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TheAneuniates(Gaulish:*Aneuniatis) were a smallGallictribe dwelling nearLake Como,around present-daySamolaco,during theRoman period.



They are mentionedAneuniateson an inscription dated to the 2nd century AD and found inGera Lario.[1][2]

TheethnonymAneuniatescan be derived from the Gaulishaneun-('inspired') attached to the suffix-ates('belonging to'), although the etymology of the first element remains unclear.[3][2]Xavier Delamarrehas proposed to posit a deity named *Aneunos('The Inspired'), withAneuniatesas 'those of *Aneunos'.[4]



The Aneuniates dwelled on the northern shores ofLake Como,around the settlement of Summus Lacus (modernSamolaco). Their territory was located north of theAusuciatesandOrobii,and south of theBergalei.[5]


  1. ^AE1909:204.
  2. ^abFalileyev 2010,s.v.Aneuniates.
  3. ^Delamarre 2003,p. 49.
  4. ^Delamarre 2019,p. 64.
  5. ^Talbert 2000,Map 19: Raetia.


  • Delamarre, Xavier(2003).Dictionnaire de la langue gauloise: Une approche linguistique du vieux-celtique continental.Errance.ISBN9782877723695.
  • Delamarre, Xavier (2019).Dictionnaire des thèmes nominaux du gaulois. Ab-/Iχs(o)-.Vol. 1. Les Cents Chemins.ISBN978-1-7980-5040-8.
  • Falileyev, Alexander (2010).Dictionary of Continental Celtic Place-names: A Celtic Companion to the Barrington Atlas of the Greek and Roman World.CMCS.ISBN978-0955718236.
  • Talbert, Richard J. A.(2000).Barrington Atlas of the Greek and Roman World.Princeton University Press.ISBN978-0691031699.