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Auctorumindicates that a name inbotanyandzoologyis used in the sense of subsequent authors, and not in the sense as established by the original author. Itsetymologyderives from the Latin word forof authors,and is abbreviatedauct.orauctt.

Some species names have been used twice for different species so the author of the name needs to be identified. For example "Leucospermum bolusiiauct. Gandoger "for the species that was named as such by Gandoger. It is often used in conjunction withnecornonto indicate a misapplied name, e.g. "Leucospermum bolusiiauct. non Gandoger "would mean the species not named by Gandoger.

It may be qualified to indicate the number of authors, e.g.auctorum multorum(abbreviatedauct. mult.), Latin forof many authors,indicating that many subsequent authors used a name in a different sense to the original author, and also bynonto giveauctorum non(auct. non), to indicate that a following author is not the author of the species.



Leucospermum bolusiiis a name that was used twice for different species. The first time was byMichel Gandogerin 1901. Since this name wasvalidly published,used for a species that did not already have a name and the name had not already been used for another species, it is thecorrect name.[1]The list ofsynonymsofLeucospermum cordifoliumincludesLeucospermum bolusiidescribed byEdwin Percy Phillipsin 1910. This name however was already taken. So,Leucospermum bolusiiE.Phillips, 1910is a laterhomonymofLeucospermum bolusiiGandoger, 1901.[1]If the nameLeucospermum bolusiiis used in a later publication, the botanical author needs to make clear which one is meant, and which one isn’t. Hence, the species of 1901 would beLeucospermum bolusiiauct. Gandoger, while the synonym ofLeucospermum cordifolium,isLeucospermum bolusiiE.Phillips, 1910auct. nonGandoger.

TheFlora Europaeagives one of the synonyms ofCistus clusiias "C. libanotisauct. mult.,non L. ",[2]meaning that many authors misapplied the nameCistus libanotisto the speciesCistus clusiithereby using this name differently from the original author,Carl Linnaeus.

See also



  1. ^abRourke, John Patrick (1970).Taxonomic Studies on Leucospermum R.Br.(PDF).pp. 112–117 and 201–204.
  2. ^Warburg, E.F. (1968), "Cistus", in Tutin, T.G.; Heywood, V.H.; Burges, N.A.; Valentine, D.H.; Walters, S.M. & Webb, D.A. (eds.),Flora Europaea, Volume 2: Rosaceae to Umbelliferae,Cambridge University Press, pp. 283–284,ISBN978-0-521-06662-4