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Arundina graminifoliainKerala
Scientific classificationEdit this classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Clade: Tracheophytes
Clade: Angiosperms
Clade: Monocots
Order: Asparagales
Family: Orchidaceae
Subfamily: Epidendroideae
Tribe: Arethuseae
Subtribe: Arethusinae
Genus: Arundina
A. graminifolia
Binomial name
Arundina graminifolia
  • Bletia graminifoliaD.Don
  • Arundina bambusifoliaLindl.
  • Cymbidium bambusifoliumRoxb.
  • Arundina chinensisBlume
  • Arundina speciosaBlume(type species)[2]
  • Arundina densaLindl.
  • Cymbidium meyeniiSchauer
  • Arundina meyenii(Schauer) Rchb.f.
  • Arundina philippiiRchb.f.
  • Arundina pulchellaTeijsm. & Binn.
  • Cymbidium speciosumReinw. ex Lindl.
  • Arundina pulchraMiq.
  • Arundina densifloraHook.f.
  • Limodorum graminifoliumBuch.-Ham. ex Hook.f.
  • Arundina sanderianaKraenzl.
  • Arundina speciosavar.sarasinorumSchltr.
  • Arundina maculataJ.J.Sm.
  • Arundina chinensisvar.majorS.Y.Hu
  • Arundina graminifoliavar.chinensis(Blume) S.S.Ying

Arundina graminifoliais aspeciesoforchidand the sole accepted species of the genusArundina.ThistropicalAsiaticgenus extends fromMyanmar,India,Sri Lanka,Nepal,Thailand,Vietnam,theRyukyu Islands,Malaysia,Singapore,ChinatoIndonesia,thePhilippinesandNew Guinea.It has become naturalized inRéunion,Fiji,French Polynesia,Micronesia,theWest Indies,Costa Rica,Panama,Belize,andHawaii.[3][5]It is also calledbamboo orchid.[6]


botanical illustration from 1883

Arundina graminifoliais a terrestrial, perennial orchid with reedystems,forming into large clumps growing to a height between 70 cm and 2 m.

The plaited linearleavesare oblong lanceolate, with a length of 9 to 19 cm and a width of 0.8 to 1.5 cm. Theapexis acuminate. There are amplexicaul (clasping the stem) sheathingstipules.

This orchid blooms in summer and autumn, showing rather open clusters of showy terminalflowers,ten at the most. They bloom in succession on the terminalracemes,which are 7 to 16 cm long. These flowers, 5–8 cm in diameter, are a rosy lilac and white disc with a purplelip.The bracts are broadly triangular and surround the main stalk of the flower cluster. The occasional fertilized seed pods contain minute powdery seeds, and small plants often develop near the cane ends after flowering, which likely aid in propagation if allowed to reach the soil.

At one point in time only 200 of the plants were recorded growing naturally inSingapore,rendering the species close to extinction. This was due to the destruction of its natural habitat, namely therainforestsandmangroveforests. However, through replanting efforts byNParks,the species is now listed as a "common" cultivated plant.[7]InMalaysiaA. graminifoliais commonly calledtapahand can be found in secondary forests or at forest fringes. It is very common in road cuts and other disturbed areas in full sun inSarawak,where it is often the most common flowering plant seen along the roadsides.

Arundina gramnifolia in Hawai'i

It isinvasiveon the big island ofHawaiiand common there in mid-mountain areas.



Two varieties are currently recognized (May 2014):[3]

  • Arundina graminifoliavar.graminifolia
  • Arundina graminifoliavar.revoluta(Hook.f.) A.L.Lamb in C.L.Chan. & al.– fromAssamandSri Lankaeast toVietnamand south toJava


  1. ^Blume, Carl (Karl) Ludwig von. 1825. Bijdragen tot de flora van Nederlandsch Indië 8: 401
  2. ^lectotype designated by Garay et Sweet, Orchids S. Ryukyu Islands 52. 1974
  3. ^abcKew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families,Arundina graminifolia
  4. ^Kew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families,Arundina graminifoliasubsp.graminifolia
  5. ^US Department of Agriculture Plants profile
  6. ^See e.g. Das, S & Duttachoudhury, Manabendra & Mazumder, Pranab. (2013). In vitro propagation of Arundina graminifolia D. Don. Hochr - A bamboo orchid. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research. 6. 156-158.
  7. ^"Arundina graminifolia".www.singapore.biodiversity.online.Retrieved2022-12-09.