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InNorse mythology,Ámsvartnir(Old Norse"pitch black" )[1]is alakecontaining the islandLyngvi,where the gods bound the wolfFenrir.The lake is only referenced in theProse Edda,bookGylfaginning,written in the 13th century bySnorri Sturluson.In the book, the enthroned figure ofHightellsGangleri(kingGylfiin disguise) that the gods and Fenrir fared across Amsvartnir to get to Lyngvi, and there bound Fenrir.[2]

Since Amsvartnir is only mentioned inGylfaginning,Rudolf Simektheorizes that Snorri invented the lake.[3]


  1. ^Orchard (1997:6).
  2. ^Faulkes (1995:28).
  3. ^Simek (2007:14).


  • Faulkes, Anthony (Trans.) (1995).Edda.Everyman.ISBN0-460-87616-3
  • Orchard, Andy (1997).Dictionary of Norse Myth and Legend.Cassell.ISBN0-304-34520-2
  • Simek, Rudolf(2007) translated by Angela Hall.Dictionary of Northern Mythology.D.S. Brewer.ISBN0-85991-513-1