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Apsidal precession

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Eachplanetorbiting theSunfollows anelliptic orbitthat gradually rotates over time (apsidal precession). This figure illustrates positive apsidal precession (advance of the perihelion), with the orbital axis turning in the same direction as the planet's orbital motion. Theeccentricityof this ellipse and the precession rate of the orbit are exaggerated for visualization. Most orbits in theSolar Systemhave a much lower eccentricity and precess at a much slower rate, making them nearlycircularandstationary.
The mainorbital elements(or parameters). The line of apsides is shown in blue, and denoted byω.The apsidal precession is the rate of change ofωthrough time,dω/dt.
Animation of Moon'sorbit around Earth - Polar view

Incelestial mechanics,apsidal precession(orapsidal advance)[1]is theprecession(gradual rotation) of the line connecting theapsides(line of apsides) of anastronomical body'sorbit.The apsides are the orbital points farthest (apoapsis) and closest (periapsis) from itsprimary body.The apsidal precession is the firsttime derivativeof theargument of periapsis,one of the six mainorbital elementsof an orbit. Apsidal precession is considered positive when the orbit's axis rotates in the same direction as the orbital motion. Anapsidal periodis the time interval required for an orbit to precess through 360°,[2]which takes the Earth about 112,000 years and the Moon about 8.85 years.[3]



The ancient Greek astronomerHipparchusnoted the apsidal precession of the Moon's orbit (as the revolution of the Moon's apogee with a period of approximately 8.85 years);[4]it is corrected for in theAntikythera Mechanism(circa 80 BCE) (with the supposed value of 8.88 years per full cycle, correct to within 0.34% of current measurements).[5]The precession of the solar apsides (as a motion distinct from the precession of the equinoxes), was first quantified in the second century byPtolemy of Alexandria.He also calculated the effect of precession on movement of theheavenly bodies.[6][7][8]The apsidal precessions of the Earth and other planets are the result of a plethora of phenomena, of which a part remained difficult to account for until the 20th century when the last unidentified part of Mercury's precession was precisely explained.



A variety of factors can lead to periastron precession such as general relativity, stellarquadrupolemoments, mutual star–planet tidal deformations, and perturbations from other planets.[9]

ωtotal=ωGeneral Relativity+ωquadrupole+ωtide+ωperturbations

For Mercury, the perihelion precession rate due to general relativistic effects is 43″ (arcseconds) per century. By comparison, the precession due to perturbations from the other planets in the Solar System is 532″ per century, whereas the oblateness of the Sun (quadrupole moment) causes a negligible contribution of 0.025″ per century.[10][11]

From classical mechanics, if stars and planets are considered to be purely spherical masses, then they will obey a simple1/r2inverse-square law,relating force to distance and hence execute closed elliptical orbits according toBertrand's theorem.Non-spherical mass effects are caused by the application of external potential(s): the centrifugal potential of spinning bodies causes flattening between the poles and the gravity of a nearby mass raises tidal bulges. Rotational and net tidal bulges create gravitational quadrupole fields (1/r3) that lead to orbital precession.

Total apsidal precession for isolated veryhot Jupitersis, considering only lowest order effects, and broadly in order of importance

ωtotal=ωtidal perturbations+ωGeneral Relativity+ωrotational perturbations+ωrotational *+ωtidal *

with planetary tidal bulge being the dominant term, exceeding the effects of general relativity and the stellar quadrupole by more than an order of magnitude. The good resulting approximation of the tidal bulge is useful for understanding the interiors of such planets. For the shortest-period planets, the planetary interior induces precession of a few degrees per year. It is up to 19.9° per year forWASP-12b.[12][13]

Newton's theorem of revolving orbits


Newton derived an early theorem which attempted to explain apsidal precession. This theorem ishistoricallynotable, but it was never widely used and it proposed forces which have been found not to exist, making the theorem invalid. This theorem of revolving orbits remained largely unknown and undeveloped for over three centuries until 1995.[14]Newton proposed that variations in the angular motion of a particle can be accounted for by the addition of a force that varies as the inverse cube of distance, without affecting the radial motion of a particle.[15]Using a forerunner of theTaylor series,Newton generalized his theorem to all force laws provided that the deviations from circular orbits are small, which is valid for most planets in the Solar System.[citation needed]However, his theorem did not account for the apsidal precession of the Moon without giving up the inverse-square law ofNewton's law of universal gravitation.Additionally, the rate of apsidal precession calculated via Newton's theorem of revolving orbits is not as accurate as it is for newer methods such as byperturbation theory.[citation needed]

change in orbit over time

General relativity


An apsidal precession of the planetMercurywas noted byUrbain Le Verrierin the mid-19th century and accounted for byEinstein'sgeneral theory of relativity.

In the 1910s, several astronomers calculated the precession of perihelion according to special relativity. They typically obtained a value that is only 1/6 of the correct value, at 7''/year.[16][17]

Einstein showed that for a planet, themajor semi-axisof its orbit beinga,theeccentricityof the orbiteand the period of revolutionT,then the apsidal precession due to relativistic effects, during one period of revolution inradians,is

wherecis thespeed of light.[18]In the case of Mercury, half of the greater axis is about5.79×1010m,the eccentricity of its orbit is 0.206 and the period of revolution 87.97 days or7.6×106s.From these and the speed of light (which is ~3×108m/s), it can be calculated that the apsidal precession during one period of revolution isε=5.028×10−7radians (2.88×10−5degrees or 0.104″). In one hundred years, Mercury makes approximately 415 revolutions around the Sun, and thus in that time, the apsidal perihelion due to relativistic effects is approximately 43″, which corresponds almost exactly to the previously unexplained part of the measured value.

Long-term climate


Earth's apsidal precession slowly increases itsargument of periapsis;it takes about112,000years for the ellipse to revolve once relative to the fixed stars.[19]Earth's polar axis, and hence the solstices and equinoxes, precess with a period of about26,000years in relation to the fixed stars. These two forms of 'precession' combine so that it takes between20,800and29,000years (and on average23,000years) for the ellipse to revolve once relative to the vernal equinox, that is, for the perihelion to return to the same date (given a calendar that tracks the seasons perfectly).[20]

This interaction between the anomalistic and tropical cycle is important in thelong-term climate variationson Earth, called theMilankovitch cycles.Milankovitch cycles are central to understanding the effects of apsidal precession. An equivalent is also knownon Mars.

Effects of apsidal precession on the seasons with the eccentricity and ap/peri-helion in the orbit exaggerated for ease of viewing. The seasons shown are in the northern hemisphere and the seasons will be reverse in the southern hemisphere at any given time during orbit. Some climatic effects follow chiefly due to the prevalence of more oceans in the Southern Hemisphere.

The figure on the right illustrates the effects of precession on the northern hemisphere seasons, relative to perihelion and aphelion. Notice that the areas swept during a specific season changes through time. Orbital mechanics require that the length of the seasons be proportional to the swept areas of the seasonal quadrants, so when theorbital eccentricityis extreme, the seasons on the far side of the orbit may be substantially longer in duration.

See also



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