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Aqueduct (bridge)

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Pont du Gard,France, aRomanaqueduct built circa 40–60 CE. It is one of France's top tourist attractions and aWorld Heritage Site.
Mathur Aqueduct,India, built in 1966

Aqueductsare bridges constructed to conveywatercoursesacross gaps such as valleys or ravines. The termaqueductmay also be used to refer to theentire watercourse,as well as the bridge.[1]Largenavigable aqueductsare used as transport links forboatsor ships. Aqueducts must span a crossing at the same level as the watercourses on each end. The word is derived from theLatinaqua( "water" ) andducere( "to lead" ),[2]therefore meaning "to lead water". A modern version of anaqueductis apipeline bridge.They may take the form of tunnels, networks of surface channels and canals, covered clay pipes or monumental bridges.

Ancient bridges for water[edit]

Aqueduct of Vanvitelli,Italy, built byLuigi Vanvitelli.It is aWorld Heritage Site.

Although particularly associated with theRomans,aqueducts were likely first used by theMinoansaround 2000 BCE. The Minoans had developed what was then an extremely advancedirrigation system,including several aqueducts.[3]

In the seventh century BCE, theAssyriansbuilt an 80 km long limestone aqueduct, which included a 10 m high section to cross a 300 m wide valley, to carry water to their capital city,Nineveh.[4]

Roman Empire[edit]

Bridges were a distinctive feature ofRoman aqueducts,which were built in all parts of theRoman Empire,from Germany to Africa, and especially in the city of Rome, where they supplied water to public baths and for drinking. Roman aqueducts set a standard of engineering that was not surpassed for more than a thousand years.[citation needed]

Modern aqueducts[edit]

Navigable aqueducts[edit]

Navigable aqueducts, also called water bridges, are water-filled bridges to allow vessels on awaterwayto cross ravines or valleys. During theIndustrial Revolutionof the 18th century, navigable aqueducts were constructed as part of the boom in canal-building. A notable revolving aqueduct has been made on theBridgewater Canal.This allowed vessels to cross at high and low levels while conserving water that would be lost in the operation oflocks.

Notable aqueducts[edit]

Roman aqueducts[edit]

Aqueduct of Segovia
The colonial Aqueduct,Tepotzotlán,State of Mexico

Other aqueducts[edit]


Kavala aqueduct,Greece
An Aqueduct inVila do Conde,Portugal
The Aqueduto dos Pegões inTomar,Portugal

Middle East[edit]

  • Tabarjain Lebanon, aqueduct runs throughout the entire ancient town and is still actively used by the farmers of the area (built 1700–1750)

North America[edit]

Latin America[edit]


Aqueduct inHampi,India (14th century)



See also[edit]



  • Sextus Julius Frontinus,De Aquaeductu Urbis Romae(On the water management of the city of Rome), Translated by R. H. Rodgers, 2003,University of Vermont
  • Chanson, H. (2002).Certains Aspects de la Conception hydrauliques des Aqueducs Romains. ('Some Aspect on the Hydraulic Design of Roman Aqueducts.')Journal La Houille Blanche, No. 6/7, pp. 43–57 (ISSN 0018-6368)
  • Chanson, H. (2008)."The Hydraulics of Roman Aqueducts: What do we know? Why should we learn?"in Proceedings of World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2008 Ahupua'a, ASCE-EWRI Education, Research and History Symposium, Hawaii, USA, Invited Keynote lecture, 13–16 May, R.W. Badcock Jr and R. Walton Eds., 16 pages (ISBN978-0-7844-0976-3)

External links[edit]