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Argentine Navy

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Navy of the Argentine Republic
Armada de la República Argentina
Shield, the redPhrygian cap
symbolizing pursuit of liberty
Founded25 May 1810;214 years ago(1810-05-25)
Size18,368 (2018)[1]
Part ofArgentine Armed Forces
Main BasePuerto Belgrano Naval Base
ColorsLight blue and white
MarchNavy March[2]
AnniversariesMay 17 (Navy Day)
Fleet2submarines(not operational)
9corvettes(seven operational)
11patrol boats
1amphibious warfare ship
19auxiliary ships
Commander-in-chiefPresidentJavier Milei
Chief of General StaffCounter Admiral Carlos María Allievi
Deputy Chief of General StaffCounter Admiral Marcelo Ricardo Flamini
Aircraft flown
AttackAS-555 Fennec
PatrolP-3C/N Orion(planned for service entry in 2024/25)
BE-200 Cormorán
S-2T Tracker
TrainerT-34 Mentor
TransportPC-6 Porter
SH-3 Sea King

TheArgentine Navy(ARA;Spanish:Armada de la República Argentina)[NB 1][3]is thenavyofArgentina.It is one of the three branches of theArmed Forces of the Argentine Republic,together with theArmyand theAir Force.

TheArgentine Navy dayis celebrated on May 17, anniversary of the victory in 1814 at theBattle of Montevideoover the Spanish fleet during thewar of Independence.[4]



AdmiralWilliam Brown,founder of the Argentine Navy

The Argentine Navy was created in the aftermath of theMay Revolutionof May 25, 1810, which started thewar for independencefromSpain.The navy was first created to supportManuel Belgranoin theParaguay campaign,but those ships were sunk by ships from Montevideo, and did not take part in that conflict. Renewed conflicts with Montevideo led to the creation of a second fleet, which participated in the capture of the city. As Buenos Aires had little maritime history, most men in the navy were from other nations, such as the Irish-born admiralWilliam Brown,who directed the operation. As the cost of maintaining a navy was too high, most of the Argentine naval forces were composed ofprivateers.

Brown led the Argentine navy in further naval conflicts at theWar with Braziland theAnglo-French blockade of the Río de la Plata.

In the 1870s the Argentine Navy began modernizing itself. At the close of the century, the force included:

The most powerful ships at this time included the Italian-builtGaribaldiand her sister ships:General Belgrano,Pueyrredón,andSan Martín,each at over 6,000 tons. Three older ironclads,Almirante Brown,Independencia,andLibertaddated from the 1880s and early 1890s.[5]

The navy's ships were built primarily in Italy, Britain, France, and Spain, and were operated by over 600 officers and 7,760seamen.These were supported by a battalion ofmarinesand an artillery battery.[6]


Rivadavia-classbattleshipunder construction in the US for the Argentine Navy. Photo taken in 1912. Two ships of this class entered service in 1914–1915 and served until 1956.

A naval arms race between Argentina, Brazil and Chile, the most powerful and wealthy countries in South America, began when the Brazilian government ordered three dreadnoughts, battleships. The first,Minas Geraes,was commissioned into theBrazilian navy1910.

For most of both world wars, Argentina wasneutral,onlydeclaring war on the Axis in March 1945.In 1940 Argentina's navy was ranked the eighth most powerful in the world (after the European powers, Japan, and the United States) and the largest in Latin America. A ten-year building programme costing $60 million had produced a force of 14,500 sailors and over a thousand officers. The fleet included twoFirst World War-era (but modernized) American-builtRivadavia-classbattleships,three modern cruisers, a dozen British-built destroyers, and three submarines, plus minelayers, minesweepers, coastal defence ships, and gunboats. Anaval air forcewas also in operation.[7]

In the postwar period,Naval AviationandMarineunits were put under direct Navy command. With Brazil, Argentina is one of two South American countries to have operated twoaircraft carriers:theARAIndependenciaandARAVeinticinco de Mayo.

