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Andrew Napolitano

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Andrew Napolitano
Napolitano in 2015
Judge of theNew Jersey Superior Court
In office
Appointed byThomas Kean
Personal details
Andrew Peter Napolitano

(1950-06-06)June 6, 1950(age 74)
Newark, New Jersey,U.S.
Political partyLibertarian
EducationPrinceton University(BA)
University of Notre Dame(JD)
WebsiteOfficial website

Andrew Peter Napolitano[1](born June 6, 1950) is an American former jurist and syndicated columnist whose work appears in numerous publications, includingThe Washington TimesandReason.Napolitano served as aNew Jersey Superior Courtjudgefrom 1987 to 1995. He also served as a visiting professor atWidener University Delaware Law School,Seton Hall University School of Law,andBrooklyn Law School.He is alibertarianand has gained prominence in part due to his criticism of the administrations ofGeorge W. Bush,Barack Obama,andDonald Trump.[2]Beginning in 1997, he became an analyst forFox News,commenting on legal news and trials. He has written nine books on legal and political subjects.

Early life and judicial and academic career[edit]

Napolitano was born inNewark, New Jersey.He graduated with an A.B. in history fromPrinceton Universityin 1972 after completing a senior thesis titled "An Essay on the Origin and Evolution of Representative Government in the Colony of theMassachusetts Bay,1630-1644. "[3]He received hisJ.D.fromNotre Dame Law School[4]and was admitted to the New Jersey bar in 1975.[citation needed]After law school, he entered private practice as a litigator. He first taught law for a brief period in 1980–1981 atDelaware Law School(nowWidener). He sat on theNew Jerseybench from 1987 to 1995, becoming the state's youngest then-sitting Superior Court judge.[5]

Napolitano resigned his judgeship in 1995 to return to private practice. He served as an adjunct professor atSeton Hall University School of Lawfor 11 years, from 1989 to 2000. He served as a visiting professor atBrooklyn Law Schoolfrom 2013 to 2017.[citation needed]

Napolitano told friends in 2017 that PresidentDonald Trumptold him he was considering him for aUnited States Supreme Courtappointment should there be a second vacancy.[6]Ultimately, JudgeBrett Kavanaughwas chosen instead.

Media career[edit]

Napolitano in 2010

Before joining Fox as a news analyst, Napolitano was the presiding judge for the first season ofTwentieth Television's syndicated court showPower of Attorney(2000–02), in which people brought small-claims disputes to a televised courtroom. Differing from similar formats, theplaintiffsanddefendantswere representedpro bonoby famous attorneys. He departed the series after its first season.

From 2006 to 2010, Napolitano co-hosted atalk radioshow onFox News RadiowithBrian KilmeadetitledBrian and the Judge.He hosted a dailylibertariantalk show calledFreedom Watchthat aired onFox Business Channel.Frequent guests onFreedom Watchwere CongressmanRon Paul,Lew RockwellandPeter Schiff.He promoted the works ofFriedrich HayekandLudwig von Misesin his program. The show originally aired every Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. on Fox News'Strategy Roomand from September 14, 2009, aired three to four times a week. On June 12, 2010, it debuted as a weekly show onFox Business.It was one of several programs dropped in February 2012 when FBN revamped its primetime lineup.[7]

Napolitano regularly substituted for television hostGlenn Beckwhen Beck was absent from his program. After Beck announced that he would be leavingFox News,he asked Napolitano to replace him.[8]He regularly provided legal analysis on top rated shows on bothFox News ChannelandFox Business Network,such asThe Kelly File,The O'Reilly Factor,Varney & Co.,The Fox ReportwithShepard Smith,Fox & FriendsandSpecial Report with Bret Baieruntil an appearance on March 16, 2017, related to a then-postulated conspiracy theory involving President Trump's accusation that former PresidentBarack Obamahad wiretapped him. On March 20, 2017, theLos Angeles Timesreported that Napolitano was pulled off the air indefinitely because of the wiretapping claims;[9]however, it was unclear whether Napolitano would return to the air or whether it was just a temporary move to remove him from the news cycle.[10]He returned to the air on March 29 and stood by his claims concerning British intelligence.[11]A new book byCNNreporterBrian Stelterasserts thatAttorney GeneralWilliam Barrmet withFox NewsbossRupert Murdochin October 2019 to request that Murdoch "muzzle" Napolitano and that Napolitano's Fox appearances have been limited since that meeting.[12][13]

