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Atlantic Revolutions

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Atlantic Revolutions
Part of theAge of Revolution
Clockwise from top:
Date22 March 1765 – 4 December 1838
(73 years, 8 months, 1 week and 5 days)
Caused by
Resulted inMultiple revolutions and wars across the Atlantic world, including theAmerican Revolutionary War,French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars,and theSpanish American wars of independence

TheAtlantic Revolutions(19 April 1775 – 4 December 1838) were numerous revolutions in theAtlantic Worldin the late 18th and early 19th century. Following theAge of Enlightenment,ideas critical ofabsolutist monarchiesbegan to spread. Arevolutionary wavesoon occurred, with the aim of ending monarchical rule, emphasizing the ideals of theEnlightenment,and spreadingliberalism.

Other revolutions inWest Africaemphasized forms ofIslamthat were egalitarian in comparison to traditional forms.[1]

In 1755, early signs of governmental changes occurred with the formation of theCorsican RepublicandPontiac's War.The largest of these early revolutions was theAmerican Revolutionbeginning in 1775, which founded theUnited States of America.[2]The American Revolution inspired other movements, including theFrench Revolutionin 1789 and theHaitian Revolutionin 1791. These revolutions were based on the equivocation of personal freedom with the right to own property — a concept spread byEdmund Burke— and on the equality of all men, an idea expressed inconstitutionswritten as a result of these revolutions.


Atree of libertytopped with aPhrygian capset up inMainzin 1793. Such symbols were used by several revolutionary movements of the time.

It took place in both the Americas and Europe, including theUnited States(1775–1783),Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth(1788–1792), France and French-controlled Europe (1789–1814),Haiti(1791–1804),Ireland(1798) andSpanish America(1810–1825).[3]There were smaller upheavals in Switzerland, Russia, and Brazil. The revolutionaries in each country knew of the others and to some degree were inspired by or emulated them.[4]

Independence movements in theNew Worldbegan with theAmerican Revolution,1775–1783, in which France, the Netherlands and Spain assisted the new United States of America as it secured independence fromBritain.In the 1790s theHaitian Revolutionbroke out. With Spain tied down in European wars, the mainlandSpanish coloniessecured independence around 1820.[5]

Bastille Day, 1792, Belfast, Ireland. Volunteer companies parade "The Colours of Five Free Nations, viz.: Flag of Ireland – motto, Unite and be free. Flag of America – motto, The Asylum of Liberty. Flag of France – motto, The Nation, the Law, and the King. Flag of Poland – motto, We will support it. Flag of Great Britain – motto, Wisdom, Spirit, and Liberality."[6]

In long-term perspective, the revolutions were mostly successful. They spread widely the ideals ofliberalism,republicanism,the overthrow of aristocracies, kings and established churches. They emphasized the universal ideals of theEnlightenment,such as the equality of all men, including equal justice under law by disinterested courts as opposed to particular justice handed down at the whim of a local noble. They showed that the modern notion of revolution, of starting fresh with a radically new government, could actually work in practice. Revolutionary mentalities were born and continue to flourish to the present day.[7]

The common Atlantic theme breaks down to some extent from reading the works ofEdmund Burke.Burke firstly supported the American colonists in 1774 in "On American Taxation",and took the view that their property and other rights were being infringed by the crown without their consent. In apparent contrast, Burke distinguished and deplored the process of the French revolution inReflections on the Revolution in France(1790), as in this case property, customary and religious rights were being removed summarily by the revolutionaries and not by the crown. In both cases he was followingMontesquieu's theory that the right to own property is an essential element of personal freedom.