The Argentine Navy has been traditionally heavily involved infishery protection,helping theCoast Guard:most notably in 1966 a destroyer fired on and holed aSoviettrawler that had refused to be escorted toMar del Plata,in the 1970s there were four more incidents with Soviet and Bulgarian ships[8]followed by other incidents such as thesinking of the Chian-der 3.[9][10][11]

The Navy also took part in allmilitary coupsin Argentina through the 20th century. During the1976 to 1983 dictatorship,Navy personnel were involved in theDirty Warin which thousands of people were kidnapped, tortured and killed by the forces of the military junta. The Navy School of Mechanics, known asESMA,was a notorious centre for torture. Among their more well-known victims were the Swedish teenagerDagmar Hagelin,and French nunsAlice DomonandLéonie Duquet(In October 2007 the Argentine Navy formally handed possession of the school to human rights groups to turn it into a memorial museum).[citation needed]

During this regime, the Navy was also the main supporter of a military solution for the country's two longest-standing disputes: theBeagle Conflictwith Chile and the Falkland Islands (Spanish:Islas Malvinas) with the United Kingdom.[citation needed]

Falklands War, 1982[edit]

During the 1982Falklands Warthe main Argentine naval fleet consisted of modernisedWorld War IIera ships (oneGUPPY-type submarine, one British-builtColossus-classcarrier, a cruiser, and four destroyers), and newer vessels: two Type 42 destroyers, three French-built corvettes, and one German-builtType 209 submarine.This fleet was supported by severalELMAtankers and transports, as well an ice breaker and a polar transport ship.

Super Étendard,theExocetplatform.

New GermanMEKOtype destroyers, corvettes, andThyssen-Nordseewerke(Type TR-1700) submarines were still under construction at the time.

After leading the invasion of the Falkland Islands, the Argentine fleet played only a small part in the subsequent conflict. AfterHMSConquerorsankARAGeneral Belgrano,the Argentine surface fleet did not venture from a 12-mile (22.2 km) coastal limit imposed by the British.

The Argentine Navy's contribution to the war was principally the initial amphibious assaults on 2 and 3 April;naval aviationSuper Étendardsarmed withExocetmissiles, which sankSheffieldand theAtlantic Conveyor;Skyhawks,which sankHMSArdent(F184);and the Marines, with the5th Marine Corps BattaliondefendingMount Tumbledown.In addition, the Type 42 destroyerARASantísima Trinidad,operated offIsla de los Estados(en: Staten Island).[12]A land-based Exocet battery outside Port Stanley scored a direct hit onHMSGlamorganon 11 June; and a Marine Tigercat SAM[citation needed]put a Royal Air Force Harrier (XW 919) out of action on 12 June.[13]Naval aviation also carried out intensivemaritime patrols,searching to locate the British fleet for the strike aircraft and British submarines for the anti-submarine Sea King helicopters, while their Lockheed L-188 Electra and Fokker F-28 Fellowship transports reinforced the Port Stanley garrison and evacuated the wounded.[citation needed]

TheARASan Luissubmarine also played a strategic role, nearly sinking the frigateHMSArrowon 10 May,[14]although she scored no hits. The submarineARASanta Fe,after a successful resupply mission, was attacked and disabled offSouth Georgia,where her crew then surrendered along with the Argentine detachment atGrytviken.She was later scuttled by the British.

Aftermath of the Falklands War[edit]

ARAAlmirante BrownMeko 360 class destroyer.

The core of the fleet was reformed with the retirement of all the World War II-eraFletcherandGearing-classdestroyersand their replacement with theMEKO 360and140classes designed by the German shipyardBlohm + Voss.

Also, thesubmarine forcegreatly reinforced their assets with the introduction of theThyssen-Nordseewerke(TR-1700) class. Although the original programme called for six units with the last four to be built in Argentina, only the two built in Germany were delivered.

The amphibious force was drastically affected with the retirement of their onlyLST landing shipARACabo San Antonioand replacement by a modified cargo vessel, theARABahía San Blas.This situation was expected to improve in 2006 with the delivery by France of the first of theLPDOuragan-classlanding platform docksbut the whole operation was placed on hold by the Argentine Government due toasbestosconcerns. In 2010 France offered theFoudre(L9011)instead.[15]

A USguided missile frigateand an Argentinemaritime patrol aircraftduring joint operations inPanama.

France also transferred theDurance(A629),nowARAPatagonia(B-1),multi-product replenishment ship (AOR).

In 1988 the A-4 Skyhawk aircraft were withdrawn, leaving the Super Étendard as the only fighter jets in the navy inventory. The already-paid-for A-4Hs bought in Israel as their replacement could not be delivered due to the embargo imposed by the United States after the war. InsteadIAIused the money to refurbish theS-2E Trackersto the S-2T Turbo Tracker variant currently in service.