Napolitano was let go from his position as a contributor to Fox News in August 2021 after allegations of sexual harassment filed by a Fox Business production assistant.[14][15]During his 24-year tenure as Fox News' Senior Judicial Analyst, Napolitano appeared on air more than 14,500 times,[16][17]a record for any on-air personality at the network.[citation needed]


Specific positions[edit]

Napolitano isanti-abortionand holds thatabortion"should be prohibited."[18]He reasons that while a woman has a natural and undeniable right to privacy in her personal choices, the rule of necessity causes the right to life of the fetus, which he believes to begin at conception, to take priority for the duration of gestation. He believes the Supreme Court's ruling oninterracial marriageinLoving v. Virginia(1967) set aprecedentthat would also requirestate recognitionofsame-sex marriage.[19]He opposescapital punishment,saying, "I don't believe that the state has the moral authority to execute."[20]He is a believer in theseparation of Church and State.

With respect to both presidentsBushandObamaand their handling of civil liberties in theWar on Terror,Napolitano is a strong critic. In both his scholarly work, appearing in theNew York University School of LawJournal of Law and Liberty,and in his bookSuicide Pact,he criticized the actions of both presidents and their parties concerning torture, domestic spying, unilateral executive action and encroachments on political power.

In February 2014, Napolitano expressed disdain forAbraham Lincolnon Fox News, saying, "I am a contrarian on Abraham Lincoln." Slavery in the U.S., according to Napolitano, while one of the most deplorable institutions in human history, could have been done away with peacefully, sparing the bloodiest conflict in American history. At the same time, he also argued that states, where slavery was legal, did not secede out of fear of abolitionism, asserting that "largely the impetus for secession was tariffs," which most Civil War historians dispute.[21]In his bookSuicide Pact,he focused his criticism of Lincoln on theprecedentset by his specific constitutional violations, such as his unilateral suspension of the right tohabeas corpusand hisinstitutionalizationof military commission systems for civilian crimes.

After the release of theMueller reportonRussian interference in the 2016 election,Napolitano said the report showed that Trump engaged in numerous instances ofobstruction of justice.However, the report deliberately refused to make a firm conclusion about obstruction of justice accusations.[22]

According toThe New York Times,Napolitano "has a taste for conspiracy theories".[23]The Washington Posthas described him as a "purveyor of conspiracy theories."[24]

In 2010, Napolitano said, "It's hard for me to believe that it (7 World Trade Center) came down by itself... I am gratified to see that people across the board are interested. I think twenty years from now, people will look at 9/11 the way we look at the assassination of JFK today. It couldn't possibly have been done the way the government told us. "[25][26]

Judicial philosophy[edit]

Napolitano subscribes to anatural lawjurisprudencethat is influenced by a respect for originalist ideas and methods. He has expressed strong sympathies with theRandy Barnettnew originalist vein oforiginalism,as it incorporates the natural law through an original understanding of theNinth Amendment.He has published a favorable column on Barnett's idea of a constitutional presumption of liberty.[27]

Napolitano's philosophy generally leans towards strong originalism while not accepting the limitations of the older types oforiginalismespoused byRobert Borkand JusticeAntonin Scaliaconcerning the Constitution's open-ended provisions like the Ninth Amendment. He finds such limitations too restrictive on a judge's ability to apply the natural law to decide cases where the individual's liberty is at stake. He is a strong believer in economic liberties. He argues thatLochner v. New Yorkwas overruled in error in theWest Coast Hotelcase, as the Contracts Clause and theFifthandFourteenth Amendmentdue process clauses protect a sphere of personal economic liberty.[28]