The American Revolution, a pivotal event in the broader context of Atlantic revolutions, led to the emergence of the United States as an independent nation. Its ripple effects resonated across the Atlantic, influencing subsequent independence movements and revolutions in Europe and the Americas. For instance, the Haitian Revolution erupted in the 1790s, challenging colonial rule and inspiring aspirations for freedom and equality. Similarly, mainland Spanish colonies secured their independence around 1820 amid the turmoil of European wars. These interconnected revolutions, fueled by ideals of liberalism and republicanism, sought to overthrow entrenched aristocracies and establish governments based on the principles of the Enlightenment. The revolutionary fervor underscored the belief in the possibility of creating radically new governments founded on the principles of justice and equality, a sentiment that continues to resonate in modern times. However, the Atlantic theme of revolution faced complexities and nuances, as highlighted in the contrasting views of figures like Edmund Burke, who supported the American colonists' fight against unjust taxation but criticized the French Revolution for its perceived violation of property and religious rights.

National revolutions






Various connecting threads among these varied uprisings include a concern for the "Rights of Man" and freedom of the individual; an idea (often predicated onJohn LockeorJean-Jacques Rousseau) of popular sovereignty; belief in a "social contract",which in turn was often codified in writtenconstitutions;a certain complex of religious convictions often associated withdeismand characterized by veneration of reason; abhorrence offeudalismand often ofmonarchyitself. The Atlantic Revolutions also had many shared symbols, including the name "Patriot"used by so many revolutionary groups; the slogan of"Liberty";theliberty cap;Lady Liberty or Marianne;thetree of libertyorliberty pole,and so on.

Important individuals during the revolutions

Name of person or movement Allegiance Life
Benjamin Franklin United States 1706–1790
Israel Putnam United States 1718–1790
Samuel Adams United States 1722–1803
Richard Price United States
Pasquale Paoli Corsica 1725–1807
Horatio Gates United States 1727–1806
Guillaume de Bellecombe Haiti 1728–1792
George Washington United States 1732–1799
Joseph Priestley United States 1733–1804
John Adams United States 1735–1826
Patrick Henry United States 1736–1799
Thomas Paine United States 1737–1809
Ethan Allen United States
Nathanael Greene United States 1742–1786
Toussaint Louverture Haiti 1743–1803
Thomas Jefferson United States 1743–1826
John Jay United States 1745–1829
Tadeusz Kościuszko Poland–Lithuania
United States
John Paul Jones United States 1747–1792
Francisco de Miranda Venezuela
United States
Henry Knox United States 1750–1806
James Madison United States 1751–1836
Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla Mexico 1753–1811
Alexander Hamilton United States 1755–1804
Marquis de Lafayette United States
Maximilien Robespierre France 1758–1794
Georges Danton France 1759–1794
Wolfe Tone Ireland 1763–1798
José Gervasio Artigas Liga Federal
Río de la Plata
José María Morelos Mexico 1765–1815
Antonio Nariño Colombia
New Granada
Camilo Torres Tenorio New Granada 1766–1816
Francisco José de Caldas New Granada 1768–1816
Napoleon Bonaparte France 1769–1821
Manuel Belgrano Río de la Plata 1770–1820
Cristóbal Mendoza Venezuela 1772–1829
Manuel Piar Venezuela 1774–1817
José Félix Ribas Venezuela 1775–1815
Thomas Cochrane Chile
José de San Martín Río de la Plata
Bernardo O'Higgins Chile 1778–1842
Jørgen Jørgensen Iceland 1780–1841
Vicente Guerrero Mexico 1782–1831
Mariano Montilla Colombia
New Granada
Simón Bolívar Colombia
New Granada
Agustín de Iturbide Mexico 1783–1824
José Miguel Carrera Chile 1785–1821
Gregor MacGregor New Granada
Louis-Joseph Papineau Lower Canada 1787–1871
Rafael Urdaneta Colombia
Santiago Mariño Venezuela
Charles Deslondes Louisiana slaves 1789–1811
José Antonio Páez Venezuela
Samuel Lount Canada 1791–1838
Francisco de Paula Santander Colombia
New Granada
Antonio López de Santa Anna Mexico 1794–1876
Antonio José de Sucre Colombia
William Lyon Mackenzie Canada 1795–1861
Pedro I of Brazil Brazil 1798–1834
Alexis de Tocqueville France 1805–1859