In the 1990s, the embargo was lifted and theLockheed L-188 Electras(civilian aircraft converted formaritime patrol) were finally retired and replaced with similarP-3B Orionsand civilianBeechcraft King Air Model 200were locally converted to the MP variant.

In 2000 the aircraft carrierARAVeinticinco de Mayowas decommissioned without replacement, although the navy maintains[when?]the air group of Super Étendard jets and S-2 Trackers that routinely operated from theBrazilian Navyaircraft carrierSão Paulo[16]orUnited States Navycarriers when they are in transit in the south Atlantic duringGringo-Gauchomanoeuvers.[citation needed]

Gulf War and nineties[edit]

Argentina was the only Latin American country to participate in the 1991Gulf War,sending a destroyer and a corvette in a first deployment and a supply ship and another corvette later to participate in the United Nations blockade and sea control effort in the gulf.Operación Alfil( "English:Operation [Chess] Bishop"), as it was known, carried out more than 700 interceptions and sailed 25,000 miles in the operations theatre.[citation needed]

From 1990 to 1992, theBaradero-classpatrol boatswere deployed under UN mandateONUCAto theGulf of Fonsecain Central America.[17]In 1994, the threeDrummond-classcorvettesparticipated inOperation Uphold Democracyin Haiti.[18]

21st century[edit]

In 2003, for the first time, the Argentine Navy (classified asmajor non-NATO ally) interoperated with aUnited States Navybattle group when the destroyerARASarandí(D-13)joined theUSSEnterpriseCarrier Strike Group and Destroyer Squadron 18 as a part of ExerciseSolid Stepduring their tour in theMediterranean Sea.[citation needed]

In 2010 the construction of four 1,800 tonoffshore patrol shipswas announced,[19]but never started. Instead, Argentina ultimately opted to acquire fourGowind-class offshore patrol vesselsfrom France. The decision was motivated by the meeting between Argentine PresidentMauricio Macriand French PresidentEmmanuel Macronat the annualWorld Economic Forumsummit inDavos,Switzerland in 2018.[20]In November 2018, Argentina confirmed the purchase of the patrol vessels. The purchase included the already-builtL'Adroit,which in 2016 visited the region on a marketing trip, as well as three new-build vessels.[21]Following their construction in France, all four ships had been delivered to Argentina by 2022.[citation needed]

In October 2012 the Navy'ssailtraining shipARALibertadwas seized under court order in Ghana by creditors of Argentina's debt default in 2002.[22] On 15 December 2012 the UNInternational Tribunal for the Law of the Searuled unanimously that the ship had immunity as a military vessel, and ordered that "Ghana should forthwith and unconditionally release the frigate ARALibertad"[23][24]Four days laterLibertadwas released fromTemaand arrived to the port of Mar del Plata on 9 January 2013.[25]

The Argentine Navy is under-funded and struggling to meet maintenance and training requirements; as a result, only 15 of its 42 vessels are in a condition to sail.[citation needed][when?]The 2013 defence budget allowed for the 15 operational vessels to each spend less than 11 days at sea, while the submarines averaged just over 6 hours submerged in the whole of 2012.[26]ARAEsporaspent 73 days in late 2012 stranded in South Africa for lack ofspares.TheAlmirante Brown-classdestroyersare short of spares and their ordnance has expired, while the Antarctic patrol shipARAAlmirante Irizarhad been under repair for 10 years because of a fire.[26]On 23 January 2013 the Type 42 destroyerARASantísima Trinidadsank at her moorings after having been mothballed for ten years.[27]

The Argentine Navy participates in joint exercises with other friendly navies including Brazil, United States, Spain, France, Canada, South Africa,[28]Italy, Uruguay, and, since the 1990s, Chile. The exercises are routinely held to develop a common operational doctrine. Every year the Argentine andChilean Naviesparticipate in thePatrulla Antártica Naval Combinada(English:Joint Antarctic Naval Patrol) to guarantee safety to all tourist and scientific ships in transit within theAntarctic Peninsula,where the Navy is also directly responsible for maintaining theArgentine basesthere.[citation needed]

San JuanDisaster and Submarine Fleet Renewal Problem[edit]

On 15 November 2017, theARASan Juan(S-42)stopped communicating during a routine transit to port following a military exercise. A search was launched byISMERLO,however after 15 days of searching the Argentine Navy declared the end of the rescue operation, and solely focused on the recovery of the submarine—not the crew. 44 personnel were on the submarine when it disappeared.[29]The final report made by Argentine congressmen stated that president Mauricio Macri and his defence minister had political responsibilities about what happened to ARA San Juan.[30]Lack of funding for maintenance and personnel training had been identified as a chronic problem for the submarine service.[31]After theSan Juandisaster, the submarine service no longer maintained any active vessels.

