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Artuqid State
Artuklu Beyliği
CapitalHasankeyf,Diyarbakır,Harput,Mardin,in chronological order
Common languagesTurkish,Arabic,Syriac
Sunni Islam
• Establishment
• Takeover byZengid Dynasty(Aleppo)
• Vassal of theAyyubid Sultanate(Hasenkeyf)
• Takeover bySultanate of Rum(Harput)
• Annexation byKara Koyunlu(Mardin)
Preceded by
Succeeded by
Seljuk Empire
Marwanids (Diyar Bakr)
Kara Koyunlu
Today part ofSyria

TheArtuqid dynasty(alternativelyArtukid,Ortoqid,orOrtokid;Turkish:Artuklu Beyliği, Artuklular,pl.Artukoğulları;Turkmen:Artykly begligi, Artykogullary;Azerbaijani:Artuklu bəyliyi, Artıqlılar) was established in 1102 as anAnatolian Beylik(Principality) of theSeljuk Empire.It formed aTurkomandynasty rooted in theOghuzDöğertribe, and followed theSunni Muslimfaith.[1][2][3]It ruled in easternAnatolia,NorthernSyriaand NorthernIraqin the eleventh through thirteenth centuries. The Artuqid dynasty took its name from its founder,Artuk Bey,who was of the Döger branch of theOghuz Turksand ruled one of the Turkmenbeyliksof theSeljuk Empire.Artuk's sons and descendants ruled the three branches in the region:Sökmen'sdescendants ruled the region aroundHasankeyfbetween 1102 and 1231;Ilghazi'sbranch ruled fromMardinandMayyafariqinbetween 1106 and 1186 (until 1409 as vassals) andAleppofrom 1117–1128; and theHarputline starting in 1112 under the Sökmen branch, and was independent between 1185 and 1233.


City walls of Diyarbakır.

The dynasty was founded byArtuk,son of Eksük, a general originally underMalik-Shah Iand then under theSeljuk emir of Damascus,Tutush I.Tutush appointed Artuk governor ofJerusalemin 1086. Artuk died in 1091, and was succeeded by his sonsSökmenandIlghaziwho were expelled from Jerusalem by theFatimidvizieral-Afdal Shahanshahin 1098; the Fatimids lost the city to theCrusadersthe following year after thesiege of Jerusalem of 1099.[4]

Sökmen and Ilghazi established themselves inDiyarbakır,Mardin,andHasankeyfinal-Jazirawhere they came into conflict with theSeljuk sultanate.Sökmen,beyof Mardin, defeated the Crusaders at theBattle of Harranin 1104. Ilghazi succeeded Sökmen in Mardin and imposed his control overAleppoat the request of theqadiIbn al-Khashshabin 1118. The next year,Ilghazidefeated the Crusader statePrincipality of Antiochat theBattle of Ager Sanguinisof 1119.[4]

The "Sheikh"ofDiyarbakırin Turkic dress, wearing thesharbūshwith tall cap.[5][6]Painted inAmid,modern-dayDiyarbakır,Turkey, ca. 1200–1210, probably Artukid (Maqamat al-Hariri,BNF Arabe 3929).[7][8]

After pillaging theCounty of Edessa,Ilghazi made peace with the Crusaders. In 1121, he went north towardsArmeniawith his son-in-lawMazyadDubais II ibn Sadaqah and Sultan Malik ofGanja.Ilghazi invaded Georgia and was defeated byDavid IV of Georgiaat theBattle of Didgoriof 1121. Ilghazi died in 1122, and although his nephewBelek Ghazinominally controlled Aleppo, the city was really controlled by ibn al-Khashshab. Ibn al-Kashshab was murdered byAssassinsin 1125, and Aleppo fell under the control ofZengi,atabeg of Mosul,in 1128. After the death of Belek Ghazi, the Artuqids were split between Harput, Hasankeyf and Mardin. Sokman's sonRukn al-Dawla Dāʾūd,bey of Hasankeyf, died in 1144, and was succeeded by his sonKara Aslan.Kara Aslan allied withJoscelin II of Edessaagainst theZengids,and while Joscelin was away in 1144, Zengi recapturedEdessa,the first of theCrusader statesto fall (seeSiege of Edessa). The Artuqids became vassals of the Zengids during the reign ofNur al-Din Zengi(r. 1146–1174).[9]

