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Peoples of Pannonia. The territory of the Anartes is visible in the top right corner.

TheAnartes(orAnarti,AnartiiorAnartoi)[1]wereCeltictribes, or, in the case of those sub-groups of Anartes which penetrated the ancient region ofDacia(roughly modernRomania), Celts culturally assimilated by theDacians.[2][3]

Ptolemy'sGeographialocates theAnartoiin the north ofDacia.[4][5][6]Some groups of Anartes occupied parts of modernSlovakiaand southeasternPoland.[7]

The Dacian town ofDocidavawas situated in the territory of the Anartes, according to Pârvan.[8]

TheAnartophracti(orAnartofraktoi) are mentioned by Ptolemy. This tribe's name appears to be compound Latin-Greek name and may be related to theAnartoiresident in Dacia, Czarnecki argues.[4]TheAnartofraktoiwere a northern Dacian tribe, according to Braune[9][10]or mixed Dacian-Celtic, according to Pârvan.[11]

In ancient sources, the earliest mention of the Anartes is in theElogium of Tusculum(10 BC).[12]

InDe Bello Gallico,an account of his own campaigns in theGallic Wars(58-51 BC),Julius Caesarwrote (VI.25.1-2):

The breadth of thisHercynianforest, which has been referred to above, is to a quick traveler, a journey of nine days. For it can not be otherwise computed, nor are they acquainted with the measures of roads. It begins at the frontiers of theHelvetii,Nemetes,andRauraci,and extends in a right line along the river Danube to the territories of theDaciand the Anartes[13].

Around AD 172, the Anartes refused to assist theRomansin their war against theMarcomanni.To punish them, theRoman emperorMarcus Aureliusordered the deportation of (all?) the Anartes from their native homelands to theRoman provinceofPannonia Inferior,a movement which took place not later than AD 180.[citation needed]

Archaeological evidence


The Anartes were probably identical with, or constituted a significant part of, the archaeologicalPúchov culturein Slovakia, which included the centres ofZemplín,Bükkszentlászlóin Hungary and Galish-Lovačka in Ukraine[14] During the lateLa Tèneperiod, mixed settlements of Celts and Dacians spread over the eastern Slovak lowlands with Zemplin at its center, according to Husovska.[15]According to Ioana Oltean, archaeological excavation has revealed that some Celtic tribes (Anartes,Teurisci) had migrated eastwards as far asTransylvania,where they were eventually assimilated by the Dacians.[2]Even though some groups of Anartes advanced as far as the Transylvanian plateau, the main area of their domination was to the West of it, Macrea & Filip argue.[16]

Celtic coin of the 3rd century BC fromTrepcza.


  • Archeologie Barbaru. 2005, [in:] Ján Beljak. Puchowska kultura a Germani na pohroni v starsej dobe rimskej. pp. 257–272
  • The Works of Tacitus. by Alfred John Church and William Jackson Brodribb[17]
  • Czarnecki Jan (1975) "The Goths in ancient Poland: a study on the historical geography of the Oder-Vistula region during the first two centuries of our era, University of Miami Press"
  • Macrea and Filip Jan (1970) "Actes du VIIe Congrés International des Sciences Prehistoriques et Protohistoriques", Prague published by the "Institut d'Archéologie de l'Académie" Prague
  • Oltean Ioana A (2007) Dacia: Landscape, Colonization and Romanization,ISBN0-415-41252-8,2007
  • Schutte, Gudmund (1917) Ptolemy's maps of northern Europe: a reconstruction of the prototypes, (1 ed.), publisher H. Hagerup
  • Parvan, Vasile (1926).Getica.Cvltvra naţională, Bucvreşti.


  1. ^Jan Czarnecki (1975) 120
  2. ^abOltean Ioana A (2007) 47
  3. ^Parvan 1926,pp. 222–223 and 461-462.
  4. ^abJan Czarnecki (1975) 119
  5. ^Ioana A Oltean (2007) Dacia: Landscape, Colonization and Romanization,ISBN0-415-41252-8,2007, page 47
  6. ^Claudius Ptolemy,The Geography,translated by Edward Luther Stevenson, Dover Publications, New York, p. 82
  7. ^"It is possible to separate the group ofLa Tène culture(Celtic settlement) in the UpperTiszaBasin. For the time being there are circa 160 sites noted. They can be divided into several distinct categories which include the following: settlements, production areas, sepulchral sites, i. e. burial grounds and single graves as well as various hoards (deposits of coins and tools). Moreover, there are three oppida:Zemplin,Bükkszentlászló and Galish-Lovačka. The chronology of the whole group lies between LT B1-LT D1/D2. Especially interesting is the problem of correspondence between this group and the group of sites in southeast Poland. Material connections are also documented in ancient sources. They allow to identify the group from the UpperTiszaas theAnartitribe and the group from southeast Poland as theAnartophracti,which is a part of the former. [in:]Marek Olędzki."La Tène culture in the Upper Tisza Basin =La Culture de la Tėne dans le Bassin de la Haute Tisza". Ethnographisch-archaeologische Zeitschrift.Berlin.ISSN 0012-7477 ".
  8. ^Parvan (1926) 749
  9. ^Wilhelm Braune, Hermann Paul, Eduard Sievers (1916)Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur, Volume 41, M. Niemeyer
  10. ^Schutte, Gudmund (1917) 99
  11. ^Parvan (1926) 222-223
  12. ^InscrIt_13.3.91
  13. ^C. Julius Caesar.Caesar's Gallic War.Translator. W. A. McDevitte. Translator. W. S. Bohn. 1st Edition. New York. Harper & Brothers. 1869. Harper's New Classical Library.
  14. ^La Tène culture in the Upper Tisza Basin.EAZ. Jahrgang 41, 2000ArchivedApril 20, 2012, at theWayback Machine
  15. ^Ludmilá Husovská (1998) "Slovakia: walking through centuries of cities and towns", Priroda, page 187
  16. ^Macrea and Filip (1970) 893
  17. ^"Below theVenedaeare theGythones,then theFinni,then theSulones;below whom are thePhrungundiones;then theAvarininear the source of the Vistula river; below these are theOmbrones,then theAnartophracti,then theBurgiones,then theArsietae,then theSaboci,then thePiengitaeand theBiessinear the Carpathian mountains. Among those we have named to the east: below theVenedaeare theGalindae,theSudini,and theStavani,extending as far as theAlauni;below these are theIgylliones,then theCoestobociand the Transmontani extending as far as the Peuca mountains. "