In 2019, the governments of Brazil and Argentina were working on a transfer deal of the four Tupi IKL209/1400 submarines currently operated by the Brazilian Navy. Two of the Brazilian submarines are currently non operational pending repairs, the other two are still active pending their replacement by the 4 Scorpene type submarines currently under construction. However, in the early 2000s they had been upgraded with new combat systems by Lockheed Martin Maritime Systems and Sensors. This gave the submarines the ability to carry and fire the MK 48 MOD 6AT ADCAP Torpedo. Although there are some reservations about the deal, the defense ministers and admirals of the Argentine Navy were enthusiastic about moving forward with it. The submarines were to be repaired and serviced in the Tandanor drydock facility. If the deal moves forward it would allow Argentina to restore its submarine capability which is currently defunct.[32][33][34]As an alternative, in 2021 a Russian delegation visited the TANDANOR shipyard and other defence facilities, reportedly also making an offer to supply either theImproved Kilo-class submarineor the export variant of theLada-class submarineto the Argentine Navy.[35]

In July 2022, in the context of Argentina's desire to replace its submarine fleet, defence ministerJorge Taianapaid a visit to the Naval Group shipyard in Cherbourg to examine the construction process for theScorpène-class submarine.[36]Minister Taiana also visited Germany for a meeting with his ministerial counterpart, in order to explore the possibility of acquiring German-built submarines, either independently or in tandem with an interim acquisition of the Brazilian Navy'sTupi-class boats. However, it still remained unclear whether Argentina had either the financial resources or the political will to pursue any submarine replacement.[37]

Maritime Patrol Aircraft Replacement[edit]

In 2019, Argentina was also pursuing the procurement of four P-3C Orion aircraft from US Navy surplus stocks since Argentina's fleet of P-3B's were no longer operational since 2019. The package deal was approved in September 2019. The US State Department has cleared the transaction of $78.03m to be carried out as part of a foreign military sale. It includes the delivery of related equipment and services. Argentina will receive four turboprop engines for the aircraft and an additional four turboprop engines. It will also receive communications and radar equipment, Infrared/Electro-optic equipment, and aviation life support systems. The US will provide spares plus repairs, aircraft depot maintenance, and logistical support. Contractors for the deal include Logistic Services International, Lockheed Martin, Rockwell Collins and Eagle Systems. These newer Orions will be up to the latest Orion standard, and provide Argentina with a much needed boost in anti-submarine and maritime surveillance missions.[38]

However, in the aftermath of the inauguration of Alberto Fernández as president in December 2019, the deal appeared to be in limbo with the Navy now apparently considering completing the refurbishment of its older P-3B fleet pending the outcome of further discussions around the P-3C acquisition.[39]As of early 2021, it was planned that, after upgrades, the P-3B would be returned to service starting in 2022.[40]In December 2022, it was reported that the refurbishment of the P-3B was proceeding slower than anticipated and while a revised delivery date of the first upgraded P-3B had been projected for September 2023, that schedule might now face delays.[41]In February 2023 it was reported that Argentina was negotiating with Norway to purchase three or four of its surplus P-3Cs.[42]The agreement to purchase four aircraft was signed in October 2023.[43]It had been hoped that the aircraft would be delivered in late 2023. However, by years end the aircraft had not been delivered due to an Argentine failure to make the required payment.[44]In March 2024, it was reported that initial payments had been made. Delivery of the first aircraft was now hoped for in 2024, with the remaining aircraft to follow in 2025.[45]

Future of the Fleet[edit]