In September 2015, Napolitano was the featured speaker at a conference held by the Republican government watchdog groupJudicial Watch.[29]

Allegations that British intelligence wiretapped Trump Tower[edit]

On March 16, 2017, citing three unnamed intelligence sources, Napolitano said on the programFox & Friendsthat Britain's top intelligence agency,Government Communications Headquarters(GCHQ), had engaged in covert electronic surveillance of then-candidate Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign on orders from President Obama.[23]He said that by using the British intelligence apparatus, Obama would avoid leaving "fingerprints" that could identify the origin of this surveillance action. In response to “Fox & Friends” host Brian Kilmead stating that Napolitano was claiming Trump's phone was “wiretapped”, Napolitano denied actual physical tampering, instead citing the agency has digital access to digital information.

In a column on the Fox website, he wrote that GCHQ "most likely provided Obama with transcripts of Trump's calls. The NSA has given GCHQ full 24/7 access to its computers, so GCHQ — a foreign intelligence agency that, like the NSA, operates outside our constitutional norms — has the digital versions of all electronic communications made in America in 2016, including Trump's."[30]One of his sources was formerCentral Intelligence Agency(CIA) officerLarry C. Johnson,who later toldCNNthat Napolitano had misrepresented the statements he made on an online discussion board. Johnson, citing two anonymous sources, claimed that the GCHQ was passing information on the Trump campaign to U.S. intelligence through a "back-channel", but stressed that the GCHQ did not "wiretap" Trump or his associates and that alleged information sharing by the GCHQ was not done at the direction of the Obama administration.[31][32]

On March 16,White House Press SecretarySean Spicerrepeated Napolitano's claim at a White House press briefing. The following day, GCHQ responded with a rare public statement: "Recent allegations made by media commentator Judge Andrew Napolitano about GCHQ being asked to conduct 'wiretapping' against the then president-elect are nonsense. They are utterly ridiculous and should be ignored."[33]A British government source said the allegation was "totally untrue and quite frankly absurd".[34]AdmiralMichael S. Rogers,director of theNational Security Agency,said he has seen nothing to suggest that there was "any such activity," nor any request to do so.[35]Former GCHQ directorDavid Omandtold theFinancial Timesthat "The suggestion that [Barack Obama] asked GCHQ to spy on Trump is just completely barking—that would be evident to anyone who knew the system."[36]

The claim started a diplomatic dispute with Britain.Tim Farron,theLiberal Democratleader in Britain, said, "Trump is compromising the vital UK–US security relationship to try to cover his own embarrassment. This harms our and US security."[34]The Telegraphsaid that two U.S. officials had personally apologized for the allegation.[34]The British government also said that the U.S. government promised not to repeat these claims.[36][37]TheWhite Housedenied reports that it had apologized to the British government, saying Spicer was merely "pointing to public reports" without endorsing them.[34][38]

On April 12, 2017,The Guardianreported that GCHQ and other European intelligence agencies had intercepted communications between members of the Trump campaign team and Russian officials and shared the intelligence with their U.S. counterparts. The communications were obtained through "incidental collection" as part of routine surveillance of Russian intelligence assets, not from a targeted operation against Trump or his campaign.[39][40]

Fox News distanced itself from Napolitano's claims and suspended him from contributing to the network's output, according to theLos Angeles Timesand theAssociated Press.[41]He returned on March 29 after a nearly two-week absence, but continued to support his earlier claims.[42]

Civil War views[edit]

