin: 13.
  62. ^abc Coinneach (3 April 1923). "Roinnt Versaiochta".Freeman's Journal(in Irish). p. 2.
  63. ^Breathnach, Diarmuid; Ní Mhurchú, Máire."Ó Rinn, Liam (1886–1943)".ainm.ie(in Irish). Fiontar & Scoil na Gaeilge.Retrieved12 February2019.ainm eile: Coinneach
  64. ^abcde Bréadún, Deaglán (27 February 1991)."Tuarascáil: Téacs 'Amhrán na bhFiann' in amhras fós".The Irish Times(in Irish). p. 13.Retrieved20 March2020.
  65. ^abcFahey 2017
  66. ^O'Rahilly, T. F."Irish translation of" The soldiers' song. ": Rosc catha na nÓglaoc [sic]".Samuels Collection of printed ephemera; box 5, no. 28(in Irish). Dublin:Trinity College Library.Retrieved25 May2021.
  67. ^Cuan Ó Seireadáin, Receipt No. 39 pp. 82–83 in Seanad Public Consultation Committee 2018b
  68. ^de Burca, Padraic (1924). "The soldier's song". In W. G. Fitzgerald (ed.).The voice of Ireland/Glór na hÉireann: a survey of the race and nation from all angles by the foremost leaders at home and abroad.Dublin and London: Virtue & Co. pp. 151–153.
  69. ^ "Amhran na bhFiann".Connacht Sentinel(in Irish). 29 December 1931. p. 2.
  70. ^Sherry 1998 p.39;Mac Cárthaigh, Pádraig (17 November 1917)."Aṁrán na ḃFíann!".An Claidheamh Soluis(in Irish): 5 [p. 261 of online volume].Retrieved2 January2021.
  71. ^Sherry 1998 p.39; printed [as cited in Coakley 1980 fn.33] inAn Phoblacht(18 April 1931); reprinted inAr Aghaidhvol.1 no.8 (October 1931)
  72. ^abSherry 1998 p.39
  73. ^O'Leary, Philip (2010).Gaelic Prose in the Irish Free State: 1922-1939.Penn State Press. p. 47.ISBN9780271030104.
  74. ^Ó Síochán, Seán (1 September 1984). "Individualistic style has disappeared".The Irish Times.p. 39.;Fullam, Brendan (1999).Off the Field and On: Triumphs and Trials of Gaelic Games.Dublin: Wolfhound. p. 184.ISBN978-0-86327-760-3– via Internet Archive.
  75. ^"Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. — The National Anthem".Dáil Éireann (8th Dáil).Oireachtas. 25 July 1933.Retrieved21 February2019.Does he not think it right that the National Anthem should be taught to children in the National Schools?... In what language?... Bilingual.
  76. ^ab
    • Facts about Ireland(1st ed.). Dublin: Department of External Affairs. 1963. p. 9.OCLC560119029.
    • Facts about Ireland(2nd ed.). Dublin: Department of External Affairs. 1969. p. 13.OCLC891463821.
  77. ^ab
    • Facts about Ireland(4th ed.). Dublin: Department of Foreign Affairs. 1978. pp. 52–53.ISBN9780906404003.
    • Facts about Ireland(5th ed.). Dublin: Department of Foreign Affairs. 1981. pp. 52–53.ISBN9780906404102.
  78. ^abcSeanad Public Consultation Committee 2018a p.18
  79. ^"Electoral (Amendment) Act, 2001 s.11".Irish Statute Book.Attorney General of Ireland. 24 October 2001.Retrieved19 July2018.
  80. ^McNally, Frank (17 July 2024)."An Irish Diary: Blast from the past".The Irish Times.Retrieved25 July2024.
  81. ^McGarry 2015 p.350
  82. ^Cited in Fahey 2017
  83. ^"Sang National Anthem in Irish".The Irish Times.18 June 1962. p. 10.Retrieved22 March2020.
  84. ^abcO'Toole, Fintan (5 June 2018)."National Anthem is tone deaf to new Ireland".The Irish Times.Retrieved19 December2021.
  85. ^Ormsby, Frank (2017). "The National Anthem".The Darkness of Snow.Newcastle: Bloodaxe. p. 7.ISBN978-1780373669.
  86. ^abPollak, Andy (26 September 1996)."Celt fans who sing pro-IRA songs to be banned".The Irish Times.p. 5.Retrieved24 September2020.Mr McLean emphasised that the Irish National Anthem, whose English version, The Soldier's Song, is sung by the fans, is not on the banned list.
  87. ^McDonnell, Gerry (15 January 2004)."[Letters to the Editor]...and so is 'Off the Ball' column".Irish Independent.Retrieved5 December2017.
  88. ^ Buckley, Geoffrey (23 October 1998). "The National Anthem".The Irish Times.p. 15.
  89. ^ Reid, Philip; John O'Sullivan (18 September 2004)."Oakland Hills Diary: Striking right note".The Irish Times.p. 31.Retrieved15 March2009.
  90. ^ Ó Cuív, Éamon(31 October 2004)."World heritage lost if Irish dies".Sunday Independent.Retrieved14 March2009.
  91. ^ Priority Questions. – Irish Language.Archived9 June 2011 at theWayback MachineDáil Éireann – Volume 592 – 9 November 2004
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  93. ^abSeanad Public Consultation Committee 2018a p.27
  94. ^Holmes, Michael; Storey, David (2011). "Transferring national allegiance: cultural affinity or flag of convenience?".Sport in Society.14(2): 253–271.doi:10.1080/17430437.2011.546550.ISSN1743-0437.S2CID143721827.;Mulhall, James (24 September 2015)."A cheat's guide to learning to sing the Irish National Anthem".The Irish Post.Retrieved20 November2017.
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  104. ^Dwyer, Ryle (26 March 2013)."A national anthem but how many could sing it?".Irish Examiner.Retrieved6 December2017.
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