In 2020, the Argentine national government created an interministerial committee with the objective of reassuring national oceans' sovereignty. In 2020, the Ministry of Defence informed Congress of a desire to acquire aLanding Platform Dock(LPD) as well as two naval transport vessels to increase logistical capacity, including in relation to the country's claims and presence in the Antarctic.[46]In March 2023, an agreement was signed by Defence Minister Jorge Taiana for the Tandanor and Río Santiago shipyards to develop a multipurpose landing ship for the Argentine Navy. A polar ship and floating dock were also planned.[47]As of early 2024, the prospective projects remained under evaluation.[48]

Foreign overfishing is a serious concern and, in 2020, the Argentine Navy captured at least two foreign ships allegedly illegally fishing in the South Atlantic. Foreign, mostly Chinese, illegal fishing in Argentine territorial waters has been estimated to cost Argentina between US$1 billion and $2.6 billion per year.[49]In 2016, theArgentine Coast Guardchased and sank a Chinese fishing boat that was reported to have been fishing illegally in Argentine waters.[50][51]Partially to address this, a project for the re-focus of twoEspora-class corvetteson patrol duties was reportedly under development.[46][52]One of the corvettes subsequently selected for conversion to the offshore patrol role wasARAParker.[53]Subsequently in June 2024, the chief of the Argentine Navy, Counter Admiral Carlos María Allievi, suggested that the idea of converting any additional Espora-class vessels to the offshore patrol role had been abandoned.[54]

It remained to be determined how the several envisaged new-acquisition projects would be funded. For instance, the proposed submarine acquisition from Brazil would require extensive refurbishment of the vessels prior to being ready for renewed operational service with the Argentine Navy.[55]As of the end of 2022, the mooted submarine deal with Brazil had not yet been finalised and the process of refurbishment not yet begun. In 2021, one analyst noted that over the past thirty years the Argentine navy has lost many core capabilities, including its aircraft carrier (along with most of its fixed-wing combat aviation), submarines and area air defence vessels. Most of these seemed unlikely to be reconstituted.[56]


The Argentine navy has four main commands: High Seas Fleet, Submarine Force, Naval Aviation, and Naval Infantry (Marines). Additionally, on January 1 2022, a Joint Maritime Command was established under the Joint Chiefs of Staff to defend Argentina's maritime sovereignty.[57]

Sea Fleet[edit]

ARA La Argentina (D-11).

Puerto Belgrano Naval Base(Spanish:Base Naval Puerto Belgrano,abbreviatedBNPB) is the largest naval base of the Argentine Navy, situated next to Punta Alta, nearBahía Blanca,about 700 km (435 mi) south of Buenos Aires. Most of the fleet is based there.

Submarine Force[edit]

ARA Salta (S-31).

The Submarine Force Command (Spanish:Comando de la Fuerza de Submarinos,abbreviatedCOFS) was created when the Navy first started usingsubmarinesin 1927. TheTactical Divers Groupis under the submarine force command structure.[citation needed]However, as of 2020 there were no operational submarines in service.[58][59]

Naval Aviation[edit]

Super Étendardperforming aerial refueling.

The Naval Aviation Command (Spanish:Comando de Aviación Naval,abbreviatedCOAN) is thenaval aviationbranch. Argentina is one of two South American countries to have operated two aircraft carriers. However, neither remain in service. During the Falkland's War, Argentine naval aviation employed the Dassault-Breguet Super Étendard fighter and its Exocet air-to-surface missiles being responsible for the destruction of bothHMS Sheffieldas well as the merchant vesselAtlantic Conveyor.Efforts to upgrade and retain the Super Etendard in service were initially reported to have been abandoned in 2023 due to a combination of U.K. sanctions impacting the ability to obtain spare parts for the Martin Baker Mk. 6 ejection seats and due France's inability to provide other spare parts for the aging aircraft.[60]Five refurbished aircraft had been delivered from France in 2019. However, these aircraft have not been brought into service due to the spare parts problem.[61][62]Subsequent to the report that that aircraft would not be brought into service, the Argentine Navy issued a statement that the process had not in fact been abandoned.[63]In early 2024, it was reported that the Navy was still working to restore at least two of the aircraft to flying condition.[64]

Naval Infantry[edit]


TheNaval Infantry Command(Comando de Infantería de Marina) is the Argentine Navy's marine branch. Naval infantry have the same rank, insignia, and titles as the rest of the Navy, and are deployed abroad onUN peacekeeping missions.[65][66]

Hydrographic Service[edit]