Napolitano has made numerous claims about theCivil Warwhich are rejected by historians. These claims include that the Civil War wasAbraham Lincoln's war by choice, that slavery was dying anyway, that Lincoln could have freed the slaves by paying the slaveholders, and that Lincoln armed the slaves.[43][44]More specifically, in aDaily Showsegment, he said that Lincoln started the war "because he wanted to preserve the union, because he needed the tariffs from the southern states," a claim rejected by a panel of three distinguished historians of the Civil War:James Oakes,Eric FonerandManisha Sinha.[44]Napolitano argued that Lincoln could have solved the slavery question by paying slaveholders to release their slaves, a method known ascompensated emancipation,thereby avoiding war.[43]Lincoln did offer to pay to free the slaves inDelaware,but the Delaware legislature rejected him.[43]He also asserted that Lincoln attempted to arm slaves, but two prominent historians of the Civil War said they had never heard of such an effort andPolitiFactrated the claim "pants-on-fire".[43][45]He has asserted that slavery was dying a natural death at the time of the Civil War, a claim that Eric Foner on theDaily Showpanel rejected. Foner said, "Slavery was not only viable, it was growing... This idea that it was dying out or was going to die out is ridiculous."[44]

Napolitano has also said that Lincoln enforced theFugitive Slave Act"until the Civil War was over" by sending escaped slaves back to their owners. PolitiFact notes that "while there were cases when Lincoln enforced the law during the Civil War, he did so selectively when he thought it would help keep border states in the Union fold. When it came to slaves from Confederate states, the weight of the government actions fell heavily on the side of refusing to return escaped slaves." Furthermore, his claim that Lincoln enforced the act "until the Civil War was over" was indisputably false, as the Fugitive Slave Act was repealed in June 1864, more than ten months before the end of the war.[43]

Personal life[edit]

Napolitano splits his time living inManhattanandNewton, New Jersey,where he owns a farm that producesmaple syrup.[46]

Napolitano has stated that he is not related to formerSecretary of Homeland SecurityJanet Napolitano,whom he sometimes jokingly calls "Evil Cousin Janet".[47][48]

Napolitano is avegetarian.[49]

Napolitano identifies as aTraditionalist Catholicwho is opposed to the reforms ofVatican IIand is critical ofPope Francis.[50][51]

Napolitano was sued by two New Jersey men alleging sexual assault, in one case arising during his time on the bench.[52]Napolitano countersued in one case bringing a libel case. All three suits were later withdrawn and it is reportedly unclear whether any financial settlement occurred.[53]



Book contributions[edit]

Book reviews[edit]

Academic works[edit]

This speech was originally presented as the keynote address to the Regent University Law Review and The Federalist Society for Law & Public Policy Studies Media and the Law Symposium at Regent University School of Law, October 9–10, 2009, under the title "When Does Regulation Go Too Far?"