Kara Aslan's sonNūr al-Dīn Muḥammadallied with theAyyubidsultanSaladinagainstKilij Arslan II,Seljuk sultan of Rûm,whose daughter had married Nur ad-Din Muhammad. In the peace settlement with Kilij Arslan II, Saladin gained control of the Artuqid territory, even though the Artuqids were still technically vassals ofMosul,which Saladin did not control.[9]The Seljuk Empire completely disintegrated soon after that in 1194.[4]

The Artuqid dynasty remained in nominal command of al-Jazira, but their power declined under Ayyubid rule. The Hasankeyf branch conquered Diyarbakır in 1198 and its center was moved here, but was demolished by the Ayyubids in 1231 when it attempted to form an alliance with the Seljuks. The Harput branch was destroyed by the Sultanate of Rum due to following a slippery policy between the Ayyubids and Seljuqs. The Mardin branch survived for longer, but as a vassal of theAyyubids,Sultanate of Rûm,Il-Khanateand theTimurids.[9]Qara Arslan(r.1260-1292), ruler of Mardin, submitted to the MongolHulegu.[9]TheKara Koyunlucaptured Mardin and finally put an end to Artuqid rule in 1409.[4]


Malabadi Bridgewas built by the Artuqids.[10]

Despite their constant preoccupation with war, members of the Artuqid dynasty left many architectural monuments. Artuqid rulers commissioned many public buildings, such as mosques, bazaars, bridges, hospitals and baths for the benefit of their subjects. They left an important cultural heritage by contributing to literature and the art of metalworking.The door and door handlesof the great Mosque of Cizre are unique examples of Artuqid metal working craftsmanship, which can be seen in theTurkish and Islamic Arts Museumin Istanbul, Turkey.

They made the most significant additions toDiyarbakır City Walls.Urfa Gate was rebuilt by Muhammad, son of Kara Arslan. In the same area of the western wall, south of Urfa Gate, two imposing towers,Ulu BedenandYedi Kardeşwere commissioned in 1208 by the Artuqid ruler Nāṣir al-Dīn Maḥmūd who designed the Yedi Kardeş tower himself and apposed the Artuqid double-headed eagle on its walls.

A largecaravanseraiin Mardin as well as thecivil engineeringfeat ofMalabadi Bridgeare still in regular use in our day. The partially standingOld Bridge, Hasankeyf,was built in 1116 by Kara Arslan.

The Great Mosques ofMardinandSilvanwere possibly but in any case considerably developed over the 12th century by several Artuqid rulers on the basis of existing Seljuk edifices. The congregational mosque of Dunaysir (nowKızıltepe) was commissioned by Yülük Arslan (1184–1203) and completed after his death in 1204 by his brother Artuk Arslan (1203–1239).



The Artuqids are known for their sponsoring of literary works in Arabic.[13]A copy ofal-Sufi's book on astronomyThe Book of Fixed Stars,a synthesis ofPtolemy’sAlmagestand Arabic astronomical traditions, was made in 1131 in ArtuqidMardin.[14]Kara Arslan(1148–1174 CE) commissionned a new Arabic translation ofDe Materia Medicaby anArab Christianauthor named Abu Salim al-Malti, probably fromMalatya.[13]

The Artuqid rulerNasr al-Din Mahmud(r. 1201–1222) is known to have commisionned an edition of theAl-Jāmi‘ fī ṣinā‘at al-ḥiyalofIbn al-Razzaz al-Jazari,devoted to the depiction of mechanical devices, in April 1206 at the Artuqid court (Ahmet III 3472,Topkapı Sarayı Library).[15][16]The miniatures are thought to reflect various aspects of the Artuqid court at the time.[15]Ibn al-Razzaz al-Jazariwas employed at the Artuqid court during the last quarter of the 12th century, and this is the earliest known manuscript of his opus.[16]Many of the figures in the manuscript wear the characteristic Turkic dress, with long coat and boots, and thesharbushheadgear (of a special type seen only in Artuqid manuscripts, with a very tall cap behind the headplate and the limited usage of fur around the rim).[17]

An early edition of theMaqamat al-Hariri(Bibliothèque Nationale de France,Arabe 3929) is also considered as probably belonging to the same Artuqid school of painting.[18]

List of rulers


The major branches of the Artuqid dynasty were those based in Hasankeyf, Harput, Mardin and Aleppo.[21]

Hasankeyf branch


This branch was initially based atHasankeyf(Ḥiṣn Kaifā). The capital moved toDiyarbakır(Amid) in 1183.