TheArgentine Naval Hydrographic Service(Spanish:Servicio de Hidrografía Naval,abbreviatedSHN) provides nationalhydrographicsservices.[citation needed]

Joint Maritime Command[edit]

The Joint Maritime Command (CCM, in Spanish) was established on January 1, 2022 and brings togetherArgentine Army,Navy andAir Forceassets to combat maritime crime and to control ocean and river areas under its jurisdiction. Its principal maritime assets are the navy's patrol vessels, including itsGowind-classoffshore patrol vessels.[67]



Rank insignia consists of a variable number of gold-braid stripes worn on the sleeve cuffs or on shoulder-boards. Officers may be distinguished by the characteristic loop of the top stripe (in the manner of British Royal Navy officers). Combat uniforms may include metal pin-on or embroidered collar rank insignia. Rank insignia is worn on the chest when in shipboard or flying coveralls.

Officers are commissioned in either the Command (line) Corps (those who attend the Escuela Naval Militar- Military Naval College) or the Staff Corps (Professional Officers who only attend a short course in the Naval Academy after getting a civilian degree, except for the Paymasters who instead attend the Naval College).

The Line Corps is divided into three branches: the Naval branch (including Surface Warfare, Submarine Warfare and Naval Aviation sub-branches), the Marine Corps branch, and Executive -Engineering- branch. Line Corps' reserve officers are considered Restricted Line (Escalafon Complementario) officers in any of the Warfare Communities (Surface, Submarine, Marines, Aviation and Propulsion), and can only raise to OF-4 rank (Capitan de Fragata).

All Line Corps officers wear distinctive branch/sub-branch insignia on the right breast. Some Staff Corps officers also wear specialisation badges (Aviation, Surface, Submarine and Marines). Other common insignia is the Naval War College insignia, parachute wings, etc., also worn on the right breast. Medals and Ribbons, if awarded, are worn on the left breast, just above the chest pocket. The rank insignia of Staff Corps' officers is placed over a background colour denoting the wearer's field, such as purple (Chaplains), blue (Engineers), red (Health Corps), white (Paymasters), green (Judge Advocate Officers), brown (Technical Officers, promoted from the ranks) and grey (special branch). The background colour for Command Corps officers is navy blue/black.

Rank group General / flag officers Senior officers Junior officers Officer cadet
Argentine Navy[68]
Almirante Vicealmirante Contralmirante Comodoro de marina Capitán de navío Capitán de fragata Capitán de corbeta Teniente de navío Teniente de fragata Teniente de corbeta Guardia­marina

Enlisted ratings and Non-Commissioned Officers[edit]

Other ranks' insignia (not including Seamen) is worn on either shoulderboards or breast or sleeve patches. Seamen and Seamen Recruits wear their insignia on their sleeves. The shoulderboards denote the wearer's specialty.

Rank group Senior NCOs Junior NCOs Enlisted
Argentine Navy[68]
Suboficial mayor Suboficial principal Suboficial primero Suboficial segundo Cabo principal Cabo primero Cabo segundo Marinero primero Marinero segundo



Following a global trend, Argentine armed forces have prohibitedbeardssince the 1920s. This was reinforced in theCold Warera when they were deemed synonymous with leftist leanings. The only exception wereAntarcticservice within the three armed forces as a protection from cold weather, andsubmarineservice within theNavyas a way of saving water. However, shaving was mandatory upon return to headquarters.[citation needed]

In 2000 the Navy broke with this tradition within the Argentine armed forces as Adm. Joaquín Stella, then NavyChief of Staffallowed beards for officers with ranks aboveTeniente de Corbeta(Second Lieutenant), according to Section of the Navy Uniform regulations (R.A-1-001). Adm. Stella gave the example himself by becoming the first bearded Argentine admiral since Adm. Sáenz Valiente in the 1920s. Non commissioned officers can wear beards fromSuboficial Segundorank, and upwards. However, beards were prohibited again in 2016, except for some specific office positions.[citation needed]


See also[edit]


  1. ^.This forms the basis for the navy'sship prefix"ARA".