Important organizations or movements during the revolutions

Name Region
Society of the United Scotsmen Great Britain
Sons of Liberty United States
Patriottentijd Netherlands
Jacobin Club France
Société des amis des Noirs France
Society of the Friends of the People Great Britain
London Corresponding Society Great Britain
Lautaro Lodge Hispanic America
Société des Fils de la Liberté Lower Canada

See also



  1. ^Getz, Trevor."READ: West Africa in the Age of Revolutions".Khan Academy.Retrieved2024-04-19.
  2. ^"Timeline of the Revolution".nps.gov.
  3. ^Wim Klooster,Revolutions in the Atlantic World: A Comparative History(2009)
  4. ^Laurent Dubois and Richard Rabinowitz, eds.Revolution!: The Atlantic World Reborn(2011)
  5. ^Jaime E. Rodríguez O.,The Independence of Spanish America(1998)
  6. ^Madden, Richard (1843).The United Irishmen, Their Lives and Times(30 May 2020 ed.). Belfast: J. Madden & Company. p. 179.
  7. ^Robert R. Palmer,The Age of the Democratic Revolution: A Political History of Europe and America, 1760–1800.(2 vol, 1959–1964)

Further reading

  • Canny, Nicholas, and Philip Morgan, eds.The Oxford Handbook of the Atlantic World: 1450–1850(Oxford UP, 2011).
  • Donoghue, John.Fire under the Ashes: An Atlantic History of the English Revolution(U of Chicago Press, 2013).
  • Geggus, David P.The Impact of the Haitian Revolution in the Atlantic World(2002)
  • Jacques Godechot.France and the Atlantic revolution of the eighteenth century, 1770–1799(1965)
  • Gould, Eliga H. and Peter S. Onuf, eds.Empire and Nation: The American Revolution in the Atlantic World(2004)
  • Greene, Jack P., Franklin W. Knight, Virginia Guedea, and Jaime E. Rodríguez O. "AHR Forum: Revolutions in the Americas",American Historical Review(2000) 105#1 92–152. Advanced scholarly essays comparing different revolutions in the New World.in JSTOR
  • Israel, Jonathan I..The Expanding Blaze: How the American Revolution Ignited the World, 1775-1848.Princeton: Princeton University Press 2017.ISBN978-0-691-17660-4
  • Klooster, Wim.Revolutions in the Atlantic World: A Comparative History(2nd ed. 2018)
  • Leonard, A.B. and David Pretel, eds.The Caribbean and the Atlantic World Economy(2018)
  • Palmer, Robert.The Age of Democratic Revolutions2 vols. (1959, 1964)
  • Perl-Rosenthal, Nathan. "Atlantic cultures and the age of revolution."William & Mary Quarterly74.4 (2017): 667–696.online
  • Peterson, Mark. "The Cambridge History of Age of Atlantic Revolutions" (2023) pp. 159-541https://doi.org/10.1017/9781108567671.008
  • Polasky, Janet L.Revolutions without Borders(Yale UP, 2015). 392 pp.online review
  • Potofsky, Allan. "Paris-on-the-Atlantic from the Old Regime to the Revolution."French History25.1 (2011): 89–107.
  • Sepinwall, Alyssa G. "Atlantic Revolutions", inEncyclopedia of the Modern World,ed. Peter Stearns (2008), I: 284 – 289
  • Verhoeven, W.M. and Beth Dolan Kautz, eds.Revolutions and Watersheds: Transatlantic Dialogues, 1775–1815(1999)
  • Vidal, Cécile, and Michèle R. Greer. "For a Comprehensive History of the Atlantic World or Histories Connected In and Beyond the Atlantic World?."Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales67#2 (2012).online