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One of the two Latin altars dedicated to Anvallus. The inscription[1]may be interpreted as "Consecrated to theaugust,to the god Anvallus, Norbaneius Thallus thegutuater[freely and deservedly fulfilled his vow] ".

Anvalluswas aGaulish god,known from several public inscriptions atAugustodunum(Autun). TwoLatininscriptions on altars were dedicated bygutuatresin requital of vows; both such dedications began with the formulaAug(usto)sacr(um).[1][2]The titlegutuateris typically understood to mean 'priest';[3]thegutuatreshave at times been taken to be Romanized continuations of thedruids.[4]These altars were both discovered in 1900 on the site of Autun's railway station, along with a Greek-style helmet of thin bronze that would have been left there as a votive offering.[5]

The third text mentioning a name similar to Anvallus was aGaulishtext found on a limestone cartouche:[6]


According to P.-Y. Lambert[8]and J.-P. Savignac,[9]this stone commemorated the dedication of a kind of seat or throne by a person named Licnos Contextos. The seat was dedicated to a sanctuary of Anvalos, in the interpretation of P.-Y. Lambert;[6]Delmarre gives the translation "Licnos Contextus dedicated to Anvalonnacos the (golden?) seat".[10]

The god's name has been analyzed as a compositionan-ualos,of which the second root has been understood to mean 'sovereign' or 'prince', and the first 'without' or 'not'.[11]The name might therefore be understood as 'without a sovereign', i.e. inferior to none.


  1. ^abCILXIII:11225.
  2. ^CILXIII:11226.
  3. ^Xavier Delamarre (2003).Dictionnaire de la langue gauloise.Errance, Paris, p184.
  4. ^Monique Clavel-Lévêque (1989).Puzzle Gaulois: les Gaules en mémoire: images, textes, histoire, Volume 396.Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté, p423.
  5. ^J.-G. Bulliot (1901). "Découverte de deux inscriptions romaines et d'un casque votif à Autun."Bulletin monumental.Retrieved fromGallicaon 2011-06-03.
  6. ^abc"Inscriptions gauloises: Le cartouche d'Autun".Encyclopédie de l'Arbre Celtique.Retrieved2011-06-03.
  7. ^CILXIII:2733.
  8. ^P.-Y. Lambert (2003).La langue gauloise.Errance, Paris.
  9. ^J.-P. Savignac (2000).Merde à César.La différence.
  10. ^In the original,“Licnos Contextos a dédié à Anvalonnacos le siège (d’or?)”.Xavier Delamarre (2003).Dictionnaire de la langue gauloise.Errance, Paris, p331.
  11. ^Xavier Delamarre (2003).Dictionnaire de la langue gauloise.Errance, Paris, pp43, 305.