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  42. ^"La Armada Argentina negocia la compra de P-3 Orion y más helicópteros".Pucará Defensa.27 February 2023.
  43. ^"Firmaron un convenio para la adquisición de aeronaves P-3 Orion para la Armada Argentina".Government of Argentina.17 October 2023.
  44. ^Roldán, Juan José (28 December 2023)."Estos fueron los vehículos y aeronaves incorporadas por las Fuerzas Armadas Argentinas durante el año 2023".Zona Militar.
  45. ^Rivas, Santiago (27 March 2024)."La Armada Argentina inicia los pagos por los P-3 Orion, aunque la entrega aún se demora".Pucará Defense.
  46. ^ab"El Ministerio de Defensa delinea el reequipamiento de la Armada Argentina - Noticias Infodefensa América".10 August 2020.
  47. ^"Argentine Province of Buenos Aires, Defense Ministry sign cooperation deal".Mercopress.11 March 2023.
  48. ^Videla Solá, Mariano Germán (15 February 2024)."Mientras la región fortalece sus capacidades de transporte anfibio, la Armada Argentina aún analiza opciones para la incorporación de LPD o LST".Zona Militar.
  49. ^"Pesca ilegal chinesa prossegue no mar argentino".Estadão.10 January 2023.Retrieved28 February2023.
  50. ^"Argentina sinks Chinese fishing boat Lu Yan Yuan Yu 010".BBC.16 March 2016.Retrieved28 February2023.
  51. ^"El gobierno conformó una mesa interministerial para frenar la pesca extranjera ilegal".7 May 2020.
  52. ^"La Armada Argentina extenderá la vida útil de las MEKO 140".27 August 2020.
  53. ^"INVAP y CITEDEF junto a la Armada Argentina participarán del proyecto de modernización de la corbeta ARA Parker".Zona Militar.22 September 2022.Retrieved27 February2023.
  54. ^Rivas, Sangtiago (15 June 2024)."Pucará Defensa con el contraalmirante Allievi: Hacia dónde va la Armada Argentina".Pucará Defensa.Retrieved19 June2024.
  55. ^"Four non-operational Tupi-class subs to be transfered [sic] from Brazil to Argentina ".
  56. ^"Capacidades perdidas: La Armada que no pudo ser".26 February 2021.
  57. ^Delgado, Juan (30 June 2022)."Argentine Navy Strengthens Fleet to Combat Illegal Fishing".dialogo-americas.com.
  58. ^"Estiman que la llegada del próximo submarino operativo para Argentina demoraría de cinco a seis años".8 September 2020.
  59. ^"A. Rossi (Argentina):" Argentina tiene que tener una Fuerza Aérea con aviones supersónicos "(2) - Noticias Infodefensa América".23 December 2020.
  60. ^"El Ministerio de Defensa de Argentina decide frenar la recuperación de los Super Etendard".Pucará Defensa.18 May 2023.
  61. ^"Los Super Étendard argentinos estarían operativos en dos años - Noticias Infodefensa América".10 June 2020.
  62. ^"Argentine Navy warplanes still grounded due to lack of British-made spare parts".
  63. ^Morales, Fernando (24 May 2023)."La Armada Argentina sumará cuatro aeronaves para incrementar el control del mar nacional: los detalles técnicos y cuánto costarán".Infobae.
  64. ^"La Armada Argentina prepara la vuelta al servicio de los Super Etendard ante la llegada del portaviones USS George Washington".Zona Militar.8 April 2024.
  65. ^"Operaciones para el mantenimiento de la paz"(in Spanish). Argentina.gob.ar. 14 July 2018.Retrieved27 July2019.
  66. ^"Nuevo contingente de Cascos Azules parte hacia Chipre"(in Spanish). Gaceta Marinera. 22 February 2019.Retrieved27 July2019.
  67. ^Delgado, Juan (30 June 2022)."Argentine Navy Strengthens Fleet to Combat Illegal Fishing".dialogo-americas.com.
  68. ^ab"Grados Militares".fuerzas-armadas.mil.ar(in Spanish). Joint Chiefs of Staff (Argentina).Retrieved27 May2021.


  • Ehlers, Hartmut (2004). "The Paraguayan Navy: Past and Present, Part II".Warship International.XLI(2): 173–206.ISSN0043-0374.
  • Keltie, J.S., ed. (1900).The Statesman's Year-Book: Statistical and Historical Annual of the States of the World for the Year 1900.New York: Macmillan.

Further reading[edit]

  • Guia de los buques de la Armada Argentina 2005–2006.Ignacio Amendolara Bourdette,ISBN987-43-9400-5,Editor n/a. (Spanish/English text)

External links[edit]