  1. ^"The Law School: The Degree of Juris Doctor"(PDF).1975 Commencement Weekend.University of Notre Dame. p. 23.
  2. ^"Fox legal analyst Napolitano emerges as Trump critic".AP News.November 11, 2019.RetrievedJanuary 16,2024.
  3. ^Napolitano, Andrew Peter (1972).An Essay on the Origin and Evolution of Representative Government in the Colony of the Massachusetts Bay, 1630–1644(Thesis).Princeton University.
  4. ^"Andrew Napolitano - Breaking News, Photos and Videos".The Hill.Archived fromthe originalon April 29, 2019.RetrievedSeptember 10,2023.
  5. ^"Ex-NJ judge pulled from Fox after Trump wiretapping claims, report says".March 21, 2017.
  6. ^"Napolitano told friends he was on Trump's Supreme Court shortlist".Politico.March 25, 2017.
  7. ^"Fox Business Network Drops Bolling, Napolitano Shows In Primetime Shuffle".Mediaite.February 9, 2012.RetrievedApril 25,2015.
  8. ^"Glenn Beck's Fill-In on Fox News Draws the Same Audience as Glenn Beck".TheWrap.March 14, 2011.RetrievedApril 25,2015.
  9. ^Battaglio, Stephen (March 20, 2017)."Fox News pulls Judge Napolitano over his Trump wiretap claims".Los Angeles Times.RetrievedMarch 22,2017.
  10. ^Koblin, John (March 21, 2017)."Fox News Sidelines Andrew Napolitano After Wiretap Allegation".The New York Times.RetrievedMarch 22,2017.
  11. ^Byers, Dylan (March 29, 2017)."Andrew Napolitano returns to Fox News, stands by false spying claim".CNNMoney.RetrievedMarch 29,2017.
  12. ^Pengelly, Martin (August 22, 2020)."William Barr told Murdoch to 'muzzle' Fox News Trump critic, new book says".The Guardian.RetrievedAugust 23,2020.
  13. ^Stelter, Brian (2020).Hoax: Donald Trump, Fox News, and the Dangerous Distortion of Truth.Simon & Schuster.p. 368.ISBN978-1982142445.RetrievedAugust 23,2020.
  14. ^Mastrangelo, Dominick (August 2, 2021)."Andrew Napolitano out at Fox News amid allegations of harassment".The Hill.RetrievedApril 27,2023.
  15. ^Shafer, Ellise (August 3, 2021)."Judge Andrew Napolitano Ousted by Fox News Following Sexual Harassment Allegations".Variety.RetrievedApril 27,2023.
  16. ^"Alumni-Faculty Forum: The News About the News: The State of Journalism".May 20, 2022. Archived fromthe originalon September 1, 2022.RetrievedAugust 31,2022.
  17. ^"Theater 555 To Present Judge Andrew Napilitano: Stories from the Fields of Freedom".Broadway World. May 20, 2022.RetrievedAugust 31,2022.
  18. ^Nick Gillespiefrom the March 2005 issue (March 2005)."The Born-Again Individualist – Reason Magazine".Reason.com.RetrievedApril 6,2011.{{cite web}}:CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  19. ^"Should States Be the Ultimate Deciders of the Legality of Same-Sex Marriage?".Fox News.May 9, 2012. Archived fromthe originalon January 23, 2013.RetrievedAugust 18,2012.
  20. ^Nick Gillespie from the March 2005 issue (March 2005)."The Born-Again Individualist – Reason Magazine".Reason.com.RetrievedOctober 26,2013.{{cite web}}:CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  21. ^"Denunciation Proclamation".thedailyshow.com.RetrievedApril 25,2015.
  22. ^"Fox News' Andrew Napolitano says Trump committed obstruction of justice 'at least a half-dozen' times".theweek.com.April 25, 2019.RetrievedApril 25,2019.
  23. ^abGrynbaum, Michael M. (March 17, 2017)."Fox's Andrew Napolitano Stirred the Pot for Trump's British Tempest".The New York Times.ISSN0362-4331.RetrievedMarch 18,2017.
  24. ^Hawkins, Derek (March 21, 2017)."Andrew Napolitano reportedly pulled from Fox News over debunked wiretapping claims".The Washington Post.RetrievedMarch 21,2017.
  25. ^"Fox takes heat from left and right over analysts".Archived fromthe originalon December 18, 2021.RetrievedMarch 18,2017.
  26. ^"Andrew Napolitano, Fox Business Host, Reveals He Is A 9/11 Truther".The Huffington Post.November 24, 2010.RetrievedMarch 18,2017.
  27. ^"Andrew Napolitano on the Importance of the Presumption of Liberty".Reason.com.October 30, 2014.RetrievedApril 25,2015.
  28. ^Suicide Pact, pp. 66–67.
  29. ^Judicial Watch (September 10, 2015)."Judicial Watch Announces September 14 Leadership Summit Washington Corruption and the Transparency Crisis"(Press release). Washington, DC: Judicial Watch.