Portrait ofNasir al-Din Artuq Arslan,probably Mardin, dated AH 611 (1214-5 CE)

Following the rule of Rukn al-Dīn Mawdūd, the territories of the Hasankeyf branch of the Artuqids were taken over by theAyyubids.

Harput branch


TheHarputbranch was initially part of the Hasankeyf branch until 1185, gaining independence from Kara Arslan.

  • Imad ud-din Abu Bakr, son ofKara Arslan,1185–1204
  • Ibrahim ibn Abu Bakr, son of Abu Bakr, 1203–1223
  • Ahmad Khidr, son of Ibrahim, 1223–1234
  • Artuq Shah, son of Ahmad Khidr, 1234.[23]

Harput was conquered byKayqubad I,Seljuk sultan of Rûm, in 1234, as part of his conquering of Anatolia.

Mardin branch


The Mardin branch of the Artuqids ruled inMardinandMayyafariqinfrom 1101–1409 and were primarily descendants of Ilghazi and his brother Alp-Yaruq.

Turk seated facing with legs crossed, holding sword and crowned severed head, with legend to left "Nur al-Din Atabeg" (نور الدين اتا / بك), probably theZengidrulerNur al-Din Arslan Shah I,on a coin of the ArtuqidHusam al-Din Yuluq Arslan,dated AH 596 (1199-1200 CE).[24][25]
Coinage ofArtuk Arslan.Dated 1237-8 CE
  • Yāqūti, son of Alp-Yaruq (son ofArtuk), 1101–1104
  • 'Ali ibn Yāqūti, son of Yāqūti, 1104
  • Sökmen,son of Artuk, 1101–1104
  • Ilghazi,son of Artuk, 1107–1122
  • Timurtash,son of Ilghazi, 1122–1154
  • Alpï I,son of Timurtash, 1154–1176
  • Ilghazi II,son of Alpï I, 1176–1184
  • Yülük Arslan,son of Ilghazi II, 1184–1203
  • Artuk Arslan,son of Yülük Arslan, 1203–1239
  • Al-Sa'id Najm al-Din Ghazi I, son of Yülük Arslan, 1239–1260
  • Al-Muzaffar Fakhr al-Din Kara Arslan,son of Ghazi I, 1260–1292. Submitted toHulegu.[4]
  • Al-Sa'id Shams al-Din Dāwūd I, son of al-Muzaffar Fakhr al-Din Kara Arslan, 1292–1294
  • Al-Mansur Najm al-Din Ghazi II, son of al-Muzaffar Fakhr al-Din Kara Arslan, 1294–1312
  • 'Ali Alpï II, son of Ghazi II, 1312
  • As-Salih Shams al-Din Mahmūd (Mahmūd), son of Ghazi II, 1312–1364
  • Al-Mansur Husam al-Din Ahmad, son of Mahmūd, 1364–1367
  • As-Salih Shams al-Din Mahmūd (second rule), 1367
  • Al-Muzaffar Fakhr al-Din Dāwūd II, son of Mahmūd, 1367–1376
  • Al-Zahir Majd al-Din 'Isā, son of Dāwūd II, 1376–1407
  • Al-Salih Şhihab al-Din Ahmad, son of Al-Zahir Majd al-Din 'Isā, 1407–1409.

Mardinwas conquered by theKara Koyunlu,aTurkomantribe, in 1409.[4]

Aleppo subbranch


The Artuqid branch that ruled Aleppo was an offshoot of the Mardin branch and included descendants of Ilghazi and his brothers Abd al-Jabar and Bahram ibn Artuk. See alsoRulers of Aleppo.

