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Some of theTwelve Apostles.Mosaic in theEuphrasian Basilica.

Anapostle(/əˈpɒsəl/), in its literal sense, is an emissary. The word is derived fromAncient Greekἀπόστολος (apóstolos), literally "one who is sent off", itself derived from theverbἀποστέλλειν (apostéllein), "to send off". The purpose of such sending off is usually to convey a message, and thus "messenger" is a common alternative translation; other common translations include "ambassador"and"envoy".The term in Ancient Greek also has other related meanings.[1]

The term derives from the Ancient Greek.[1]InChristianity,the term was used in theNew TestamentforJesus'Twelve Apostles(includingPeter,James,andJohn), as well as a wider group ofearly Christianfigures, includingPaul,Barnabas,andJunia.[2][3][4][5]The term is also used to designate an important missionary of Christianity to a region, e.g. the "apostle of Germany".[5]Some other religions use the term for comparable figures in their history. The word in this sense may be used metaphorically in various contexts, but is mostly found used specifically for early associates of the founder of a religion, who were important in spreading his or her teachings. The term is also used to refer to someone who is a strong supporter of something.[5][6]


Aeschines(389–314 BC), who throughout his life was sent as member of someembassy missions

The termapostleis derived fromClassical Greekἀπόστολος (apóstolos), meaning "one who is sent off", from στέλλειν ( "stellein" ), "to send" + από (apó), "off, away from".[1]The literal meaning in English is therefore an "emissary"(from the Latinmittere,"to send", andex,"from, out, off".

The wordapostlehas two meanings: the broader meaning of a messenger and the narrower meaning of anearly Christian apostledirectly linked toJesus.The more general meaning of the word is translated into Latin asmissiō,and from this word we getmissionary.[7]

The term only occurs once in theSeptuagint.[8]ButWalter Bauerin hisGreek-English Lexiconrelates the term to the rabbinical idea of aShaliah,or agent: "Judaismhad an office known as apostle (שליח) ". TheFriberg Greek Lexicongives a broad definition as one who is sent on a mission, a commissioned representative of a congregation, a messenger for God, a person who has the special task of founding and establishing churches. TheUBS Greek Dictionaryalso describes an apostle broadly as a messenger. TheLouw-Nida Lexicongives a very narrow definition of a special messenger, generally restricted to the immediate followers of Jesus, or extended to some others like Paul or otherearly Christiansactive in proclaiming thegospel.

The adjectiveapostolic(/ˌæpəˈstɒlɪk/) is claimed as a continuing characteristic by a number of prominent Christian churches (i.e., that a given church's traditions, practices, and teachings descend directly from the original apostles), and so finds wider modern application. The word is found, for example, in the "Apostolic See",the official name for theRoman CatholicPapacy;in the doctrine ofapostolic succession,held by many branches of Christianity; and in theFour Marks of the Church( "one, holy, catholic, and apostolic" ) found in theNicene-Constantinopolitan Creed.



"Apostoloi" was the official name given to the men sent by the rulers of Jerusalem to collect the half-shekel tax for the Temple, the tax itself being called "apostolé.[9]



New Testament


Before their sending away, the Twelve had been calleddisciples,or "students" (Latindiscipulus;Greek μαθητήςmathētḗs;Hebrew לִמּוּדlimmûdh;all meaning "one who learns" ).[10]Jesus is stated in the Bible to have sent out the Twelve Apostles, "whom he also named apostles" (Luke 6:13), first before his death "to the lost sheep of Israel" (Matthew 10), and after hisresurrection,tospread the message of the Gospel to all nations(Matthew 28:16–28:20). There is also a tradition in the Eastern Churches of "Seventy Apostles", derived from theseventy-two disciplesmentioned in theGospel of Luke.

The titleapostlefrom the New Testament was also given to others in the reference to theApostles in the New Testament.For example,Saint Patrick(373–463 AD) was the "Apostle ofIreland"who also shares that title with theTwelve Apostles of Ireland;Saint Martin of Braga(520–580 AD) who was the "Apostle to theSuevi";Saint Boniface(680–755) who was the "Apostle to theGermans";[11]Saint Francis Xavier(1506-1522) who was the "Apostle of theEast Indies";Saint José de Anchieta(1534–1597) who was the "Apostle ofBrazil";andSaint Peter of Betancur(1626–1667) who was the "Apostle ofGuatemala".

Modern-day apostle in the apostolic movement


A modern-day Apostle in the tradition of theApostolic-Propheticmovement is one who is "called and sent by Christ to have the spiritual authority, character, gifts and abilities to successfully reach and establish people in Kingdom truth and order, especially through founding and overseeing local churches”, according to Dr. David Cannistraci.[12]An "apostle" is one who has a call toplantand oversee churches, has verifiablechurch plantsand spiritual sons in the ministry, who is recognized by other apostles and meets the biblical qualifications of anelder.[13]

Pentecostal movements


In modern usage,missionariesunderPentecostal movementsoften refer to themselves as apostles, a practice which stems from theLatinequivalent ofapostle,i.e.missio,the source of the English wordmissionary.[citation needed]

Latter Day Saint movement


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saintshas always had, among its leadership, at least twelve individuals identified as apostles. Their primary role is to teach and testify of Jesus throughout the world.[14]

In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Latter Day Saint movement), an apostle is a "special witness of the name ofJesus Christwho is sent to teach the principles of salvation to the world. "[15]In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- Day Saint churches, an apostle is apriesthoodoffice of high authority within the church hierarchy.