  30. ^Napolitano, Andrew (March 16, 2017)."Andrew Napolitano: Did Obama spy on Trump?".Fox News.
  31. ^Master, Cyra (March 19, 2017)."Ex-intelligence official: Napolitano's British wiretapping claim 'didn't get it right'".TheHill.RetrievedApril 4,2017.
  32. ^Disis, Jill (March 19, 2017)."Consultant says he wasn't" knowingly "source for Napolitano report".CNNMoney.RetrievedApril 4,2017.
  33. ^Gambino, Lauren; Rawlinson, Kevin (March 17, 2017)."GCHQ dismisses 'utterly ridiculous' claim it helped wiretap Trump".The Guardian.RetrievedMarch 17,2017.
  34. ^abcdSwinford, Steven (March 18, 2017)."Donald Trump fuels diplomatic row with Britain after apology from US officials over GCHQ wiretapping claims".The Telegraph.RetrievedMarch 21,2017.
  35. ^Shane, Scott (March 20, 2017)."Highlights From the House Hearing on Russian Interference in the U.S. Election".The New York Times.RetrievedMarch 21,2017.
  36. ^abWeaver; Jones (March 17, 2017)."White House reassures UK it will not repeat Trump spying claim".Financial Times.
  37. ^Adam, Karla (March 17, 2017)."Britain: White House says it won't repeat claims that a British agency wiretapped Trump".The Washington Post.RetrievedMarch 18,2017.
  38. ^Westcott, Ben; Merica, Dan; Sciutto, Jim (March 17, 2017)."White House: No apology to British government over spying claims".CNN.RetrievedMarch 18,2017.
  39. ^Harding, Luke; Kirchgaessner, Stephanie; Hopkins, Nick (April 13, 2017)."British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia".The Guardian.ISSN0261-3077.RetrievedMay 12,2017.
  40. ^Jim Sciutto; Pamela Brown; Eric Bradner (April 13, 2017)."British intelligence passed Trump associates' communications with Russians on to US counterparts".CNN.RetrievedMay 12,2017.
  41. ^Hawkins, Derek (March 21, 2017)."Andrew Napolitano reportedly pulled from Fox News over debunked wiretapping claims".The Washington Post.RetrievedApril 21,2019.
  42. ^Wang, Amy B. (March 29, 2017)."Suspended Fox News expert returns – and doubles down on baseless wiretapping claims".The Washington Post.RetrievedApril 21,2019.
  43. ^abcde"Napolitano, Stewart debate the Civil War".PunditFact.RetrievedApril 15,2017.
  44. ^abcCosman, Ben."Andrew Napolitano Goes on 'The Daily Show' to Debate Abraham Lincoln".The Atlantic.RetrievedApril 15,2017.
  45. ^"Napolitano: Lincoln tried to arm the slaves".@politifact.RetrievedApril 15,2017.
  46. ^"Sussex County maple syrup available".The Advertiser-News.Straus Newspapers. March 27, 2008. Archived fromthe originalon March 5, 2012."We collected 800 gallons of sap from our sugar maples and had it boiled down to 24 gallons of delicious, pure maple syrup that area residents can sample from the local shops that have agreed to carry our glass-jarred, locally made syrup," said FoxNews commentator Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, proprietor of Vine Hill Farm.
  47. ^MacIntyre, April (November 18, 2010)."Judge Andrew Napolitano's fatwa on TSA and 'cousin Janet' on FBN".Monsters and Critics. Archived fromthe originalon March 2, 2014.RetrievedAugust 9,2012.
  48. ^"Glenn Beck: TSA pat downs a violation of the Fourth Amendment?".Glenn Beck Program.November 24, 2010. Archived fromthe originalon November 22, 2012.RetrievedAugust 9,2012.
  49. ^Judge Andrew Napolitano, Jon Stewart (June 24, 2015).Andrew Napolitano - Video Clip.The Daily Show with Jon Stewart(episode 20125).Comedy Central.Event occurs at 4:50. Archived fromthe originalon June 27, 2015.
  50. ^Napolitano, Andrew P. (December 4, 2013)."Napolitano: Pope Francis should be saving souls, not pocketbooks".The Washington Times.RetrievedApril 9,2020.
  51. ^Napolitano, Andrew P. (September 24, 2015)."Is the Pope a False Prophet?".creators.com.RetrievedApril 9,2020.
  52. ^Riley, John (September 29, 2020)."New Jersey man accuses Judge Andrew Napolitano of forcing him to engage in" bizarre sex act "".Metro Weekly.
  53. ^"Accusers Drop Suits Against Ex-Judge, Former Fox News Commentator Andrew Napolitano".New Jersey Law Journal.

External links[edit]