  • Ilghazi,son ofArtuk,1117–1121
  • Badr ad-Dawlah Süleiman, son of Abd al-Jabar (son of Artuk), 1121–1123
  • Belek Ghazi,son of Bahram ibn Artuk (son of Artuk), 1123–1124
  • Timurtash,son of Ilghazi, 1124–1125[26]
  • [Seljuks underal-Bursuqiand various others, 1125–1127]
  • Badr ad-Dawlah Süleiman (second rule), 1127–1128.

Aleppowas taken byZengiin 1128 and ruled by theZengid dynastyuntil 1183.



Artuqids coinage was very figural, "with its apparent classical and Byzantine motifs and representations".[4]

See also



  1. ^Clifford Edmund Bosworth,The Mediaeval Islamic Underworld: The Banū Sāsān in Arabic life and lore,(E.J. Brill, 1976), 107, 134; "The Artuqids, descendants of Artuq b. Ekseb, were a Turkmen dynasty established in Diyarbakr..."
  2. ^Islamic Desk Reference,ed. E. J. Van Donzel, (Brill, 1994), 39; "Artuqids. Turkmen dynasty which reigned over...."
  3. ^"Артук Гази, артукиды и их первые тюркские бейлики в Анатолии"(in Russian). TRT Russian. 22 December 2016. Archived fromthe originalon 9 November 2016.Retrieved27 April2019.
  4. ^abcdefghBosworth, C. E. (1 June 2019).The New Islamic Dynasties: A Chronological and Genealogical Manual.Edinburg University Press. p. 195-196.doi:10.1515/9781474464628.ISBN978-1-4744-6462-8.
  5. ^Picture from Maqamat 43 "Encounter at Al-Bakriya"[1]."Al-Bakriya" =Diyar Bakr,seeEger, A. Asa (18 November 2014).The Islamic-Byzantine Frontier: Interaction and Exchange Among Muslim and Christian Communities.Bloomsbury Publishing.ISBN978-0-85772-685-8.
  6. ^Shah, Amina (1980).The assemblies of al-Hariri: fifty encounters with the Shaykh Abu Zayd of Seruj.London: Octagon Press. pp. 212–220.ISBN978-0-900860-86-7.
  7. ^Balafrej, Lamia (19 December 2022)."Automated Slaves, Ambivalent Images, and Noneffective Machines in al-Jazari's Compendium of the Mechanical Arts, 1206".Inquiries into Art.History: 766, Fig.11.doi:10.11588/xxi.2022.4.91685.
  8. ^Contadini, Anna (2012).A world of beasts: a thirteenth-century illustrated Arabic book on animals (the Kitāb Na't al-Ḥayawān) in the Ibn Bakhtīshū' tradition.Leiden Boston: Brill. p. 120, Fig 45.ISBN978-90-04-20100-2.
  9. ^abcdBosworth, C. E. (1 June 2019).The New Islamic Dynasties: A Chronological and Genealogical Manual.Edinburgh University Press. pp. 195–196.doi:10.1515/9781474464628.ISBN978-1-4744-6462-8.The rise of the Zangids halted the Artuqids' expansionist plans, and they had to become vassals of Nur al-Din. Then the Ayyubids whittled their power down further, and they lost Hisn Kayfa, Amid and Mayyafariqin to them. In the early thirteenth century, they were for a time vassals of the Rum Seljuqs and of the Khwarazm Shah Jalal al-Dln Mengiibirti. Eventually, only the Mardln line survived, with Qara Arslan submitting to the Mongol II Khan Hulegu.
  10. ^*Hillenbrand, Carole(1979).The History of the Jazīra 1100-1150: the contribution of Ibn Al-Azraq al-Fāriqī(PhD thesis). University of Edinburgh. p. 314, 317, 444, 445–447, 500, 549.hdl:1842/7341.
  11. ^Court and Cosmos: The Great Age of the Seljuqs - MetPublications - The Metropolitan Museum of Art.Metropolitan Museum of Art. 2016. p. 57, item 7.
  12. ^Court and Cosmos: The Great Age of the Seljuqs - MetPublications - The Metropolitan Museum of Art.Metropolitan Museum of Art. 2016. p. 58.
  13. ^abSnelders 2010,p. Chapter 4, 4th page.