In the Latter Day Saint churches, apostles are members of theQuorum of the Twelve Apostlesof the church. Modern-day apostles are considered to have the same status and authority as the biblical apostles. Apostles andprophetsare the foundation of the church, with Jesus as the chief cornerstone.[16]TheArticles of Faith,written byJoseph Smith,mentions apostles: "We believe in the same organization that existed in the Primitive Church, namely, apostles, prophets,pastors,teachers,evangelists,and so forth. "[17]



TheCatholic Apostolic Churchwas led by twelve "apostles" until the last one died in 1901.[18]Some of thedenominationsthat descend from the Catholic Apostolic Church, such as theNew Apostolic Church,are led by apostles. TheChief Apostleis the highest ranking minister in the New Apostolic Church.



InIslam,an apostle or a messenger (Arabic:رسول,romanized:rasūl) is aprophetwho is sent byGod.According to theQur'an,God has sent many prophets to mankind. The five universally acknowledged messengers inIslamareIbrahim,Mūsa,Dāwūd,ĪsāandMuhammad,[19]as each is believed to have been sent with ascripture.[i]Muslimtraditionalso maintains thatAdamreceived scrolls as did some of the otherpatriarchsof theGenerations of Adam.[20]The term apostle or messenger is also applied to prophets sent to preach to specific areas; theQur'anmentionsYunus,[21]Elijah,[22]Ismail,[23]Shuaib[24]and other prophets as being messengers as well.

Sahabahrefers to the companions, disciples,scribesandfamilyof theIslamic prophetMuhammad.Later scholars accepted their testimony of the words and deeds of Muhammad, the occasions on which theQur'anwas revealed and various important matters ofIslamic historyand practice.

Baháʼí Faith


TheApostles of Bahá'u'lláhwere nineteen eminent early followers ofBahá'u'lláh,the founder of theBaháʼí Faith.The apostles were designated as such byShoghi Effendi,the head of the religion in the first half of the 20th century, and the list was included inThe Baháʼí World,Vol. III (pp. 80–81).

These individuals played a vital role in the development of Bahá'u'lláh's Faith, consolidating its adherents and bringing its teachings around the world. To Baháʼís, they filled a similar role as thesons of Jacob,theapostles of Jesus,Muhammad's companions,or theBáb'sLetters of the Living.

See also



  1. ^Muslims believeIbrahimreceived theScrolls of Abraham,Musareceived theTorah,David in Islamreceived thePsalms,JesustheGospel in IslamandMuhammadreceived theQur'an


  1. ^abc"ἀπόστολος".Liddell, Scott, Jones Ancient Greek Lexicon.Archivedfrom the original on 2022-01-30.Retrieved2022-01-31.
  2. ^"G652 - apostolos - Strong's Greek Lexicon (kjv)".Blue Letter Bible.Retrieved2022-01-31.
  3. ^Bart Ehrman - The History of the Bible: The Making of the New Testament CanonThe Teaching Company, Lesson no. 4.
  4. ^Ehrman, Bart (2005). "7. The Social Worlds of the Text".MISQUOTING JESUS. The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why(First ed.). New York: HarperSanFrancisco. pp. 180–185.ISBN9780060738174.
  5. ^abc"Definition of APOSTLE".www.merriam-webster.com.Retrieved2022-01-31.
  6. ^"apostle".Cambridge dictionary.
  7. ^Angus Stevenson (19 August 2010).Oxford Dictionary of English.OUP Oxford. p. 1133.ISBN978-0-19-957112-3.
  8. ^Wilhelm Schneemelcher, Robert McLachlan WilsonNew Testament Apocrypha: Writings relating to the Apostles- 2003 - 0664227228 Page 7 "Unfortunately the adjectival noun Απόστολος occurs in LXX only in a single passage, and indeed as a translation of the Hebrew shaluach (passive participle of shalach - 1 Kings 14:6)."
  9. ^"APOSTLE AND APOSTLESHIP - JewishEncyclopedia.com".jewishencyclopedia.com.Retrieved2022-08-17.
  10. ^Cassell's Latin Dictionary, Revised by Marchant & Charles
  11. ^"Apostle." Cross, F. L., ed.The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church.New York: Oxford University Press. 2005.ISBN0-19-280290-9.
  12. ^Cannistraci, David. (1998).Apostles and the emerging apostolic movement.Regal Books.ISBN0-8307-2338-2.OCLC180766628.
  13. ^Cannistraci, David (1996).The Gift of Apostle: A Biblical Look at Apostleship and How God Is Using It to Bless His Church Today.Regal Books. pp. 194–195.ISBN978-0830718450.
  14. ^"Quorum of the Twelve Apostles".10 July 2021.Archivedfrom the original on 2019-07-09.Retrieved10 July2021.
  15. ^McConkie, Bruce R.(1979).Mormon Doctrine.Deseret Book.p. 46.ISBN0-88494-062-4.
  16. ^Ephesians 2:20
  17. ^The Articles of Faith 1:6
  18. ^Chisholm, Hugh,ed. (1911)."Catholic Apostolic Church, The".Encyclopædia Britannica.Vol. 5 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. p. 533.
  19. ^Concise Encyclopedia of Islam,C. Glasse,Messenger
  20. ^A-Z of Prophets in Islam and Judaism,B.M. Wheeler,Apostle
  21. ^Quran37:139
  22. ^Quran37:123
  23. ^Quran19:54
  24. ^Quran7:85
  • The dictionary definition ofapostleat Wiktionary