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Augusto Aubry

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Augusto Aubry

Augusto Aubry(28 April 1849[1]inNaples– 4 March 1912 inTaranto,on boardVittorio Emanuele[2]) was an Italian naval officer and politician. Part of the naval fortifications at Taranto were later named after him.


Entering theItalian Navyin 1866, he took part in theBattle of Lissa[3]and commanded theprotected cruiserDogalion a voyage toRio de Janeiroduring the Brazilian military insurrection of September 1893.[4]Between 1896 and 1897 he commanded the cruiserSavoia.[5]

He was deputy for the colleges of Castellammare di Stabia and Naples (XXII and XXIII legislatures) and under-secretary of state for the navy (December 1903 to December 1905).

At the start of theItalo-Turkish War,on 27 September 1911, with the rank of vice admiral, he commanded the 1st Squadron, the 1st Division of the 1st Squadron and the whole Italian naval force in that theatre.[6]As commander of 1st Squadron he guided the force which occupied the coast ofTripolitaniaandCyrenaica.He died a few months later, on 4 March 1912, on board thepre-dreadnought battleshipVittorio Emanuele.


  1. ^Gazzetta Ufficiale del Regno d'Italia,5 March 1912, p. 1361ArchivedOctober 5, 2013, at theWayback Machine
  2. ^(in Italian)Quaderni della guerra.page 87
  3. ^The Britannica year book - Page 1054.
  4. ^Antonio Gallizioli 1907 - 614 pages,Cronistoria del naviglio nazionale da guerra (1860-1906),page 143
  5. ^(in Italian)Giorgio Giorgerini, Augusto Nani, 1976, Stato maggiore. Ufficio storico, Marina Militare Italiana - 712 pages,Gli incrociatori italiani, 1861-1975,page 144
  6. ^(in Italian)Achille Rastelli,La corazzata - L'evoluzione della nave da battaglia in italia,Mursia, Milano, 2006