  14. ^Topkapı Palace Museum Library, TSMK, A. 3493 inAtbaş, Zeynep (1 August 2019).Artistic Aspects of Sultan Bayezid II's Book Treasury Collection: Extant Volumes Preserved at the Topkapı Palace Museum Library (Treasures of Knowledge: An Inventory of the Ottoman Palace Library (1502/3-1503/4) (2 vols)).Brill. p. 195.doi:10.1163/9789004402508_005.
  15. ^abcdBalafrej, Lamia (19 December 2022)."Automated Slaves, Ambivalent Images, and Noneffective Machines in al-Jazari's Compendium of the Mechanical Arts, 1206".Inquiries into Art.History: 739–741.doi:10.11588/xxi.2022.4.91685.
  16. ^abWard, Rachel (1 January 1985)."Evidence for a School of Painting at the Artuqid Court".Oxford Studies in Islamic Art, Vol. 1, Pp. 69-83:69.
  17. ^Ward, Rachel (1 January 1985)."Evidence for a School of Painting at the Artuqid Court".Oxfod Studies in Islamic Art, Vol. 1, Pp. 69-83:77.
  18. ^abWard, Rachel (1 January 1985)."Evidence for a School of Painting at the Artuqid Court".Oxfod Studies in Islamic Art, Vol. 1, Pp. 69-83:76–77.
  19. ^Atbaş, Zeynep (1 August 2019).Artistic Aspects of Sultan Bayezid II's Book Treasury Collection: Extant Volumes Preserved at the Topkapı Palace Museum Library (Treasures of Knowledge: An Inventory of the Ottoman Palace Library (1502/3-1503/4) (2 vols)).Brill. pp. 161–211.doi:10.1163/9789004402508_005.Manuscript "Ahmet III 3493"
  20. ^Balafrej, Lamia (19 December 2022)."Automated Slaves, Ambivalent Images, and Noneffective Machines in al-Jazari's Compendium of the Mechanical Arts, 1206".Inquiries into Art.History: 768.doi:10.11588/xxi.2022.4.91685.
  21. ^Bosworth, Clifford E.,The New Islamic Dynasties: A Chronological and Genealogical Manual,Columbia University Press, New York, 1996, pgs. 194-196
  22. ^abcdWhelan 1988,p. 146.
  23. ^Öztuna, Yılmaz, "Devletler ve Hanedanlar" Cilt:2, Kültür Bakanlığı Yayınları, Ankara (1996), s.43
  24. ^Spengler, William F.; Sayles, Wayne G. (1992).Turkoman Figural Bronze Coins and Their Iconography: The Artuquids.Clio's Cabinet. p. 113.ISBN978-1-879080-02-7.But who was the "Nur al - Din Atabeg" featured on the obverse side of most coins of this type, and why was he also recognized? He is not further identified on the coins, but the most logical candidate would appear to be Nur al - Din Arslan Shah I, the Zengid Atabeg of Mosul ( 589-607 / 1193-1210 ), the only atabeg with the laqab Nur al - Din known to have been active at that time. This identification was first advanced by Mitchiner in 1977 and was repeated by Hennequin in the Paris catalog.
  25. ^Künker, Fritz Rudolf.Künker Auktion 137 - The De Wit Collection of Medieval Coins, 1000 Years of European Coinage, Part III: England, Ireland, Scotland, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Balkan, the Middle East, Crusader States, Jetons und Weights.Numismatischer Verlag Künker. p. 391.But who was the "Nur al-Din Atabeg" featured on the obverse side of most coins of this type, and why was he also recognized? He is Nur al-Din Arslan Shah I, the Zengid Atabeg of Mosul (1193-1210), which was discovered by Mitchiner in 1977. Why the Artuqid Yuluq Arslan of Mardin should put his rival's name on his coins is not altogether clear
  26. ^Öztuna, Yılmaz, "Devletler ve Hanedanlar" Cilt:2, Kültür Bakanlığı Yayınları, Ankara (1996), s.43–44

