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Arrowhead matrix

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In themathematicalfield oflinear algebra,anarrowhead matrixis asquare matrixcontaining zeros in all entries except for the first row, first column, and main diagonal, these entries can be any number.[1][2]In other words, the matrix has the form

Any symmetric permutation of the arrowhead matrix,,wherePis apermutation matrix,is a(permuted) arrowhead matrix.Real symmetric arrowhead matrices are used in some algorithms for finding ofeigenvaluesandeigenvectors.[3]

Real symmetric arrowhead matrices


LetAbe a real symmetric (permuted) arrowhead matrix of the form

whereis diagonal matrix of ordern−1,is a vector andis a scalar. Note that here the arrow is pointing to the bottom right.


be theeigenvalue decompositionofA,where is a diagonal matrix whose diagonal elements are theeigenvaluesofA,and is an orthonormal matrix whose columns are the correspondingeigenvectors.The following holds:

  • Iffor somei,then the pair,whereis thei-thstandard basisvector, is an eigenpair ofA.Thus, all such rows and columns can be deleted, leaving the matrix with all.
  • TheCauchy interlacing theoremimplies that the sorted eigenvalues ofAinterlace the sorted elements:if(this can be attained by symmetric permutation of rows and columns without loss of generality), and ifs are sorted accordingly, then.
  • If,for some,the above inequality implies thatis an eigenvalue ofA.The size of the problem can be reduced by annihilatingwith aGivens rotationin the-plane and proceeding as above.

Symmetric arrowhead matrices arise in descriptions of radiationlesstransitionsin isolated molecules and oscillators vibrationally coupled with aFermi liquid.[4]

Eigenvalues and eigenvectors


A symmetric arrowhead matrix isirreducibleiffor alliandfor all.Theeigenvaluesof an irreducible real symmetric arrowhead matrix are the zeros of thesecular equation

which can be, for example, computed by thebisection method.The correspondingeigenvectorsare equal to

Direct application of the above formula may yield eigenvectors which are not numerically sufficiently orthogonal.[1] The forward stable algorithm which computes each eigenvalue and each component of the corresponding eigenvector to almost full accuracy is described in.[2]TheJuliaversion of the software is available.[5]



LetAbe an irreducible real symmetric (permuted) arrowhead matrix of the form

Iffor alli,the inverse is arank-one modification of a diagonal matrix(diagonal-plus-rank-onematrix orDPR1):


Iffor somei,the inverse is a permuted irreducible real symmetric arrowhead matrix:



  1. ^abO'Leary, D. P.;Stewart, G. W. (1990)."Computing the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of symmetric arrowhead matrices".Journal of Computational Physics.90(2): 497–505.Bibcode:1990JCoPh..90..497O.doi:10.1016/0021-9991(90)90177-3.
  2. ^abJakovcevic Stor, Nevena; Slapnicar, Ivan; Barlow, Jesse L. (2015). "Accurate eigenvalue decomposition of real symmetric arrowhead matrices and applications".Linear Algebra and Its Applications.464:62–89.arXiv:1302.7203.doi:10.1016/j.laa.2013.10.007.S2CID119640612.
  3. ^Gu, Ming; Eisenstat, Stanley C. (1995)."A Divide-and-Conquer Algorithm for the Symmetric Tridiagonal Eigenproblem".SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications.16:172–191.doi:10.1137/S0895479892241287.
  4. ^O'Leary, D.P.; Stewart, G.W. (October 1990)."Computing the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of symmetric arrowhead matrices".Journal of Computational Physics.90(2): 497–505.Bibcode:1990JCoPh..90..497O.doi:10.1016/0021-9991(90)90177-3.
  5. ^"Arrowhead.jl"