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Apu Mallku

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Apu Mallkuis anAymaratitle meaning "supreme leader" or "king" conferred on aMallkuor "prince". The Apu Mallku's mandate is to oversee the vast network ofAyllus,an ancient Andean system of governing councils that predates even theIncaempire. It appears that the mandate of the Apu Mallku was initially restricted to theCollasuyu(the traditional Aymara lands ofBolivia,parts ofPeruand northernChile) but it could now be interpreted (since a resolution in 2000) to extend to the bounds of the much larger formerIncarealm of theTawantinsuyuwhich stretched throughout theAndesincorporating the modern states ofBolivia,Peru,Ecuador,ChileandArgentina.The self-appellation for the people of this combined territory isQullana.

It would seem through theayllussystem there is a large degree of coordination between both the Aymara and theQuechuanations.Apu Mallkuwas the title bestowed uponEvo Moraleson 21 January 2006 atTiwanaku,the day before his official inauguration aspresidentofBolivia.

Apu Mallku


National Council of Ayllus and Markas of the Qullasuyu (Conamaq)


This parliament orJacha Ulakaconsists of 150 delegates sent from theayllusof the GreaterCollasuyuregion. This region is also calledQullakas Asanajaqes.The parliament holds regular meetings atTiwanakuandCochabambainBoliviaand other places. It was first constituted on March 22, 1997, and was composed of the regional organizations:Jatun Quillakas Asanajaqis,J'acha Carangas,Charka Qhara Qhara,First Nations' Council of Potosi's Ayllus,Qhara Qhara,Ayllus of Cochabamba,Jach'a Suyu Pakajak'i,Urus,Saoras-Chuwis,andKallawayas.

Council of Mallkus and Amautas of the Parliament of the Qullana


There is also an institution called theCouncil of Mallkus and Amautaswhich acts rather like an upper house consisting of four delegates from each of the modern states that comprise theQullakas Asanajaqes.During the period 2000 - 2003 those delegates were:

Jalsuri (Bolivia)

  • Max Paredes
  • Julian Bautista
  • Félix López
  • Representative of Potosí (Quechua)

Araxa (Peru)

  • Teofilo Lauracio
  • Esteban Mamani
  • Fortunato Escobar
  • Gladiz Vázques

Jalanta (Chile)

  • Magdalena Choque
  • Crispín Chura
  • Joaquin García
  • Alejandra Flores

Aynacha (Argentina)

  • Gerónimo Alvarez
  • Celina Avendaño
  • Saturnino Mamani
  • Natalia Zana Pura



We are a singleQullanapeople who speakQuechuaandAymara,at the moment divided into fourLatin Americanstates, which hurts us much; but the wound is still open and one day we will reconstitute the first greatCollasuyuand soon the powerfulTawantinsuyu,dear brothers, remembers that we are only one people.

— Max Paredes,former Apu Mallku, 2000

The 500 years of Indian resistance have not been in vain. From 500 years of resistance we pass to another 500 years in power. The will of the people was imposed...and has begun to overcome the empire's cannons. We have lived for so many years through the confrontation of two cultures: the culture of life represented by the indigenous people, and the culture of death represented by West.

— Evo Morales,Apu Mallku, 2006

